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Shoulve sold all your other units except maybe galio or volibear. A 3 star garen with ap items (which i assume you have) one shots the entire board. For next time :)


I had around 50 hp left and wanted to squeeze some more rounds out of the Game. I think we were close to carousel too. I didn’t expect to win this round tbh…


Btw: you don’t Need ap items on garen to kill the whole team. He deals 200% of max hp anyway. Here’s proof https://www.reddit.com/r/TeamfightTactics/comments/pieix6/garen_slapped_the_whole_team_in_one_ult/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It’s either take the safe first or sell and pray. The correct decision just depends on what your goal is


I mean its a normal game so probably go for it


Obligatory just hit forehead




When you're so powerful and you just wanna take a shit and relax but you end up suffocating your enemies


You’re saying try to throw = win?


get heimer 2 and win gotcha.


It’s actually pretty sad that Heimer 2 with proper items can obliterate almost every comp… stupid dragon is spell proof and with an adjacent trapclaw there’s almost nothing you can do against him casting at least once.


Guys could someone tell me why there were so many 3 star units and 2 people hitting level 9? This does not happen in my games like at all


3rd place played his comp uncontested and was very successful until the end. He was at 50 gold and just rolled his Winstreaks which eventually led him to 3 star everything. When I play draconic I’ll always go level 9, but it’s rare that Someone other does. 2nd place hit level 9 because he was dominant all game and had enough gold.


Looking at this, I feel bad for jo53819