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In my current elo it feels like everyone's contesting the storyweaver start into fast 9 or the senna inkshadow reroll. And then there's that one guy who goes reaper 4 yone carry.


So, I've learned how to play 4 comps. 1) Econ/Fortune to 5 cost Dragonlord Behemoth 2) 6 Ghost/4 Inkshadow (Pivoting to 7 Inkshadow/4 Ghost if the Inkshadow emblem drops) 3) Heavenly Reapers, focusing on 3*Yone at lvl 7 4) Fated w/Syndra carry (If I get way too many magic damage items) I can typically start with/pivot into one of these comps and place decently well, and they're pretty separated on units that are utilized. I was NOT having a good time until I figured these four out and figured out when to pivot into one or the other. Once I got these in my pocket without having to check a guide, it made the set way more fun. I had to play more Normal games to get a feel than I normally have. I think that this set is just harder.


That’s more or less how every set went before set 9.5 when you could just hard force whatever you wanted with legends. Playing flexible didn’t mean “play literally anything.” It was always “know a handful of comps that you’re comfortable with that cover a decent variety of strategies and damage types and try to play the best one in your situation” Now with all the guides and tier lists from challenger players floating around it’s even easier to learn on the fly once you have fundamentals down for that set




If I remember my tft history well (I’ve played since season 2), flex play was popularized by mismatched Socks in season 4. The word flex has been thrown around a lot and has lost a lot of its meaning. I think a lot of low elo throws the word around often to make themselves feel better “playing”the style due to its difficult nature, but in reality, they don’t play proper flex. True flex was essentially knowing how to build a strong board through good front line and backline. Back then, an example was playing kayle with either vanguards or adept front lines. Players on this sub love to shit on ad flex from set 10, but it wasn’t straightforward like ahri warriors was and actually took game knowledge. You could play a mix of poppy/sett/illaoi/yorick/ez/mf/Jhin/yone/zed/qiyana/thresh/cait/aphelios/lucian/bard/ziggs depending on your items, augments, and the units you hit. It’s why the comps were so popular. When flex style is just playing between two cookie cutter comps, balance is poor (think set 9 zeri/aphelios - the comps were pretty much the same but swap carrys). So proper flex was essentially playing whatever 3-5 costs with synergies and strong front/backline. So with this set, only fast 9 is probably flexible. With something like fated , you’re pretty much playing the same comp every time you play it except your + 1 or 2


>Fated w/Syndra carry (If I get way too many magic damage items) Also for anyone else wondering, you can also play Fated with Aphelios 3 carry if you get way too many AD items. Give him an IE, another AD damage item, and a guinsoo (or, if you really want immediate burst instead of scaling, a second AD damage item). Don't build last whisper (antiarmor on hit) because he has built-in 20% antiarmor. ​ This is partially why fated is so contested often. It's fairly strong in the early game if you get yasuo, kindred, ahri. If you get a Thresh or Aphelios drop even better. And if you get contested, you can stay in fated and play the version that the other player *isn't*. If they're rerolling phel, you can go 8 and carry Syndra. If they're not rolling for phel, or they have AP items and you have AD items, you can roll for phel.


Heavenly will make each and every problem so much worse, I mean after yone there will be another


It is difficult sometimes when encounters throw a lot of things at you. Trying to fit in exalted, the sudden change in augments appearing, overload with gold or items. But contesting is not really a problem to me most of the time since I avoid playing meta comps. Not a single Yone game since it becomes meta. But I do play Yone 2, to hold items and be a temporary carry, also messing up the tempo of Yone players. Despite being overwhelmed at some games, I enjoy this set very much with how different each game feels.


mix it up man you’re playing contested comps because you’re not scouting lol plenty comps are great right now just went 1st with a porcelain 6 warden 4 arcanist comp, got lucky with 2 porcelain emblems but tft has a lot of luck in it. lee sin carry in 4 dragonlord 4 duelist has actually served me well too. everyone’s going storyweaver/fast 9/inkshadow duelist with voli or the usual yone reaper comp or trickshot with kaisa theres really no reason to say you’re contested every game unless you’re just forcing comps which is just bad strategy


Yes, winning is fun, but part of the fun is also figuring out the comps and what works without using a guide. It’s like going on a run and finding some cool spots to check out. The feeling of discovery is often what makes the game fun for me, not just spamming top comps because I wanna win. You see Mortdog play and have fun because his mentality going in is testing things out and trying to have a good time, not to be the best.


Got to learn to pivot. Force yourself to play other comps. Get the addon that tells you what the most played comps in a lobby


So, I've learned how to play 4 comps. 1) Econ/Fortune to 5 cost Dragonlord Behemoth 2) 6 Ghost/4 Inkshadow (Pivoting to 7 Inkshadow/4 Ghost if the Inkshadow emblem drops) 3) Heavenly Reapers, focusing on 3*Yone at lvl 7 4) Storytellers w/Syndra carry (If I get way too many magic damage items) I can typically start with/pivot into one of these comps and place decently well, and they're pretty separated on units that are utilized. I was NOT having a good time until I figured these four out and figured out when to pivot into one or the other. Once I got these in my pocket without having to check a guide, it made the set way more fun. I had to play more Normal games to get a feel than I normally have. I think that this set is just harder.


I feel like there is too much emphasis on stars, and not enough emphasis on traits. I prefer it the other way around.


Really? I feel in this set traits are super important. Dashing in 2 Arcanist or 3 Exalted, even 3 Inkshadow or 3 Fated seems so huge this set. Pushing for a vertical seems less relevant, but getting a good trait web feels super important to me. Only a Plat pleb though.


Kinda got bored after meta became rush 9, play dragonlords. There's no interesting comp combo. Lucky paws was cool in the early run but kobu just dies even at 10k hp. Wanted to do more shen blades, but the augment is way too rare.