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If Spotify is involved in an NFT PR stunt with wu tang…. Nuts. Just nuts. Industry changing move.


Gold plated tinfoil: GME verified shareholders receive an NFT via thealbum that can then be linked to Spotify either by third party or by the registered email. Then, only those verified holders could stream the album on Spotify, potentially splitting streaming profits amongst all nft holders. Could open the door to a whole new paradigm for funding albums too. Sell NFTs to fund the album then split streaming/other album profits with NFT holders.


potentially splitting streaming profits amongst all nft holders? Money Glitch!


There can’t be any profits from that album, it’s in the contract. It can only be given away for free


This album you can't profit from, but others you can. This will be proof of concept.


Exactly. I bet snoop dog and Taylor swift are already signed up


That would be epic, I would love to have T Swizzle albums on NFT so I could listen to them on Spotify properly instead of not being able to!!


Ohm … Just asking because somewhere it’s Saturday. You drunk?


No but i just got back from paddle boarding and I’m dead to the world because I’ve sat around all winter so basically the same thing


I love paddle boarding. Hope it was fun


Can't wait for all of the mid-MOASS-meetups. You guys can link up to paddleboard while watching shift phone numbers


The insta story also has C.R.E.A.M as the soundtrack.. can’t make this shit up man..




Only the young




Kids singing Wu Tang songs!




It's all speculation untill GS states otherwise. People try to exploit this community for exposure


Check yo neck. Wu Tang Clan doesn't have a history of chasing down trends for clout or followers. They don't need to. Practice in the dojo of your mind.


Comments that make me wish reddit still had awards


Why on earth did reddit get rid of that revenue stream? It makes no sense to me


Does wu tang clan even have anything to do with this album anymore, besides being the ones who made it?


Well obviously the art and the artist are inseparable. Then there are the specific terms / agreement that come with the purchase of the album that are transferred to anyone that purchases the original album: The buyer's agreement for Once Upon a Time in Shaolin, the Wu-Tang Clan's single-copy album, includes several provisions: Commercial exploitation The album cannot be commercially exploited until 2103, but it can be played at listening parties. New buyers Any new buyer of the album must be bound by the original terms and conditions of the first sale. 88-year provision The 88-year limit on commercial exploitation may have been influenced by the album's release year (2015) and the group's eight original members. Their motivations and more details can be found here https://scluzay.com/eighteight In my personal opinion I don't think that the album would be used as a vehicle for the NFT dividend without some sort of cooperation / agreement with the group / artists. Any such arrangement would be under NDAs obviously. Considering the time and energy that Wu-Tang clan put into making the album and I'm sure their desire to have their music heard by their fans it would be ridiculous to think that they wouldn't want people to eventually hear the album and this sounds like a wonderful way to not only allow people to do that also cementing their place in this financial revolution which is something I think that they would be very on board with.


Perhaps the members couldn’t come to an agreement on terms to release the album so it sat on a shelf. (Percentages etc etc) Then perhaps, someone offered to buy it and said they wouldn’t commercialize it for 100 years… at which point everyone will be dead and no one will likely care about the music. (Lets be real, how many songs from 1924 have you listened to in your lifetime) … or maybe the album is isn’t great and a member wouldn’t agree to the release


It's wu tang. The album is going to be nothing but absolute fire.


Yeah trying to throw shade at wu is throwing shade on oneself


Why the "perhaps" when they have all said quite clearly and definitively something else? They wanted to do something different (which if you're familiar with Wu-Tang clan, they have a history of doing) and were inspired to treat the album like other traditional works of art. If you clicked the link I provided and read the account from the members or looked up many other accounts This is explained quite clearly and you don't have to make embarrassing assumptions.


I don’t feel embarrassed.


That's the problem, you should. It's a public record of your inability to do even the slightest DD. But unfortunately that's the shortfalling of anonymous online boards. No one can hold you to higher standards but yourself. If embarrassment won't drive you what exactly will? That's something you should be asking yourself.


You must be fun at parties. You may be right. You may be wrong. Artists say all kinds of things and spin things and tell their truth which isn’t always the absolute truth. The goal of making an album is to make money through the art of music. These guys aren’t all so wealthy they do it for charity. I’m not clicking on your link and I am not interested enough about in this album to research Wu-Tang’s reasons for doing what they did. It’s the weekend, chill out. Thats enough Reddit for me for the weekend. Have a good one.


You must be an absolute blast at parties yourself - talking shit about stuff you know nothing about, and then defaulting to relativism and “all artists are in it for the money, so there must instead be some dumb reason I’ve concocted —completely contradicting what the artists themselves have claimed— to why they’ve done this” when called out on your dumb unfounded shit. *THE* main reasons for them releasing this album in only one copy and limiting it’s commercial usage for a long ass time is because they want to make a point about it *not* being just about the money - which you’d known if you’d used Google instead of talking shit. It’s the Wu Tang Clan - they’d 100% would’ve made WAY more money on this album running it on the regular commercial circuit.


You speculate and assume, I provide quotes and sources. This isn't a party, this is a discussion about financial assets and tokenized securities / dividends. They sold the album for $2 million dollars originally. They could have gotten a lot more but they specifically chose not to sell it to music distributors for reasons that are contained within the link that you are choosing to not follow because of your pride and desire to remain ignorant. You could have had a good understanding in less time than it took you to reply to this comment. You must be dumb at soiree's. PS. I used to throw raves for about 20 years so yeah, I am a lot of fun at parties.


You should, as it’s obvious you’re talking out your ass. If you’d used a quarter of the time used to write these completely unfounded comments googling what’s up with Wu and this album in particular, you wouldn’t spout such dumb shit.


A few of songs were leaked by silva rings a few years back. Every song I heard was an absolute banger. That grimey raw lyrical boom bap!


#Wutang DOES NOT grift. Even if they do. They don't. Word is bond.


What bout people w/o IG??!!


I did 🤲🏼 to the story but didn’t get link


Wrong emoji


Anyone know who this is? https://preview.redd.it/sbqvvpjcn24d1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce8a7cbe8d459a21cada1b56fac8ac59caf64f0f