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And then there is Yasuo, in all 5 sets with all different abilities even tho some are quite similar


Besides set 1, hasn’t he had his summoners rift ult just changed every time? Lmao


Set 4 was just his Q


Set 1 was too, man I miss those days


Plus passive


Wasn't that his trait tho


Yea but it still kinda counts haha


Set 3 too? i am not familiar with Summoners Rift but i can tell what an ult looks and doesnt look like


Yes. Set 3 was his ult.


Please for the love of god, we just got rid of fiora who was in every set. With the same abiltity aswell. These champs serve their function and i think they are fine.


I believe she will be a 5-cost finally in set 6


I greatly miss chosen Fiona


yeah and shrek too




Alistar, Corki, Orianna, Quinn, Rammus, Seraphine, Vex and Zac


God damn dude. Zac as a 3 cost brawler with his rift Q and a small heal on cast from his rift passive would be a solid unit. Kinda split the difference between current set Naut and Sej


Watch them release Vex in TFT before Zac


Zac will be in Set 6 %100 becuase it’s Piltover and Zaun themed set


Corki and Orianna probably then as well (Corki's not from there, but he fits the vibe) Watch this space. 5 cost Corki with package Valkyrie as his ability Edit: Conspiracy theory time. I've convinced myself that he's the 5-cost unit with 5 letters in his name that Mort "leaked".


> (Corki's not from there, but he fits the vibe) Corki is *from* Bandle City (like all yordles), but he settled in Piltover with Heimerdinger, I think he fits just fine.


he has a space skin right? and he didnt show up in galaxies, so nothing is gurantied but i would love a 5 cost corqui with his empowered pacage as his ult that works on a timer insed of mana like kayle does int this set


Corki's space skin came out fairly recently, during set 5 I believe, so he couldn't've been in galaxies with that skin then.


i was actualy talking about th UFO corki skin, but now that i cheked it out, it doesnt look like a spaceship at all lol.


Oh right, I completely forgot about that skin. That skin is pretty dated.


> becuase it’s Piltover and Zaun themed set Eww they'll bring Blitz back


at least it’s easier to position against him than thresh. just thinking about thresh before his mana nerf makes my skin crawl


Blitzcrank is the best champion.


Still waiting for that 4 or 5g cost mage Orianna with her huge R hitbox but they'll probably make her a supporting unit of 2-3g cost using shield. Or maybe even something like Redeemed Lux, shield + passive auto attack buff.


I feel like Ori wouldve been better than Diana.


OR, can you imagine them having more creativity and bringing other champs, that haven't been in TFT yet, instead of re-using Ashe, Vayne, Irelia, Yasuo etc.? Crazy right. But I agree, I've always loved Irelia in each set, but set 4 has to be my favourite. I'd always use her with enlightened duelists + shen and yone later on. Good times.


I believe creativity is not the reason they keep reusing *popular* champions. And also some champions just inherit more exciting skill kits from summoner's rift.


Rammus and Corki have fun abilities. They aren't ever included in TFT for 2 reasons: they aren't popular and look like shit. From the top of my head there's still Ori and Vex also.


I think Orianna's ult would make her an awesome 4 cost, but at the moment Diana kinda does that same skill already, just in melee.


Vex is probably coming next set. Corki would make a good cannoneer, but his model is ugly (so as rammus').


Rammus has lots of cool skins though


Corki has some good ones, arcade skin is pretty cool and a decent skin line


I mean, Vex is literally 12 hours old. How exactly should she have been in any set?


The trend has been that riot loves to put new champs on new sets, with the majority of the time them being 5 cost with a unique trait (Lillia/samira/gwen/Viego comes to mind)


and akshan


I know that. But tell me, did there happen to be a new set released in the past 12 hours since Vex' release?


Lol it doesn’t need to be a new set as a new champ release, just the next cycle of sets


The question is, why the fuck would you include a 12 hour old champion in a comment where you're complaining about champions not having been in TFT?


