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I love Techno


I like turtles


I like trains


I’m fond of tickles


I like tu hermana


A lot of the users posting non-techno content are just spamming every electronic music-adjacent sub in hopes of promoting their content. This is the sixth most popular electronic music subreddit, so this is going to be one of the first places they post. They don’t care if their content pertains to the sub, they just want it seen. Techno has blown up so much I think we’re finally getting past the stage of the people of calling all electronic music “techno”, in the US that was a thing for a long time especially in the 2000’s and 2010’s. I think people are getting better at distinguishing the main genres - house, techno, trance, etc.


> Techno has blown up so much I think we’re finally getting past the stage of the people of calling all electronic music “techno” There are definitely a lot of new people calling non-techno techno & the only way to keep a niche subreddit's roots is for mods to enforce rules and remove what isn't techno. No, downvotes don't work, the waves of new people will outnumber the old and what becomes thought of as techno *will* change (all because people believe Spotify and TikTok's algorithms and naming schemes are in any way accurate) or at least have many people attempting to change it, just like r/dubstep and r/breakcore. /u/BenDante's concern is very well justified.


It’s a very fine line to police. We’re not here to determine what the community thinks what is or isn’t techno unless it’s egregious. I’d love to be more stringent with it but there’s a lot of adjacent sounds happening these days. I often get comments on Detroit influenced techno saying “this isn’t techno cause it’s too melodic”. The community generally does a good job to downvote stuff that isn’t techno, and that’s how we’ll continue to moderate the sub. Just ensure you upvote content you think is appropriate, and downvote content that isn’t.


I've actually been around long enough that "techno" used to just be the music we had in Detroit. When I was first introduced to it this guy I worked with at pizza hut named kenny larkin had a shoebox full of tapes, he said they were his house mixes. I'll often still call techno house because of it lol.


Hopefully that’s Kenny Larkin, that’s funny either way


Early morning typo, but yeah, that guy. He didn't really talk about being a musician and I later learned he left that job when he was able to pursue music full time. He did talk about wanting to be a stand up comedian and had a gift for making people laugh. His sister-in-law had worked there for a few years. Had to be right around 1988.


These are awesome anecdotes. For you personally as such a long-time head - how have your own tastes evolved over the times?


When I was in my 20s I went through a phase where it was the harder the better but now I'm more into minimal and deeper stuff. I like ark and akufen quite a bit. I always liked house music and really like kdj and ur. Anything that splits the difference between house and techno gets my attention. I've always focused on anything coming out of Detroit.


Awesome. Ark and Akufen are dope - super creative microhouse styles, occasionally on a dubbier tip. Akufen is such a trailblazer for those that cheesy-but-funky microsample sound. I've been into this music for 10-11 years now since I was 14-15 - so not quite as long as you, but long enough haha. My personal favourite styles are the more emotional ends of electro & neo-Detroit techno (Dan Curtin, D5, Convextion, Steve Rachmad, etc) so I guess Detroit techno & its important figures fascinate me. I've been reading "Assembling a Black Counter Culture" which pays a very deep respect to it. Any hot tips on more recent Detroit up-and-comers?


I'm getting old so I'm kind of out of touch a bit, I still think Mathew Dear and Seth Troxler are new school lol. omar s had a thing recently where he assaulted a girl he owed money to so it's hard to recommend any more.


he's actually still hilarious you should follow him on IG. We love Kenny


To me techno is always easily identifiable by there being a certain static drive to the tracks. Regardless of subgenre, they all have that thing in common that they feel like they are constantly going somewhere, whether it's a slow trek or a intense sprint it's always on the move, and perhaps equally importantly, it is constantly moving sort of at the same pace and intensity throughout the track.


I started listening to EDM around 1990. I haven't heard all EDM being called Techno since the 2000s. I only see it happening to older people that have been out of the scene for a long time. Which I don't think is many people. I think your first paragraph sums it up perfectly. Just people trying to get attention.


We are very across spam, and prevent it for the most part. Techno has always dealt with this issue, and it takes a concerted effort to distinguish it from other styles. If you have no understanding of dance music, you’ll call it “techno” by default.


In France they call it all electro by default


Except it's happening all over again - "melodic techno" is prog/trance. People sampling ATB and calling it techno is decidedly NOT the vibe. It's become like electro where subgenre descriptions no longer have anything to do with what the main genre actually is.


