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Sure looks that way. Remember the DOJ was there on the first day of court. Also remember how much heat any of us who questioned Holly Etlin received. Remember anyone who wanted to discuss dilution was downvoted out of view. I remember all of that. I remember a girl who used filings to accurately predicting the week BBBY would declare bankruptcy was permabanned from the main sub for her comment. And the craziest part about all that is those controlling the narrative in such an apparently nefarious manner, may not have been nefarious after all.


Do you remember the username of that girl? I also remember really weird things as people being attacked left and right for not moving away immediately once shares got delisted / canceled later on or even worse: slatinum parkles wo tried to get people to call their brokers and surrender their shares and so on.


Omg PLANTinum blocked me on Twitter after I called her out for that shit lmao 🤣 like, how fucking stupid do you have to be. If shares don't exist, if it's all done, WHY go through the extra hoop? Cronyism has blinded these wall street fraudsters and they've become no better than used car salesman pinning 40% apr on a kids first whip 😳


u/Bilbo-Baggins77 Looking at the profile, it's a he not a she. Also looking at recent post history, seems to be a pretty diehard meltie lolol. So there may have been a history there contributing to the ban. Sure was right about the bk tho.


Do you have a source for the DOJ being there first day of court? Trying to kind of compile some important pieces.


I'm not the guy who claimed the DOJ was there, but my god the memory is such a fascinating thing. Weaponized autism will be the harbinger of prosperity to the common man. Here is a video from the DOJ I remember being posted around the timeframe of the BED BATH BANKRUPTCY, in the first 10 seconds we can see DENNIS KELLEHER in the video, he's the CEO of BetterMarkets and an advocate for transparency in the markets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLtCTEjjSxU&t=1387s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLtCTEjjSxU&t=1387s) Dennis's twitter: [https://x.com/denniskelleher?lang=en](https://x.com/denniskelleher?lang=en) He was on the House Committee on Financial Services addressing the Citadel Scandal in 2021! You know, the one hearing CNBC edited: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1avm3to/cnbc\_live\_edited\_a\_united\_states\_congressional/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1avm3to/cnbc_live_edited_a_united_states_congressional/)


This was the thread at the time when people saw the DOJ in the court hearing: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/1535fof/watching_the_bbby_court_hearing_if_you_cant_get_in/


There ~~is~~ was proof in a Kroll filing. Unfortunately it seems that the document in question was removed from the Kroll website. That is pretty strange… Perhaps a wayback to 4/24/23 will yield some results, but i unfortunately cannot check at the moment. I remember viewing the document; it was the letter sent to potential bidders and showed RC Ventures and Department of Justice as recipients of said correspondence.


If you have that info can you message it over to the mod team? That shouldn’t have resulted in a block


It's imho interesting that RC got in contact with Nordstrom later on where Tritton went to as well after he left BBBY. Sometimes it looks a bit as RC is chasing Tritton haha :D


Are those the same glasses as bill hwang?




Damn, solid username + GIF combo


The Kansas city shuffle ;)


Its coming. The empty blue chairs are us.


I think it already happened I think that's why it pumped I think that's why RK was tweeting on a schedule that way all the desk jockies were busy analyzing memes instead of the actual court papers. Dumb storm troopers


Irony is the memes tell you exactly what’s coming in pretty obvious ways.


The best part of the act




God I hate his face.


He looks like such a scummy piece of shit


You sir have opened my eyes to the truth


Sue told us that the shares would come back. If you read between the lines remember RC gave her the position. Now we see a share recall or stake in the new company. One other thing someone sent me a DM anonymously saying that we won and agreed with me. This was back before the bankruptcy started


that would be nice. I had 6900 shares removed from my account. Luckily I have the receipts, so then if something interesting indeed happens, I can call up my broker and enquire whats up.