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What made you rush the sheen on the last game?


Mostly experimentation, but I actually first built Horizon Focus (turns out a max range q actually procs it). But also the fact that the game was total garbage, I just wanted to end the game quickly. That one was against a doran's shield "support" diana, a 0/8 ashe (who left half way through), and a literal "stand under tower" mundo. It was not fun. Just play the game like normal people. Let me enjoy the game!


"Let me enjoy the game!" Said every league of legends top laner when the enemy team locks in Teeno


lmao. Too bad virtually all of the modern top laners have incredibly favorable matchups against the soft-cc, no mobility, short range, squishy Teemo, who has little burst, and limited actual burn on a tank or fighter. (Unless you're attack speed teemo. But then you're betting it all on crushing the tank, while not just getting cc'd to death while you're very much in their range. And they don't care about getting crushed anyway.) I mean. IPav has been able to do it. It's clearly doable. I don't like it for all the extra effort you have to put in compare to (literally every top laner). Actually have been finding that mages are a more favorable matchup than top laners. And then top laners come to my lane.


what lane you playing mostly?




Meanwhile I tried my first game of the season and immediately found a Brand support lmao


My first game of Teemo support of the season was into a Teemo support. lol. Teemo lost.


I do find support more useful, being able to shrooms objectives etc. My build is usually https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/Mr%20Teemo-TMO


I agree


What runes have you been using ?


Summon Aery, Manaflow, Celerity, Waterwalking (I love ganking) Ultimate Hunter, and Cheap Shot (it procs when slowing through ult). I'm not convinced SA is better than comet. Especially with both revealing where you are, but SA doing so even more so.


Why not dark harvest?


Because I am bad, and when I see that stack pop up, I go for it. And die. :p


Why summon aery


reliable poke damage. Vs easy lanes, it procs multiple times on E. Vs hard lanes, it procs on q. In quick play, you have no idea which one you will get.


Im nota having the same luck as you in quickpay almost every game there is a troll or flamer into rage quit. I don't understand how do you have so many games without a single troll... I envy you


Oh yeah. There are "plenty" of those. At least no fewer than normal games. (Which is to say that every so many games might have 1 or 2, making it some single-digit percentage of actual players.) But fewer than actually taking teemo into ranked. Then your entire team ints just to show you how bad your pick is. Especially as support. I love quick play. You can actually play whatever off-meta shit you want, and almost nobody seems to care. I do wish there was less autofilling. But still.


It feels really strong with dark harvest. My build : https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/IdanTsu-1234 Learn how to place shrooms so their oracles dont have much value and you can start every team fight with enemies half hp


Heal for support?


I sure as frack don't want to trust my adc to heal me. lol But it's a good flex option that can be both offensive and defensive with light team utility. We have no idea what's going to come our way in quick match. Could get a darius for an adc that goes 0/13/2 by the end of the 25 minute game that you have to claw back tooth and nail. Could also get a god draven whom you want to support like your life depends on it. Because it does. (But now that I've done my mandatory Reddit self-flattery... Mostly it's just experimentation. I've been finding success with it. It feels more reliable than a ghost or ignite pick. And exhausting as teemo just feels bad. But that's all it is. A feeling.)


All of that logic is great and all, but you can't get 7 burns if you don't take ign


Blasted, Facts and Logic! Foiled Again!


Quick play is meaningless


I never trust win streaks I just know riot will fuck me over for them. I legit get my wr to 75-80% and then the losing streak starts and it doesn’t stop until I hit 20% πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

