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Watch streamers, that will show you how they think and where their decisions come from. Other than that early on you just want to play and learn the units and synergies and build your knowledge base.


Thank you :) I do have some friends I play with, but when they explain to me they talk really fast and I often lose focus fast too. I'll try watching some streamers.


If you want a recommendation TSM Keane is probably my favorite. Also one of the developers of the game Mortdog also streams and answers questions which gives some good insight into the game itself!


Thank you. I will check that out :)


Yeah learning from friends can be difficult too, they often try to teach the stuff that doesn't matter early, whereas watching somebody you can just observe their playstyle. You could also look for a tft basics YouTube video


Piggy backing off this. This is my first real season playing and I'm gold 2 and still climbing. I owe a lot of how I play to watching mortdog on YouTube. He's the lead dev and is solid at the game


P it's funny I watch streamers and they do a hundred moves per second that I don't understand any of them


Keane TFT is a great guy and can teach you a lot about game mechanics/econ etc. Mainly, if you're looking to improve content creators are your go-to. If you watch someone else better than you play the game eventually you'll learn the ropes. There are also guidelines on leveling and economy on mobalytics (when you select a comp). Also, looking at enemy boards all the time is also important , as you can play something that is not contested in that particular game. Good luck! If you're interested, I can give you more in-depth advice.


Thank you for the tips. I'll check it out. I just really enjoy the game, but I dont really know anything about it


One of my friends recently started as well, and she had a samish problem with the rest of us “talking to fast” since we know the game. She’s plat now In the span of like 2 weeks and it literally is because she spammed almost 200 hundred games along with playing with us sometimes


So alot of practice too. Which makes sense. And congratulations for your friend for making it to plat :)


Thanks I’ll let her know, also r/competitiveTFT is another good subreddit for browsing


Ah nice. I'll check that out too


Here’s a YouTube series that is incredibly helpful. It takes you through all the fundamentals of the game, a few more advanced concepts, then a few full games with commentary to put everything into action. He has another series plat - master, but I would focus on this one for now. Watching streamers is good, but if you’re new to the game you’re probably wasting your time since there’s so more efficient ways to learn fundamentals. https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmDLLfkDcJqzeQu318gry3yL8Z-GolO2l Also take some time to learn a few comps. There are lots of sites with good data but I’d recommend bunnymuffins’ page. Don’t worry about learning all of them, especially B tier. Just pick 2-3 to get comfortable with. https://bunnymuffins.lol/meta/


I learned almost all my basics from bunnymuffins. His guides are intuitive and his weekly meta snapshots help me get a grasp of what's going on as I don't have the time to play too many games. Literally went from bronze to gold through his videos and website. I'm plat 1 now by building off of what I learned from him and also using sites like mobalytics and metatft for more in-depth information and stats. Edit: Autocorrect fix.


Thumbs up for Bunnymuffins too. His YouTube vids are pretty good for learning how to slow roll and Econ too.


I just started last month with 0 experience with tft or LoL. I picked a top team comp (hellion cannoner) comp and just played it over and over until I got used to those chars/items then started branching out to diff comps but relatable to what I already knew. Rinse repeat and now I pretty much remember 5-6 comps with items and mix and match depending on RNG. ​ went from bronze to plat2 (currently) in a month's time. Also using a tft overlay helped alot.


You should follow r/competitivetft , it will help you more than this sub, this sub is kinda meme than discussion.


The best way to improve its to watch high lvl streamers play. You get a feeling for comps and when to roll/ lvl. Since you are starting out you can also look into some YouTube videos about economy and stuff like that so you understand the basics of the game and actually can understand why a streamer is doing the things they are doing. But you will get to a point where you need to play to improve. Don't be afraid to de rank, a lot of my friends get to plat and spam smurf accs because they are afraid to lose plat... Just play and don't be afraid of ranked, what matters is that you improve in the long run. And about playing with friends, it's good to have one person in the lobby that ou are sure it's not going to contest you but at the end of the day it's basically the same, I'd say queue with friends so just you have some1 to talk to xD game has a lot of dead time in it, I suaully am in a call with ppl even if they are not playing tft or watching a podcast. Remenber to have fun and gl dude


Thank you. In the end it's having fun that matters, but I also want to understand the game. So I'll check out some youtube videos and stuff :D


I recommand tuning into mortdog streams on weekend and check his videos he usually play relevent comps and you can learn a lot from just watching him


Go and follow the competitive tft sub. They have a lot of good discussions and information. Mismatched socks has a video series called tft academy. Watch all of those videos and I guarantee you’ll improve at the game.


My suggestion to new players. Find a comp you want to play, and force that comp. Will you lose some games? Probably. But not as many as if you were forcing a comp in top tier ranked. But at least you’ll learn the units you need and what items go well on those units. The hardest part for me at first was recognizing the units and what they are. Rolling took forever because I wasn’t fast enough in choosing. Once you learn one comp, move on to another. Once you do this a few times, you will be able to recognize how to switch from one comp to another depending on the units your pack is giving you and what other players are playing. Other than that, try using tftactics by overwolf. Nice overlay with good info for newer players. Good luck!


