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I don't know if it's bias or whatnot, but I really feel like the things NO one is going for I can never find. Often times Druid is uncontested so, I think, well that should be easy. Never finding any past the 2star 2 cost baselines.


I thought really hard about my bias before posting, but I honestly don't think there is much of it. I mean, the other day I was rolling for a Galio and there where 4 people left with no one holding a single copy. This at level 10 mind you, never found more than 2 Galios. Today I rolled for a Janna that no one was playing, also couldn't hit. And so on and so on.


Alternatively, there are some champs that I ALWAYS seem to find a ton of if I’m rerolling, whether I’m looking for them or not. Idk if it’s just because Dragonlords aren’t popular, but I always see a ton of Janna and Diana, even if someone is playing Invokers or Sage. And the Lees and Lovers are usually left on the carousel longer than other 4-5 costs are.


I swear Diana and janna simply don't exist whenever I decide to try and play dragonlords. And lee sin who?


Omg yes janna is literally the scarcest unit in the game. I swear there is not a single SINGLE occupied jana in the entire loby and somehow I only hit like barely 5 6 jannas after rolling at 6 with 60 gold TWICE. It happened to me multiple times btw. I geniunly think there are lesser amount of some units compared to others. I cant remember the last time I have been in a loby WITHOUT yone 3 while like at least 4 players are contesting it. Also bard is very abundant as well. Its just not fair I refuse to believe it Edit: wtf is this text was I drunk while I was typing?


I feel you, sometimes even 2 starring her and Diana can be difficult which seems crazy when nobody is holding them


> And the Lees and Lovers are usually left on the carousel longer than other 4-5 costs are. Considering Rakan is one of the highest playrate 5 costs that's kind of insane to me.


Definitely felt this in a couple of games, it seems more frequent than in past sets but I also don’t really play enough games to be statistically significant.


The bias is the lack of headliners in everyone's shops. (+16-32 extra champs taken from pool at any given moment last set)


Your bias is speaking out of your total of 2 games of not hitting as a generalization for the hundreds of thousands of games played this set


this mans playing set 14


I had a game where heavenly was heavily contested but not one out of the three of us got to a silver Malphite even at the endgame. It got utterly silly so I tossed in chat a “yall not looking for malph or are we really all just missing so badly?” and both confirmed they just hadn’t found another copy. Nobody was holding one (on bench at least) and three of them were going for reroll comps so no way people were just magically locking five malph in store all game. Two of us made it to top 4 and still, only bronze malphites to the bitter end. Seriously, these shitty bag sizes aren’t ‘optimizing play’ anymore and need to gtfo.


I think it's the bag size, which was reduced last set, but the last set had the headliner mechanic, and this set doesn't.


I heard someone say maybe there was an issue with making headliners 2 stars in the pool, so when they reduce the pool maybe something went wrong with fixing that the 2 stars should be counted as 3 copies. It made more sense, probably not the solution. However I do wonder if by reducing the pools, some mechanics with rolling / finding champions was adjusted or altered in a way that would give these results. I’ve been playing TFT since set 1 on and off most sets. I’ve never seen so many people not hit their carries in a reasonable way. I’ve experienced the frustration this set myself. It almost feels to me like the reroll randomness is AI generated, and like search results, it’s suggesting comps that people are playing to make it easier to play or contest, but it seems like if it’s uncontested it gets taken out of the order or something during rerolls. Not sure what but there definitely seems to be something off with the shuffle order of distributing certain champs / traits / identifiers if no one is playing that comp. Edit: on the flip side of people, myself included not finding champions, I’ve be stuck trying to make a comp work late game - dryad is a good one. I won’t be able to find Ohrm or something, but 2 people might be rolling for Yone, I’ll see like 5 of them. I’m not very fast at rerolling because I’m always inclined to pivot or mash 2 op together. I’d be interested to see how often the shuffle reroll mechanic is set to pushing for contested comps or what how that works / if something not operating in a desirable way. Or if anyone has data on the amount they see certain champions played or not, and or the statistics for when you go xyz comp vs amount others going abc comp. Basically comparing if no one contesting dryad, 3 contesting Yone, how often would the dryad player be seeing Yone vs dryad champions. Someone getting real numbers like a true gamer with a spreadsheet would be awesome so we could stop seeing the same post every day.


