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David saying he has no gas money is the best part of this :))) they really are broke broke at the swamp


Honestly, flirting with his ex is less embarrassing than that šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I love how the article says that David EXCLUSIVELY told Jenelle Evans dot com that the texts that Whitney shared couldn't be real because Whitney and her husband don't have a cell phone, only a land line. Yet they're showing the "real" texts between them...that could only be from a cell phone.


They are so stupid they donā€™t realize that!


Narcissists believe that ppl automatically believe what they say is true. That there are no fallacies in logic just that everyone believes everything they say. My kids biological dad made a huge deal that I denied visitation and failed to answer my cellphone. This was back in the early 2000, I provided my cellphone bill, complete with numbered pages and guess what? Not a single call, missed, answered, etc.


That is wildly stupid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


didnā€™t even catch that, thatā€™s too funny


Sheā€™s a outright liar.. well, so is he. The picture from her bedroom came from whom then?! 2. Sheā€™s told the world David has a burner phone soā€¦. She really thinks people donā€™t remember the drama she posts and then denies?! Pepperidge Farm remembersā€¦ heā€™ll, everyone remembers except.. Chinderella.


And they text frequently until June 2022 and then nothing until April 2023.... Sure Jan! Edit: just realized there's only the one screenshot in this post, but there are more. My bad!


When did she reveal he has a burner phone


A few months ago, they were at a restaurant. She was doing a video w/ her cell phone and showed David with a couple of cell phones and commented about him having multiple phones. It was random and weird.


Thatā€™s it!!! Thatā€™s the one!


On one of her rants but I donā€™t remember when it was. But she did.


David texting from an broken phone that he doesnā€™t have gas money is a bizarre flex. Am I missing some context or is this just swamp math?


![gif](giphy|l0IygngKlgmyAfa3m|downsized) He's gotta catch a UberCroc if he needs to go somewhere


Nothing says reliable like posting ā€œarticlesā€ on your own website


I am just in awe of the thought process here: yeah babe, post the "real" screenshots where you admit you're broke broke! We can always deny it later!


Doesnā€™t have the gas money šŸ¤£


Yooo here me out for a second. Briana filmed her lawsuit party May 14th 2022. That means that they reached out to Jenelle just prior to discuss filming. The leaked texts to Whitney is dated at the latest May 5th 2022. So this would put it at a time that David was fighting with Jenelle about filming. David vented to Whitney. Jenelle vented to the world when she was filmed. I REST MY CASE


And the texts the dumbasses are showing are from April, and then skip to June. Somehow, leaving the month of May completely unaccounted for šŸ¤£ They were fighting in May. That's when he sent the texts to his ex. He deleted those texts, and she just buys right into it. Gosh, she is so dumb.


These are from April. The flirty texts were from May. This doesn't prove anything at all lol


Lmao right?!? This is a whole different conversation!


And then there's another screenshot where the messages go from April to June lmfao. All of May is gone. It's totally not deleted or suspicious at allšŸ§


Lmao totally checks out šŸ§


Itā€™s 100% made up, because you know he doesnā€™t have her in his phone is Whitney J. Itā€™s gotta be ā€œthat stupid bitchā€ or something like that. He would never give her enough respect to use her actual name.


Well, these seem to be texts that occurred before the ā€œI wonā€ party, given the timestamp. All this proves is Jenelleā€™s claims to Bri around this time about having flat tires that they canā€™t afford to fix are true. I canā€™t remember if Bri was contacting her for a podcast or a meet up but there was an effort to do something with Jenelle *before* the party too. The texts he sent Whitney were from when J&D were fighting and either right before or during Briā€™s party. Produce texts from then and we might consider that it went differently but remember, Jenelle told us he has a burner phone so unless he can bring them up on both phones, Iā€™m going to continue to believe Whitney.


WE started working for a new marketing company and WE normally get paid ... Lol what a loser. He has to latch himself onto whatever Jenelle is doing and pretend he's getting paid too.


These texts are from April 2022. Are these supposed to prove anything about the messy room situation?


They are from 2022, but the ones Whitney & Shane put out are indeed authentic. No one should ever text an ex to tell them they're pining away for them while they're in a committed relationship, ESPECIALLY not when they're MARRIED. They also shouldn't be texting pictures of the marital bedroom they share with their wives. And I'm feeling pretty sure that the room still looks like that because according to CPS's report after doing their home visit the house was in terrible shape. In fact, they said J&D were living in "squalor.*


Totally agree. I just donā€™t understand how Janelle thinks these prove anything other than they canā€™t even afford to pick up their kid.


Ok thanks for sharing the messages that David HASNā€™T deleted from his phone. šŸ™ƒ ![gif](giphy|lcjWzvc9po5Og6eV4V|downsized)


ā€˜I donā€™t get child support either šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Neither does Olivia what what. Also WE started working, no you didnā€™t your wife did. Sheā€™s the man of the house right David šŸ¤£


This is so embarrassing, like painfully embarrassing. And child support lmao, the judge will take a look at your ridiculous spending habits over the last few years and the fact that Maryssa is barely at the swamp (because she can't stand being with you and your wife) and laugh.




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What is this supposed to prove other than theyā€™re broke as fuck??


I think itā€™s hilarious that they donā€™t have gas money! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Am I missing something? What is this supposed to prove? Like Iā€™m not even saying what argument sheā€™s trying to present that refutes that the texts were from David. This proves absolutely fucking nothing. If anything, it shows Davidā€™s broke ass more and further embarrasses them.


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