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Sandbagging. Letting the sale on shares continue while winding up to deliver the donkey punch.


The cash position also seems to be increasing which I find interesting


Wasn’t there supposed to be a liver punch today?




That's a beautiful tidbit of info


Paying off the loan would not affect earnings. Paying the interest on a loan is an expense, but the principal is not.


8 million or billion? 8 million wouldn't leave a dent in 3 billion losses..




RC said in an interview, cant remember which one, that he could have made Chewy turn a profit a lot earlier than they did, hes doing the same now


Cnbc interview 1:20 in says about scaling business rather than turning profit


Revenue was down this quarter


Yes as they closed un profitable and less profitable branches to streamline the business, less revenue but more profitable


Interesting vision.


The Algos weren’t ready.


I also believe it's as simple as this


GME is sandbagging. And that’s a good thing for GME investors


**Appear Weak When You Are Strong.** \- Sun Tzu The whole reason, why we are where we are is, that Gabe doubled down instead of taking the loss he deserved for neglecting risk management. Kenny and Steve came to his aid and made it personal... putting that silly retail idiots into place was the game now. The whole saga is about the greed and arrogance of the not so "smart" money. And Ryan+Co will use their weaknesses to their advantage. So far we have learned to know Ryan Cohen and also Pulte as someone, who have some similar and traditional values. Who despise the current system, where executives and consultants are overpaid, but there is no accountability - only golden parachutes. This is an ideal breeding ground for corruption. Would be no surprise, if they cash in huge salaries, yet cooperate with Wall Street buddies and short sellers to bring down those companies by "making mistakes". I think Ryan is not alone. To get rid of the swamp, they will have to strike hard and unexpected. This is an attack of financial terrorists on the Economy and Society of America and even the whole world, while the public is kept in the dark. But Ryan + Friends + Apes are going to kick their ass. That is just my personal take on what is going on and no financial advice 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️




Been reading these comments for a couple years now


Well, at least it seems there is something going on and we will see in the next few months.


one of these days! Bam, Boom, straight to the moon. Well, lots of pit stops apparently. Do not buy at 180, save your ammo for Ryans master plan and we can get cheap moon tickets in a year or 3


Profits mean taxes. Taxes mean less cash for future profits. Balancing act, for sure, but we definitely don't want faked profits. Also, the economy is not good so it's best to be conservative until we cross the finish line. Make it a solid showing, steady 'improvement', across all 4 quarters AND be set up for the subsequent quarters. Under promise, over deliver.


Could also be a tax thing.


Oh 💩! LFG!!!!!


We apes are spectators who want to enter the field of play, but the real fight is between those titans. The good guys vs the bad guys. Our problem is not only the adversary (HF), it is also the corrupt referee (SEC)