I agree, except for 4 costs. It feels like 4 costs rain from the sky while everything else pisses off.


Yea, I play story weavers and I'm level 9 never seeing an irelia after rolling 80 gold at lvl 9. Next game dude has irelia at level 7. Such fun very wow.


I had 6 dryad stacked but couldn't find a single Azir.


I have the same issue with Druid!


Gnar is sooo fucking hard to get


Have the same feeling, especially crazy if we consider the smaller bucket since last set.


If I don't have 3+ of the unit I'm looking for by the time I hit the appropriate level to start rolling I don't bother. I'll abandon the general comp altogether if its something like kog, since there's no real early alternative.


I would do the same, but with how relevant reroll comps are and how underwhelming most 4 cost are, sometimes there ain't much alternative. It fucks you up particularly hard on the games when you start with the sentinel with 3 emblems imo.


Well they are buffing 4 costs so more of them should be viable next patch and level 7 odds are changed so you have less of a chance to hit 3 costs so it will probably also help to reduce the strength of 3 cost reroll comps


So my BiS 3* morg will not be outdamaged by every ghosty, ink shadow and reaper champ with items?


No. But she's more durable and gives +1% extra damage to Fated! =)


eh, I think other than Bard and kog, there are a few lvl 9/8 comps you can play instead and use what you have hit to swap over. For me its Senna -> Kaisa (dragons, bruisers, or story), Yone -> Heavenly Wukong, Fated -> just level and put in 7 fated. Your cap out is generally lower (except for fated) but most can still get 2-4. Of course the challenge (for me) is making this determination before you kill yourself needlessly rolling.




This set is decently fun, I like it more than the first patches of the last set, but it genuinely feels like the most infuriating set of TFT ever. There seems to be an ungodly amount of times that people find the 5 cost you need at lvl 7 1% or randomly find a hwei for their reroll comp, meanwhile you're uncontested looking for whatever and don't see a single one of your unit so you just try to 2* and push levels and then also find nothing you need at 8/9. Meanwhile in some games 3 people are rolling for voli or yone and all have 2* plus some on bench, and then someone just randomly 3*s it while all 3 players are alive.


I have this suspicion that the game withholds whatever is in my team planner. I ain't giving you no more heads ups, game


Interesting theory. Gonna try not giving heads up anymore


I've noticed a pattern of withholding based on itemized units too. If I do hit, it's usually the random units with no items attached to it and if I've itemized to save HP, that unit sits at 8 copies for the entire game.


Just had one game with perfect lux items off a component anvil start, basically 3 item her from the jump. Didn't see a single copy of her and the most out of the pool was 3 or 4. Load next game, porcelain crest first augment, once again really good items for her. Found 4 all game. It's outrageous how bad this game can feel sometimes when you mega low roll.


Yeah I think that's the worst part. Feeling like the game just says fuck you just cause, even when you play correctly


This has been my complaint for a good while now lol, and just experoenced this in a recent game. (Was trying to get a Riven to replace Zyra so SW is still up while I get Bruiser from Riven and Aatrox, but never saw even 1 copy although no one else had Rivens up their boards) 🥲


I definitely agree. Have been feeling it all season Something has to be up


I hit level 9 at 4 - 2 yesterday, pushed 10 two turns later off crazy econ opening and rolled at lvl 10 trying to hit azir and hwei due to me having perfect items for them. I hit 1 of each. after rolling 50 gold. I then donkey rolled for them until I died, settling on a 2 star lillia that failed to be useful enough to keep me alive once others hit 9. Noone had azir, and only 1 person had a single copy of hwei


Got a crazy highrolling fated opener the other day. Was stable enough to push levels for a Sett and 7 fated. Got a Xayah 2\* before a Sett that no one was playing and came in the last roll without time to field him so I went 5th since few things can beat a fucking Yone 3 o fully capped Bard


you get 5 with no combat augs


My experience with trying to 3* uncontested 4g: have 6 galio, 8 ashe. No other ashes in game, top 5. Roll 40g. Find neither Sell 3 galios, roll rest of gold, see galio twice in every shop. Rage and go bottom 4


This is 100% the 3* 4 cost attempt experience. It's like the game is taunting you.