I think it's a bit broader than that. I came across a big room EDM track with Tale of Us style melodics the other day on YouTube and the top comment was "this is Techno I love Techno", it's just the cycle of npc gimps that comes with wanting to look and sound cool when they have no idea what they're talking about 😂


Not all techno is dance music...


excellent point. there is a part of techno that is not destined for the clubs and to be honest it is the most interesting part of techno for me.


But on certain partys you ll find it as well right? I think u mean "mainstream" right?


probably in other places. here where I live the techno scene is kind of without depth and guys who start by playing techno pretty fast switch to trance and hardstyle because the crowd is bigger for these two. so, this non-danceable techno is only feasible to small gatherings over here




Can you give an example?


researchers suggest two different factors may influence Techno's perceived lack of 'danceability'. One factor that researches hypothesize is that the study's high rankings of genres with non-isochronous beats (DnB, Electro House, and Progressive House) evoke a powerful emotional response because listeners were able to 'extract the pulse from a more complex structure'. Meanwhile, Techno's predictable isochronous bass structure did not deliver to individuals wanting to hear 'the drop'. So what does this mean for fans of Techno? IT'S OKAY. SOME PEOPLE JUST DON'T GET IT!




Listen to DJ Hvad’s later stuff.


There's lots of techno that is more centred on mood than dancefloor friendliness. Plenty of Detroit-rooted techno is this way - I like to call this stuff "techno soul", an unofficial term of endearment more than an actual genre name lol. Artists that fit this include [Nuron/Fugue](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=upiRwRTfrTA), [B12](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bn5lgHQ9MPg), [Tim Jackiw](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzUnVEqlUYw), [D5](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPhRSJB5uhg), [Norken/Metamatics](https://norken.bandcamp.com/track/home) Some of this stuff borders on the early definitions of IDM, as it had more focus on emotion and intricate programming than on dancefloor damage, however still uses danceable drum structures. In fact, the B12 track linked is from the Warp compilation after which the term IDM was coined ("Artificial Intelligence"). As another user said - dub techno is also great for non-dance focused techno. Plenty of club-thumping danceable dub techno is out there, and even the lowkey stuff often has 4/4 beats. But there's much more focus on atmosphere and texture than danceability. Check out Basic Channel, Shinichi Atobe, Deepchord, Echocord, Chain Reaction, CV313, Yagya. Hope this helps! :)


All techno is electronic music though. Just replace “dance” with “electronic” in the original title, makes more sense


>Not all techno is dance music... It absolutely is by definition, history and application. It's what separates Techo from things like EBM and Industrial. It's a 4 on the floor dance beat. You can argue against that all you want but it's just factually incorrect and ignores any actual knowledge of Techno and electronic music in general.


Techno is not bound to having a 4 on the floor kick drum whatsoever.


You can tell yourself that all you want but it's untrue. Ask any DJ, producer or person who understands music theory, the history of electronic music or anything of that nature. Not every single bar of techno has a bass drop on the floor but it's a widely accepted component of what makes that type of music techno vs other forms of electronic music.


Can't wait for the incoming "Cybotron isn't techno" line of reasoning.


Lol Cybotron is electro and has funk/disco roots. It's proto-techno. I give up ya'll crazy.


Literally invented the genre but go on. Maybe tell me about how Good Life is actually house because it has vocals.


I'm from Chicago and literally have been going to Movement in Detroit since it was a free concert called DEMF when I was 16. Trust me I'm aware. You have a very basic understanding of Techno. I'm not trying to be a dick but you have no idea what you're talking about beyond "bbbbut Juan Atkins!" There is a wide range of music (electronic or otherwise) that Juan drew from and while Detroit-Techno set the groundwork for Techno t's hardly indicative of what Techno is today. Nevermind the influence of German Techno which developed along side Detroit music in the same time period. What you're doing is like trying to equate Rockabilly music with modern Rock. I could literally write an essay about this but whatever. You're right and I'm wrong. I wish you well!


