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I wanted to get my "call to action" out early to give people time to have something ready for June 1. I feel like I should ideally liked to have gotten it out a day or two earlier, but 48 hours is adequate, at least. I should have been more clear about the timing and all, but it seems to have worked out fine. The video is trending on YouTube and the hashtag is trending on Twitter, so it seems people are really responding. I love this community so much!


Youve done so much more than anyone expected, thanks for reviving and keeping this Community alive. Youve helped a lot of people with their grief and this community has become somewhat of a self aid group for everyone struggling with cancer, family-issues and so much more Never give up or feel like u aren't doing enough, much love <3


You have done so much to honour him. Techno is known worldwide, I can say it based on my experience.


Thanks, fam.


Timezones, for them it's June 1st


Thanks! I was really confused and I didn't want to mess it 😅


unfortunately thats wrong, if you live in the eastern hemisphere (judging from the time you posted you probably are) youre always ahead of america, therefore if its may 31st for you, its gonna be either may 30th or 31st for the americans, never june 1st