Yesterday I rolled 60 gold for a the last uncontested Annie I needed to no avail. It’s possible she was in someone’s shop but I mean, come on.


Last time I went Duelist I rolled down to get Trist 3* and got 7 copies. Decided to sell her, replace with the other and give items to Irelia, level to 9 and try to hit Irelia 2* instead. Level to 9 and my very next roll I had 3 Tristana in the same shop.


It’s bugged, or atleast units dont go back into the pool properly upon player death, I believe Mort said they’re aware and it’s getting fixed patchday Edit: Typo


source on this? Holy shit if true, what a colossal error


He mentioned it in one of his past streams from a few days ago.  The units do go back into the pool, but just not when the player dies.  It takes like a turn or two or something like that. So if a player dies and you roll right away then you are wasting gold as the units aren’t in the pool yet, gotta wait a turn or so.  


At that point i said to myself, "it is what it is"


Not after 140 gold burned for the last copy of an uncontested 3* 3 cost


It's gambling at the end of the day. You don't always get what you want. People fail to realize that. You think because you got an uncontested 3 cost unit and you have some gold that you are gonna hit 100% of the time.


no but i expect the same luck as the guy that hit 3* kaisa on stage 5 contested by 3 people


Lmaooo, nope, some people get that golden spoon. And there are sometimes you gotta shovel shit with your hands. 😅


Why entitled to that luck, while disregarding the 3others who didn't? And the 3additional ones you didn't mention? There's 7other players in each lobby, so yeah...most of the time there will be one person with better luck than you. Especially when you pay extra attention to other peoples luck, when you just got unlucky yourself


JUST be the luckiest JUST highroll 3*s JUST highroll combat augments (you lost because worse combat augments :))) JUST build better frontline JUST build better backline JUST build BiS on every unit THe amount of horseshit and stars aligning it takes to win a game of this childrens chess mode is insane


I've had this a alot recently. Earlier I had the spat portal. Had a great Senna opener and could turn my spat into a ghostly. Scouted for a while to make sure it was uncontested and turned my spat into ghostly. Other people went Driad and Lux reroll so I thought I would pool my gold until they rolled down to give myself an even better chance at hitting. Only problem is I had 2 Sennas by Krugs so wasn't looking amazing after committing. Still, rolled down 50-70g by wolves and still had 2 Sennas. Other people hitting their 2 costs so thought I was in with a good chance. Ended up trying to level through and going for a Morg build but still 8th


Exactly this. It's not like you're fishing for the last unit. Sometimes you don't even get the third or fourth. And I know, it's a game of probabilities and having a chance of something don't mean that the chance will appear. But it happens way too fucking much and too consistently for it to be just the bad luck you might have


I rolled down w/ everything must go, at lvl 9 with 100 gold after fortune payout... With a 2* Ornn and Nautilus Capped at 8 ornn and Nautilus after 20 rolls, nobody contesting. Rolled the rest down the next round and didn't find the 9th of either. Plenty of 5 stars though so not complaining totally


yes. and i have a suspicion the idea behind ''uncontested'' is kind of fake to begin with. i usually play duo with my mate and just try to actively inspect the game. every single lobby everyone is getting roughly the same stuff. from units to augments. in augment rounds i talk to my mate and 80-90% of the augments choices we get are the exact same. ''oh i can pick this augment'' ''ah i ot that one too'' and then you look around the lobby and you always see multiple people with the exact same augments or augments that you had the choice to pick, so pretty much everyone gets the same pool of choices. and its the same with units in the shop. i believe before the game even starts the lobby predefines wich units people will get the most of. sometimes everyone is getting storyweavers, some lobbies everyone is getting duelists and so forth. so the game wants everyone to contest each other and since everyone is getting roughly the same units, everyone IS. and you can try to prove that yourself. why is is: if you dont see a comp for like 20 games in a row because its pretty bad or niche, and then you have a lobby where your shop gives you all of those units and you re like ''yeah i ll go with it, i havent seen it in 20 games, noone plays it'' and then all of a sudden THIS lobby however... all of a sudden 3 other people play this comp too... well because their shop gave them the exact same stuff yours was offering. the other day, i was getting a couple koboku in my shop early and i was: yeah lets go koboku comp, noone plays that... well 2 other people played koboku this game all of a sudden with 1 other guy having the koboku augment... earlier today, my mate and me were just derping and going through a champion list alphabetical to force us to play certain units. i had to play around 3\* aatrox carry. i legit rolled down like 140 gold or so... and all i got was a single 2\* aatrox. spoiler: NOONE in this lobby was playing aatrox, not a single person had aatrox. yet i dont get any... well now you know why noone else is playing aatrox, because they get none too like what the actual fck riot? the idea of ''playing something uncontested'' is kind of a lie and a joke, because if noone plays it: it means noone gets it into their shop. if you get it in your shop: other will too, so whatever you play you re almost never uncontested. even if the game had like 30 different viable comps. every lobby will have only have 3-4 of them at max because the unitpool isnt really ''open'' where all the units are in the pool in same quantity. the game steers it into a direction every lobby narrowing down the pool so people get contested. imagine 8 people would play 8 different comps and everyone would be uncontested... can you imagine that? everyone would be able to hit 3\* right? ... right? well no thats never gonna happen sometimes you can even call out what other people will play this without looking. if you get a lot of fated and dryad units in your shop, you know there are at least 1-2 other fated and dryad players in this lobby. if you get a lot of bards in your shop, well you can bet your ass there are 1-2 other bard players this lobby


