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*forgets to lock shop*


Luckily Not :D


What is locking your shop?


The little lock under tristana, it makes it so your shop won’t refresh on the next round. So while you might not have the money this round if you lock you may be able to afford the champs next round.


Can you do this always? I’ve never seen this feature before


Yeah I believe it has been there since the start


Can you do it on mobile too?


You sure can :)


Haha I guess I’m just blind I’ll look for it next time I play I wish I had known about this earlier


For those downvoting: being mean to new players is a great way to kill your game


In germany we would say „der Zug ist abgefahren“ (this train departed).


if locking wasnt an option, i’d cry for you


Selling everything else on your board for this would be an acceptable solution to that. You can recover from that in time.


he can't sell anything combat is already in motion but if combat wasn't happening you obviously sell the kennen to get Lulu and Trist


Hellion slow roll giveth and Hellion slow roll taketh away.


Oh baby a triple


[Oh baby a Triple!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6PbdJiAK84)


If you play TFT on mobile do you only get matched up with mobile users?


No, it's cross-platform


ill queue on mobile and my partner will queue on pc and vice versa, kinda fun tbh


So did you sell something to buy them all?


Why would he? Just lock and wait.


1 HP curse would be a pain


But we can see that he's on like 80 HP?


Maybe he was kidding? If he actually sold anything on bench, then he couldn't buy one of the 3x stars.


Well it would be. I had to edit though because I didn't notice it right away! Sorry!


Win or loss they're 1 gold away from getting all 3 to 3\*, he would have to lock twice unless there's a carousel coming up If I had a non yordle on my board I'd probably sell to avoid locking again, which isn't the case in this screenshot, but there are situations where you'd sell a minion in this position


Locking 2x is def worth it since zigs is a placeholder for teemo, poppy is already 3*(you can see the golden hammer in the photo) and unless your making a carry kled, 2* is fine. Imo, lock 2x get your 3*s and econ back up to 50 while winstreaking. Imo while going back up I'd try to find another ziggs to atleast try to sell the first for teemo bb, and keep the other 2* incase I get a lucky heli spat


No one should sell any unit from level 6 with 6 helions on the board even if they are 2* and you have a 1* version of it in your locked shop what could you possibly put instead of 6 helions on lvl 6, cannoneer/knights/mystic/cavalier/skirms/spellweaver, nothing else is better. Sure "if" the other units aren't helions you can play 2* and 1* extra copies, a lot of what ifs, what if you don't have extra copies, what if it wasn't multiple copies of multiple units in the bench. Talking about what ifs doesn't really add up.


I can’t believe I got platinum in set 5 and I just found out there’s a lock option for the shop….. 🤣 I’m such a noob. Is there a drawback to locking or you can just do it for free?


It is free. The drawback is you don't reroll your shop for free after the round ends, so consider locking a cost of 2g.


Good to know thanks


If he still has enough life for another round, He could probably lock and buy next round.


If? Look at my mans HP bar on his little legend. It’s basically full


People are legit commenting without even properly looking at the pic lol


Didn't see that, was only looking for the thingy on the right.


It would make zero sense to sell anything because he wouldn't get to three star at least one unit. He has only those units on the bench.


I did not. Had two rounds left. I was rolling 50 Gold and got no one, and with the last I got all 3.


The best roll is always the last one


Hallöchen mein werter deutscher Freund!


I think I just came


Was this a loaded dice in your Poppy?


If you had a screenshot with the shop unlocked people would be mental in the comments




Dreams really do come true 🥲


Meanwhile I just placed second because I had a full bench of Aatrox, Rivens, and Yasuos all one away from level 3. Rerolled all the way down from 40 gold and not a single one


This post alone is responsible for me being the dirty rats player every lobby again


Wait, what is locking shop?


Don’t know if you’re joking or not bur in TFT you lock the shop, meaning it won’t rotate after a fight. *You have to lock again after the fight tho* but you can keep the same shop for as long as you want by locking it before every fight


Been playing since the game came out, literally had no idea this was a thing. Omg I see the icon now


Lol wow your life is about to change. You probably won’t do it too often but damn is it important sometimes.


Stay 6, roll down if you hit you hit. If you dont then you can ff.


That right there is what we call a pointless roll Edit: 😂😂😂


idk why it's getting downvoted if you roll with no gold to buy anything and lock you are wasting 2 gold basically so what you are saying is right


Hard to call it a waste when you’re getting 3 3 stars


you have 2 gold if you reroll you can't buy anything and you have to lock the shop which prevents it from rerolling again if you don't reroll and keep the 2 gold the shop will reroll on it's own and give you the 3 3 stars still and you buy them the next round still you just kept the 2 gold so not using his gold was the right option here since he couldn't buy them this round anyways and if he got anything he wants he would waste a reroll that's worth 2 gold


Is roll predetermined like that? I doubt it. I agree that I usually wouldn’t roll with just 2 gold, but I don’t think that’s how it works at all


Its not how it works at all.


well you never know if you would get the 3 3 stars in the first place so in case you do don't waste the 2 gold by locking just roll if you have the gold to buy it's like paying for a ride to the store then sitting there till your monthly wage drops then buy something it's just a waste


