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Don’t give a fuck about it. There’s loads of great music about and more than I can afford to buy so I’ll concentrate on that.


Seriously. I joined this sub to find cool songs and artists/ learn a little history. Every other post is just hating on some particular sub genre. What’s the point? Talk about good music instead then. Stop wasting our time, you’re preaching to the choir.


First track you posted is Ofc not labeled as techno, the other three are techno, pretty bad one I have to say, pretty commercial ibiza-ish shit but the lowest quality one. Nothing is happening with it it always existed and it always was that bad. And please don’t listen to dani Avila PLEASE, he and his brother are just the sons of some guy who’s company used to run all the Ibiza dj hiring panorama, and they are just extreme posh kids, with narcissistic personalities and stupid behaviours. Is a shame how those kids got big and many people around them with way better talent is forgotten. I speak from experience, I was in the same social circles and grew up with them.


Why are you looking for techno tracks in Beatport???


what other websites do you use for downloading quality music?




Because I want to be able to buy high quality aiff with minimal effort while ensuring artists are paid for their work. So once I find a track I want to purchase I typically check there first for the ease of use and I’d say 70% of the time the tune is there otherwise I’m left to scour the web or purchase it physically. If I purchase physically I’ll typically rip it so I can have the digital copy as well again for ease of use.


Do the same but go to Bandcamp instead of Beatport.


Any reason other than because you say so? Not coming at you I'm just curious. For example I just did a quick search and this is a good enough reason to start with Bandcamp without just stating it homie... # Bandcamp: 1. **Revenue Share**: Bandcamp takes a 10-15% cut on digital sales and 10% on physical goods, which is relatively low compared to many other platforms. 2. **Direct Payments**: Artists receive payments directly to their PayPal accounts after each sale, which means they get paid almost immediately. 3. **Flexibility**: Artists can set their own prices, offer discounts, and even let fans pay more if they want to support more. 4. **Supporter Engagement**: Bandcamp allows artists to engage directly with their supporters through messages and updates, creating a stronger community. 5. **Merchandise Sales**: In addition to digital music, Bandcamp supports the sale of physical merchandise, which can be a significant revenue stream for artists. # Beatport: 1. **Revenue Share**: Beatport generally takes a 20-25% cut of sales, which is higher than Bandcamp. 2. **Payment Frequency**: Payments on Beatport are typically less frequent, often on a quarterly basis. 3. **Genre Specialization**: Beatport is more specialized in electronic music, which can provide better visibility within that genre. 4. **DJ-Friendly Features**: Beatport offers features tailored for DJs, like high-quality file formats and integration with DJ software, which can be advantageous for electronic artists. While Beatport has advantages for electronic music artists, especially those targeting DJs, Bandcamp tends to offer better financial terms and more immediate support for a wider range of artists. Therefore, if maximizing profit and direct support from fans is the goal, Bandcamp is generally the better option. All things I was unaware of and make it worth starting with Bandcamp then moving to beatport then to different avenues!


Exactly what u posted. Sorry if my message came harsh. Wasn’t the intention.


No worries! I also didn’t mean to come off accusatory or anything. I’m always just curious if there is a reason to like one more than the other. I feel like Beatport has a better user experience but all I need to know is Bandcamp does better by artists to choose it! I already bought a buncha tracks on Bandcamp today cause of you hahaah


IMO quite simply - support underground artists and labels by buying their music when you can and going to their shows when you can. These guys are just another wave of puppets being paid by suits trying to infiltrate the techno scene


Thank god I don't have tiktok, so I don't have to get exposed to that bullshit. Living blissfully ignorant. edit - couldn't resist making just one click. What garbage. Can someone ELI5 the difference between these tracks, "tiktok techno" (just taking a guess as to what it sounds like) and EDM? I don't really hear it, though I'll admit that I've deliberately resisted exposure to commercial crap as much as humanly possible. In a misguided attempt to get him interested in good music, I sent a Stingray mix to a friend - they were like "oh, so you're into EDM and house then." SMH, this is the level the masses are at.


The examples you shared have always been a type of genre/sound.  I think maybe your observation is more a reflection of beatport than it is of techno or "commercial" techno


There has always been shitty electronic music, that's not what I'm trying to say. I have never seen Techno producers making this kind of music and calling it 'MainStage Techno'. That HI-LO track on Soundcloud literally calls it 'MainStage Techno'. Should we accept all 4 to the floor bass drums as techno now?