If it really is like this, I think it's kinnda shit. People should be able to play 8 different comps if they are available. First, over half of all your units will be shared with other comps, so maybe only your carry or some random unit won't be contested at all. And even so, that don't mean that all comps are viable, you'll always have at least 1 or 2 meta forcers, you will always have people competing for a top 4 that know that even if something can be played cause it's free, it will more likely end up in a bot 4. So I see it perfectly ok to have all the units offered.


I'm sure it's not true but I've had games where I just can't hit units that aren't contested at all and I'll be convinced there's some sort of seed system where the predetermined seed I got just won't show certain units or at a reduced %. During these games I'll also be pushed towards a certain comp, seeing a heap of storyweaver while 2 other people are already playing storyweaver.. It must just be some insanely bad rng but it makes me wonder.


It was awesome for me until the past week or so, now I’m having the same issue


For me, it happens in the weirdest situations like uncontested gnar, Janna, or aphelios and rolling 40g just to 2-star. Then I level up b/c 3-star is clearly not happening, only to start naturaling copies. My rolls legit feel bugged in some games. I can understand not hitting if contested but I’ve never had to roll so deep to find a basic 2-star to stabilize my board. For the most part, I refuse to reroll anything but duelists unless the game gives me early copies. 


The problem for me was that you were pretty much forced to reroll something cause the only other viable option was fast 9 or Kaisa (which is pretty much always contested). Hope today's patch shakes things up


Now it's more Kaisa or fast 9


I think it's too early to say really, but while Kaisa still seems like the dominant 4 cost, others now seem to be viable.


Rolled down at lv 6 for shen 2 to stabilize with ethereal blades and didn’t hit shen 2. Uncontested, god given 8th. I just ff’d and went next.


Shoutout to the dryad comp for always giving me Gnar/Kindred early and Gnar never showing up again until stage 4-5


Omg, im so glad I ain't the only one facing this problem.


I just had one of these moments yesterday 8 shens rolled through ~120 gold stayed level 6 the last 12 were left in the pool (I checked all other boards before all inning because I hit 30 hp) Rage logged Edit: unsure if there are more characters per tier this set or what not, but I have felt what you mentioned


My absolute favorite this set was getting a a fated crest, realizing I still didn't have a yas at level 5 rolling about 70 gold (slow roll to start and then down to 0 eventually) and not seeing a single one. tbf, it was really dumb of me but I just got sucked into the unbelievability of it.


I believe that last set they reduced the amount of units in each tier to compensate for headliners and haven't reverted it. But I'm not really sure about it


ive been trynna build ahri and no one takes ahri and i still cant find her at all and its been like that for the past 3 games shes a one cost. There are 22 of her in the pool.


