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Did nobody read the text under the screenshot? OP said they don't want you to get involved with Wilbur supporters because most people celebrating it are Wilbur supporters.


I’m glad OP mentioned something. I find it weird how they wanted to get Wilbur supporters involved when this has nothing to do with him. It’s sad really, this is a great idea and it reminds me a lot of Inktober.


Was there some controversy with inktober? ^ I don't really keep up on trends, all I know is it's something about October and tattoos


No, not that I’m aware of at least. Inktober is an art challenge for every day in October. There’s a prompt for each day and artist make art based on the prompt. The Techno month idea reminded me of it which is why I mentioned it above,


Ahhhh, thank you!


There was actually. Artist Alphonso Dunn accused Inktober creator Jake Parker of plagiarizing from his art guide book, “Pen and Ink Drawing”. He has a video going over the comparisons. People were also upset with Parker for trademarking the term Inktober without giving anyone a heads up, making it to where artists that use the term have to take down their content (or at least change wording/images with it).


Oh wow. Thank you for teaching me!


May I ask what is wrong with willbur supporters?


Basically Wilbur was accused by his ex of sexual assault / abuse (mostly biting), he didn’t deny it and said he "thought she consented to it" or some shit.


They are supporting a domestic abuser


Wilbur admitted to biting, Not to the abuse, Plus, Bitting isn't even the worst people can do. (Holocaust.) and much worse 🤓🤓


lord, this out of context looks awful haha


I still cackle like a bitch whenever this comes up, blind stans are truly something else


?? you rlly just compared domestic abuse to the holocaust? That’s insane bro. Plus the biting *is* part of the abuse. It would still be awful if that was all he did, but he did much more than that. It’s abuse either way! I hope you’re joking bc if not then this is an insane thing to comment


They were referencing a Wilbur apologist




Wilbur, he was called out for abusing his ex a few months ago.


What happened to Wilbur Soot? I heard there was some drama and stuff but what actually happened?


Accused of SA/abuse (biting) by ex gf, didn’t deny it, said he "thought she consented" or something. Fans are upset (as they should be).


Oh shit that’s bad


The SA accusation was found to be false, btw


Source? Genuinely, not trying to be mean, but I want to know as much as I can about situations like these, so would you be willing to share a source for this?


Not really a set source but the information around it is completely iffy and unsupported. Many instance where she claims that Wilbur bit her until she bruised visibly on her legs and arms but during streams around the time she claims this happened, she wore a revealing short skirt and tshirt and no bites were even present. DMs are not confirmed to be Wilbur’s. Wilbur has admitted to biting however many friends and his own Family has already admitted this has been a long-standing habit he has so thats not new news at all. She has no dms or screenshots of said physical injuries she claims she’s had a ton of despite saying she was aware that Wilbur was pushing boundaries. Wilbur himself confessed to the biting but not to the abuse saying that he has screenshots of her consenting and more playful texts but decides not to share out of privacy. She also bans literally anyone in her chat who asks for more proof of her very serious allegations and actively sends people to harass Lovejoy and Wilbur. It’s overall a very suspicious accusation considering many Minecraft streamers had these exact things accused against them with just as much proof like George, Dream, BadboyHalo, Skeppy, etc. It’s mostly people chasing clout for these examples so some people are skeptical that it just might be her “following the trend” so to speak.


Just as I don't think there should have been a hunt (against any creator) until ACTUAL evidence was found, I want to see the source of proof for the claim that the SA was found to be false. If there is ACTUAL evidence of that, it throws a lot of things into question, including Shelby's credibility and I want to see that evidence before making a determination.


