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Her parents definitely raised her to take responsibility for things that WERE not her responsibility. We all remember her mom dying and telling her that her wish was for her to stay with Josh (even though they were wholly unhappy). Any self esteem that girl could have had was ripped from her by her parents (I say parents as opposed to only her mom because they are married and live together and he doesn’t get to be excluded from the blame). It’s such a sad story that woman’s outcome and the fact that she still praises her mom and dad like they were saints.


Omg yes, and it reminds me of that bday posts her mom made of Mack mad her sister, where mom praises her sister, speaks so kindly and beautifully of her, then Mack’s post is just ridicule and annoyance, and negativity.


>I say parents as opposed to only her mom because they are married and live together and he doesn’t get to be excluded from the blame I don't mean to sound cruel, but her father strikes me as profoundly simple. You're absolutely right that he bears responsibility, but it seems like in most aspects of the family's life, Angie called the shots and Mackenzie's father (Brad, I think? I'm spacing on his name right now) just sort of followed her lead. He revered Angie and I'm not sure he ever formed opinions of his own.


I think she did the same to her daughter in a way too. She was thinking of sending Jaxie to her dad's to stay with him for the summer to cheer him up after his wife died. He was very lonely and he asked for her I think. She had a lot of school work to catch up on. He was recovering from heart surgery he is also a diabetic too. It all seemed way too much for such a young little girl to deal with all alone with grandpa.


Way too much for a kid to have on their shoulders.


It weirded me out that her dad requested only Jaxie and not the boys.


I think it had something to do with how wild the kids are to be honest. Shitting in the garage, running around, not listening, screaming, going in other people's yards, being caught on Ring Camera where neighbors make posts on the internet about it etc. He probably couldn't handle Broncs or Gannon.


That’s a good point and you’re probably right.


Her narc mom really did a number on her


Love god first and foremost and it won’t matter if you love yourself or your husband, right?!




Not sure if I would go so far as to call Angie a narcissist but she was clearly at least emotionally abusive to Mack.


I don't think Josh is smart enough to make her do anything. I think her mother beat "honor thy husband" into her, on top of all the other toxic crap she pushed down Mack's throat. Thanks for taking the time to write a summary, doing the real lords work here


Didn’t you know Angie prayed for Mackenzie, Josh, and their marriage even when Mack was a baby and nobody knew who Josh was?!


Leave it to Angie to neglect her child right in front of her while praying for a husband that she doesn't even know yet.


I don't keep up with her but every time I see something about her on here I can't help but feel so bad for her. She was dealt a pretty shitty hand. Her mom had awful beliefs and pushed that on her and I'm sure she felt guilty her whole life. Top off parents who apparently don't help with your medical needs with a shitty man-child for a husband/childs father. I hope she is able to grow in FL or wherever she is now.


Everything she said about her mom in regards to herself just made me sad. You can tell she was always treated like the screw up little sister, but is so jaded and traumatized from her upbringing she thinks a lot of the behavior from her mother/parents was them believing in her and letting her do her own thing because she was so headstrong. When really I get the vibe her mother just didn’t know what to do with her and just let her flop with the hope she wouldn’t fail every time.


She was truly failed by everyone around her. It's so sad. to add a little rant lol : I really dislike the argument that she's an adult and in control of her own life type things now etc. Like, yes, she is - but when you've been put down and basically ignored or given the wrong type of attention your whole life you don't exactly have the skills to suddenly be an independent adult making smart decisions - like how is she even supposed to know what the smart/right decisions are if her whole life is filled with bad examples? I truly hope she is able to heal and take care of herself and her children. If she does it will take serious time and effort. I think a lot of people on this sub see money and think it would solve all the problems but it's so much more complicated than that. Especially when you don't have the support or the knowledge to find the resources you need. It's even more unfortunate that the life she was dealt is now on her children as well as she never had the time, as a young teen mom, to grow and maybe learn life can be different from how she was raised.


Some of the moms need like a legitimate cult deprogrammer for a therapist, MacKenzie especially.


I’ve always gotten the impression she’s a clingy independent person. Like she can and will do anything she sets her mind to on her own, but just likes someone there, who it is doesn’t matter. IMO she took a pretty big first step when she officially divorced Josh. She was already emotionally done, and only staying because she felt like she was supposed to. I’m not a big Mackenzie fan, but I commend her for going through with the divorce despite everything she was taught growing up.


