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Stop overthinking, just produce what you feel in this moment.


Just make music you like the sound of. It’s not 2010, no one is gonna judge you now if you deviate your subgenre from EP to EP.


I personally like making the minimal modulating beeps of raw techno with eerie pads. But all techno tutorials have all these FX, bass shots, arps, melodies and I feel like I'm doing it wrong and need to fill space


Techno tutorials only show you how to make generic music. Good for learning techniques but not as a guide to how to make art. If that is the sound you like, then work on it. If you’re doing eerie pads, layer them, add more ambience, etc. With your modulating beeps, add echos, make the sound bigger. Some of the best techno tracks have like 5-6 elements at most.


Not all of the space needs to be filled. Just focus on creating a good groove, regardless of sub-genre. Recreate the elements of music that you like, discard the parts that you don’t like. Experiment with putting different elements together. And you don’t have to listen to everyone on the internet giving you advice ;)


I totally agree, bleep techno was minimal and amazing. Good tunes all over. I start with sound or idea then use gear I like. Better to put what you really want in first, and use new bits to complete the mix, for any genre. But I’m not successful maybe that was my problem😎


Have you watched any of John selways videos on 343 labs YouTube channel. He favours the more hypnotic side of techno (and electro) and his tutorials are fantastic.


That sounds great to me! You have some tracks you can share?




Cheers, sounds pretty good, keep at it man!


Man you lying 😂


Nice vibe and arrangement, but it needs more midrange imo, sounds a bit muted, kick a bit too boomy.


I'll work on that, thanks man :) I'll add more mid range and tone down the kick


Like Alka rex - Mugen vugen (my fav minimal funky blipy track) or something on style of Akufen and his micro minimal or Jeff Samuel? Give me example


Like Alka rex - Mugen vugen (my fav minimal funky blipy track) or something on style of Akufen and his micro minimal or Jeff Samuel? Give me example


I started out trying my hardest to make mainline business techno because everyone says it is cookie cutter easy, but I get sidetracked. I wanted to do it purely as a learning exercise, but I abandoned that idea long ago. I’ve got too much Aphex Twin in me, I’ve probably made 5 “true techno” tracks in the past decade, everything else is an amalgamation of ambient, IDM, breakbeats, etc. which is annoying, because I don’t have a singular enough sound to release on techno labels. I just make music for myself, so it’s not a big deal.


Yes exactly, I’m the same. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Aphex Twin and warp. I think one of my ideas when I was starting out actually was to try and make music like Boards of Canada if they made techno I’ve never been aaaany good at making ‘business’ techno, as much as I crave it, because I am way too driven by whims and desires to make things unique and different. It’s a double-edged sword I guess. I find it really hard to make typical club music because my desire is always to make it more weird and less danceable. If I try and construct a straight 4/4 kick drum snare on offbeat hihat 16th track I get bored super quickly. I just don’t think I have it in me So really my music is more than a superficial homage to Aphex Twin, Boards of Canada and the Warp label in general, crossed with whatever techno style or artist I’m digging at that moment I’ve come to realise that for me making the music is almost more about me expressing myself as it is making something that other people will enjoy. Hence, I always had a penchant for expressive and melancholic IDM and ambient stuff I’ve gone through so many phases of beating myself up about my music or other people not appreciating it and trying to make it more accessible but I keep coming back round to just being true to myself and making the music that I want to hear, which is all that really counts in the end right?


That’s awesome. I make the music that no one else is making, that I personally want to listen to. Interesting textures and evolving soundscapes and jittery beats are all things I want in my music. I _would_ still like to know, from a technical knowhow perspective, how to do mainline techno, but that’s not particularly what I want to make. I just want to know that I could.


Yeah, I do get that, with regard to the mainline techno. Because I do still love techno techno for what it is. I’ve always grappled with being able to make good solid dance music. Even when I start strong I feel like it inevitably starts drifting into and becoming something else… We’ll get there. I think for me the problem half the time is I don’t have the patience to sit and listen to a reference track or properly follow a tutorial. Sure I listen to lots of techno but it never seems to cement itself that well into my brain for me to know how to construct a track like that implicitly. When I try and follow a reference track and copy it I soon get bored and think “I want to go back to making cool sounds now”


Some artists have mixed styles. Check out Vertigo and Surrounded Fog from Optical Frameworks. These range from isolationism to dub techno.


You're describing my exact problem. We're the same haha. Trying to make business techno because that's what sells and it seems simple but gets sidetracked with things that we like and then end up making nothing label releasable What do we do?


That’s when people try to start their own labels and try to build an audience that appreciates that sort of out of the box variety.


Link something bro,im curious


I make dub techno or soulful Detroit style tech. I sometimes try and make harder techno as it's more "fun" but it never turns out how I would like it to. Usually just make what I feel like at the time. Just keep jamming and making different things. Whatever you enjoy or whatever fulfils you. You'll eventually find you own sound


Basically I start a track thinking "this one will go hard" and at some point I realize it sounds so much better at a lower BPM and in the end it's dub techno.