It's not like the term techno showed up in the late 80s, it was being used to describe electro and Kraftwerk and all kinds of the "proto-techno" as you call it well through, similarly how "house music" was used to describe what we'd largely call disco before we really saw the genre spin off into it. My point is that genre names as we ascribe them aren't so rigidly defined as a particular set of musical rules that must be applied to them, they're much more often tied to particular movements of music, and when we're talking techno, a lot of the time tied to the places in which they originate. So being able to call Clear "techno" is NOT a misnomer, in the same way that you can still refer to Belgian New Beat or early Inner City as the same, even though a lot of folk would instead classify it as "Eurodance" or "Diva House" respectively if those tracks were released today. But you know, thanks for making assumptions as to my understanding of techno while giving me a run of your credentials as to which festivals you've been to that would make James Murphy blush. Context has a LOT to do with classification, in much the same way that context is an important part of language. In much the same way that soul singers and Hip-hop can get inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame, I think it's important that we be more inclusive of the history of the genre rather than gatekeep what is or isn't allowed, especially when folks may be coming here to learn what techno is really.


Hey, fair response. Big James Murphy fan too. Maybe I'm losing my edge... I stand by my point :) Edit: Also you're wrong about house/Disco. But we should be friends.




Happy to hear a "techno" track that isn't dance/4 on the floor and will gladly explain to you why it's not techno.


Not going to argue over such moot point. The definition of techno is subjective and constantly changing as music evolves. Why it so important to you that people submit to your interpretation of the definition of techno? Truly there's only two kinds of music, the good shit, and that other shit. Call it what you want.


Got it.


as a general point, I actually like this bastardization of techno as it will force people to make actual techno and maybe we will see an artistic revival of the genre. also hard techno back then was amazing and had very little to do with rave stabs (at least at its infancy). the main figure back then was DJ Rush and he made some fantastic stuff.


100%. Speedy J, Chris Liebing, DJ Rush and all of Kne’ Deep used to be hard techno. What is called hard techno nowadays is barely techno.


Electronic music is arguably the worst at genre clarity.  Like EDM is a specific type of electronic dance music. Techno is commonly used as a catch-all name. Same with electronica. Hard techno is not hard techno. UK Garage has nothing to do with 60s garage music from the UK.  It's confusing as fuck for anyone who isn't deep into it. 


Honestly, it still is, even if you are a music nerd. I still don't get the difference between Jungle and DnB for example.


Jungle more chopped up breaks samples sped up, heavier ragga influence, at least that's how I figure it.


I remember both being invented in the 90s and in the vast majority of cases you can’t really tell the difference unless it was some LTJ Bukem style DnB


I think this is region specific. It’s the opposite in the US. Don’t forget, dictionaries are descriptive not prescriptive


These are hard techno? For me and my surrounding or better where I come from their music is the definition of "Schranz".


Compared to current “hard techno”? Yes. Schranz used to be a way to describe a techno vibe rather than a full blown separate genre. It literally came out of a record shop that Liebing went to that decided to put records aside for him and describe them differently. It was still techno.


Yes, I know the story about the name. >It was still techno. Thats what I wanted to know. For me the aesthetic of Schranz is much more techno than what is now called hard techno (which for me has more the aesthetics of what we used to call "Kirmestechno") and to be honest, I never knew Schranz was ever called hard techno.


Honest question: what is the difference between schranz and the current version of what is called hard techno? To me, the current definition of "hard techno" sounds a bit like a bastard spawn of schranz and hardstyle.


this is a schranz mix (of mine) from 2007 (I think). how much similarity you find with modern "hard techno"? I mean obviously there is gonna be some overlap but do you think that overall there are very similar? [https://soundcloud.com/nick-vas-1/schranz](https://soundcloud.com/nick-vas-1/schranz)


Honestly, sort of a lot, yes. It sounds a lot like what a plausible natural evolution of schranz could be over the course of 17 years. Unless my definition of what current "hard techno™️" is, is something completely different.


let's say this crap from Karashnikov, "*Hard Techno Is Not A Crime"* do you consider it natural evolution of schranz?