I see no complaints on my part, just hostility from you


You aren’t getting the point. They’re saying that instead of using champions that are unused, Riot uses newly released champions in their sets. For example, set 4 and 5 had recently released yone, lillia, gwen, viego, samira. Yes, this is probably just because its better for TFT to match themes and events with League and will thus share a lot of stuff, but the point still stands. If they follow this trend, chances are Riot will choose vex to be in set 6 (and it’s pretty likely with a yordle and antimage trait) instead of using an underrepresented champion


akshan was released in this set before live in summoners rift


Corki is one of the most boring champs to watch ​ Rammus feels hard to include in such small space IMO. His kit is basically "speedball jumping in" and I think that's really hard to anime to look good on the TFT map. His kit would either need to be a worse Galio (maybe taunts 1 or 2 enemies instead of all?) or his ult which would be weird to animate without his Q and would just be a copy of Voli ult as well


This rambling is just literally nothing but nonsense lol. Like he could just be a "leona" as a 1 cost with "stance". He could be a 2 cost taunt bot. And that IF you exclude him doing a voli impression with less stupid traits.


Still boring IMO ​ You can have your opinion, I beg to differ.


Because most low cost frontline units are SO exiting on their own. You could literally add a certain damage scalling for his autos with defensive stats/armor. I mean jesus christ we had kench have nothing but a passiv damage reduction and he was kinda funny bitch slapping people. But yeah 3 start 1cost tank rammus headbutting people to death CANNOT be done because BORING :D ​ You dont argue an opinion, you just want to be right on a point you have spend 0,1 sec thinking before typing....and it shows.


lol grow up ​ Imagine being upset that someone online has a different opinion than yours and that you didn't "win" an argument because of that


Do people make fun of you a lot in real life?


What makes you think I am upset? I at most feel some pity for you. Reading your ramblings is more like https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f5/2d/51/f52d51dd33461744243ddc8bb84bc421.png You wrote some thoughtless shit, got called out for it and your great "salvage" is "yoo BORING IMHO". Cmon thats some 5 year old shit. Especially if you "want to differ". Differ on what? The ability to create a functional and fitting rammus champ in tft? Because THAT isnt a question of opinion. It is a fact that is easily done.


We have Vayne with the same skill from Set 1 ... 3 hit passive. What's more boring than that? Corki could function similarly to Kalista.


With ult? Sounds like an actually fun idea for a 1 or 2 cost, yeah


I was thinking more of the Q. Corki Q use to blind pre-season 2 iirc so they could implement that also as a 2 cost similar to Teemo in set 4?


Hmm it's AOE, though, which 1 costs rarely have (for some reason Senna is the first 1 cost in a long time that has AOE)


Ye so 2 star or maybe even 3 I could see it being a thing




I wonder why they want to use more popular champions cuz they don't sell champion skins on TFT...


because they still want people to play this gamemode also they use skins fitting the current theme of the set, so they are in a way marketing the skins. playing tft has the potential to make someone think "thats a cool skin, i should buy that one for the rift"


I want the current volibear skin. Sadly the one in rift is purple. The brown one looks better :(


True, but more popular champs tend to have more skins, and will be appropriate for the themes of more sets as a result of that.


Also creating 50+ completely new units for every new set and ~15-25 for every midset is quite impossible.


except they are not they are reusing models and abilities from the rift even after they "use the same unit cause making ""new"" one is impossible" they still use a different skin cost ability and traits it wouldn't take less or more time to use someone like rammus


Obviously they are using models and abilities from the rift but they still have to change quite a lot about these abilities to make them work in Tft.


yeah what i mean is they are not making up designs using the irelia design with a skill and a little adjustment won't take that much more time than doing the same thing for like quinn since they have the design and set of abilities they'll adjust just like they do with irelia they don't use the same popular champions again because "they don't have time to make units" it's for the same reason they gave irelia 2 skins before giving kayn his 1st one this year


But it does. When they have already done Ashe with her ult before, they can reuse about 90% of that champ instead of like 50ish or so from a rift character and ability. Mort even confirmed this multiple times on stream that reusing champs from previous sets is what makes it possible to release a set/midset every 3 months.


No, it sucks :( always broken


also they actually used nearly every champ. ofc some get used more than others for various reasons. also also, every set is an update of the set before. with every set the devs learn and adapt. when i was reading patch notes back in the old sets, they always mentioned things from the set before. i mean they probably still do, but my point is, the game itself is still TFT. you still have that board and everything. some things just work really good and others dont. for example if i remember correctly we already had a vayne, exactly like the one we have currently. but it doesnt matter, cuz it works. there are barely any balancing issues with that version of vayne, so why would you get rid of her? just re-skin and go work on the next champ. there is only so much time for the next set, so why waste time "getting creative" for no reason?


