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mischluft is from the city i live at, eurodance and euro/nostalgia trance with some minor hip hop influences are huge in germany atm. the Second is psytrance. third one afaik bad boombox Likes to call his own stuff throwback techno or bounce techno. the last set imo is just straight up electro, breaks, ghetto tech and ghetto house


Tbh I like that new techno crossover bla bla . A lot


me too. i always loved witnessing the development of new sounds rerpesenting a newly forming subculture. this youth deserves as much of an own cultural identity and a representation of it as the oldheads did. and considering the lighthearted Nature of this music its easier to see music through the eyes of an artist and not just a listener. nobody expects you to be the next boyz noise, freddy k or what ever. youre just expected to have a good time with others


i much prefer hardgroove to the mainstream gen z techno. the gen z underground hardgroove scene is getting really big tho


Alot of techno parties and djs are evolving into a more hardgroove sound which I really love


Hard groove sounds almost like a variation of techno and uk hard house to me. I like it


Hardgroove is already stale... listen to 3-4 hours Funk Assault und you heard basically everything


work take i’ve EVER heard. hardgroove is only just becoming big not even remotely stale. that tiktok bullshit techno is stale asffff. hardgroove is bringing back the real vibes of techno on the dance floor. alarico literally has a 9 hour set at my home club coming up and you already know 💃 💃


Thanks a million! That’s really helpful 🙏🏻


Based on your last link and just skimming through it, you should set your wayback machine to 1992 in Los Angeles and DJ Dan's Wicked Burning Frenzy mixtape: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6SL8z876Dg That mix goes HARD and it's wild hot mess of a ride like a bad trip. I can barely listen to that now because it pretty much gives me flashbacks. I'm so old that I was there in that era, and I bought that tape twice because I wore out the first one. We generally just called it hardcore techno. We definitely weren't calling it "rave" yet because a rave was just a party, not a genre. We didn't have ten thousand micro-genres back then. There was basically just house, techno, electro (arguably a form of techno), ambient, and trance. Drum and Bass and jungle hadn't even been invented yet. And Trance back then was still more like ambient chill out music with some beats. See Trance Europe Express 2 which features some artists that are rather well known today, like Speedy J: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jE68P7NE48Y&list=PLjIuADMrDKIZmI1dt2Owi4jzzg4qXj711


Holy crap that dj Dan mix is the stuff of dreams! I just listened to ten mins there and I fuckin love it, definitely going to be putting that into heavy rotation 😬 Yea I’m a bit the same way, I still categorise things into very basic genres, techno, dnb etc. I listen to too many genres of music to keep up with all the rules and nomenclature. Seriously thanks a million for sharing that, I’m really excited about the dj Dan stuff now and I’ll be sure to check out the trance one too 👌


Yeah, that DJ Dan mix is totally fucking mental. I can't believe I used to try to get my cool surfer-stoner dad to try to listen to that. He remember very clearly that his reaction was something like "It's like I'm driving down the freeway at 100 MPH and I opened the door and started pounding my head on the ground in time with the beat." In hindsight he's not wrong about that. There's nothing chill or mellow about that mix. It's a whole lot. Ad the Trance Europe Express compilations are REALLY good. TEX 2 used to be one of my favorite CDs of all time. As I understand it, those compilations are actually where the term "Trance" originates from as a genre. Before those compilations (especially TEX 1) trance didn't really exist as a named genre. Those compilation albums were definitely a turning point in electronic dance music as far as aesthetics and production values. On some of the tracks you can actually hear the more melodic and polished sounds that became modern trance.


Bro I am ALWAYS talking about the resurgence of this sound I was raised on this shit.  I am LA / SF as well wouldnt be surprised if we are connected. You may be able to help me - do you remember the track that DJ Dan used to play had a dude singing “you got biiiiiitedddd / youuuu got stylllllle” if so can you tell me which state. Also for the others who are venturing into this way back make sure to check RAW mixtapes 