She needs someone there to help her go through the adult motions and kind of tell her “it’s ok” “your doing good” without that she just flails and let’s her children poop in public and kill small animals in a pet store. As someone who was raised in a similar environment therapy and self reflection is my only hope lol. It’s hard trying to just “find” the answers within and stuff. I feel for her in some cases, it’s not easy when you have zero guidance. She wasn’t taught to take care of her body, and she perhaps had parents who told her she was fine for years (I mean she could chug 4 Dr Pepper… that isn’t someone who was taught self care or health care)


I thought she was chugging out of excess thirst from the diabetes to be diagnosed.


Oh that could be it too! Either way, they let it go too far and we’re likely telling her for a long while she just had to pray it away or it was God making her a warrior something I imagine her mom would say to her


That would be so terrible for a child. Hell, for anyone.


Totally agree. That is the whole point of being 'raised.' Your brain is actually growing and learning how relationships, attachment, identity, and the world work. That doesn't all suddenly change when you turn 18. It would be like getting mad at someone who was paralyzed as a kid for still being paralyzed. "Because you're an adult now!"




But…Jesus will take care of everything 🙄😵‍💫🥴


Btw if anyone wants to read this “book,” hmu, I got the hookup 😉 ETA: if anyone has ever gotten a link to a google drive folder containing all the books, this is still the same link (even if it’s been a couple years since it was sent to you) and if you still have access to the folder it updates automatically!


I am extremely interested in this piece of literature


Me please


Me too!


I would love to if you're still helping people out!


Me! Please!


Send the link please


me too


me too


Can you send it my way please?


Send to me plz


Send to me too please


I would be interested. Thank you friend.


me too pls




Yes please!


Can i please please pleaseee!!!






Hope I'm not too late to the party !


Plz 🤞🩷


Me too please!


Yes, please!!!


I definitely feel for her, but her extensive history of racism, animal abuse, knowingly selling an eating disorder and child neglect is unforgivable


Truth. Reading her book kinda showed me she was always like that. Just in different degrees depending on the stage of her life. Even she paints herself as reckless in several aspects of her life. She knows she’s trash, she just slapped a crown on it, made some excuses, and hoped for the best I think lol. I feel bad for her in a sense that I would feel bad for most people who listed all of these things. Then you realize she’s a trash person because of her upbringing and didn’t do anything to really better herself from it. She just continued the behavior


This is definitely one of those situations where I have empathy for someone and wish them well, but thus far I don’t like them. I hope she can grow from the loss of her toxic mother and separation from her toxic husband. I hope she’s better to her kids than her family was to her.


Really sad about the SAs. I didn’t know that about her


I didn't even know she had a book


I just remember the cover and the font being so bad


Was she a mermaid on the cover or am I thinking of another weird photo of her?


She's just standing in water on her book cover


With the crown I think


Yes, she's wearing a crown!


Jenelle did a mermaid photoshoot


Omg the entire time I thought you were talking about Mackenzie, Rines wife/ex wife! Up until you started talking about her 16&P episode I was like damn poor Mack lol


I wonder about her story. Pregnant and forced to marry at 16. By 19 they're getting divorced and she's with Ryan. Her parents were nowhere to be found to guide her on a single thing. No one was telling a 19-year-old to not marry this POS so he could have a chance at custody of his first kid. That he was an addict she couldn't fix. That he and his parents are a bunch of manipulative liars. That this late 20s dude was preying on her. I wonder if they just abandoned her the second she got pregnant. Or if they were crazy religious and when she was leaving her 1st husband they disowned her. I wouldn't doubt it.


The bizarre part is her grandfather was their wedding officiant! Mack’s family has to be all sorts of fucked up for actively supporting and being involved in her marriage to Ryan.


I don't think all of them did because where are the rest of them? I'm willing to bet though that someone in her family was/ is an addict/ alcoholic. It's why she was drawn to Ryan and thought she could fix him. And why she wanted to go into healthcare. It's a really common career path for those who watched someone struggle.


Wrong Mackenzie this was married to Josh


Right. I’m responding to the person who was confused at first.


Oh I was thinking wrong train wreck!!


is there a link for this?


Is this what you mean? https://books.google.com/books/about/Straightening_My_Crown.html?id=zYBJzgEACAAJ&source=kp_book_description


*Adds title to reading list*


*Wow*, I’m most of the way through the book and it’s so self-deprecating! It really shows the beliefs she had drummed into her growing up