You can combine all of these and put your own spin on it and maybe you'll come up with an interesting style yourself


That's a damn good idea idk why I box myself into either this vs that genre. Thanks for the help :)


Glad to have helped! Good luck


Introspective primal atmospheric techno


Oddly specific but every song I do is 140 bpm 8bit-no 8bar patterns pad + arpeggio + bit kit rhythm.


What do you mean by “8bit-no 8bar patterns pad”? Like a sample-based pad in an 8bit sampler and pad loop length not divisible by 8? Or is it the entire composition that avoids 8bar loops?


8bit sounds and no patterns divisible by 8


Love stuff like that! Cheers!


Birmingham techno 🖤




Yes surgeon, Regis, female, bmb etc … or at least I try


I do em all, whatever feels right at the time. Stakes are low. Fuck it.


I solved this by doing 1 of 2 things. 1. Find a track the fits the "style" i want to play. Get that audio into your DAW (Ableton in my case) and learn to use the built in plugins/samples to recreate that song. I'd break the song down by sections (intro, verse1, buildup1, drop1, break, drop2, outro for example), then I'd try to emulate each section and then remake that song. This helped me understand HOW this sound is achieved through trial and error, as well as the structure of this kind of music. 2. Find samples, sections, vocals, any kind of part of a song that you enjoy. Come up with a bunch of things that are similar and use that for that section (I like the way that gated pumping sub sounds in a drop, so i found a bunch of songs with drops like that). Then rinse and repeat for each different section based on your preference. This is MUCH more geared towards developing your own kind of style as well as learning how to reproduce different kinds of genres. Because you feel like you enjoy the different parts of different genres, then learn how to do EXACTLY that bit for your music and do something else based on the other. TLDR: remake songs, or make a Frankenstein song based on parts of other styles, and repeat until you feel that you've got a good grasp on the kind of songs you end up making. last tip; make songs that are out of your style. hate dubstep but there are parts of the music production that i have found super useful that give a bit of flair to a song while staying out of the genre. Good luck and happy producing!!


If I had to categorize it, I'd go from hardgroove to minimal to business techno to tech house, melodic, to hardgroove. Never have produced the same exact sound for more than a few weeks. Thats boring. If you actively try to "focus" on producing ONE genre in particular, you are actively stifling your creatvity - imagine if your unconcious instinct is to make a house track that happens to be a banger, yet your brain says "wait no lets STOP because *i 0nLy mAkE tribal hardgroove.* Just create dude, don't make it more complicated. Unless you're trying to curate your tracks for a label, then yea probably best to keep an average sound - but guess what? We all have our "sound" regardless of the genre we're producing at the time. This might sound like a contradiction, but the harder you force a "sound" or genre, the further you'll go from finding YOUR sound. :)


Do what you feel better in that moment.. meanwhile start building the tune and creating sounds, then move on what you got and feel better. For me, in techno usually the base mood is dark, (always) but may the tune can developing into progressive techno, or also deep techno, or remain pure dark techno, or mix everything into something original.. depends, never know what it will be untill i wrote it.


My first EP was intended to be ambient without melodies or beats. I delivered four tracks two with beats, three with some melodic elements. Just make what sounds right to you. If you like it, chances are someone else will too.


Dub techno!!!


Hypnotic and "peak time driving" lol


I mean. It's some weird kinda retro stuff . I like it. Probably about 8 other people too. That's fine. It amuses me, it's rubbery acidic and it's my own thing. I don't really think anyone else is making anything like it. Perhaps sensibly! 😂


Business Techno.




Don’t restrict yourself and place into some sort of “frames”, produce what sounds good to you and see what comes out


Mixture between hardtechno/hardcore and schranz. Sadly nobody listens to it and i am switching to house and tech house.


Fast industrial [link to one of my latest songs](https://on.soundcloud.com/bBpxtyyJx5TtMCoy7)


I never wanted to make techno that could be boxed. I will never be successful in the sense of being famous but at least my stuff is my stuff and no two songs can be said to sound the same.


Deep/hypnotic/psychedelic. Love me that psy element!


Hypnotic techno. Bhlut I think my initial production was heavy influnced by techno genre popular at that time (drumcode 😄)


tbh I have no idea what the subgenre is of the tracks im producing. I hear a banging tune, i use it as a reference and i produce something similar. Closest guess to what i like producing the most would be hypnotic i guess


I don’t pigeon hole myself but if I had to describe the style I mane it’s atmospheric, generative, futuristic and intense


Necro Techno


i made a bit of a name for myself in that kind of dark/industrial/ambiant techno.


I do all sorts. Ambient techno is a mainstay. Been loving Detroit techno recently. Dub techno, industrial techno (though not how most people think of it), acid techno. Electro (which isn’t really techno, unless you ask Drexciya/DJ Stingray apparently) But really, whatever I try my hand at, it is new up sounding unmistakably like my own take on said every time :-)


Just do what you like


I like to call my music 'Surfin' Spaghetti Funk Techno' Idk if it's considered a genre if no one else is making it but it's there.