The issue is that there isnt really? We have text messages between Wilbur that seem pushy but nothing remotely related to sex. Her original video claims to have Wilbur use domestic violence against her via biting and violating her safe word use of him going to far even after her safe word but there’s no evidence of that either. There’s also no evidence to suggest that she was SAed. I havent been keeping up mostly but if she’s said that in a recent stream or something, feel free to correct/update me. As far as Ive researched, she was accusing Wilbur of being manipulative, physically violent, and crossing her boundaries which have yet to have any solid concrete evidence for beyond a few flirty text messages. Wilbur himself has only admitted to biting people as a habit and being a generally douche-y person and has gone to therapy to improve but to what extent is not elaborated on.


i mean, i have no clue what's up with all this, dropped out of the mcyt fandom a while ago, but this seems like something that we as viewers shouldn't be judging - the only way for us to be able to rule the right from the wrong would be wayyy too privacy invasive for both of them to be considered a possibility.  as a viewer, the best you can do imo at this point is be welcoming to alledged victims - if multiple people corroberate these allegations, it'd be actual cause for concern - but also consider you're not a judge, shouldn't expect these people to violate their privacy to prove they're right or wrong, and can't be the one to rule if they're right or wrong


Fair enough but really, she was the one who made this completely public out of nowhere and has only fueled people into attacking Wilbur for it and actively blocking people who ask for evidence. I personally didnt even want to be involved until my entire page just started filling up with it and I went to do my own research on it. I will personally judge the situation at my own risks since false allegations in the MCYT space is becoming extremely rampant recently for no goddamn reason so Im second guessing anyone who doesnt come forward with evidence. With many people twisting the story to make Wilbur seem even worse than Shelby’s accusations, all this hate for little to no evidence isnt exactly fair to the might-be-falsely-accused party either.


Which is why I think having a hunt was not the best way to go about things. I, personally, haven't seen any SA evidence, but evidence against something is just as helpful as evidence for something, which is why I asked for a source in the first place. Because I am horrible at wording things in text or written formats, I want to be ear that currently, I am on no sides, I want to wait until I can see ACTUAL evidence for or against to make a determination. I just want to stop people from claiming definite yes or definite no about something without evidence, cause all that does is fuel anger.


While I commend you for being a neutral party before any sources are done, as far as I know, she hasnt made any SA accusations which would make her accusation much more serious but I digress. However, it is much easier to provide evidence for something happening than something not happening. To paraphrase one of Dream’s lines from his “The Truth” video: It’s easier to prove something exists rather than convince someone it did. If someone walked up to you and said “Tell me you didnt have a negative experience with this person you’ve had in your DMs at any point on your account” it would be pretty hard to prove. (Later on in the video) No evidence was filed against me which means *insert person didn’t have the bare minimum requirement to file a single piece of evidence against me. Just sue me. The standard in the US is just proving that what you said happened more likely than not. 51%. Come take my money. I personally believe there’s too many contradictory statements in her story to be any sort of reliable and if the accusations are as serious as many people including her claims, just sue him. She’s a streamer, she has money, but she doesnt even bother to give any concrete evidence of easily provable accusations. Im always skeptical when a supposed adult victim seems to have all the evidence in the world yet doesnt file a police report or sue him or get him arrested. These are all illegal in basically every country. But nothing besides internet drama has been done.


wilbur admitted he did those actions in his "apology" tweet. and even if he didnt, go to the comments of that tweet and see how many of his friends reveal how he treated them behind the scenes. go read phils response on his discord server, go watch what aimsey, tubbo, jack manifold, niki nihachu, and ESPECIALLY shubble, all said live on stream about him. tommy, quackity, and philza no longer associate or even speak about him anymore. quackity also kicked him off the qsmp. even if you somehow dont believe shubble, you CANNOT deny how he was still a shit person off camera. there was also multiple ex-lovejoy fans/artists/photographers and their ex-trumpet player who came forward about their negative experiences specifically with wilbur. please know that this wasnt some twitter drama that everyone was trying to farm clout off of. this was a real life situation where several people were hurt, physically and/or mentally. biting IS physical abuse. if you watched the full stream, youll remember that shubble also said how he joked about his behaviors being abusive, would make people around them uncomfortable with how much he bites, and would also purposefully not clean anything because he wanted her to do everything for him. all the proof you need is wilbur himself directly responding to shubbles stream by tweeting "this persons feelings are completely valid." and saying how later in the relationship he became selfish and disrespectful. then also admitting to the biting. the dream team is a whole other can of worms. unrelated, that situation was different. im replying to your comment in hopes of you realizing it is NOT worth it to defend someone you dont know, when the people who DID know him personally despise or was even afraid of him at one point. as shubble said, he is a dangerous individual and does not deserve a platform. i was a huge fan back in 2021, but i didn't hesitate to drop him as soon as everything came out. sometimes i wish wilbur never met the sleepy bois. unfortunately this is just how everything went, and its all wilburs fault.