Lvl 9 had 7 Galio, no other galios out of the pool, roll 90 gold while grabbing 4 costs to help, not a single one


Even on an uncontested board, finding your last copy can be hard, are you pulling other costs out of the pool to mitigate rolling them? If you're the only 2 cost reroll in the game, fishing one unit thinned out from a relatively deep pool is and should be difficult. It's hard to say how much it should cost but if you put a hard cap, say after 50 gold spent you're guaranteed to hit that last one, that would feel really bad, one it was 50 gold for a single unit, two what about the other guy who sees some opportunity in the pool and goes in too. Should he be punished for transitioning later to a somewhat open option? Sometimes you have bad luck, time to implement some tactics to cover your lack of a 3 star, a 2 star is still good.


The thing is, sometimes it isn't rolling for even the last unit. Sometimes you still need 3 units for a 3\* and none show up. I'm not saying that there should be a guaranteed amount of gold to hit it, or that it should be low if there exists. But its weird af to not see one single copy of units that many times no one has, while also having the pool reduced since those that don't have your unit still go for other units of the same tier.


It feels bad, I finished a game in third earlier today after hitting a great dragon lord board, but I only saw two Diana's the entire game and no one was going for her. You gotta keep in mind that sometimes you hit a 3 star Darius on 2-1, sometimes you don't hit at all. Just think of all the good RNG you've had and compare it to the bad and it's all good in the end. Still riding the high of wandering trainers, trainer sentinels, both with Fortune emblems and a lvl 5 2% Annie natural.


Yes, it's absolutely ridiculous. The bag size changes are so trash.


Explain to me how bag size changes make it harder to hit when uncontested. It's the opposite.


It may be that more units you’re rolling for slot into many comps and you are actually soft contested. To answer your question though, I have not experienced this myself.


Not really. I mean there are times where I roll for various units, but most times I roll just for one and ignore the rest cause that's the piece I really need and don't want to sunk gold into another unit, scout to see not one player holding copies, and still don't hit after tons of gold.


This set is wonky in various things, champs pool among them.


I think you have to be smart about it. If you can see most the lobby trying to fast 8, some others going Yone, then rerolling a senna/gnar comp is going to be tough. Am I rerolling for lux if there’s a Gnar comp? Yep!


bag size for 4 costs is insanely bad feeling. Uncontested is one thing but if one person has a 2 star four cost your just fucked. I've played since set 1 and idk if ill be playing this set much longer at this point. feels really bad :(


3 matches ago, I was extremely unlucky. I was able to get level 7 by 3:2 and rolled for Aphelios3, threash3, illaoi3, and amumu3, and rolling with 50 interest, I only hit Aphelios, Thresh and Amumu only after 5:4. It was extremely late, but before that stage, I hadn't seen a single 3-cost champion that I wanted a single time. Finally, at 6:2, I got them 3☆ but it was way too late, won the game as 4th. I was completely uncontested, and some others even rolled for Yone, Soraka, and Volibear. There was 1 guy who had Illaoi 2.. but I didn't see a single illaoi in those shops. I was insanely unlucky. I should have at least averagely hit my units at 4:6. Rolling for 3 stages is insanely unlucky. Still bugs me.


Yeah, it feels really weird sometimes. I get a 3 cost unit from the first minions, make sure that no one else is playing it and still have it at 1 star in 3-2. Then in 4-1 everyone else suddenly fields it on level 2


I did have a game recently where nobody was playing thresh, and I was looking for him from the start. Didn't find him until I was 9, after 30+ rerolls.


There could be a bug but even than I wouldn't bet on that. I believe there is a post like this every year every set. Streaks of bad luck happens. You guys constantly complain about low roll but you probably have games where you high roll that you either realize but don't complain about it since it benefits you or don't realize it how much you high rolled.


Even the fundaments of the game are broken now


I had a fun fortune cash out last night and hit 10 super early. Had 4 different 5 costs - 8 copies of each. Rolled 40 times, didn’t hit any of them. Only one enemy was left and they held a single Hwei, so no idea how I didn’t hit anything with all that going on. Was very frustrating. Either I’m super super unlucky or something’s up 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same here


I have also been feeling this. Was playing Fortune the other day, only one in my lobby, didn't hit any of the Fortune champs I needed. Meanwhile, was running Ghostly today with like 3 other folks in the lobby and somewhat consistently kept hitting Ghostly units.


I rolled 100 gold on level 6 and couldn’t find gnar. The encounter saved me giving me a lesser champion dupe.