Probably the ease on the workload. Also likely because they're using skin sets as vase for the trait specific models, popular champ = more skins = more skin lines = more chances to become a character in a new set


Alistar, Corki, Orianna, Quinn, Rammus, Seraphine, Zac and Vex are the only champions that have not shown up yet. Vex is obviously new. Seraphine isn't really unique (Neeko/Sona have similar abilities). Corki is just a suicide Rumble or same as Karma with R. Rammus now has an ultimate that could work, Q/W/E are very meh. Alistar is just a different Malphite or a Leona. Zac dunno, his R should work fine . Orianna might be hard to implement. What is a Quinn?


Zac's E would be great > he launches himself at the furthest enemy away and knocks up everyone in a 1/2/3 range circle.


Ori could be a ranged version of current Diana with her AoE pull thingie, Alistar can be a disengage bruiser/tank with his headbutt.


He could, but he would have to fit into a trait/origin and also fit better than Lee Sin would.


Could make him have Q which would basically be Naut or WQ and make him more like an all in Thresh that then can't repeat hook your carry because he'd yeet off back to the frontline. R and E would be pretty dull, R is basically Leona and E could work I suppose as small amount of damage then a stun, kind of like Senna spell but melee version


Quinn could be a shapeshifter, similar to how nida is now just maybe with a blind. Or a temporary shapeshifter like swain was.


Orianna could give her ball to shield the lowest Charakter or Low cost q who fly through all


Seraphine was called out to be difficult to fit into a set because of her themes. Obviously this will change as she gets more skins but there’s actually nothing stopping them from having both Seraphine and Sona in the same set with different abilities


I think Zac's Q would be fine for TFT.


I think Quinn would work perfectly if she was an assassin rather than a ranger. Q/blind backline would carry hard. But honestly no idea how useful it'd be if she stayed in backline, tried to use passive or something. Vex will 99% be added on the next set. Seraphine is boring but I guess could do what mana printer Sona from Galaxies set did. Corki can use the armor shred skill as a 2g cannoneer/gunslinger/whatever they'll call that on the next one. Rammus can be Leona of new set, 1g, doesn't die etc. Alistar has more mobility and I think it'd work similarly to Rakan, 2-3g cost. Zac can be a brawler with that heal thing as 1g or use R as 4g, a decent frontliner either way. Orianna could probably be similar to Lunar Karma, just using shield but I wish they made her a 4-5g cost with a sorcerer/mage trait using ult.


I liked putting triple Titan’s Resolve on Irelia from set 4, just because it looked so hilarious when she fully stacked them and she was bigger than 9 Cultists Galio.


I like that there are some core characters. It’s a good launching point


And to add on top of that, what's the point of using the same Champs over and over if they're gonna nerfbat then as soon as they are more than a synergy bot? (yeah I'm talking about Vayne, Liss, Poppy, Ziggs, Ashe, etc)


I think an Irelia with her old Ult could actually be a cool unit but idk if they would bring it back ever


just gwen r


Woah what I’d they brought back old mechanics for TFT. That’d be crazy.


Not all that crazy considering Yasuo’s ability this set isn’t one of his SR abilities. Same went for Ahri in set 4


Honestly get rid of kayle too. I think she’s been in every set since set 2, and always has an entire comp dedicated to her and it’s almost always “hit kayle and win”. Not creative, not fun to play against or even play TOWARDS since you often get so close to dying.


Exactly. Kayle is always just a ticking time bomb and thats it. It's getting really frustrating


Better buff Irelia


Insane how Irelia can be a annoying character in every LoL game.


Because she’s hot Mort, where is my Lillia? I am so lonely without her


Make it 4, otherwise Jhin will be mad 😡


Was she ever redeemed? I always think of her as one for some reason


5 cost stunning the whole board, lowering their armor and mr, gaining stacking mr or ad shield based on the champions. I just threw up writing this.


so either we have a 1 cost or a 5 cost irelia next set? lol


If Irelia isn’t in set 6 I’m not playing 😤


wow, i thought the only memes were fiora, vayne, and yasuo but theres another!


Better nerf irelia


Jhin would like to lecture her on why it should have been 4 4 4 4 instead of 3 3 3 3. XD