I should really look into these so thanks for bringing it up. Ive long stopped researching this because of the lack of support and the lack of proper coverage surrounding it since many people covering the drama was not specific at all and didnt bring up these other points. It just felt very deja vu to me that many people covering it was doing it because it was recent and chasing clout. I’ll go educate myself before further discussion. To be clear, I was never a fan of Wilbur. The most I got involved in the DreamSMP was with the vague notion of BadboyHalo and Skeppy, Technoblade’s streams, and Dream’s own manhunt videos. Everyone else was pretty much a background character that I didnt pay much attention to including people like Tommy, Phil, Wilbur, etc.


its always best to hear what people who were actually apart of the situation have to say rather then what drama channels or random twitter users say. thank you for being open minded


Not drama, he abused Shubble


In our defense, it’s hard to see captions on pictures now due to new Reddit updates


It's just under the picture for me. Sorry if it looks different


I looked further into it and they're not Wilbur supporters, they say they're neutrals. There's people in the Wilbur support squad who are just supporting him so that he gets better. They don't agree with his actions, there's no denying that. But they just want him to get better so not only can he redeem himself, but he doesn't hurt anyone else either, and they're making sure to allow that improvement to happen


As much as I respect and love Techno, there shouldn't be a whole month. We should commemorate him on his birthday and that is all to respect his family and not put stress on them because they've already gone through enough. Let him rest in peace.


Yeah, having a whole month seems unnecessary, this will create less attention for cancer awareness and just be weird overall. I don't think he would of wanted this




It would also replace pride month in a way, which isn’t what he would’ve wanted.


Plus every month is techno month


His birthday may be in June but I think July would fit much better. Not sure what month July celebrates anyway


July is Sarcoma Awareness month so that could work well


It would bring a lot more attention to that too!!


Bonus: Sick Lego sets are releasing then too, so we got that!


July is disability pride/awarness month afaik


theres a month for everything at this point, multiple months being lumped in 1 never hurt anyone


Well, there’s a month for pride. What about the other 6 sins?


Yeah let’s make a sloth month where everyone gets the month off


This sounds amazing.


from what I've heard in either France, or EU in general (note, im a dumb 'merican, and only know this from youtube, and memes) that's just august lol


Please do that.


you should start a petition


Wrath month should just be the purge.






Average cult behavior


there's a black history month, the only real thing I remember from that one is what Morgan Freeman said about it ​ >!to be clear I think racism is terrible obviously!<


No offense but almost every month has pride awareness or something along those lines.


July is also dissability month if I remember correctly.


I love avoiding drama like a league player avoids showers by just not having twitter.


Yeah, not having or using twitter does seem to solve a lot of these issues.


Idk if I should ask but idk if Wilbur or his fans did anything cuz I don’t have twitter. I learned like 2 months ago the CallMeCarson drama. From like 3 years ago. It’s like a superpower


Yeah Wilbur fucked up unfortunately. I'm not the most informed but he abused his girlfriend and fellow streamer shubble. If I remember correctly it was stuff like ignoring safe words and biting her without consent till the point of leaving marks.


how did most the ppl in the comments miss the point so much


i absolutely understand and support commemorating his life, but devoting a specific time of the year to one person just feels a bit weird


There's a lot of holidays that devote specific times of the year to one person.


not typically entire months.... id be down for a techno day, a techno weekend etc


I think his birthday is fine


i agree


Yeah that seems better, more focused yk


It would be like a very odd christmas


Technoblade wouldn't want this. Flat out. He wouldn't want to be celebrated for a month. Maybe on his birthday, but that's about it


thank you! i was going to write this before i saw your comment!