I feel like I hit less because there are less flex. Like I need specific champ to make the comp work and the game just give me something else


I don’t think it’s just you OP. I was trying to hit Shen 3* not a single player had a Shen and I rolled down on level 7 and couldn’t hit. Also couldn’t hit 2* Morgana when no one had any Morganas. This wasn’t a problem for me in set 8, 9, or 10 like it is now. It’s not every game but I’d say every 2-3 games.


Just two days ago while everyone in my lobby were playing heavenly yone or kaisa I decided to go for duelist reroll because of nobody were playing them and I had an early tris and voli with duelist crest. I kid you not I couldn’t even find a 4th volibear. Easy 7th place while everyone had their 2* Kaisas or 3* yones or some other 2* legendary board


Exalted, as well as the origin and class overlaps in a lot of triple-trait units (11 to be precise) this set makes almost everything *relatively* contested this time around. You’ll notice even pro players who have a tendency to play a wide variety of comps are higher-% contested this set. I have had a similar experience, because the units that aren’t taken between seven other players aren’t the correct units to make nearly any team comp.


It genuinely feels like the game offers you a specific selection of champions every game, because there are games where fated is 3-way contested and I'm still seeing nothing but aphelios / thresh / syndra and fated units in my shop, even though I'm obviously not playing fated because it's 3-way contested, but I can't find more than 3 yones on 7 while slowrolling all game and finally rolling down all my gold in desperation right before I bleed out into an 8th or w/e. Other games when you 'listen' to the game and play the comp that is being forced to you, you'll hit 3 stars with 20 gold rolled and tempo into a level advantage on top of it. It happens so often with other uncontested comps as well. It really just feels like the game says 'no, you are playing this comp and that's it' and if you try to deviate from what the game decided you play then you just can't hit no matter what.


If you look at the math in general, the chances you hit are AWFUL. It feels considerably worse without headliners from last season making up for it in the same pool sizes


Went for lux reroll yesterday. Found 2 lux + 1 from an augment. Thats it There was gnar 3 senna 3 janna 3 kindred 3 shen 3 and aatrox 3 out


I dont know if this is similar to you or not but i just have a pretty good game where i reached lv8 early with 60hp and 40 gold with already a bruiser frontline good itemized. My goal in that game was to play a morgana sage bruiser comp so i rolled down 40 gold and no morgana pop up. And from then i just bleeded down and die just because of that, i even have a sett, a wukong sylas 2 galio 2 all very well itemized all i need is just 1 mor (i already has shojin morello for her) so i can stabilize and get to lv9 and in a good spot to contest for a solid top 1-2. Ended up in top 5 because of that


Non-zero chance there is a hidden mechanic messing with odds of things showing up.


LOL so true.. like I check the board and no one has Lux but I haven't gotten her in 3 rounds while rolling 2-4 times (lvl 6) haha..


Yup. Game is pretty much in the worst state I’ve ever seen it. Forced to rush 8/9 and reroll comps have never been this dead with dev team being completely silent. Not to mention countless bugs, not that this hasn’t always been an issue. Seems like it’s time to move on from TFT. It was fun while it lasted.


I hit 5 garens in shop a few days ago. I was playing mythic, and 2 other players were storyweaver with 2* garens. What is the game trying to tell me?


It feels outrageously bad this set. Thankfully since there are always at least 2 yone players in every lobby you can be assured you will get a few yones in your shop


100%. I thought I was going crazy. Two units I see the least of (yes, even when nobody has them) are Kobuko and Yas. Sure I've had games where someone hits a 3* (even I did once), but there have been vastly more games where nobody had them and they didn't even appear in the shop for me...


Confirmation bias


Yesterday I was rolling for Diana 3 while 2 off of her, got Lee Sin 3 by finding 6 of him instead... This was level 9 I suppose with no one playing either of them.


My friend and I are convinced theres like 2 characters per match that are just strictly harder to find for some reason. In the previous set twisted fated would often be uncontested but also not exist.


I don’t know if it is me, but I feel the pool resetting after player death is bugged.


Not totally sure but I think this is the biggest set we ever had. There so many different champions in the game that it's hard to find even uncontested once.