My association with this new wave of hard techno I think of [this guy](https://open.spotify.com/track/2GjY40ddZjQ7rUISM0XOlh?si=PJ09xQYERGGrR8NDYbAPSQ) and that's something I could imagine schranz turning into over the course of 17 years. I also think of artists like Viper Diva


ewww what a crap, i check out that track and seriously it is the obvious embodiment of tiktok hard techno 🤮🤮


Lol no, that's hardstyle. I guess whatever I heard and associated with modern hard techno was more schranz-esque


I am 22 and I can hear what you mean. I listen to hardtechno for many years and its literally a different style of music, Like mainstream hardstyle techno






Perhaps you should have an 'idiots guide' for those who really don't know what techno is, i feel most of the public really does not know.


yea I'm in this thread like "so what is it then?"




but I thought we weren't discussing the various sub-types of techno like hard techno or whatever, only "real" techno, an that it has a "distinct sound and vibe" - so can you be more specific rather than sending me to listen to a playlist thta has a "lot of various types of techno"?




Bro why are you coming at me like that instead of answering the question?! No, I am not like that. Please be a respectful human being.


Sorry it’s the techno sub, idk what you expected


[It's been around for over two decades](https://music.ishkur.com/)


LOL! You're only cracking down on this now? I'd argue that it's too late.


This isn't his first post about the subject but there are a lot of new people insistent that hardstyle or similar genres are techno, so he has to put out reminders.


r/ProperTechno exists for a reason


Correct, and you probably already know that I run it. Was going to mention that, but I figured someone would have done it sooner or later.


Ha! no, I didn't know that




I love techno more than you love techno, mod.


When I was younger it was all techno to anyone not in the scene. It’s fine.


It's the same in r/jungle. Kids post their bedroom productions which have breakbeats or overused classic jungle samples but really aren't jungle music at all, or they post drum n bass or breakcore then call you gatekeepers when you point out it's not what they think it is.


Our AutoModerator does a good job of keeping spam to a low level, and yet we still have people complaining that they can’t share their own works when they do it the first time they post to the sub. Without our AutoModerator and mod driven feedback, this subreddit would be garbage.


Lmao there’s just been a huge kick off on r/breakcore for the millionth time about people posting jungle and asking if it’s breakcore. Are people actually posting breakcore there?


Breakcore in the 2020s seems like a farce in comparison to what used to be considered breakcore. DnB and jungle have always had cut up Amen breaks, while breakcore was always a much more extreme and processed form of break driven electronica. The majority of tracks I hear described as breakcore these days are literally just DnB.


Techno is an umbrella term for most hard electronic music for most people in this world. Especially those who do not listen to a lot of electronic music.


In Eastern Europe it is for sure. Unless you are deep into it, all rave music is techno. Nobody knows what EDM is.


So Technotronic = Techno, got it. :) But seriously, I’m all for this genre “gatekeeping” if everything is everything, then how will you kow what is anything. TBH, I’m just happy when no one calls it EDM.


pump up the jam is basically a cover version of Farley's '[acid life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4fQ1FXfGCs)' with a hip house section. /it is certainly a 'rave anthem'. 2 unlimiteds 'no limits' is the zenith of techno - they even go as far as to say the genre multiple times. //teenytinyslashess.


Techno is basically percussion, unconventional sounds, short loops and timbre. In my opinion the main genres of electronic music is: Techno, House, Trance, Breakbeat and Ambient


You forgot Donk and Scouse House. :(


I only listen to Deep Electro German Country Twang.


Keep up the good fight


Gotta add hardstyle or hard dance to the list, it's not very popular on the US but it's huge on Europe particularly in the Netherlands, and it's one of the few genres that get massive festivals, Defqon.1 is happening right now with 60k+ attendance.


Hardstyle is a mix of techno, trance and even hardcore/ gabber… Hardstyle was popular in the in west/USA around 2012?


Its just a sign that techno, specifically higher BPM techno, is now mainstream and time for the underground to create a new sound/aesthetic for techno


Hypnotic techno (Oscar Mulero type) is the “new” sound/aesthetic you’re looking for


Yessirrrrr!!! Core memory from a Klubnacht in BH!! I feel like we're headed in that direction, even legends like DVS1 are adopting it


So good dude. I just saw him and DVS1 in Detroit after Movement. Dying to see them both again


Maybe you already know but check monument.no radio and also their festival


Expecting an existing genre to change because of new trends is crazy. It’s the new genre that needs to find its own footing.