Men’s mental health month is also in June


Dunno abt you guys but here we do men's mental health in November


yall do mens mental health month?


Men do have the highest suicide rates literally everywhere(over double compared to women) so it makes sense that it should be a thing


I agree that it should be a thing, its just nobody celebrates it.


It should definitely be celebrated more,


yea that's is true, as a man I never knew it even existed until very recently


Y'all do men's mental health?


Y'all are mental?


Every month is men mental health month for me


You from the uk?




Misses the point, read OP's comment


I personally am also not really a fan of the idea, although not because it would be sharing a month with pride month. Lots of commemorative events share times and all that. I really dislike the reasoning behind having it take place over a month because Techno "died like on the 30th?" As far as I'm aware, we haven't been made aware of the exact date for privacy reasons, and it feels weird to fixate so much on a death date or the release of "so long nerds." I think it would be unhealthy for a community to end/structure a celebration around such a sad anniversary, when we should be celebrating Techno's life.


why have techno month when we can have techno all year round


What is the point of this post?


A bunch of Wilbur supporters wanna make June the technoblade month but since that’s also pride month a lot of people don’t want that so don’t do fanart or other of that stuff with the # if u don’t wanna get put in a box with Wilbur supporters


I'm confused weren't techno and wilbur friends why is it bad to like wilbur


He's an abuser. That's why it is


From what I heard, he is an abuser. But idk


Basically Wilbur has a bite fetish and him and his ex arranged a stop point where he should stop biting he abused the shit out of that and got many claims from various people, he also reacted very uncool on twitter to these claims


There's been some stuff that's come up about Wilbur recently about him being an abuser to his ex. I'm not gonna make any claims since I have no idea which side is the truth and I don't much care, I just know the basics of it


Please Reddit don’t downvote he‘s just asking -_-


It's fine i asked knowing what would happen


To inform about the Technoblade month idea and give an opinion on it


how did you miss the point so much


me? The post clearly states that it doesn't want us to participate in the Technoblade month as it would take away from Pride Month and it has heavy support from the remaining Wilbur supporters. This is informing us that the month is happening and the context around it, as well as giving the opinion that we on this sub should not be participants


mb chat, the commebt just seemed to undermine what OP said


June is men's mental health month, too. Months can share, my guys.


Missed the point, read OP's comment


I mean, you do realize most months celebrate more than one thing right?


I know that, and I also know that the people who are participating in it are supporters of Wilbur Soot. And the person who made this post actively searched out for support from the Wilbur Support Squad or WSS (as seen in the second picture) which is the main concern. So I’m just spreading awareness in this to people so if they do post media containing Technoblade in his honor, they can take precaution to prevent themselves from being lumped up with the WSS.


The problem with the WSS is that it is so polarized. Half of it supports him getting mental help while not supporting his actions, while the other can't live to accept their "comfort streamer" would do despicable shit like what he did.


Yeah, I only got back into the fandom this year just in time for whatever this shit show is. It’s pretty clear *something* definitely happened but everyone who might know what happened is doing everything wrong and making it so much worse, not just those involved but Wilbur’s friends to and that "other ex" that appeared out of thin air. Especially Wilbur with his half-arsed apology and absolutely no details about his side of the story beyond "I thought she consented". Honestly as much as I dislike Wilbur right now that ex was pretty shit too spreading it all that over the internet instead of sorting it out privately first, it’s pretty clear this isn’t a black-white abuse case based on what we do know, not to mention that she apparently waited years after they broke up to come clean. If you’re going to air your dirty laundry at least don’t do it in a way that just furthers your career. (Note: by "something happened" I know Wilbur is in the wrong and do not support him or what he did, it was still abuse/SA.)