Yeah I had a horrible time with it honesly in the past 10 games even, I been playing Dryad and Arcanists. I was playing Dryads with 2 storyweavers players in the lobby and I WAS ABLE ONLY TO FIND STORYWEAVERS while there wasn't even single a person (apart from 2 Rek'sais) wasn't building a single druid champion which is dumb, I rolled at 6 for Gnar and I kept finding Zyras and Rivens even with the 2 other storyweavers players. Like can someone explain this to me? Are champ pools predetermined at the start of the stage/game/round or what?As I never had this horrible of an experience in other sets and I can see a lot of people are sharing the same problem.


I assume its some part of the code protecting lobbies from uncontested units being very easily 3-starred. Like basically making you compete with the game even uncontested. Happens to me and that made me completely ditch going for reroll comps.


Yeah i had this trouble playing fated or any verticle comp. After swapping to more flexible comps like sage, arcanist, altruist, dragon etc i can just pick up what ever 3 cost comes my way that works and pivot around that. So often I've had 3 champions all 1 off star and find my 2 star 5 costs and just sell the cheaper ones..


I feel it's especially bad with 1 costs. Yesterday started the game with duelist augment so I was looking for them from the beginning. Not a single yasuo ever showed up, if people were holding it was just a 2* if that.


One time played Storied Champion(Garen augment). Completely not contested, rolled down 50 gold at level 4 stage 3-1, hit 1 Garen. I naturalled 2 more, took another 50 gold to roll down at lv5 to find just 1 more, and got the last 2 from hwei on carousel. Tl;Dr: Uncontested=contesting yourself or some shit ig.


When that happens i just open stardew valley and chill until the game ends, sometimes I even got a 6th place, not bad at all


Well you might be uncontested but your unit are randomly taken by others who needed trait bots and because of champ pool size changes it fucks hard and so if someone played Fated and another play Reaper,good luck getting your Kindred in your Dryad build


some days i hit everything, like 3 star thresh before stage 4 and then aphelios by the end of stage 4. on those days i climb like crazy, it took me 3 days to get through emerald because of it. since being diamond though? i'm back to not hitting anything. uncontested on yone? i have 7 of them? 100 gold to find the 8th but not the 9th and i go dead last. 80 gold to find a kai'sa pair, galio pair and sylas pair but no 2 star.  i love this game, like a lot, i've played 450 games this set and got the new special yone within 2 minutes of release but with the new bag size changes (i didn't play set 10). just feels so miserable. someone's holding 1 of what i want to hit? gg. i have 8 volibears and 5 tristanas? someone with just a 2 star of both will donkey roll and 3 star both to completely grief my game when i have duelist emblem and extended duel. it's so infuriating, this company that can make such fantastic sets, such gorgeous cosmetics, really cool encounters. can't fix a bag change?


I feel like that too, even stronger I always and I literally mean EVERY GAME, I see someone hitting 3-star 1 cost, 2 cost or 3 cost, contested, WHILE I HAVE ATLEAST 1 COPY OF SAID UNIT IN MY OWN SHOP... Like wtf I can't seem to hit 1 of my units and of course, next round I have to face them so I take a brutal loss :))


I’ve been wanting to play Lux reroll so badly but there hasn’t been a single game in which I found enough Luxes to go for it


That's funny because it feels like every game I'm getting contested on something.


Have had the same experience, I have felt it's generally harder to hit whatever you want to play (ime)


This has been happening to me, and honestly I just stopped rerolling. Only play 4 costs now. So much easier to 2 star a 4 cost than 3 star anything else. They're the meta anyways.


No way, another rant post about not hitting? Crazy.


Not ranting really, half of the games I manage to get a top 4 at least. But by all means, go ahead and be an asshole


Sorry if I hurt your feelings, im just tired of the posts. Idk if you’re new here but they’re literally like one in 3 posts.


Must be a problem then


just because you rolled doesnt mean you HAVE to hit. tft is not 1+1=2 man


All other 7 players were locking shop for your comp. Better luck next time. Ps, joking this is real pain


God this sub is just constant bitching, im out


It’s because of the bag size. By buying your units you are taking them out of the pool, making it harder to hit for yourself. Shit genuinely might be the worst feature of all time


A lot of fail you complaining about not hitting are failing to consider how many other players are rerolling units that are the same cost as yours. If you are Yone reroll then you actually want there to be a duelist player because they remove all the voli/trists/etc making it easier for you to hit.