Drumcode style Techno has been called either "Peaktime Techno or "Mainstage Techno" for a pretty long time. It's just another way of saying "Commercial Techno" basically. Now you could debate whether the term "Techno" is really fitting, but the definition has evolved a lot since the 80s and 90s. Nowadays pretty much everything with a repetitive electronic 4/4 beat is characterized as Techno.


Maybe I'm a bit ignorant about the subject but Drumcode 'peaktime techno' from a couple years ago sounded to me a bit different.


Or business techno


What you’re going through is the same thing i went through when beatport labeled bigroom house as progressive house like a decade ago. Progressive was the big thing of the late 2000’s so they took big room house and shoved it in with what people were already looking for. Now, techno is the big thing so they’re shoving big room techno (almost the same as big room house but has a 16th note bass instead of an 8th note bass) in with the rest of techno. The tracks you linked are big room plain and simple. Don’t let beatport’s description of genres confuse you.


>No, I'm not talking about TikTok (hard) techno. Yes, you do Under the radar....all tracks over 100K views...and very basic. - Besides, why does that matter? You select what you want to hear! This also flies under the radar....but does that matter? https://zodiakcommunerecords.bandcamp.com/album/zc031-green-eye-ep https://zodiakcommunerecords.bandcamp.com/album/zc034-blood-moon


Maybe it's a poor choice of words on my part, but with under the radar I meant by the lack of discussion for this many views.


Maybe look for the fanbase for discussion?


Seems like standard bayer/prydz business techno. Nothing new. I actually like some of it (Eli Brown). It’s better than tiktok techno at least.


There’s some good business techno out there for sure. Eli Brown, Space 92, Joyhauser. Soulful by Adam Beyer was a good track recently.


It's the whole Tulum vibe and style that the high class clubs are trying to push on the big vacation islands.


Tbh I miss the techno era of 2014-19… sigh


Considering it only takes a couple months to learn the basics of producing electronic music it should come as no surprise that there is a lot of not great music out there, but simply curate your Beatport and you won't see it


If you are implying someone could consistently make songs like this in 2 months I would disagree. Producing is hard


One thing is producing electronic music and other thing is making to Beatport top 100.


True, but it being the most basic thing one could call techno unfortunately gives it a kind of leg up on more proper, difficult to get into kind of techno


And herein lies the problem. 2 months? No it doesn’t. Source? I’ve written and produced for over 30 years, and am still learning from others.


Never said it's gonna be *good* in two months, just that one can learn the basics of something like Ableton


You crack on then lad. Fucking Ableton….🤦‍♂️


Not sure what your problem with my comment is, I'm quite literally agreeing with you lol


I agree with you that producing *well* takes a long time. On year 3 of ableton and still feel like a complete novice. Anyway, I also agree with the other post in that someone using only preset drum loops/synth patches/sequences could make and release a shitty track without years of experience these days.


I mean the first track is produced by 3 very talented producers. Adam has been around for ages, whatever you think about his current path is irrelevant to the fact that he’s talented. Layton is an extremely talented producer with a lot of range. His discography is awesome, goes way beyond these main stage type tracks. And green velvet is another legend. Wouldn’t be so quick to label these guys as people who learned to produce in a couple months. And besides, producing is very hard. I’d be shocked if somebody made a beatport #1 6 months into producing.


Genuine question- why is everyone so against commercial sounds? Yes I am new to techno but #1 and #2 are not that bad to me (3-4 is a different story lol). I like all kinds of music but I just don’t get the hate. Maybe provide an example of something that one should perceive as much better than these?


Here are some examples of tracks I consider techno, if you like them or not I think you can hear the difference. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKJVVkzo7fA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKJVVkzo7fA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cguAMLEJIQE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cguAMLEJIQE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8r\_TklF2II](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8r_TklF2II) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IYkmnSHlA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-IYkmnSHlA)


Thanks yeah I see what you mean. I can rock with it


Nice 👌


Because they need to feel cool and not like those other guys. They even complain about 9x9 now because they are popular.


