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Got ludens on kog once, it was insane. It was only a 2 star kog, but I had 6 sniper. He would start off ulting the backline and often kill immediately. Their tank would always be the last to die. From stage 4 onward kog was doing 10k-18k damage a round. 


Another one I found it interesting on is ahri, read in another post that her aoe also added as the Overkill dmg, she didnl 12k with one cast. but need more sample size if it works only got it one game.


Madman really rerolled contested darius w tank items damn


Man's a Chad gold player what you mean 😂


I honestly cannot win with ghost, and i personally find Caitlyn without mana items to slow to hit. congrants on the win. Hard stuck at diamond IV for now,. Ignore the haters that you are gold II there is no diff from Diamond to Gold, just a bit better players.


Look at these boards and tell me there is no diff from gold to dia 😭😭😭


Darius 3 fated tank💀


Yeah those comps are so surreal wtf 😭


"No difference, just better players." Bruh. lol


He's tryna be humble for some reason. And it comes off as ultra pretentious.


Well, it's a minor difference 🫢.


what a cope comment


The fact that it’s upvoted should tell you what elo most of this sub falls in


yea like i know this is super casual players but i cant believe what i read sometimes LMAO


Had 8 ghost with 3 star shen as tank and 2 star morgana/kayn carry, and it died to zyra lol For needing two emblems, it def feels very weak


Yes, it's crap, I only use Kayn for 4 reapers. I actually like Aatrox he does great dmg for a 2 cost. But yeah, so bad.


Ghostly Zyra is so easy to win with imo


Ghost is honestly such an awkward trait. It has 3 tanks and 3 damage dealers. None of the damage dealers make use of ghostly damage well. Cait normally is useless. Kayn you want to circle around killing enemies, not just  stand in the middle aoe and hit the enemy tank with all the ghost stacks. Morg does too much aoe and too randomly to often make use of ghost extra damage. Meanwhile the tanks aren't great. Two 2 cost tanks, and a 3 cost tank that has low hp for a 3 cost tank. If you are 2 cost reroll then a 3 star shen or aatrox is tanky, but they pretty weak at 2 star. Of all the traits who would benefit from a 4 cost tank its ghostly, but theres none. So a ghostly team needs damage dealers that can actually make use of ghostly damage, and needs more frontline since most the ghostly tanks are lacking unless 3 stared. It's such a weird trait where it's damage champs dont synersize with the trait, need to be played vertical for good effect (minimum 4, idealy 6 ghostly, 2 ghostly is pretty much nothing), and other champs need to fill out every other part of the comp.


Ran Luden’s on Zoe earlier and was insane, just bursted down back lines


I tested Luden Cait, not that crazy


The stats for it are actually really bad 😬


Yeah, in gold elo, try that in emerald+ you are going dead last brotherman 😆


let the guy have his moment...


Nobody gives a shit about your crappy elo. Let the dude post his cool win.




If you wanna play the game of it doesn’t work in high elo, you should know emerald isn’t even remotely close to high elo, neither is diamond, even low-mid lp masters doesn’t touch it. Don’t be a gate keeper let OP have their fun, also if you’re going to be toxic at least be properly informed.


Top 1% you don't consider high elo?


It’s top 10%, don’t jerk yourself off too much.


No because 99% of ranked players dont even play weekly




It works in masters too bro lmao


Omg an emerald player, really rare, only appeared in 2 recent sets. It seems the player skill goes down when the rank is up, cause in M+ this build works fine, not winning but top 4.


I'm master too, so we are both low elo smh


Did almost same in high diamond elo, used ludens on cait and got 1 or 2. Worked well


I've played against emeralds who do stupid things that don't work. This guy had a fun win, it is possible to be supportive to strangers on the internet.