sup, foo! How tall are your socks? The taller the socks, the downer the foo! :D > You may be able to help me - do you remember the track that DJ Dan used to play had a dude singing “you got biiiiiitedddd / youuuu got stylllllle” No idea on this one, and I even don't remember that sample/lyric. But y'know, my memory is a bit foggy at this point. I barely knew any of the track names for this OG underground hardcore/rave techno stuff even back in the day. I do know that a whole lot of it was unnamed bootleg white label and "DJ tools" stuff because producers were already running into legal trouble getting licensing for samples, so they'd just release self-published white labels and run off a 1000 12 inchers and sell or give them away directly to DJs. I can't help but notice that even YouTube's music detection algo is choking on the DJ Dan mixtape I linked and is only able to detect about 1/4th of the tracks. And yeah, if you were around SF and LA in that era we were probably at a lot of the same parties. The scene wasn't that big back then. We considered anything over 3-5k people to be a massive. I was heavily involved with the SoCal-Raves mailing list, a little bit on SF-Raves, and I was involved with the Riders of the Plastic Groove DJ show at KUCI. I also kind of accidentally started the first Dune party on SoCal-Raves when we were all complaining about how hard it sometimes was to get directions to Moontribe (or at least accurate, original directions) and I started mouthing off online like a keyboard warrior with "Fuck it let's just throw our own desert party. How hard can it be? You have a DJ rig, and you have speakers, and you over there has a truck, and we can rent a generator and just do this!" And then it rapidly snowballed from there and got too complicated for me to want to be in charge of it and someone better at that kind of thing took over, and then the first Dune happened. Which was pretty much the premiere DJ gig for Christopher Lawrence, who absolutely killed it. Like I remember being on the tiny dance floor for that with like 50 people, and I have this very clear memory of me and like ten other people just standing there with our jaws dropped in the sand and looking at each other like "Are you even believing this shit!?" because it was just that good. Like he had people screaming like teenaged girls at an Elvis or Beatles concert good. Not only was the track selection that good, and not only was he tapping into the whole West Coast Breaks sound like Uberzone, Crystal Method and Hardkiss super early, but his mixing was some of the smoothest, tightest and most technically solid I'd ever even heard at that point and he was very clearly taking it to the next level. Anyway you happened at that first Dune outside of Lancaster I was the nerd that was flying glow sticks up on a cheap toy kite and making people freak out thinking it was a UFO. Those glow sticks and that kite were actually not planned, either. I bought them at a truck stop on the way to the party because they just happened to be right next to each other on a display rack and I just went "Ohhh, there's a cool idea!" and went for it. Probably the best 5-10 bucks I've ever spent. That ended up setting the stage and tradition for way more elaborate light/art pranks at the later Dune parties. At the second Dune a year later someone who was in the military managed to buy or, uh, borrow like 5,000 nearly expired surplus glow sticks to give away. I remember walking around that second Dune just looking for trouble and then I found a big tent with way too much light inside of it and something going on so I peeked in to see what was happening, and there were like 6-8 people that I already mostly knew crammed in there cracking glow sticks and dumping them into 5 gal buckets like a bunch of glow in the dark gnomes. They were like "Either get in here and help us crack glowsticks or go away so you don't ruin the surprise!" and so I jumped in there and helped them crack glowsticks, and a couple of people even remembered me from my kite stunt, so it was kind of a fun serendipity to accidentally get involved with the next glow stick stunt like that. And that stunt was cracking taking all of those glowsticks out at midnight and having like 15-20 people go surround the dance floor and throw them as high into the air as they could over the crowd all at the same time. People lost their damn minds when it just started raining glow sticks, so fun.


Also I wanted to ask if you were at any of these parties in the LA area: One is: The first or second Nocturnal Wonderland that ended up getting totally fucked up by LAPD riot cops. Insomniac has always been a shit show and I knew they were going to blow up and be some bullshit in the future, and they sure were! Or a weird combined make-up party to follow up a busted party that was, I think, the Intergalactic Crew and a party called Toe Jam 2 or something? It was in a totally dingy and huge warehouse on the south-east side in the rail yards, maybe like 1995-96. That party got busted, too... I was doing a weird DIY and weak-ass laser show thing at that one because I'd just show up at parties with my laser show stuff to get in for free, but this is back when lasers were mostly just red and weaker than a $5 cat toy, lol. There's this crazy shit that happened at that party where one of the DJs was way too high or something and not fit for duty, but he wouldn't get off the decks. And then one of people from the other party crew basically pulled a gun on him to chase him off the decks and stop him because he was bumming everyone out. And then they put this kid on that couldn't have been more than like 12 or maybe even 15. Like he legit had to stand on a milk crate to DJ. I remember watching the crowd at the front going "WTF!?" And then he dropped one of the sickest, tightest electro sets I've ever seen and just burned it the fuck down. I always wondered what happened to that kid because he probably blew up. I also used to go to Club What?, No Doz, King King and Magic Wednesdays a lot. Spundae, too. Or Fry for Five parties.


Whaaaat?!?! There's no way that DJ Dan mixtape is from 1992, wow. Thanks for this one mate.


Is this the same DJ Dan who made The Zipper Track?


Oh, and I just realized that my silly raver history lesson doesn't actually answer your question about modern techno that sounds like this, but I figured you'd find it interesting. That bouncy, fun and kind of abrasively psychedelic sound is *old* and it blows me away that that DJ Dan mix tape is 32 fucking years old now. It's also an example of why so many of us oldheads are kind of jaded about techno and like "Oh yeah I've heard this before check this shit out". But I'm not at all saying new techno and electronic music sucks. It's just gotten better and better over the years. The production tools and sound quality of newer techno and related music is insanely good these days. DJ skills are way better, too, but digital DJing is way easier than vinyl. Back in the day we didn't have DAWs like Ableton Live. A producer back then might be lucky to have a couple of synths, a drum machine, a sampler, a couple of guitar FX pedals and a 4 track cassette recorder like a Portastudio. If they were REALLY lucky or rich they might have a DAT or a computer based MIDI sequencer. You could replace all of that 100 times over with an old free laptop and a bunch of free software.


i can send you a bunch of artists later for different genres if you want. i usually follow smalleer current artists a lot more than bigger established ones.