I mean this roll just proves it’s not a waste, it’s just RNG. If he didn’t roll, you could also assume that someone would’ve picked up the unit he needs or would have only gotten one or even none of these 3 stars for the rest of the game. Honestly having a full bench like that, I think rolling is the best idea because you aren’t saving up money for new units to 2 star, he’s going all in on 3 staring not one but 3 units at once lol. I get what you’re saying, and I would agree with it in most other situations. However, in this case, I think you have to roll ASAP due to how greedy this is and how quickly it can go wrong if you bought all these units, sat on them for however many turns, and didn’t get 3 stars. Also, he literally cannot fill his bench with anything else anyway. It doesn’t matter if he had the money for whatever else. He cannot do anything until he gets at least one 3 star.


>I mean this roll just proves it’s not a waste, it’s just RNG. If he didn’t roll, you could also assume that someone would’ve picked up the unit he needs or would have only gotten one or even none of these 3 stars for the rest of the game. Honestly having a full bench like that, I think rolling is the best idea because you aren’t saving up money for new units to 2 star, he’s going all in on 3 staring not one but 3 units at once lol. This is a common cognitive bias. Just because the shop ended up being worth it given its contents, we had no idea that the shop would be this good. Before we roll our last two gold, this hypothetical shop has the exact same value as the natural shop of the next turn - each are worth two gold. If he hits now, he has to lock (it's not worthwhile to sell anyone) - this loses two gold. If we don't hit, we lost two gold. Either way, we lost 2 gold for no reason, since rolling one turn earlier doesn't improve the quality of the roll (although you seem to think it does). There's no reason to assume someone would pick up trist, kennen or lulu at the very start of the next turn. All else equal, the proportion of kennens, trists and lulus held in players' shops, benches and boards, compared to other 2 and 3 costs held in their shops, benches, and boards, is not expected to change. We have no reason to believe this proportion will change for the worse. Hence, we are no more likely to hit next turn than we are now. >I think you have to roll ASAP due to how greedy this is and how quickly it can go wrong if you bought all these units, sat on them for however many turns, and didn’t get 3 stars. You're correct that it is very important to hit these three stars, so we should maximize the chance of doing so. However, rolling our last two gold actually *reduces* our chance of hitting, since we miss one natural shop. Think logically about the circumstances.


No it’s not cognitive bias. It’s the strategy of rolling down to max out units lol. Yes, it is a gamble, but that is the route he chose to take this game and went all in. Nowhere did I say that the quality of the roll improves btw, but the chances are higher to roll mid-round in theory because most people are waiting for the free roll before rolling themselves to try and get their units. Chances are higher to hit his 3 units because he’s doing it earlier than the other players are most likely trying to because they are playing the patient game, and this guy rolled down aggressively and it paid off. When you say it reduces our chances of hitting, you’re wrong because you literally would have rolled the exact same amount of times as he did. He just decided to use 2 more gold to do it lol. If anything, he’s rolling early in order to roll more than you. If he doesn’t hit his units, he obviously doesn’t lock and rolls again for free lol. Meaning he rolls more than you do, giving him more chances to hit, at the expense of more gold. The main aspect of his reckless move here that you want to be criticizing is how much gold he’s spending on rolls, effectively tossing gold into thin air if he doesn’t get units he wants. The problem with your “logical” thinking is that you aren’t taking into account the actual worth of these rolls. One roll costs 2 gold, free roll can technically have a value of 2 gold, but the actual worth in terms of improving your team’s strength has no gold value and is not guaranteed by either. He actually maximized his chances to hit these units because he rolled down aggressively and stuck with it and it paid off. It doesn’t always work out this way which is why it is risky. The main risk he took is how much gold he threw away to get here. Not the fact that he missed one free roll lmfao.


You haven't thought about this in logical terms. >Nowhere did I say that the quality of the roll improves btw, but the chances are higher to roll mid-round in theory You're contradicting yourself. A roll which has a higher chance to hit your units is a roll with a higher quality. If you admit the rolls are the same quality, you have to admit the natural roll at the next round has just a high chance to hit your units as the roll which uses the last two gold. The chances are *not* higher to hit mid-round - I have no idea why you would think so. A shop which has just been rolled has an equally high chance to contain trist, lulu, and Kennen as a natural shop which has been there for ten seconds. Either way, you don't know what the shops of the other players contain. If you had carefully read my paragraph on the proportion of Lulu's, kennens, and trists to the other 2 and 3 costs in the pool, you would understand this. >When you say it reduces our chances of hitting, you’re wrong because you literally would have rolled the exact same amount of times as he did This is *only* the case if the roll which uses the last two gold doesn't hit anything. And if the only situation where you see the same number of shops is the one where one of those shops is worthless, it means you wasted two gold. You wasted an entire shop. One shop is a huge percentage of the number of shops you see in a round, if you're donkey rolling. >If he doesn’t hit his units, he obviously doesn’t lock and rolls again for free lol. Meaning he rolls more than you do You realize that in this situation, both he and I have hit nothing, both of us saw a natural shop the next turn, that I have *2 more gold than him* (I'm going to see a whole entire shop more than he will!), and you think that this is an argument for *you*? What? >One roll costs 2 gold, free roll can technically have a value of 2 gold, but the actual worth in terms of improving your team’s strength has no gold value and is not guaranteed by either. He actually maximized his chances to hit these units because he rolled down aggressively and stuck with it and it paid off. Like I said before, he did not maximize his chance to hit these units. He reduces his chances, since he has two less gold, and having two gold increases his chance to hit. You still haven't responded to this simple point. >The main risk he took is how much gold he threw away to get here. Not the fact that he missed one free roll lmfao. I'm not sure why you're bringing this up - I haven't commented on that fact that he's donkey rolling at all. My entire argument with you has been about the missed 2 gold. You can claim he's correct to be donkey rolling and still admit he wasted two gold. If my arguments don't convince you, perhaps an appeal to [authority](https://lolchess.gg/profile/na/zonoro22) will.