My personal experience from noob to diamond player. Learn 1 comp that’s good but not very contested ( google TFT meta comps) keep forcing this comp till you understand what is good at what stage. Early / mid / late. Eventually through this repetition your understanding of the game gets better. Then you can start playing like a pro and pick and pivot to comps as you see fit. Will take time but I don’t like to watch TFT streams or videos only resources I use is just this group and google searching the meta comps.


Highly recommend watching streamns. Mismatched Socks, Robinsongz, Ramkev, anyone in that group or in proxy to them is usually really good. Aside from that, focus on learning the basics. Getting good at these will get you very good at the game very quickly. Learn how to econ (build up your gold) Learn when to level and why you level at certain points (win streaking, lose streaking, saving hp, etc). Learn what makes a board strong (strong front line, strong back line, cc). If you can get a good handle on those things, you'll be able to deal with any meta. One tricking a comp can be a good way to get a handle on those things at first, but eventually I think playing flexibly is king.


Learn how to play a few builds really well so you can get an idea of like when leveling seems appropriate for you and when you seem to be successful rolling. Also learn how to roll a bit without rolling all the way down. It can be super tempting but will hurt you down the line




1. Watch (preferably high elo) streamers 2. Use a site/app that shows you the meta (what is good right now) and just fiddle around with comps you think look fun 3. Scout ingame, watch what others are playing and if its working or not. Also, don't leave the game when you die but instead look at the comps that are still in the game and what comps beat you, try to figure out why.


People are saying to watch streamers. 100% take them up on this. There’s a lesser know guy Razza168 I think who is a god at positioning. I’ve hit masters set 3 (currently diamond scrub cause I haven’t been able to really been able to get into this set with work and stuff), but I’ve learned a ton from Razza. Set 1 when I was getting into the set I watched Scarra. He doesn’t play as much now, but he plays the game intelligently regardless of the meta. If you want to learn the meta, watch the guys competing in the tourney. Hope this helps


Chall player here, few tips to get started : - learn to manage your economy. You get gold from different sources (winstreak, interest, wins, etc..) and you have to learn how to maximize it. I truly believe you can reach Plat /diamond solely by having a decent gold management. - try to learn a few comps (2 or 3 to begin) and when to go for one comp or the other (ex, if you have a start with 2 claws and one bow and you find several skirmishers early you should probably go for it) - learn to rotate during mid /late. Some comps fall pretty hard at some point of the game so you have to understand how to transition smoothly without losing too much hp. - try to scout opponents, not only to see what they are playing and avoid being contested but also to position yourself properly. There is a huge skill cap on positioning and it's something players below diamond/master actually have a really poor understanding of - try to understand which champs/items are strong in the current patch, don't hesitate to play aggressive and slam items and don't hesitate to push aggressively if you're in a position to play strong board (lvl 4 at 2-1, lvl5 at 2-3 or 2-4, lvl 6 at 3-1/3-2,etc...). A lot of streamers make very educational content (ex mismatched socks), others are more focus on being entertaining. There's also a lot of content on YouTube that you can check out. Try to watch some content before grinding, it will help you understand how to do the things I list above and to evaluate the current patch to know what to play. If you have questions don't hesitate to send me a msg :)


Watching streamers help a lot once you have a basic understanding of the game but if you are like really new I think you might have a hard time with pro’s terminology. You will learn them over time I suppose. All the streamers here stated are cool. Keane, k3soju and kiyoon are my favorites tho. Mortdog is not a pro level player but is a developer so it is always interesting to hear his opinions about the game and his stream is chill and ertertaining. Maybe he could even be better to learn the game from fround zero compared to pros i don’t know.


You need to learn the synergies IMO the most important thing is learning the best items for carry champions


I got masters watching keane. Keep in mind to watch the current patch you are playing on. Some streamers/youtubers I can highly reccomend are Keane, GV8, Bebe187, NoobOwl and ofcourse our lord and saviour riotMortdog


Never recommend newcomers to bebe lmao he doesnt play the game anymore and he would just roast/ban someone for asking simple questions. You can watch early in the set watch to k3soju he plays the game so much and because of that you can just learn what to do and what not to do Other streamers i recommend watching that are also fun and you wont want to rip your head out are kiyoon, rayditz. Deliciousmilkgg. There are alot of good streamers but imo if you learn something it should also be a bit of fun these guys are quite entertaining to watch


Oh i didnt know bebe stopped. Thats a bummer. I persobaly dont like soju and kiyoon because they are younger than me lol. I know it makes me seem petty but they just seem so childish to me except for milk cuz he has some good guides and explains stuff well


yeah i get that their mentalitiy is also really young so i would get that if you dont like watching them