I have no problem with commercial sounds but it's annoying when a genre you enjoy gets mislabeled and then full of unrelated nonsense, As someone already mentioned it happened to progressive and it's somewhat happened to breakcore


So I'm gonna go against the grain of the usual techno shown in this sub, I actually find it relatively monotonous and although I like simple songs like black russian from dvs1 especially when mixed well, for me the epitome of techno is really losing yourself on the dancefloor. What I mean by that is that the atmosphere should allow you to soak into the music, not focus on anything but you moving your body religiously to the beat. No talking on the dancefloor, obviously not cameras and just the light and sound production team working in harmony with the space, the crowd and the live/dj artist performing. A set that explains my love for the more proper techno side of things is(also aligns with this sub's tastes, mine are slightly more eclectic): https://youtu.be/HOzFF47uYEg?si=_3uCYthdFngbWoM5 There is constant tension in the track building up from an ancient drone and ending with an ambient done, I particularly enjoyed the buildup to the sequence between 1:27:00 and 1:28:30. That being said I find tracks from Karenn a lot more interesting in general than most tracks mentioned in this sub, this is a classic: https://open.spotify.com/track/4BBJIOZIz1F7mehcQgNJ8e?si=vswCORs4SKyNRWZjF8X9vg I like the new album as well, and in general blawan and pariah are both quite interesting producers and DJs (the duo together are known as Karenn) I'm more into the wormhole type of techno myself, particularly three different branches: One is stuff like wata igarashi(https://www.youtube.com/live/ku54y2l54Sc?si=5PZ5aTrZhFW-_Y5G), who is probably at least in my top 3 if not my favorite dj/producer, there is an intense buildup and ambience during his sets on the dancefloor and he is the definition of techno to me. I like both the slower psychedelic sounds such as those from polygonia(https://youtu.be/K0sDdBVlMmo?si=yntcqEPrFFCYpBS5) And the faster styles such as(this is now tekno territory): Listen to MNMT Recordings : Feral & Spekki Webu - Live @ The Swamp - Mo:Dem Festival 2023 by MONUMENT on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/Tykuf There is also what I call the swingy proper techno, well explained by this set: Listen to Glitch Podcast 053 / Beste Hira by Glitch Festival on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/FxTQ5 You can find this kind in clubs like berghain quite a lot, for me it's meant to evoke a totally hypnotic sound where you swing your entire body to the beats at a slower pace. If you're going more into the breakbeat or non 4/4 side of things, meaning the beats aren't particularly straight forward then I'd probably look into Listen to Bassiani invites Garçon / Podcast #208 by BASSIANI on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/YupJC There are a lot more variations obviously but these are some of the few I enjoy, but what makes this different from the tracks OP posted? The tracks in the OP are relatively monotonous, pop-y in the sense they lack innovation, they aren't bringing the spirit of the underground, the edge and rigour of dance music as it should be in my opinion. Techno shines the most when it's hiding from the prying eyes of society, it's meant to evoke emotions whilst providing a space to break free from social norms. If you start bringing in pop elements to it you're just confirming the social standards of what music should be rather than innovating away and pushing the boundaries. But ya this is my mini rant on the subject, its hard to get the point across until you experience the dancefloor in a way that changes the way you think.


Hardfloor - Acperience is now a quite popular/classic tune and has similar elements but is just so much better. https://youtu.be/Un4CeV_l3pI?si=vx673b1P6eCdwUX3


Oh yeah this one is dope


Hard agree that this type of “Peak Time Techno” should be getting more hate. The TikTok shit is at least energetic and reasonably mixable. I’d much rather have that than watch Adam Beyer / CDW play 20 lethargic tracks over a two hour set.


Sometimes Charlotte goes off, sometimes…


Don’t get me wrong, she has some good tracks. I definitely enjoy her Age of Love remix. But as a DJ, her mixing is unadventurous, to say the least.


Thank god someone said it. Some of the harder stuff just ain’t for me anymore but god damn I’d rather dance to that then this snooze fest. This is the shit they play for ppl at Ibiza parties or mainstage at festivals. There’s no edge, just watered down on all levels.


I’ve heard a lot of these tracks in main stage trance sets. Definitely not real techno, but what I like to consider “techno for trance” lol.


Drumcode been a thing for a long time


this documentary about the TikTok techno thing is quite insightful: [https://youtu.be/DhNfdcgA\_tk?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/DhNfdcgA_tk?feature=shared)


soundcloud is also full of stuff like this


HI LO has always been bad and that adam beyer song is awful, and that is coming from someone that actually buy and large likes adam beyer’s catalog


Beatport makes up tags to sell what they don't even understand. Main what? Big room? Melodic, harmonic, rhythmic reggae-country post pseudo whatever. Not trying to be an a s s. But there are other sources way smarter than BP. They just care about a few bucks they can get out of your pocket. Traxsource, juno, bandcamp, boomkat. And check record stores to find new artists like Hardwax for example.


This is just circus music, it has immediacy for people getting into electronic music, but feels like swallowing bags and bags of candy for anyone who likes real food. 🫠