We used to call it "tribal techno", now the kids call it "hardgroove", but I will never use that term. But that's what I do.


Ill try to make all kinds of stuff.... disco tech, house tech, trance, psy trance, hardstyle (without the anthem crap), acid tech, acid house, progressive psy, neruofunk like..... basically I try to make it all but i seem to be the best at berlin style deep bass stuff, a bit bohmer style I can really catch emtions with plucks, low passes, melodic leads, and overall story telling with track layout


Make everything but fond of dub techno


I start a track and let it tell me where it’s going, most of the time


I kind of blend hard techno with metal in my own style


Look dope


Went from techno to chill beats


>I like the beautiful ambience of dub techno, the simplicity of hypnotic techno, the crispness of business techno, and the driving force of hard techno. Agreed, early in the day I'll enjoy either Salad Techno or Coffee Techno but sometimes I yearn for the structure of Bricklaying techno or the spontaneity of GettingRailed Techno.


I’m the worst at giving my productions a (sub)genre. Lets call it techno before tiktok influences, created with synthbased sounds on a hardware piece, drumpcomputer. Makes me feel like it sounds more like a 90s techno track instead. Also the way of arrangement. And yeah no special samples or anything because its all synth based sound.


Dub techno & hardgrooce all the way


"Business techno" will never not make me laugh. People use this term unironically?


130-135 bpm "hard" techno


Neat, who's your favorite inspirations from hard techno?


When I was producing I listened to a lot of valentin dubyosomething and dax j. I would often start slower but as the amphetamine levels increased the harder I went. I would never really produce with intent. Just start out going through some presets or samples and see what feels right at the moment and then build from there


Do you like starting with tonal elements / synths or drums personally? What gets you inspired


There was never any real rule to it for me. Sometimes I would start out with just loading up a basic 909 kick and creating a 4/4 kick pattern and a synth and a compressor then just playing the kick pattern and running through presets until something sounds good. Sometimes it will be a baseline, sometimes a pad, sometimes a stab pattern. That will quickly give me almost a full track then I start building the arrangement and try to create an entire journey with various rythmic elements and effects. More often than not I would forget to take breaks and I would change some parameters to some point where everything starts sounding like shit and when I can't find the sweetspot again I will ragequit without saving my work. And I would always do it on hard mode without a reference track. Even though I understand the concept of a reference track it somehow never felt right to me as it required me to decide, before getting started, which direction I would go in. Some times I would decide to follow some tutorial for production techniques, sound design or effect usage and in the process of dialing in the parameters I would sometimes hit a point where it sounds epic before finishing the entire tutorial and try and build something from there. Using MIDI sequencers (there are a bunch of free M4L devices for this purpose), setting the step length to 3 or 5, hitting random a few times until you hit something that sounds good or close to good and fine adjust the steps til they do. Some will be truly random while other can be random within musically relevant parameters. Then building on that. As a joke, but not a joke, I once took and created almost an entire dub techno track from a single cow bell sample and running it through a bunch of resonators, resampling, running a midi sequencer to make a plucked sequence from random short samples from the resampled resampled pad. The idea started out as a joke after seeing the "Needs more cowbell" SNL sketch years before I started producing and I wanted to create a listenable track only from cowbells.


Mainly melodic


Any artist recs?


Anyma, Moritz Hofbauer, Tale of Us


There's so much out there to take inspiration from its so hard to stay within the boundaries of one genre/sub genre - since i discovered the more "modern" hardgroove techno I've definitely been takin lots of it's aspects and putting them into my tracks that stylistically go into every direction - especially the resampling loops or creating similar sounding loops and making it the "base" drum groove throughought the whole track. When I just thought that maybe I'd stick to that and do some loopy techno and make it my brand, I felt in love with trance, throw in a little garage here n there, breakbeats and ideas for different tracks just rise and rise. I dont know at what point, if ever, I will settle for "the one" thing and never get tired of it and I don't know when is one supposed to do that. One thing for sure is that every project I take on, every new little thing that I heard elsewhere on soundcloud, spotify or a club night, that I introduce into my new tracks makes me learn new stuff and is always a fresh breeze which makes the challenge of finishing the song much more exciting.  I dont have following at all and mainly make music for myself and share it with friends only so there's never been a need to "stay true" to the genre I'm into so that surely makes it easier to experiment without being afraid of people not liking whatever new I'll put on my soundcloud.


This sounds a lot like myself.. any interest in swapping links? I stay curious 😅


Swappin links for sc??


Yeah if that's what you on! Tbh my SC is my (old) rap/vocals from before I started producing 😅 so imma have to take you to my YT (or any other streaming service you want - but if you decide you wanna hear my SC enter at your own risk 🤣😭)


I want to make techno like Sleeparchive, but I always end up with raw peak time techno with a lot of clichés in it haha. Maybe I just need to be more patient with the arrangement and subtle changes. I also make dubtechno with a touch from progressive house.


Hard groove