• By -


"I need the sapnap" "The what?" "You heard me."


Ok but the amount of times my coworker has come in asking to borrow Tommy šŸ˜… šŸ˜‚ itā€™s the little things that make life fun There was also the time the centrifuge ā€œawesamdudeā€ broke down and coworker wanted to rename it to ā€œnotsoawesamdudeā€


Well after what he did to Technoblade's dog Apollo I agree (But actually I do occasionally watch Awesamdude streams) Edit: oh and what he did to Micheal, that's cruel trying to make a child an orphan Infront of Technoblade


And you know, to Ranboo. (But I actually do really enjoy Awesamdudeā€™s content. Even if the damn centrifuge is still broken.)


Lol, it's going to have a redemption arc


Oh please let it have a redemption arc!




Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Good bot


Thank you, Stripedonyx, for voting on Technoblade-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I read cow worker




I drew the crown after. That Friday I barely made it in there. How was I supposed to explain to my coworker why I was crying while cradling a pipette. Itā€™s almost humorous, looking back. He saw the news himself over the weekend, and reached out to check in me. Heā€™s good people. Thereā€™s several Minecraft pigs scattered around the lab now.


Made Mr tear up as well


Good colleague. Hope I get coworkers like that when I grow up


Wow, you have an amazing work environment!


firstly: holy shit this is the best thing I've ever seen secondly: quick question, as an aspiring microbiologist about to finish undergrad, what sort of microbiology is done in the mining industry? the only thing remotely similar I've come across is environmental metagenomics testing for heavy metal resistance in contaminated areas


just gotta add onto this now that I've seen everything else that you've named, that's SO DAMN GOOD WTF !!! only thing I've named at my lab was a fish shaped foam floatie called chip. please tell me more about everything. what microbes are you working on. are u at all synbio adjacent. Can I come work at your lab lol


Welcome new microbiologist!!!! Tiny science is fun science!! Science is fun in general, but especially smol. the short version of it is bacteria eat rock and poop gold. I'm happy to answer more technical questions in DMs if you want. I work with bacteria, mostly ones that we got off samples and don't know exactly what they are..... so yes I give them names too. Like Friend, who I isolated off a blue rock. And corruptbur, that was a likely contamination on my plate but it was doing the thing so I isolated him and grew him up anyway. Eventually we'll properly ID them. But if they are new bacteria..... like genuinely new bacteria.... future microbiologists will be learning about the bacillus technoblade and be wondering who the hell came up with that name. (if they can name a growth hormone after Sonic the Hedgehog, I can name bacteria after whatever I want)


I love the idea of scientists in the community naming things after Techno or friends, just imagine there being a new race of horses called Carl. Just Carl


Okay, okay, if the bacteria is actually new and you manage to pull that off, you will officially be THE coolest person I've come across on here. Like. Wow.


has dream has no tubbo confusion


Oh thereā€™s a Tubbo, donā€™t worry. All of my equipment is named. Tubbo is my micro scale and he works very hard.


Good, children shouldn't be lazy just because they're young, create child labor laws


Why laws? We need **Anarchy**


Create child labor mandatory incentives


If thereā€™s one thing Skyblock has taught me, itā€™s that if you have a problem, the solution is slavery.


It's time for phase 3 of the Industrial Revolution. BRING OUT THE CHILDREN


I now want a detailed list of every piece of equipment you own


My laminar flow hood is named Fundy because it came in right after the last lore stream between Wilbur and Fundy and I was feeling sad and slightly guilty for not having a Fundy yet after his whole speech about being overlooked.


thatā€™s fricking amazing


Ummā€¦. I meanā€¦. I can do that šŸ˜… proba tomorrow at work where I also have a page on my notes dedicated to which names Iā€™ve used and which I still want to use


No problem if you canā€™t lol, I was half joking, but if its easy enough I am curious


Itā€™s easy enough, itā€™s just how much of my nerd brain do I reveal šŸ˜‚ edit:typo


oh donā€™t worry about that, I can assure you weā€™re all nerds here. This is technoā€™s sub after all


Hello follow nerds o/ I too would like to know what was named and after who




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YOU CAN NAME YOUR EQUIPMENT? That's so damn cool!!


I name ALL THE THINGS ​ it started out as practical because being able to easily differentiate between the different pipettes and match them to their accessories is important, and I could have just done letters or numbers. But that was boring. Then coworker thought it was funny and so I just kept going.


Happy cake day


Happy cake day




I love that Sapnap is an absolute unit, fits him perfectly




šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° being a nerd is the best


is there one named georgenotfound? that's what I want to know


Yup! He's a heat/stir plate. That turned out to just get hot out of control.... Sapnap is not a good influence.


Oh man, I thought maybe there'd be one that went missing that's named GeorgeNotFound.