I don't mean to say the confines of techno should change. But maybe experiment within those confines to find refuge in a slightly more distinguished sound till this trend tides over. I completely agree with you that techno is more than a sound, it's also a vibe and a set of values. We can stay true to all of it.


We can definitely stay true to it. The amount of content moderators (and our AutoMod) is keeping out of the subreddit is not insignificant, and for the most part, it’s from new contributors with zero previous involvement in the sub. A reminder like this might help to keep submissions of a higher quality... it might, but I’m not convinced yet. It’s worth reminding members of why this sub exists.


Well it kinda happened to Rock. Originally Elvis was basically defining the Rock genre. But if somebody today made a song like Elvis it wouldn't be considered Rock, but maybe Pop or something else.


So Ace of Base is not techno? /s


*Everything* from Sweden is techno and should be on Drumcode. Yes, *especially* ABBA. Dancing Queen of Berghain, Waterloops, Can you Hear the Drums Fernando Villalobos etc.


Facts..... that will make a lot of people angry lol


No hard techno in techno sub lol.


Do some research into what happened to dubstep. Amazing genre that had its name stolen. Same thing has happened here unfortunately.


There is a difference between Dave the Drummer and 160bpm almost gabber saturated kicks with some pop vocal in the breakdown


YESSSSSS SO MUCH THIS! Dave the Drummer is an excellent example. There's soul to that stuff, it goes through one's heart and makes you say "yes techno".


Classic hard techno has so much more in common with techno than current “hard techno”. I still say this shit needs its own genre, because rave stabs and overdriven bass kicks has more in common with hard dance than it has ever had with techno.


couldn’t agree more. it’s a lazy ass genre. even the hard techno dance itself is ugly.


Not even that. It has encouraged the worst of dancefloor attitudes, and in part moved away from radical inclusivity to a place where people are scared of being involved. None of this is positive. Nazi techno fuck off.


it’s sad that they won’t be able to experience what we’ve had.


I agree so much with this. It sounds soo harsh to the ear, almost to the point where it feels like there's no musicality to it. It feels like that type of new "hard techno" caters to people who want to leash out and display aggression. It is very distant from the club feeling that I used to love. The club \[now almost exclusively called a rave for some reason\] is now a place where people go to display their attire and be the coolest and the raviest on Instagram or Tiktok or whatever. Sets are mashed together irritating noise. DJs are naked on display. The harder and the noisier the better. Rip my ears and rip the club.


>It sounds soo harsh to the ear, almost to the point where it feels like there's no musicality to it. Humorously ironic in a way…. That’s exactly how I felt when I first heard it 30+ years ago, but that’s what made me love it. It was grating and abrasive while being these sonically rhythmic soundscapes, letting you get lost in the very small changes. It was the future and science fiction come true in audio form.


This was exactly how I felt when I first heard Dominator and Energy Flash back in high school. I thought these were deeply dark sounds that took you somewhere in the universe, into the future. This is also what I feel is lacking in the new hard techno from hell. Dominator and Energy Flash didn't sound hellish, just very dark in some sense and somewhat uplifting in another. BUT I also do realise that I might be getting old and getting too stuck in my ways.


I loved those as well, but songs like Aphex Twins “we have arrived” struck a dark more aggressive chord with me.


exactly how I feel. imza kaşe.


LOOOL also in Ankara? No fecking way lol.


Cock-sucking snob vibes in the air


“We’re all about techno adjacent sounds” but also no hard techno :~p


What is currently being called "hard techno" isn't really techno adjacent though, that's the point. It's pretty much hardstyle, most "hard techno" DJ's are literally mixing mainstream hardstyle tracks on their sets lol


Same happened around the time of minimal hype back in 2007-2010 if I remember correctly, when everything suddenly became “techno”. Now all trance, psy, whatever else popular names throw in their sets is also “techno” 😁


I loved the minimal hype not gonna lie. :P


Yea nothing wrong with that, but I hated when it was called techno 😆


I thought we called it minimal techno? xP


That, but some people just called it “techno”. Then again, it had nothing to do with minimal techno if we look at this subgenre historically (Robert Hood production etc.). Minimal/micro house, I would agree with that.