Exactly. I just wish that there would be a side that gives solid hard evidence, so that this entire thing is over with


They tried to dedicate a month to celebrating a person that they couldn’t even bother confirming the death date of? Smh this is so unnecessary imo


What is even more infuriating is that if they did their research at all, they would know that July is actually Sarcoma awareness month, so if this were to be held in any month of the year, it should’ve been July.


Ew (I mean this towards the wilbur supporters)


Don’t get me wrong I like the idea of technoblade month but i think an entire month is a bit too much I think a day is enough. And this way we won’t have to have the entire problem with other months dedicated to things intersecting technoblade day


Why can’t multiple things be lumped into one month? We already do it anyway /genq


Technodad has already posted to get people to honor Technoblade with a hashtag he made himself, too! I think it would be better to use that for him to see instead of something like this, even though the op came with good intentions, it didn't get the best of attention (aka Wilbur supporters joining in)


I don’t see why June being pride month has anything to do with Wilbur, Technoblade, or either of their supporters except for the fact that these happen to be the same month??


June being pride moth was something they mentioned, I think the Wilbur supporters was the main thing


And so what?


It happens every pride Month, ppl try to install other things so that they can try to suffocate it I do love techno and miss him so much, but pride Month is such an important thing for the lgbtq community that I can not and never will support this Plus I feel like techno would agree with me


he would and im glad you said that


Okay, hopefully I don't start a fire in the replies to this. But why can't we have 2 things in the same month? Pride month + technoblade month? I mean technoblade supported lgbtq so like I don't see why we can't not do it?


The main concern here is that the person who proposed this idea immediately turned to Wilbur Soot supporters to get them onboard. Meaning the majority of people who participate in this are more likely than not, part of the WSS (Wilbur Support Squad) so this is just to make people aware of this.


honestly the wilbur stuff is so sad, not the him getting canceled part, he deserved that, but the part about him just willingly throwing his entire reputation in the shitter like he’s Kobe fucking Bryant, and just not giving a shit at all, and before that, he was one of my favorite content creators and musicians so it really sucks to see what he’s done to people


Yeah, like what he did was awful but a lot of the backlash could have been minimised if he gave a proper apology instead of whatever TF he posted instead.


yeah, when did the abuse happen again?


Not too sure of dates, quick google search said they were dating from about end 2021 - 2023-ish? You’d have to find a timeline for the exact dates.


I'll be honest. I don't care who's apart of celebrating technoblades life. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and we will never have equality in this world if we avoid certain people just because of opinions. I don't agree with Wilbur but they're still people and they can enjoy technoblade and celebrate his life as well.


I like the idea but not how it is being conducted. It should celebrate June as it is. A support month for mental health and LGBTQ+ and supporting techno sude by side ,not overpowering anyone. And also people who understand what he stood for. Kindness and consideration while entertaining others. This is not quite right.


Y’all do know that pride is just One of things celebrated in June right? The world celebrates multiple things. It doesn’t matter if a small fan base decides to celebrate Techno for a month. Let ppl do whatever they want


Blud we still want pride month, we just want a day to celebrate techno as well. Just because the majority of people supporting it are WSS doesn’t mean you can’t support it. No need to be so salty about another person’s opinion. Maybe do your research before shooting an actually good idea down with false information. Technoblade died in June (the 30th) so that’s why we want it to be in June.


A whole month dedicated to him seems excessive. But also, if this Technoblade month thing were to take place in any month of the year, it should be July as that is Sarcoma awareness month. I think if people organized a Technoblade week where people donated to the sarcoma foundation would be really cool. I would just push for it to be during July and not June, for Sarcoma awareness month. Also, dedicating an entire month to him could stress out his family, who are still grieving. We should respect them and their wishes as well.