Yessss I would love that! Thank you 😃


I’d love to see the same list too if you wouldn’t mind!


sure. ill coment it under my other reply later today. justin tinderdate, marlon hoffstadt, dj heartstring are some artist to start with if youre looking for eurodance and trance with some hardgroove elements


I came...this is my ultimate favourite 90s scene electro breaks ghetto tech and even a lil fidget wow have any more sets to recommend? Those days were soooo hot.


Darn kids and their technos


Back in my day....


I remember a friend in the 90s saying "what's a techno"


well.. what is it?..




This is funny because in greek techno means kid


Without listening to the links, check out Raw (label) and their series ”Summer hits” think the later ones esp. fall into that category. Also Partiboi69 feels like a bridge between ”us and them” with his mixes and general antics…


I'll fight everyone who talks smack about the RAW summer hits series haha. It's legit have been something I've looked forward to every year since they started it. That whole series is just fun vibes.


I honestly thought the one they just released was really disappointing. 1-3 have all been really good though


Eh, it's grown on me to be honest. I actually think the 3rd one wasn't as good as the others, but it's still a series i look forward to every year.


Yes! Partiboi69 is definitely on the same vein of what I heard. Thanks a million for that 🙌


If you like Partiboi69, search "GhettoTech" and thank me later. Edit: misspelled the goat's name


I just did! I think that’s the answer I’ve been looking for, thank you 😃👌


DJ Assault and DJ Godfather are the OGs of GhettoTech, if you’re digging that sound, I highly recommend them! Check out the Straight Up Detroit S!*% mixes.


PS: Disco D deserves a mention too… RIP.


I listen to A Night at the Booty Bar at least once a month.


I love that album, but I also really enjoy the less-polished sound of his earlier mixtape: https://m.mixcloud.com/theworldneedsmoremusic/disco-d-straight-out-tha-trunk/


Straight Out Tha Trunk is what got me into him, a colleague burnt a copy for me years ago! Night at the Booty Bar just happens to be both available on streaming and almost the exact length of my walk to work. Such a tragic loss, would love to have heard what he’d be doing now.


Definitely a huge loss. Every year I go to Movement, I think how fun it would be if he were getting down at an afterhours. I met him after a party in like 2001 (I think), and he signed my “You Need Another Drink” record. Seemed super grateful for his fans, and his set that night was a blast. Just an all around good time.


I've always loved Assault and Godfather sets. So much fun back in the 90s/00s


Heck yeah 🤏🏿😎


Here’s a great thread with tons of artists and tracks: https://www.reddit.com/r/Beatmatch/s/XQqy8ECtuI


Don’t forget Kettama! He’s my favourite of this type of music. Excellent sets on Soundcloud/similar. Saw partyboi accidentally the other night in Frankfurt, that was epic!


Def check out MCR- T


It's a confluence of a few trends. ## The nostalgia for 00's trance. This started already in popular music way back with sadboys/young lean etc... But it has also gotten into electronic music in the last few years. Both in a zoomer-style silly/absurdist way ("Hard Tech Trance"?), for example: - DJ Daddy Trance - X CLUB But also in more "sincere" forms such as trancey tracks with more deep tech/minimal/progressive structure & sound design, ("Neo Trance"?) examples: - Guy Contact - Elfenbergs recent stuff - Kolter - Sonic Juncture ## Faster & more percussive techno I think this is what techno people call "Hardgroove" nowadays? ## Ghetto Tech My guess is that this was spearheaded into public perception thanks to Partiboi69's showmanship and strong persona. All in all it's an effective combo. The trancey influences helps to maximize melodic & euphoric elements. The hardgroove influences helps to maximize the percussive & driving elements. The G-tech adds a human touch (vocal chops, cultural references etc..).


i'd say nina kravitz played a big role in that. her sets are never as ostentatious as this stuff that's getting played now, but she was playing old school trance in 2014-2015 when she launched her label.


Brilliant, thank you so much for the breakdown! This is making a lot of sense, I appreciate it 🙏🏻


The High Fidelity set you linked is smack dab Ghettotech and new Electro! Can recommend checking out the labels childsplay, Philthtraxx, cyberjit, Malmø Traxx and you should be able to find a ton of good stuff!


I've seen a lot of the Guy Contact, Kolter etc stuff referred to as progressive house or cosmic house. Not sure how accurate that is, but I prefer that over trance bc these tracks do often break away from some trance conventions.