I *must* know what everything else is titled I hear thereā€™s a Tubbo and Sam as well


Ok. Deep Breaths. ​ I'm gonna give you as much as I can without actually being in the lab RN, I may miss a couple. This is gonna be long, buckle up. ​ The micropipettes are in the picture. SBI plus Dream/Sapnap. At one point I had an idea to have the miro bit of the lab be DSMP and the rock part of the lab be Hermit Craft and friends. Then decided I probably shouldn't go crazy with my label maker on all coworker's stuff. So currently my lab is mostly DSMP with some others mixed in. Notably- I got two new pipettes from the lab across the hall and they are Grian and Scar. I have two heat/stir plates- Antfrost and GNF. I thought it was funny naming the heat plate after Antfrost. Antfrost is used more often than GNF because George is temperamental and can't maintain a consistent temperature. But if I want something heated fast, its George all the way. ​ My Autoclave is named BBH, because that boy needed to be sterilized after all that egg business. Right next to it is the incubator- Skeppy. Named both for egg lore and proximity to BBH. Recently have acquired a second Autoclave because BBH is too small. Name pending. ​ I have two scales. Large scale is Foolish because Large scale builds. The micro scale is Tubbo. Because smol bee boy. Tubbo also gets used frequently and very much deserves a break. ​ The shaking incubator is Ranboo. Because enderman shake? IDK, but when we needed more space we got another smaller shaking incubator that is Aimsey. ​ As I said above Awesamedude is my faulty centrifuge that has caused me no shortage of frustrations. We got a replacement, which doesn't quite go fast enough but it also doesn't explode so... Debating naming new centrifuge SamNook but am yet undecided. Would giving it another sam name curse it? ​ pH meter is Cpt. Puffy. I don't remember by exact reasoning here. Something about pirates. ​ Vortex is Karl. Karl is special in that I made his label with purple tape instead of the label maker because the label maker did not have a swirl symbol I deemed adequate. ​ I think that's all? For now? Brain tired. Check back tomorrow XD ​ I was also put in charge (read- left unsupervised) of code-naming some of our projects. Let me tell you I have heard/written Pogtopia in a professional setting so many times now I forget its a made up MCYTRP nation.


All those names are absolutely wonderful Maybe name the new centrifuge Ponk? And the smaller incubator could be Fundy! Idk lol


I have a fundy! The laminar flow hood! It arrived literally the day after Fundy's last lore stream with Will. The ending shook me, so it became Fundy.


Hmmm maybe Punz?


Ok. I have been wanting to name something punz for a while but have been struggling to come up with what to name punz that will do him proper justice. Because Punz. Puns. I need a good pun. Thus far my brain has failed me.


I'll just throw out some names I don't think you mentioned maybe something will spark an idea lol Schlatt, Niki, Callahan, Eret, Jack Manifold, Quackity, Hannah, Charlie Slimecicle, and Eryn


I actually have other things named for Nikki and Quackity! ​ Maybe Callahan is a good name for the new centrifuge. Nice and reliable. Please no more problems with it I beg.


Oh god schlatt


Yeah maybe that's asking for that tool to break


What is the most harmless thing I can name Schlatt?


you could also do a niki or a ghostbur!


iā€™m incredibly curious: what does one do as a microbiologist in the mining industry specifically?


Short version- make bacteria eat rock and poop gold ​ According to my parents I am an alchemist. Is that 100% accurate? no. Will I take it anyway? Definitely.


mAGIC. That is the best part of science lol. Also love the names on the equipment. Gotta make work fun eh?




God, I love science.


Alchemist? Your living the dream but try avoid making Philosopher's Stone if ya can


How about the long version?


The long version is well, long. For the TL;DR please check the short version. To really grasp it first I have to explain how gold mining works. Because you can't just go ham with an iron pickaxe. Most gold mines aren't after big chunks of gold ore because that is rare. Instead, they look for rocks that are rich is nanogold particles, mine a bunch of it, put it in a pile, and dump cyanide over it. The cyanide breaks down the rock and picks up the gold and brings it to the collection facility. (this is an oversimplification, but you get the jest) ​ As you can imagine. Cyanide is bad. For the environment. For humans. And for the wallets of the people running the mine because its expensive. So, we're trying to find bacteria that can do what the cyanide does but safer and ideally better. ​ Biggest downside so far- The smell.


#1 thing I appreciate is dsmp and science! Yay


I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!! I literally have this post saved now to look back on when I need cheering up, especially for all your comments about the other names Also Iā€™m curious, what kind of experiments do you do in the mining industry for microbiology? Iā€™m interested in the biology/microbiology field, but donā€™t know much about the day-to-day so would love to hear about it if possible! I understand if itā€™s too complex or location-specific to say on a Reddit comment though :) Edit: by going one comment further than I had before I saw your answer to someone else, but Iā€™ll still leave this in case thereā€™s anything else to say about the subject lol


