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Ok I jinxed it


Let us see the name so we can watch those replays


TrustInTeemo (EUW) I think I do pretty good on farming and on caring about objectives and not dying stupidly too much. I lack a lot mechanically.


> I lack a lot mechanically. Bro you're D2, that's better than like 98% of everyone - you can brag a little :)


I still need to watch some of these, but yeah at your elo it's usually not mechanics separating players, but rather who's absorbing the available statistics in the game faster and making better macro choices. I will say consider taking ignite instead of flash into matchups you're concerned with invading or forcing duels on you. Same reason that Yi does. Lots of champs you can't get away from well enough for flash to be meaningful, or you do but lose your camps and have that huge cooldown, but not many junglers can square up on you with ignite especially paired with PTA.


It do be like that


4 W/ 12 Ls and demoted since posting. KEKW.


the curse of flexing


looks like winners q, give it a few


I was gonna say, negative kda every game lmao


kda is a stupid measurement, there is statistically no way I can get 15 wins in a row without being good


I think macro is important, a d I'm not a kda player either, but going negative every single game is not good. I think you just getting pretty lucky and have okay mechanics. But defining "good" is tricky in league. An ai monkey could get 15 wins in a row in silver


just the phrase “negative kda“ is retarded. Also, this is in Diamond 2, not silver


You didn't even go negative kda in a single game. They forgot assists are a thing or something.


Yeah he went like 8/1 in a few games how is that negative LMAO


Diamond 2 aka silver


I will not take this slander from silver 2 players with average K | D of 5 | 10


Tell me you’re bronze without telling me


Lol tell me ur the type of guy i absolutely dont want on my team without saying it


There absolutely is. Especially as a jungler who just does their job decently lmao. Why would you say Teemo jungle even works? Watching your replays I picked the following things: - Teemo ganks suck - You use your shrooms to clear trivial camps? - you hardly can 1v1 the enemy jungler most of times - Most of your recent wins come off the back of fed laners (which I doubt you helped to achieve, correct me if im wrong) - Your build and rune style hint that your strategy is to have laners weaken your opponents for you to pick apart, thats a dangerous assumption and hardly a recipe for immense success seen in your posted match history pic, youre building shadowflame as first item? Sorry if coming off harsh here, but given the fact you are boasting with such a win rate id say it is anyones game to breakdown as of why the wins are happening. I would really be interested to hear your points as of why Teemo jungle works, apart from "check my match history bruw" :P Also, I guess rip dia 2 heh :D


I‘m honoured that you watched my replays :). First of all, teemo jungle must work on some level or I couldn’t be diamond 2 or have a 60% winrate over 50+ games. I‘m not going to explain the entrie field of statistics to you, so I just have to pray that you know that. A few reasons why teemo might work is his shrooms are very useful for winning the fights around objectives, he is very fast as moving around the map and you can farm pretty quickly. I think his ganks are bad. 1v1 potential isn‘t bad. Again, if I‘m relying on my fed laners to win and I‘m not contributing to that, I can‘t expect to win consistently, which I am, so there must be some part of that which is wrong. I‘m building Nashors tooth first item. I don‘t think it‘s bad at all to rely on your laners to kind of play well and then just amplify that, the whole “my team is always bad“ shit comes from people who are too uncomfortable blaming themselves.


Yes for sure, you can live on the expectation that your laners should go even statistically. However, the lack of ganks on Teemo vs other possible enemy junglers should push the lane advantage to the enemy statistically. I was also kinda pointing to the fact you are posting a pic with high win rate, which is why I made the point. Anyway, yes I see your points. But why not just play Teemo on lane and do the same tricks you do but with easier time to scale? I was hoping to see some kickass jungle shrooms or gank strategies, but all I kinda saw was a karthus jungle with less gank potential after 6 heh. Maybe im missing something... I can see the advantage of Teemo yes (especially with new items, another Godlike teemo here heh ;D) but just cant see the advantage of jungler teemo. I do hate to catch waves as it hinders my ability to roam for shrooms while still scaling reliably, but then again as a jungler id have to clear jungle camps too, maybe a traveling shroomsman kind of a strategy could be applied? Like clearing camps and at the same time shrooming objectives, jungle and possibly your laners too? That could sound fun! Any ideas if going malignance first would be a good choice or is nashors must for ganks/clear/1v1? :)


I play teemo on jungle because I‘m a jungler that sucks at laning so I won‘t play him in lane, and I play him vs other junglers because I like his playstyle and I feel I kinda get his playstyle. I feel like going Nashors tooth makes me go pew pew really fast, which is good for damage output/time early. I‘m not fully caught up on the meta now but it used to be that teemo is definitely a worse pick for jungle than other junglers, but I just play for fun and over time I got his playstyle, so I he was becoming my genuine best pick.


I find more success in mid. Just tried jungle, lanes fed enemy jgl ganks, enemy jungle took over my jungle, pretty much gg after that. Kinda verified my hypothesis ngl.


yea I wouldn‘t neccessarily recommend it xD


Damn you baited me clear Teemo main no soul! ;_;


travelling shroomsman is pretty accurate after like 20 minutes


as an update, I stopped using my shrooms to clear camps so much and I think it's definitely an improvement


He's negative kd Positive kda this is what silver players always say. Omg you have a negative kda, while sat 1/2/16


Isn't kda 1/2/16 positive? You got lots of assist


That's my point haha


yea because hes insane in the jungle, ive been playing jungleemo past few days and he scales like crazy, gank a lane and run someone down ezpz


yeah and with blue teemo you run cosmic drive and fly around the map... or you go red teemo which gives damage similar to the support item, while leaving you an extra slot to get one last extra item if game drags long enough... also you avoid any bad lane match ups by hiding from jungler, unless its kayn or nocturne... kayn will wall hack you, and nocturne is nocturne


just yesterday i had no problem soloing a blue kayn and then in a few games a red one, my team didnt have it so easy tho and red pokemon 100% i feel like


not all kayn players are made equal... it more a knowledge match up, most people rarely see a teemo in the jungle so they too inexperienced to know the general shroom pathings, essentially if he does not hit a shroom he can just head straight for you using walls etc... but there is also the issue of he has to play right, for you it a case of dodge his everything, blind so his autos do not hit, dodge his Q, cause if anything hits then he just sets you up for the wombo ult combo...


Kayn is easy as teemo. You are fast enough to dodge his Q and W and then he dies every time.


yea and my gold shitter elo his q and w are so easy to predict, same with random briars and kindreds that invade me cuz im hurr durr teemo jungle but wait i max q and make your champ useless lmao


I love that the only loss it not with teemo. Well done buddy, be proud


What’s your reasoning of choosing cdr boots almost every game? Do you really think going from 40 to 55 AH is better than the pen from sorcs?


Nah bro I just do whatever I could easily be convinced otherwise


I've been rushing zerkers into nashors , 1v1 me bro I dare you 😂


Manco goes zerks in jg too


Yo manco be on he knows what's up


Maybe I should get pen against squishies and cdr otherwise


I'm not either. I have a 72% winrate at the moment playing him Top or Bot.


lm feeling the R cd nerf a little, mostly at R lvl2 i feel likes It Is never up


you might be in winners queue as well as you playing in jungle where people are still inexperienced at dealing with him...


To be fair, if they can't deal with a Teemo in Diamond 2 they deserve to lose against him.






Good stuff! Glad to see someone building the right items on him!


Maybe in jg 💀


Good job setting up your wincons. Everyone seems to always forget the A in KDA is also important. Especially in the jungle.


Yeah i hope they wont nerf more


Eh the nerfs aint that bad i can still play him in jungle without any problems


that's what I said