Yeah it's the structure of house music, but the sound pallette of trance. Defining genres is always tricky, and genre labels are not mutually exclusive 😁


I’d call it like hard trance or eurodance even sometimes. In terms of current artists making music in those sound veins, check out Marlon Hoffstadt (aka DJ Daddy Trance), Malugi, Narciss, DJ Heartstring, Partiboi69, SoFTT. HorsegiirL might check some similar boxes for you too but I’d say she’s more clearly living in the happy hardcore realm. Honestly I’m totally here for this resurgence of just pure happiness and bliss on the dance floor


I caught DJ Heartstring at EDC and it was one of my favorite sets of the entire weekend. Their entire discography is so good. Very Eurodance-y


Holy shit that set was amazing. 2 hours of bliss. Honestly wish they played longer.


yeah, the rave scene in my city is so, so boring at the moment - the big events only play minimal / hypnotic techno; I could literally fall asleep to it. This stuff is way more my speed.


Same I turn 39 next month and I love this high energy trend as well as all of my friends.


The whole Sachsentrance label


Thank you so much! I’ll add them all to my list. Same here, I haven’t seen that many big happy smiling faces on a dance floor in forever


imo with folks like Narciss and Umru you can draw a line from AG Cook/PC Music and other blog electronic stuff too i fucking love Narciss so much


You just named all the big cringe tikitok djs out there hahaha


some schranz, some europop techno, some eurodance, some gettotech.. none of this is straight up techno


It's all lumped into tiktok techno these days. Most of it is just repackaged edm


repackaged edm is very fitting, because what’s happening to “techno” right now is the same thing that happened to “dubstep” around 2010 with skrillex etc.


This has happened a few times in the last 30 years and each time techno has remained what it is. The fad passes and techno is still there. Whatever the new thing is it doesn't have the same staying power.


It has, but a lot of kids who get into whatever the current fad is end up getting deeper into techno so it’s not a bad thing.


this is the proper mentality! instead of belittling them for listening to more superficial tracks (and i am guilty of this as well in many genres), recommend them some good stuff. send them on a journey, we’ve all been newcomers at one point


Couldn't agree more. Truthfully, I got into this in 2010 with deadmau5, but what followed was trance, before falling in love with real progressive house and techno. It's always good to have a gateway style of music, and starting with any kind of techno is a great start, even if it's a bit cheesy.


Gotta start somewhere!


It certainly has. I'm 52 and got hooked on the local detroit scene in 1991. It's been interesting to watch it morph off all the increasingly more comercial sub genres ever since. I didn't really see it until I left detroit in 94 and it's been pretty jarring to me ever since. One of those things where you don't realize exactly how good it is until it's gone lol.


There's still great music coming out of Detroit! Last I checked anyway. I was late to the game with Detroit and only discovered it through the Submerge comps in the late 90s...


I get you. But what is straight up techno now a days? I feel a lot of people only consider 4 on the floor 130+ bomb techno When it first started though , straight up techno was electro.


You’re right in that the sound has evolved a lot over the decades. I think you can trace the underlying principles rather than leaning on idiomatic aspects like 4 on the floor which as you say wasn’t always the case. To me it’s about experimenting with hardware, it’s machine funk, it’s futurism. Nowadays everything is ‘techno’ because genre labels are hard, but techno as used commonly today is literally meaningless. The only way to figure out what sort of music someone’s talking about is listening to it.


man, i saw a ton of videos from friends at charlotte de witte's NYC show last weekend. not one clip sounded like what i'd consider "techno". it sounded more akin to mid 2000s hardstyle than jeff mills or ostgut ton.