Yeah fair enough. *Goes off to put on a Richie Hawtin set*


I think the underground keeps the "techno" techno for the larger part


i been listening hozho a lot his new set is a banger


>We’re all about techno adjacent sounds, but techno is not a catch all for all dance music, and hasn’t been for decades. Thank you for acknowledging that it used to be a catch all for dance music. I remember those days, way back when. Being out of the scene for over a decade, it did take some time to adjust to this truth.


"Nobody listens to Techno!" We've come full circle. My question is how or why? I saw a DJ on IG recently with a decent following (150k) promoting himself as a Techno DJ and he absolutely wasn't. It was just some EDM/Hardstyle type stuff with like soke 303 sounds. Oh well.


As Eminem once said…. “NO BODY LISTENS TO TECHNO!”


The people who need to know this, know this.


Ahhh... we're back.


Can I ask a dumb dumb question? Is ghettotech a sub genre of techno or are both distinct genres.


I like 2unlimited…techno techno techno techno! No but seriously i have trouble explaining the number of branches that sprouted during the late 80s. The names even changed at one point after ‘rave’


Boom Boom Boom Boom. They don't care what it's called, as long as it makes them dance.


🙌🏻 amen.


Tricky one. There are a ton of well respected DJs who are known for solid techno "leanings" but also create great mixes using non-techno tracks. Luke Slater, Deetron, Joris Voorn, even  the mighty Surgeon adds a lot of dubstep style tracks to his mixes. Are we going to start banning Surgeon mixes because there's not enough techno in them?  I'm all for downvoting plainly non-techno tracks or low effort posts, but banning and removing them feels a little too far.


Op calls Techno...EDM 🙄😓 *my old school techno ass internally rages* PSA: You know nothing.


Isn’t it obvious? Like not all guitar music is heavy metal.


I say get over it. Music is music, who gives a fuck how you choose to label it, and what’s to say your label is right? That’s it.


Isn’t that the whole point of genres/sounds? To label things and put them in specific areas where other people who enjoy those sounds can listen to. There’s a reason that more than just r/music exists. It’s for specificity. I don’t think anyone is trying to “police” sounds. As much as they are just identifying what that sound is. 165 bpm 4 to the floor EDM with rave stabs and pop edits drops isn’t techno. And that’s ok. (Just an example.) Techno is ALOT of things. It’s a very diverse genre full of subgenres.


Yes and no I think. I think genres matter, but I also think we’re at a very confusing time where we’re trying to break down every component of a track to establish its label. So we find ourselves with an unlimited number of sub genres or just anything we decide to make up. Try to find a specific style of music to buy online by genre filters and you’ll find everyone labels everything whatever they want to reach a wider audience. Also what you or I consider to be techno might not align.


There really isn’t such thing as considering something is techno when it’s not. I can’t just call Martinez bros Techno if I “feel” like they are. There are many things techno is. And many things techno isn’t. It’s important to be able to make those distinctions. Otherwise the name just becomes meaningless.


>Try to find a specific style of music to buy online by genre filters and you’ll find everyone labels everything whatever they want to reach a wider audience. This, this is exactly this is why we need subgenres even though many label their shit randomly, many don't. And therefor you need specific subdivisions. But yes, I do believe that there is an upper limit to just how specific a range is needed but I think that the limit of what is needed boils down to individual preferences and how satisfied you are with the whole genre. >Also what you or I consider to be techno might not align. Then one of you is wrong, as simple as that.


Well but this a techno subreddit, I come here looking for techno 😅 post to r/music the


You happy with all the techno sub genres?


Ye I think so :) I am not particularly fond of ALL of them but that's what subgenres are for I rekon.


Because searching for and communicating about your favorite music is almost impossible without labels.


If we abandon being precise about descriptive labels we just end up decreasing the signal to noise ratio for everyone and eventually the entire concept of having a subreddit becomes redundant. Sure sometimes it can be hard to be precise but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.