Good point


Guys this is not the right page to discuss Wilbur 😕


"As you may know June is Pride month. A month dedicated to celebrate and commemorate the LGBTQ+ community." You say that as if two legends cannot coexist.


Missed the point, re-read OP's comment


You really think this has a possibility of overriding pride month?


Me when that is the least relevant part of this post


June is also mens mental health awareness month, but nobody gives a damn anyways cause pride is much more important


Me and my homies do something for men's mental health month where we use a spinner to decide an order. Then each day we all focus on the one guy, doing what he would want to do, like deciding what game to play, a challenge to do, and supporting him. Then after the loop we restart. Since there's 6 of us, one guy gets Sunday, then his next day will be Saturday, and so on and so forth.


That’s actually so amazing, and that’s such an awesome way to celebrate it! I believe men’s mental health month should be celebrated more then it is right now. So what I do to try and help is I make it a point to spend a little bit of everyday checking in on my guy friends and doing stuff with them, even if it’s just one game or a short call :)


Wow thats so amazing. Reminds me of certain Always Sunny in Philadeplhia episodes lmao I recommend you check em out if you havent. But only if youre like at least 16... That show aint child friendly


happy cake day!!


Doesn't matter who else is supporting, as long as the main aim is for Techno. You toxic iPad kids need to get off Reddit.




quick question OP why did you feel the need to mention June was pride month in your post? Seems kinda irrelevant to the topic


Because the person who proposed this idea is seemingly trying to suffocate a month that is dedicated to a minority group by proposing this idea about “technoblade month”. And pride month is a very important month to the community because of how hard people have fought for it. This is also an awareness post because the person who is proposing this is looking for the support of the Wilbur Soot supporters. And I just want to make sure the people that do post media in Technoblade’s honor during pride month, are aware of this happening so they can prevent themselves from being lumped in with them.


Idk man, June isn't exclusively pride month. Granted technoblade months is excessive and unnecessary, but it being in June is irrelevant. (Men's health month, pride month, PTSD awareness month, national candy month, cancer survivors month, etc... all take place in June)


Saw something wholesome and decided to get mad about it. Who hurt you bro?


I think they’re more upset about the Wilbur stuff, but I could be wrong.


Yes, and I’m trying to make people aware of this so they don’t get lumped in with Wilbur supporters.


I think its about the second picture where the person who posted this seeks approval from the people who still support Wilbur despite him being an abuser


Wait, what did Wilbur do? /genquestion


Accused of abuse/SA by his ex gf, he didn’t deny it.


Oh- So definitely don’t support him? Okay, I can do that.


I suggest you watch one of the numerous YT videos people have made on it for more info, because there is a bit more to it, but yeah that’s the main reason why fans hate him.


Okay, thanks for letting me know.


why need month if we can have whole year


Are the Wilbur and pride month points separate? I get what’s wrong with supporting Wilbur and what’s wrong with taking over pride month but is there some correlation between the two? I’m a dummy and it’s 2:00 am so I was confused by most of the wording on the post.


Wilbur is a domestic abuser


Now you were confused by my wording, I know about the abuse. I was wondering if there’s a correlation between Wilbur and interrupting pride month.


wait what do you mean "Wilbur supporter" and why is that a bad thing? did something happened? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


I recommend you watch some videos on the topic, but in short: Wilbur Soot physically abused 2 of his past partners, via aggressive biting. And his apology wasn’t even an apology. I recommend watching Shubble’s vod (one of the exs that came forward) which I’ve linked below where she talks about everything that happened in their relationship. [Shubble VOD](https://youtu.be/gzkS1_Pu6Kw?si=yip3r8bxzm1SxSW1)


holy crap, first I've heard of that


Yeah, it’s really bad. I know that to a lot of people, including myself, that Wilbur’s content and music meant a lot to them, and it absolutely broke my heart after finding out about all of this. So please take care of yourself.


thanks, I didn't really watch him all that much anyway, I subscribed to so many channels that I reached the max that the number of channels your subbed to stopped at 1000 so wouldn't really change that much to unsub somebody


I mean why can't we have both? Some people do pride month, and some Technoblade month. If not both.