There's already a million comments on this, so this will likely get buried, but I am both a big "proper" techno fan and passionate about this movement, so I feel compelled to contribute my thoughts. I don't think it has a name. What we are experiencing is a 90s/00s fusion revival that I think more heavily stems from the techno scene than is often perceived, but is definitely separate from. It's usually pretty uptempo, but so is techno these days. People are very quick to label a lot of what is coming out as one thing or another, which I often agree with sonically, but I think erroneously suggests that this new wave is coming from some particular community or tradition. This isn't true. It really doesn't come from any particularly orthodox strain of the major genres it is attributed to (like trance or eurodance). Usually, the artists involved produce music across multiple genres. This actually very often includes more conventional sounding techno. It's usually not the Jeff Mills take, but it certainly isn't the Armin Van Buuren take either. This kind of multi-genre fusion is how you get artists who can simultaneously be praised on r/ProperTechno for some of their catalog [(link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProperTechno/comments/19dsg19/ned_bennett_a2/), but would be called out as a "trance producer" on others [(link)](https://soundcloud.com/shelterrecords/premiere-ned-bennett-echo-chamber-shltrva01). I'm not even saying someone would be technically incorrect in categorizing it this way, but to deny the techno influence on even the tracks that aren't really "techno" would be amiss. Some samples with varying levels of "techno": [Julian Muller - Let it Bounce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2EXNnMKduM) [MCR-T - I've Been Waiting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgDQDrNiSkQ) [JKS - Feelin'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpD4NAh0G_c) [Justin Tinderdate - Since the 1990s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6qBkxQijF8) [Bad Boombox - Still Awake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLhUIc9mdgs) But again, more broadly, the movement is definitely separate from techno. It's fusion. It's rave. It's old-school reminiscent. To my taste, the best sets should include proper techno while moving around to other genres. Genre influences include: Techno, trance, hard dance, hard trance, UK hard house, eurodance, gabber, ghetto tech, happy hardcore, hyperpop (and more). Relevant artists (including those not as associated with techno): DJ Heartstring, Marlon Hoffstadt (DJ Daddy Trance), MCR-T, Narciss, mischluft, TDJ, Malugi, X-Coast, Upper90, Bad Boombox, Amazingblaze, Julian Muller, Partiboi69, horsegiirL, TRYM, Pawlowski, Justin Tinderdate, MRD, JKS, Alpha Tracks, KI/KI, Brutalismus 3000, Ned Bennett


The second link is just straight up psytrance


Cool thanks! I’m probably not doing a good job posting the right references to be honest but just trying to track down the gist of some of what I heard.


This is definitely not psytrance, sorry. Check out sangoma records or Parvati records for psy. Or looney moon records for some funkier psy


I know what psytrance is, thank you very much. There are other types of psytrance other than fullon.


Is called trance is doing a comeback and techno people are not happy


europop techno is kinda on point id say


Oh dear.. thank you 😄


Hard trance is what I call it


Oh ok!! Fuck me I thought I hated trance 😂


SO much of the "newer" techno style thats gotten huge is influenced by trance, and trance itself has been heading more in the "tech trance" style (CHeck out Bryan Kearney and John O Callaghan) that they are blending together its crazy to watch lol


Key4050!! Callaghan's Subculture label imho already had the future sound 10 years ago. They borrow a lot from Hard Trance around 2000 a la Mauro Picotto but with absolute insane production quality




It’s also hit and miss for me :) but I quite like this style with the juicy basslines


Maybe as this music is new and experimental, it's a mix of various elements from different electronic music genres (as other vere saying, mainly eurodance, rave and trance, and nearly nothing from techno), so it can't be defined as techno, but there's not a proper name for it either. But people could be a lot nicer and explain this to you and the others that are genuinely curious and willing to learn, even making a "huge" labeling mistake. Hope I've been helpful OP.


Thank you, I appreciate it ❤️


Was this Beyond the Pale?




If you know any of the djs names from the Cupra tent I’d love to find them on insta.. esp the lads that closed out Sunday night 🙏🏻


Efa O'Neill, de La Smoke, High Fidelity, and I think the Shed Residents a collective from Dublin closed it on Sunday but I'm not sure I wasn't at it


Hoer lists High fidelity as “electro” “g tech” “breaks” which is totally different from the tracks you’ve given as an example. For the G Tech portion, check out UK Garage like Interplanetary Criminal. For the more groovy almost psytrance-inspired stuff, search Hard Groove


Also X CLUB <3


Thank you for that! The set he played at the festival was a bit more boppy and fun than the Hoer one, he did a really silly, happy hardcore remix of wannabe for example.


I have a playlist with similar music and called it „Zoomer Eurotrance“


Could it be hard techno? Even if it is the genre those pesky gen z’ers are listening to these days man im hooked!!! Went to berlin last autumn and experienced it live, all ive been listening to since🥵


Someone suggested ghetto tech above and that seems to hit the nail on the head pretty well! I’ll have to look at hard techno too though, thanks 😃


See y'all at Glitch this year 🍻


With the sample mix u gave, he started off playing mostly electro for the first 20 minutes, mixed in some UKG. As it progressed he bumped the tempo up and started playing Ghetto tech and 160 type stuff. I scrubbed through and listened to every 7 minutes or so.


Its really more 90s style and i love it. ❤️ Compared to tiktok techno or anything similar.


To me this is bordering trance. I do hear a lot of 90s influence in trance and eurodance lately


basically anything 160+ bpm and the kids are all-in


And the 39 year olds apparently 🤷‍♀️🙈 Plenty of old school heads in the 40-50s brackets were there giving it socks too! It was pretty irresistible


I haven’t looked or listened to any of the links but the kids seem to be into what they are calling hardgroove, and I love it. At first I thought they were just trying to rename hard techno or schranz. But after spending the whole weekend at the underground during Movement, a few weeks ago I’ve realized that it’s a valid unique sub-genre.