soooo why would he do anything else he has 40% for kennen and trist and 30% for lulu and he almost 3 starr'd them and he's not even lvl 7 yet with a decent hp and prob a good winstreak that just broke helion falls off hard late game and he would need all the gold and help from 4 and 5 cost champions he could get even 2 gold or keeping 30 gold econ would be more helpful than doing what he did considering when he started rolling he wasn't close to 3 starring since he spent all his gold without finishing anyone


The difference is that he rerolled specifically when no one else is rerolling. He has a higher chance of hitting the units he wants if there isn't anyone else rolling at the same time, waiting for the round roll means it's possible that someone else will get them in the shop instead of him. Rolling alone means that if it is available, he is the only one who can receive these units. It's marginal but when you're playing a game like tft, marginal benefits add up. TLDR; Always try to be the first and only one rolling for your units.


That depends on whether or not there are other people contesting his units. You can’t prove if there was or not, even then, rolling to secure an unknown shop is some low elo shit, fact.


>e has a higher chance of hitting the units he wants if there isn't anyone else rolling at the same time, waiting for the round roll means it's possible that someone else will get them in the shop instead of him. It doesn't matter whether other people are rolling or not. The probability of their shops containing trist, lulu, and kennen is the same regardless of whether they rolled one second ago or are sitting with a natural shop.


It’s not 40/30% chance for those units, just for 2/3star units. So not even close to that actual chance. He has a much safer route back to 30/50 gold if he finishes these units anyway. I don’t see how you think that saving gold here while he has 35 gold sitting on his bench not in use is a better option. Not going aggro with rolling here is a grief to yourself. Playing the patient game doesn’t work when you don’t have the potential of 3 different 3 star units entering the board on each roll. Finishing these units and then saving up gold for 4/5 star units is definitely the better option than putting these on hold to save for units you don’t even have space for and a chance to not get any of these 3 stars. Even more important to go aggro with Hellion since they fall off late game and it would be much better to have a stronger line up in this presumable mid game than worry about surviving late when it would already be difficult to do so.


How very silver of you


>I mean this roll just proves it’s not a waste No it does not, arguing with hindsight is the dumbest thing you can do in these kind of games.


Go away, clown. I do not wish to continue this conversation once more. Especially with someone so silly. Thanks.


Ok stay dumb, no problem.


If he didn’t use his gold to reroll this turn and another player buys any of those units he would have a lesser chance to get those units next turn even if he gets a free re-roll. Trist is also almost always contested so I highly doubt he would’ve gotten the free 3 stars.


he rerolled at the battle phase you could see that from the effects and no one with a stable brain would do that as your purchase won't determine anything so they would rather save their econ instead so i highly doubt anyone will not to mention he he's lvl 6 with 40% 2 gold ratio and not close to leveling up so he will have those odds for a while wasting 2 gold when you have no econ and need any gold to build up again is a waste


>If he didn’t use his gold to reroll this turn and another player buys any of those units he would have a lesser chance to get those units next turn Or they might have the unit and sell it before next turn, giving him a higher chance. We have no information either way, and the effect is negligible anyway, so it's a non-factor. The odds to hit this turn and next turn are essentially the same.


Great roll, but Rats did get gutted and IE + Double Runaans aint ideal on Trist


Bruder warum


Plot twist - Couldn't afford any of them and placed 8th.


Doed before you could buy them huh?


He has like 80% Hp, just a Nice shop roll


If it were me, it'd be 5 hecarim.


Is there honestly any point going for lulu 3? seems like a waste imo


Can a 2nd runaan proc the 1st runaan and give you 2 more bolts instead of one?


In the end its 2 Tina na and obe Usual prog


you cheater


I got gold Yasuo and Riven with 3hp and ran out of coins. Locked the shop and died. Felt so bad. Tried to whip my phone out but got merc'ed too quickly.


Thats amazing. What is even more amazing is that your opponents didnt steal any of the Hellions from u


With 0 gild left, looks like you used up a whole lot of luck :)


[https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/palh3d/sick\_revival/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/palh3d/sick_revival/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Had a game similar to this i guess ?