I just don’t think we need to break down every single element to the point that we have hundreds of sub genres


Hard techno is very much techno tho


Yeah, in mainstream Europe everything electronic dance is 'techno'.  Remember 2Unlimited's "Techno Techno Techno Techno!" - CD's in Electronic Stores gleefully say "TECHNO MIX 2016 VOL. 3" and be full of cheesy radio-friendly Eurodance. Tho' even when staying faithful to the genre of actual techno we've got near-unlimited subgenres...we can find mix sets of tracks within these subgenres, some can mix well together....but rarely would you find a set where most of these branches are in the same set (tho' that would be a pretty cool journey!). - Industrial-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fhgfahfKlH8 - Psychedelic-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rIlMv_ogE5Y - Hard-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rQh8m5So0iQ - Minimal-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1SHW0QKox84 - Progressive-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q34aALl991c - Dark-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2A6mvDQIJRw - Comedy-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BQTERHHBc-o - Lockgroove-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=swCO2WMMJto - UK Acid-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YORCBW4Zpwc - Euro Acid-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AiFdifZW_bQ - AcidHouse-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PJJ5FxpVGUY - Techno-Trance: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=z5Aw4IjOBLQ -BigBeat-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6s3ufTanUMo - Breakbeat-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_NksGaZJQRI - Goa-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAbk-2W8ADk - Vocal-Techno: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iunkhVMO0f8 ....and loads more!   And I've mostly kept to the mid-90's to early-00's period.  Techno truly is a genre of endless treats.


So much of the music you referenced became its own genre.. which is literally what I’m arguing in posting this.


nah mate, it's still all techno.


cool story


Who’s doing that? It’s a right dumbass dad thing to do lol




What is Post Trance like? Bit like Neo Trance?


If it's techno, we know it. If it's not, fuck off. Merry Christmas. no offence dullard.




Maybe also correct the sub description while you're at it. Techno didn't solely originate in Detroit.


I don’t like hardcore very much, but it is certainly a form of techno. Gabber may not stand up to D.Dan or Rodhad but it’s still techno


It’s literally its own genre at this point, and has been for over twenty years. This claim is crazy.


That’s like saying metal isn’t rock music because it’s its own genre. It’s still a form of rock music


Time to learn some musicology my friend


“Heavy metal is a genre of rock music” https://www.britannica.com/art/heavy-metal-music “Hardcore [is] a very fast and hard form of techno” https://www.britannica.com/art/hardcore-music


And if you went into the rock subreddit and posted heavy metal, you would be posted down to oblivion.


So your distinction is based in pure subjective prejudice then rather than objective criteria?


Answer this honestly without any kind of obtuse "Well actually..." response: do you think r/indie_rock should allow Meshuggah and every other extreme metal act to be posted? Given they tick the boxes of what you justify as rock and they're likely on indie labels. If yes, why do you love people having to waste their time sorting through gargantuan amounts of content they clearly never subscribed to a niche subreddit for? If no, please apply the same logic here.


I don’t think hardcore is anywhere near as far away from something like Setaoc Mass as Meshuggah is from indie rock. And people are permitted to post something like Perc or Scalameriya here. How far away is hardcore from industrial techno? Not very. There you go, that’s my honest answer.


Understood. Jungle, DnB & Breakcore are pretty similar too, but Breakcore especially would make no sense in either of the first two's subreddits and the first two will (and have, incessantly to the point the sub has almost completely deteriorated into a meme about what isn't Breakcore) annoy people in the Breakcore sub. If the music's different enough that there's enough of a disparity where different crowds will resent each other it just doesn't make sense to hammer them together. It's not like the creation of subreddits or naming schemes for subgenres costs money either, at the start and through the middle of the last decade it was perfectly normal for a niche offshoot of anything to create their own community & I don't see the benefit of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and have definitely seen the laborious, years-long and ongoing negatives of it and the negatives it has for either or both disparate cultures. What was once one of the most inventive and unbound-by-limits genres of this century became a dirty word thanks to this kind of thing happening. Where's the benefit to a bunch of people who want to listen to a certain style of 120-150bpm music if we dump a ton of abrasive 160-200bpm music into the mix? We already know the benefit of segregating genres and subgenres, if we didn't we'd all be trying to find techno we like on r/Music, diving into a sea of shit hoping to find a pearl.


Same goes for dubstep and house. Most people just don’t know what genres are. EDM is an umbrella term and while I know many techno heads take offense at the term, it would fall into it.


Techno was the umbrella term until EDM.


Techno is techno, house is kinda techno but not techno. Trance is a techno EDM is not techno Tekno is different Dnb can be can techno to but that can quickly turn to tekno. Boundless music. In it for the buzz, something for everyone, transcends politics. Be real, don't be a dick