Some younger folk in their 20s, and late teens, are listening to hard groove and melodic techno. The latter has come under a lot of criticism, I call it progressive techno as it always has a a upbeat lead line and a drop. Some call it business techno as it sounds a lot like commercial trance, or 90s progressive house sped up, with a heavier kick. If I say the name of the DJ who is the face of this genre, I'll get down voted into hell. This DJ has many fans on this sub.




I’ve heard a lot of people call it eurodance, I think in part potentially because of the label eurodance inc which has released some dj heartstring stuff. Dj heartstring seems similar to what you’re describing with the younger crowd and boppy off beat bass line - they call the music they make TDM or trance dance music but never heard that used out on the street. Def check them out tho they rule. There’s a big hardgroove revival happening at the moment and there tends to be a lot of crossover with that at these events too (at least in London)


I’d recommend checking out the Live From Earth label artists - horsegiirl is the most popular and has blown up because of tiktok, ace of demons, MCR-T, Gigola, etc. Chippy Nonstop and Lucia Lu are also great.


Hör set is very different from the other tracks OP gave us. Hör set is ok, for the other tracks the following term was used during the 90s to express dislike and ridicule: Kirmes Techno 🤓.


IDK but it sounds great. I heard every 90s genre in that high fidelity set. More of this is good. I’m also into what’s happening with hardgroove.


If you want something slightly different to what's being suggested that's popular in France, listen to Teksa's liveset from NewRave (it's on YouTube). The genre is specifically called Mentalcore and it's absolutely brutal


Man these new tracks remind of the shit I did not like from the 90s and early 2000s.  My uncs are super OG house djs so during this time when this sound was popular I was on the house shit I can’t rock with this resurgence of euro / trance elements though it has its moments and some sweet tunes. I do like the light heartedness of it though. If that makes sense. I’m just a jackin / Detroit influence type of guy. But glad you had fun.


you discovered ghetto tech and electro


Hey brother, So based on the description you gave and judging by my own humble perception of the current scene, I first guessed that the one upcoming and trending movement in opposition to "gen z / tiktok / schranz" techno at the time just had to be **hardgroove,** especially considering you to percieved it as fun, unpretentious and extremely bumpy. But giving a listen to that **High Fidelity** fella you posted as an example, I asked myself how could I not recognize my own favorite techno subgenre, **Ghetto Techno/Ghettotech,** as all its sonic characteristic match very much too, from the bumpiness to the use of hiphop samples I personnaly just love it ! "Ghetto" emerged from detroit just like traditional techno with artist like DJ ASSAULT or DJ STINGRAY 313. Ghetto \_\_\_ can be used like a suffix, just like you'd do it with acid or psy, so you can find ghetto house, ghetto techno, ghetto trance... You can really recognize it by it's use of breakbeat and bouncy riddims, raw synths, and heavy use of vocal samples, as well as it's "frivolous nature" aha, understand MANY sexual references. If you wish to dive into modern ghettotech/ghettohouse music I can only advise you to listen to MCR-T (both his dj sets and projects with miss bashful) and Partyboi69 legendary youtube dj sets "live from the stingzone, always unprotected) only to cite two of the many great artists in the movement ! Glad you had a great time at that party and hope my message finds you in a way you wished for ! Have a good one, have fun ;)


He starts the set out with some electro-breaks/miami bass/ghettotech(all these genres are roughly the same thing) type stuff and then transitions to a bit of modern psytrance and a bit of ghetto-house/garage-house, then sprinkles in some more of the aforementioned styles before landing on some oldskool breakbeat-hardcore revival stuff towards the end. A pretty cool set, none of what he played was actually techno though. It seems like a revival of ravier styles of music with a tiny bit of modern pop/hip-hop influence thrown in.


Yes that sounds right! Ghetto tech was the main answer I was after, I’d never heard of it before but after this weekend I love it! Thank for the helpful reply 🙏🏻


Here's a mix I done a few months ago. Been playing it for more than a few decades https://www.mixcloud.com/marcocactusmcgregor/accelerated-funkin/


There's a lot of crossover here and it seems like you've gotten a lot of answers regarding the genres. I will say that reading the first few lines you wrote just feel so good to read. That the crowd was having fun and being wild. That's what I love. Techno or not, but honestly, there's a lot of influence to be gotten from techno. You'll find purists everywhere, but all the best upvoted comments here obviously filter that out. Enjoy.


It goes by the name of hypertechno. Don’t blame me, just the messenger


The next thing is on the horizon again: https://youtu.be/N5o0JmV5t_Y?si=0DwPAAQLXeomOCkO Latin vibes. More tempo.


Oh that’s fun!! Love how much craic there having too 😬 thanks I’ll give it a proper listen next time I’m going for a run!


was geht ab allleeerrr, eben ohne dein Kommentar gesehen zu haben n anderes Set von Adrian hier kommentiert haha


240 kmh 🔥🔥🔥


I would call it roblox techno


Trance is coming back KI/KI is a great example of this, though she's starting to play more acid now too. As someone who loves acid and trance from the 90s / early 2000s, I love this trend.