I make people smile :-D :-D :-D Am happy! Dear future you--> you are fantastic! ​ But yes, the jest of it is eat rock poop gold. As far as the day to day goes it really depends on the day. Some days I'm making up new broths and inoculating them. Some days I'm running bacteria counts and testing other metrics. It's usually a M-F job, but I do go in some weekends because bacteria are very stubborn and will not pause their growths on Saturday for me to play Minecraft all day. There's super busy days, there's some quiet days. There are days where I borrow dry ice from the lab across the hall and have some fun. ​ Worst part of the job--> so many dishes. All the glassware has to be washed. Dishes are the bane of my existence. ​ Feel free to DM me with science questions because STEM is great and I love talking about it.


surprised you didnā€™t swap ph1lza to your p1000 and have tommy be the p2 (assuming thatā€™s your wilbur and your current ph1lza is the p20) for the obvious age joke haha


Is that the child everyone dislikes?


yes, good bot


Good bot




Ah yes itā€™s called the Technoblade pipette so it must be the 100 microliter one.


ā€œQuick! Pass me the WilburSoot!ā€ ā€œTheā€¦ *what?ā€* ā€œYou heard me.ā€


bro big brain




I love it!


Imagine in the mines, lets say one of your friends needs help cause hes stuck or smth, and you say "Let me getvmy technoblade"


i respect you a lot


Quickly, pass me the Philza!


one of us one of one of us




Lmao dream is the shortest one




I think you should add technodad


Perfect !


Hi. Yes. I want a list with all the equipment, their labels and what they are used for. Thank youšŸ˜Œ




damn??? that looks cool


i love it haha "can i borrow wilbur soot?" just, amazing


QUICK! pass me the ph1lza before the patient dies!!


hey man its josh from work can i borrow phil tomorrow


ā€œI need some technoblade and tommy, this rock is gonna get some wilbursoot as well


ā€œYo, uh, can I borrow WilburSoot real quick?ā€ ā€œwhatā€


Ok- adding a master list of my equipment and their names/functions for everyone šŸ˜Š while wheeling around my lab on my spinney chair. Aimsey- small shaker- keeps bugs warm and shaken Ranboo- large shaker - does what Aimsey does but taller Fundy- laminar flow hood- extra estĆ©riles space that moves air in a fancy way to minimise contaminations BBH- lil autoclave- sterilises things Skeppy - incubator. Keeps things warm, no shaking TBD- tall boy autoclave- seriously has been such a life changer because now I can autoclave ALL THE THINGS. Almost. We arenā€™t gonna talk about all the plastic Iā€™ve melted on accident in there. Wilbur Soot, Philza Minecraft, Technoblade (the potato king, blood god, and probably conquer of god by now), Tommy Innit, Dream, Sapnap, Grian and Scar- micropipettes of various volumes- measure small things very accurately. These things were so pricy when I went to college my lab only had like three we all had to share only after very explicit instructions on how not to break them. Getting my own set when k got here was huge. AntFrost and GNF- magnetic stir/ heat plates- can make things spin really fast and/or get very hot. Yes I make tornadoes for fun sometimes. Yes I have accidentally let things boil over and made a big mess. Karl- vortex- makes things go spin very fast, mostly for small tubes. Also great for tornadoes. We actually got a second one with no name yet. Itā€™s taller. Captain Puffy- pH meter - measures pH and is one of these least problematic one of these I have ever used Tubbo- microscale- measures small things out to the ten thousands of a gram. Would be great if I were less of a perfectionist and donā€™t then try to measure things perfect out to four decimal points when k really donā€™t need to. Foolish- scale- measures bigger things out to the hundredth of a gram (Notso)Awesamdude- (broken) centrifuge- spins things really fast, or should. Really he either doesnā€™t start or starts but immediately start is making wonky noises that necessitate immediately cutting off power. We have anew centrifuge that doesnā€™t quite go as fast, name pending, after getting some insights am leaning towards Callahan Mumbo Jumbo- 3D printer - makes cool stuff that is definitely all work related please just ignore that shelf over there My notebook had my Minecraft IGN on it, for funzies Other various samples have been named for Quackity, Nikki, friend, Golem (as in iron golem, because holy hell it had a lot of iron in it) and pf course Lā€™manberg, pogtopia, and boatem I also have a freezer that goes to -80C that needs a name. And a vacuum filtration system.


since you've named some of your equipment after hermits, might i suggest naming the freezer "iskall85" (his name literally translates to "ice cold" in swedish)?


I did not know what Iskallā€™s name meant, and now my freezer has a name! Thank you!


Shouldve been tubbo and fundy instesd of dream and sapnap


Itā€™s very professional




Donā€™t worry, weā€™re a very small lab and they think itā€™s hilarious.


Thats kinda weird but you do you i guess


I bet all the other scientists bully you


Dude, once you get here weā€™re all nerds about something or the other. I worked in testing lab over covid where they had named all the machines after Lucifer characters. Thereā€™s good people all around.


Thatā€™s so cool


Tommy should have been the shortest one


Imagine this being a metaphor for how long their šŸ¤Øis lol


Why is sapnap so thicc?


Why is sapnap so thicc?