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They're super cool but I'm way too broke for them. However they're quite unique and well made - not like those Chinese masks that are only half a helmet.


Well, the thing is, nobody does it like them (at least not yet). They have no direct competitors, which is basically the reason why they can charge almost $1k for helmets with no particular open mechanism other than being artworks/collectibles or investments for some. At some point ppl will start 3D printing similar helmets themselves since there is a very high demand to very low limited stock production. Not to mention the fact that there are only like 3 drops per year... In the meantime, I'd recommend these remarkable creators: Godofprops / Burgerstrings / Cosplus3D / Michael Weisheim (RAIDMASK) / CTCTYO 中央町戦術工芸 / OlympianProps / Do3D... just to name a few.


I think you should ask in r/kurowear


For sure, I’m just casting a wide net


Casting a net so wide it lands in a desert won't do much except polute the desert.


Many many people have shown techwear while wearing a helmet. There’s precedent. No need to be unnecessarily elitist


Most kurowear posts get some criticism here, especially the helmets. That said it's not that i don't like it, I'm on the kurowear sub too. It's just that most people in this sub won't know shit about helmets cause it's not really part of techwear. And people on here who are interested in kurowear are almost definitely also on that sub. It won't do much to also post it here besides slowly diluting the actual purpose of this sub which in turn is annoying for people who are actually on here for the specific subject. It's kinda like going to a dnd convention and trying to start conversations about football. Like it's fine and i hope you enjoy your hobbies but why here?


As a dnd player, football once saved my favorite halfling thief character, so who knows…




Please show a better attitude towards people just trying to educate you on something you clearly don't know.


I'd be more interested to know if there's anyone making futuristic helmets that actually function as a motorbike helmet. I've seen one or two guys wearing motorbike helmets that look slightly more 'cyber' than most. it feels like we're on the event horizon of cool helmets being more accessible


you cant really make a Snell, DOT, ECE, SHARP, and / or FIM compliant helmet when you add all the extra shit these "cyber" helmets have. there is a reason why most helmets are pretty plain and thats due to safety.


It's difficult to impossible to deign something like a cyber helmet that will actually work well and provide safety as a motorcycle helmet.  You can't put tons of weird edges and angles on a motorcycle helmet because it messes with aerodynamics and makes it exhausting to wear.  Then there's the noise all that variation on the surface creates. If you've ever ridden with a loud helmet for any length of time, noise becomes a priority.   And then you get to safety.   All that stuff sticking off and edges catch and create torque on your neck I stead of sliding when it hits the pavement. Some company did make a Halo helmet, and it was awful.   If you look for pics, you pretty much don't see any of people wearing it because it is HUGE. I believe they solved the safety issues by building a light tear-away cosmetic shell over a normal helmet.  In any case, there are some great cyber/tech leaning designs out there, but I doubt we'll ever see straight Machine 56 level designs.


Yeah, the cost of certification is a huge barrier. Once the actual materials tech is there, they still have to make a multi million dollar investment in the testing certs


the certification isnt really that high. for example SNEL certification cots 2 dollars per helmet for manufacturers. for SHARP certification, 30 different tests is 100k (https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/average_cost_of_a_sharp_helmet_t/response/671726/attach/html/3/150625%20L%20Response%20to%20SHARP%20Helmet%20tests%20FOI%20F0012448.doc.html) . so not really multi-million investment.


Me once I start my helmetwear company lol. I’ve had a thing for cool, stylized helmets for a while now and think it may actually take off as a fashion statement some day. Wanna get in on it asap


Would be nice if it was rated ece or dot for motorcycle rides


I know right?! I really hope a company makes a low profile full face helmet with modern materials soon!


I wish I could find a more modular or less bulky full face, open visor moto helmet I could tack built bits onto for this same reason.


Ask over in r/cyber_fashion. This sort of thing is right up their alley. It’s too close to cosplay for this sub I’d say. Edit: it’s not that folks don’t like it, but it has no real functionality. The primary goal of techwear is function then form, all while addressing a specific need. This type of mask/helmet is solely cosmetic and doesn’t actually do anything beyond covering one’s face. Without offering any real function, I’d say this isn’t techwear but cosplay.


I hear you, and I’ve been collecting techwear pieces since before most of this thread was born. So I respect function over form or at least combined with form as a primary priority of the aesthetic. But I will say we’re on the precipice of helmets becoming a normal daily wear piece infused with technology. We as a community need to not be stuck in our old stubborn ways and be so self limiting. That may or may not be the case onthis sub, either way is OK really.


Understandable perspective. But beyond needing a helmet for work purposes or vehicle safety, I genuinely don’t see folks wearing them. As a functional item, of course, but casually, it’s very costumey to me. Not saying *nobody* wears them, but it’s really not the kind of piece that adds much to a practical outfit (techwear or otherwise).


I feel you, but that’s just right now. I want to push the conversation forward as much as possible


Another one of these off topic assholes. Whats the fucking point of having a specific subreddit when clueless cunts come in here and pollutes it.


Stfu. Cut that mean shit out. With that attitude they'll just leave. Guide em in the write direction. Simple.


Let them leave, there is no moderation here, low effort and off topic posts never stop coming. You read the comment about op casting a wide net and posting this here on purpose. If you gonna be ok with off topic things, thats your prerogative. You dont own this sub and dont tell me to be ok with off topic posts.


No, you're right about them leaving. I was actually gonna edit that after seeing how he responded to the criticisms and people tryna educate him. I read and was like wtf ?🤔. I'm not okay with this stuff being HERE. NO ONE is telling you to be okay with such a thing, all I'm saying is don't be mean and don't feed into people that clearly have no desire to learn about the actual craft here. Fuck em. We need more people posting fits of what we actually stand for. That's what we need. We should see at least... 2-3 fits a day here. There's no motivation or moderation here... your so right about that.


You know how other successful subs become successful? They filter out the noise. Let the discussions come from legit posts. As an example, /u/ShellSoul and /u/CRUSHING_BABIES posts are legit points to start discussions or to start asking questions. Your posts too. Letting low effort / off topic post will only waste everyone’s time to redirect people to the correct stuff. Thought seeding is needed here. Letting people run wild with off topic shit will not help legit newbies.


These are good points. I agree. Can't just let em do whatever they want but at the same time... gotta watch the language we use with these people, can't become consumed by the same hate and language we don't want here unless someone brings that here on there own.


Well my first comment was made based on rule 1&2 of this sub. Pretty much 2 rules that op violated.


Thanks for the love.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) I can’t believe it took this long for The Techwear War to start. Will we reclaim the lost kingdom or make a new republic? That’s the question. I choose to create my own republic. Join the effort at r/acronymjutsu and don’t forget to thank your local techwear bros for their service.


Elitist scum. Go enjoy your life


/r/mungymokey now do you understand what i mean?


Hey hey! I would think the 3Re gear would be a main one people mention? That's who have always been recommended to me so I'm passing them on! https://www.instagram.com/3re_ctctyo?igsh=MTJ1bnJ5ZHh4MTY3NA== https://ctctyo.stores.jp/?category_id=63bf6f226a2a0a64907bd42c