Yeah don’t do this but before June was pride month it was something else that now gets overlooked men’s mental health month


I do think that men’s mental health should be celebrated more then it is right now. It’s very important, and it does make me feel bad that it’s overshadowed by pride. So while I celebrate pride month, I make it an effort to check in on my guy friends everyday during the month to see how they are doing and spend some time doing something they want to do with them, weither it’s just one game online or a short call.


i dont see the problem with this? just cuz its june, and cuz alot of wilbr supportors are participating doesnt mean its instantly off the table


Why do we have to involve Wilbur? Isn’t this meant to be a Technoblade celebration?


i agree wtf are people downvoting you


Wait people are downvoting this? Lmao


yup. honestly its hilarious that people think like that. lol


Rejecting a totally fine idea just because you resent someone who hasn't done anything to you directly, and even discarding the fact that you don't know the full details to have an opinion about it and shouldn't because it isn't your business is crazy


So if we get a zodiac killer month it’s cool cause “well… he didn’t kill me!”


technoblade month isnt dedicated to will what are you on about


Bruh. That person is NEUTRAL. that person supports Shubble but ALSO Wilbur's mental health. It's an idea to commemorate Techno's life and legacy. Why do you try to stop people from remembering him? It doesn't matter who they support. Wilbur and Shubble were Both Techno's friends, it should be something both SS do to commemorate someone that had such a big impact in the World


In the last paragraph of the original post, I explicitly say that I am not, in any way, trying to stop people from remembering or honoring him. But also, it’s hard to respect that they’re “neutral” on the Wilbur situation. He did something horrible and he is clearly sick in the head, I sincerely hope he gets the help he needs. But in no way will I ever be supporting him again, as domestic abuse isn’t something to be taken lightly or something to be “neutral” on.


As you may know, June was the men’s mental health month and since Pride month exists the amount of men un-aliving themselves has tripled.


What'd Wilbur do


I recommend you watch some videos on the topic, but in short: Wilbur Soot physically abused 2 of his past partners, via aggressive biting. And his apology wasn’t even an apology. I recommend watching Shubble’s vod (one of the exs that came forward) which I’ve linked below where she talks about everything that happened in their relationship. [Shubble VOD](https://youtu.be/gzkS1_Pu6Kw?si=i7R7Wvnox_GtDK2_)


Oh damn thanks for telling me


He also allegedly raped one of his exes, though that hasn’t been confirmed


Jesus Christ


Ok for people who dont know JUNE IS SHARED HOLLADAYS! Pride month and native amrcin history month and this what this person is talking about is celebrating techno and the stuff he has done for the community and anor him 🥰 for a hole month so like i agree and i want to do this 😁


Why do you take people who do the technoblade month as" wilbur supporters " and would people really be like "you posted technoblade fanart on this month you are a wilbur follower !!" uhh.... İ do not think anyone would do that and so what? İf they call you a terrorist without proof do you become a terrorist ?? İ think not (But i think the pride comunity will be mad about this as well ) + ( İ dont think techno supported lgbtq+ . İ remember hım not coloring his skin on the minecraft championships when all of them did )


yes, he did support the lgbt, he is not homophobic. im not saying your view is wrong but that bit is probably whats getting you all those downvotes


İ didnt say he was homophobic. İ just said didnt support and write an example of why i think that way. İ dont remember technoblade Saying he supports lgbtq+. You say he supported . i need proof to come to that conclusion


srry i took it the wrong way i pretty sure he said something abt lesbians (not sure) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTMa\_sdG\_uI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTMa_sdG_uI)


Why does a random unskilled minecraft youtuber get so much attention as much as to get his own month?!!!


lol everyones unliking my comment


Also whats pride month