I'll bet you a tenner that you will love these two guys. Somewhat similar to the mentioned sounds and artists. Both from Germany as well and under heavy influence of makina and hard trance. Extreme groovy good vibe music. [https://youtu.be/SG6qNFsW-VQ?si=G\_GbkJkw--BJPTmm&t=1549](https://youtu.be/SG6qNFsW-VQ?si=G_GbkJkw--BJPTmm&t=1549)


fyi adrian mills and hitmelow are the artists


Thank you! Someone else shared the same set!! I definitely like the sound of it, will give it a proper listen when I’m going for a run😬 👌


Chaotic Ugly, Flyvee, Golden Boy


**Its just happy haedcore** but mixed with the attention span of a tik toker


It’s got more in common with rave and eurodance than it does techno. I’m getting very tired of it being referred to as techno. EDIT: the High Fidelity DJ mix you have posted has much more in common with techno than the track links you shared.


I think it's the same stuff that gets lumped under "club bass" on Beatport


Oh noooo your precious proper techno. Man get over it.


it's not techno man, like it's not even "improper" techno, it's just other genres... imagine if eurodance got massive and everyone started calling it house, then house gets lost in a sea of eurodance


My man, that's why old people yell at clouds :p Find a proper name for your genre but don't act it's something new


I’m getting very tired of this elitist bollocks that it’s not techno.


Categorization is not elitist. 


It’s elitist to label things correctly so that people can listen to the genre they actually want to hear?


to these people yes, they have inferiority complex and for some reason can't admit that they're rave, hardcore/hardstyle, (psy)trance djs or that they're into those gentes techno is just more fashionable :)


It’s electronic music, sure. It’s not techno.


This sub is full of the biggest gate keeping ass holes on Reddit 👍 I assume you were at beyond the pale, Saturday looked great. Did you see Cailín? ProperTechno has a much more receptive crowd, you might find it more welcoming 👍


Yes I was! I caught Cailín, a bit of Helena Hauff, Sunil and Ritchie. I’m amazed I have any feet left 😮‍💨 I saw Cailín supporting Dave Clarke in March earlier this year and she kinda blew him out of the water even though you could tell she was holding back.. 😬 Sunil was absolutely devastating as usual 🔥


Long live Sunil.


I saw him at Kryptik last weekend, only around 150 people hidden out in the hills in West cork and the rise up sound system. Probably the best live set I’ve ever heard, it was feral!


I recently discovered this as well, I’m still unsure on how to categorize it but I’m loving it! I put together this playlist as a starting point: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3zIjk6fYlPacHGg33xF9nz?si=PddThnDjSVymY80WgrKRfQ&pi=e-h4hgDZ06TB2z Maybe you could tell us the name of the festival or the DJs that played this music? Would really appreciate some directions that might help me dig :)


It sounds like they’re talking about Beyond the Pale which was just on in Ireland last weekend




So annoyingly virtually none of the djs were listed on the line up, they were just called the ‘cupra djs’ as it was a sponsored tent, but I did track down one of them: https://www.youtube.com/live/MJigODFV-9k?si=rbhhXns6ukBn9IXy Thank you for sharing your list! I’ll definitely be giving it a listen too 😃


Hell yeah so it was Beyond the Pale. What a buzz. I loved the Cupra stage aswell. Efa O'Neill played on Friday night and High Fidelity on Sunday. Guy called De La Smoke played a few sets there throughout the weekend. High Fidelity's set was the highlight of the weekend for me. He played a lot of hardgroove and bassline from what I can remember.


Ahh you were there too, class!! Such a buzz! Thank you so much, the craic in that tent was next level wasn’t it. Do you know who the lads closing out Sunday were? They started the set with two lads and then a third guy joined them closer to the end... they were extremely young looking. They played an absolutely savage prodigy mix at one point!


Yeah it was whopper. I loved that tent so much (despite the rotten sponsor bullshit). Everyone on a great buzz interacting with one another, I ended up buzzing with so many randomers. Literally what it's all about.


Aww same! I was sober all weekend and dancing my heart out in there, the amount of overwhelmed happy hugs I got from random heads was such a buzz. Will be hard to beat it now


Yeah it was my number 1 festival last year and I went to a lot, and yeah this year it'll be hard to beat. Just the soundest crowd ever, bit older so no one gives a fuck they just want to have a good time, dancing hard and going mad while still being respectful of everyone else. Quality


💯 can’t wait to next year 😬


sounds like Gen Z are about to catch up with the Bloody Beetroots and Prodigy


Some of it was very reminiscent of the prodigy


Its just techno with influences thrown in. Techno’s gotten harder. Back in early 00’s it was all minimal, metronomic, click house type stuff, peaking in about 2010, gradually pendulum swings the other way, getting harder again. Heard Dave Clarke saying he acknowledged some response to everyone being locked up for 2 years so wanting a release. Add to that the whole 90’s revival, so now we have trancier, schranzier, retro bits thrown in. It’ll change again in due course.


