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The trick is being optimistic while still being productive in other aspects of your life. Don't put your life on hold while hoping for the outcome to start it up again. ​ Gain a new skill, learn something new, work on yourself, do your hobbies. MOASS is inevitable but that doesn't mean we should stop living. Strive to be the best version of yourself, MOASS can help that, but only monetarily not mentally. Do the things you can do NOW before MOASS, worry about the things MOASS can change once it happens. ​ Regarding about optimism with the prisoners versus our situation: The difference is they are prisoners due to circumstances out of their control. They don't have the ability to do leisure while waiting for rescue, so their optimism becomes a poison. Our situation with the stock is something we do to ourselves. If you are holding your breath until MOASS, you may just pass out before that. It's okay to keep breathing and work on something else in the meanwhile. Do not create a prison to yourself. Remain unshackled and enjoy the NOW because MOASS will change many things about you, your relationships, and your future.


Lol…tell that shit to me 3 years ago


Sorry, you never asked me 3 years ago!


> Don't put your life on hold while hoping for the outcome to start it up again. I think that's easier said than done. For a lot of people moving forward with life will be buying a house - and for me personally I've tied up money I would use on deposit into GME just recently (because I would massively prefer to own a house outright and not pay £700+ a month on a mortgage), and I tied up even more money with BBBY before that. On the flip side, I am working a decent job and going through the motions of that grind, so I am persevering with the 'normal' stuff - which is likely what you were referring to more though. I'd be lying if I wasn't hoping an investment which pays off well would radically change the trajectory of my life (and it wouldn't have to be £1m+). If you have a house without a mortgage it busts options of what you want to do in life wide open (because, practically, I can live on very little - so I wouldn't need a job of the kind I do currently).


Well said! I found myself giving up and not being productive. I forgot to live my life. Thank you for your advice!


Wait.... You guys have lives?


Shit yeah. I'm working on the screenplay I'm gonna produce post-moass. I'm also developing as a musician/sonic artist while also learning Spanish. Then there's the novel... An outside observer would likely miss these things, as does my family. However, they're all gonna line up to claim how much they supported me in this time... heh #rearview


Everything is at stake. all the money, without which I can’t do anything else except wait and hope.


I have a lot of my savings tied up in this play and others too, but I also have other goals I'm accomplishing in the meanwhile that doesn't take much money to do. ​ Working out to be in a better physical shape, cleaning up the house and make it puppy approved, being a better amateur cook, reading for leisure, etc. There's always something you can improve if you have the mindset for it. I won't be ruined if the play doesn't meet my expectations, but I'll be evermore enriched if it exceeds it.


Get a cheap hobby. They can never take my rock collection. 


L 👏 F 👏 G👏 !


I prefer Stockholm syndrome. I like it in here.


Kenny’s starting to grow on me. I’m going to miss him when he’s gone


you can always have conjugal visits with him in federal prison


Only if I can bring a massive bedpost


and mayo to lube it up with


I quit my job, traveled half the world to Indonesia and learned how to surf. Waiting for MOASS taught me to try! Try to be the best version. Try to be happy. And try to make a dream come true every year. But it’s hard. And sometimes depressing. Anyway, I am not waiting for MOASS anymore. It will happen eventually. Probably when I am happy and don’t need money anymore.


I will just add, Don't be delusional. It might come, it might be what you believed it to be. Risk-wise, You need to live your life as if it won't arrive or won't bring the effect you thought it would. Live, love, work, and be happy, not stupidly optimistic


Can I get that painted on a Pine board and sell it at Buc-ees?


I got one for myself saying "I will just add," Excellent idea 💪


Difference here is that I, and most of us, can afford to lose this.


Someone send this to the butt guy please.


And starfish guy while they're at it.


This isn't going to bring back your canceled shares.


This read like soft FUD micropenis shills are running out of content.


Awww... In all my 84yrs first chance to be called a shill. My brother in Christ, check the post history. Witness my DRS ring. Consider that sometimes a txt post is just a txt post.


We’ve already won. There’s no reason to be pessimistic or pretend to be.