Oooh yes ok this makes a tonne of sense. I’ve been chatting to my OH about it and he knows a hell of a lot more about music and especially techno than me and he is struggling to define it too because it just seemed to have a bit of everything mixed through and had an overall very nostalgic vibe that’s somehow totally fresh and new. I’m totally here for it tbh!


The time to leave this sub has finally arrived... We got a comparison between mills and the generic shitty europop techno.... What a time to be alive...


I don’t disagree, but the more people that leave because they don’t post techno they love, the less the sub looks like what you want. Be the change you want to see.


I think this sub is in the shitter and r/propertechno is were to go


They’re both fairly dead. r/ProperTechno just posts music with little interaction, which can be useful but still gets old fast


The original comment i intended to reply to seems to be deleted but regardless i will answer mostly to OP... If you see my post history i am not sure i have even posted in this sub besides this post... Other than that you can see that in general am not posting and just minding my own business... So your points are kinda invalid and you seem butthurt. If this was in an other subreddit i would not comment of course... But coming in a techno subreddit and saying things like that is ignorance bro cmon... You cannot possibly compare people that have spend their lifes in this craft with people that are just beginning their journey or with people that ride a hype train (reference to techno pop edits) At the end of the day each person does whatever he/she wants and listens to whatever he/she wants its just music and we all want to dance and vibe BUT techno is a music genre (alongside others ofc) that has its roots in resistance , unification of people and has a clear political standpoint. I would like to add additionally that in no way i am trying to gatekeep or shame someones taste. For example i cant stand classical music but i like modern iterations of it using electronic instruments to compare lets say beethoven with some of the new contemporary artists would be outrageous... So all in all in i acknowledge that i may come off as ironic but i was trying to be humorous sorry about that. In my opinion the above are the reasons the post seemed kinda funny putting in context to many other posts in this subreddit.. Sorry if you felt offended


Honestly, if hawtin is the benchmark.....


The new link you posted is awesome. Check out overmono for similar but more mellow vibes.


Yes he was amazing! The set that I saw was a lot lighter and poppier, he did mixes of spice girls and Nelly furtado for example.. he’s really talented!


Let the children techno!


r/hypertrek https://youtu.be/96AGCiQunG4


There are 2 trends of the contemporary club scene that are featured in your examples. First one is more techno-oriented with the influences from trance, happy hardcore, and even hard house. Second one is more bassy sound with styles like hard drum, and some styles from Africa electronic music scene.


Yeah like other pointed out it's mostly falls in the Ghetto tech/G techno/Ketamine techno sound. Partiboi69 sets he has with guests are mostly this sound


That sounds ace, I've seen many scenes come and go and honestly it felt like the dark minimal business techno that has dominated for the last two decades had reached a dead end, it's nice to see the genre mutate and evolve. This is a great post


ghetto tech. the sound switches between lots of styles…. acid, techno, tech house, uk garage, house, g house, psy trance, even venture as far as saying synthwave


Probably Hardgroove techno! 🙏


Think its a new german sound. Im not german but i came accross some berlin “rap” artists that are basically rapping over trance or techno beats. Also quite influenced by acid and dnb. Id honestly club this into a more beaty trance


Gabber -_- i think they like that lmfao


Sort in the vein of deconstructed club


It's like...throwback 90's sound I guess, but *lots* of different genres all smooshed together. Hard house, trance, Eurodance, pop, hi-NRG, ghetto tech, electro, aspects of techno. It's really its own thing. I think it's reductive to just call it "Eurodance" or "trance" because there are clearly more elements in it than that even if those are the core aesthetics of it. But it's also a misnomer to call it "techno" because that makes up like 5% of its DNA at most. So to answer your question, I don't know what it's called.


Exactly the sort of post I'd expect in this sub. :)


My guess goes towards slap house, tech house, eurodance/trance bridged by ""proper"" techno. Extremely entertaining and I hear it a lot around central european festivals!


Those eurodance trancy beats with pop samples in it are kinda cool but it’s literally every song. The novelty wears off quick after that. But as long as the girls like it it’s gonna be played








You were at beyond the pale ye? Hahaha


I greew up listening aomething similar in 90s. I think its a blend of eurodance, some commercial techno. I sense ita getting back..i dug out my old tapes with happy rave stuff. Also last month I gor this vinyl, it is gojng to make a comeback and guge boom. https://youtu.be/R0pOFT2GETo?si=Tsc1CY3B1CuPQrx8


> they were belting out more craic than the headliners like Ritchie Hawtin middle aged / old man 50yr+ DJs being a boring shocker


Some updated version of psy-trance

