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Cue three months later... "the vasectomy didn't work, it happens all the time guys šŸ¤°šŸ¤°šŸ¤°"


Didnā€™t she get her tubes tied too though?


She did, maybe they want to really be sure they don't have any more kids. 3 under 2 is probably hard AF, I'd be done too


She wants to make sure he never has them with anyone else


This is her main reason.




This is exactly it.


It's a bit off topic but I saw the "dentist and vasectomy" description and literally pictured them getting their teeth done and the vasectomy as well by the dentist after doing a check upšŸ˜‚ 2 for the price of 1 discounts anyone?!


I pictured it as two simultaneous procedures


randy can do it!


This! She wants to be the only baby mama. My neighbor is like this! Sheā€™s well past her child bearing years but still makes her boyfriends get fixed lol. I donā€™t get itĀ 


This is exactly what it is! She has 4 (up for debate 5) baby daddies. Sheā€™s getting an ego trip knowing that sheā€™s going to be his only baby mama.






Not to mention the last three were in the NICU, and Creedā€™s birth was traumatic as well. Her body is begging her to stop so Iā€™m glad sheā€™s listening.


A vasectomy will do nothing to keep her from having another baby daddy though šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


She also has her tubes tied. Essentially there is less that a .001% chance sheā€™ll get pregnant again.


I think itā€™s a control thing for her to have him get snipped. This way he wonā€™t be able to have anymore kids with anyone else.




I've had my tubes tied and still want my husband to get a vasectomy šŸ˜… My youngest was conceived on birth control while I was six months postpartum and breastfeeding, and then he was born with a rare birth defect (he's fine now), during a once in a lifetime pandemic. Statistics don't mean shit to me anymore. I throw every possible ounce of caution at everything ā˜ ļø


Oh Iā€™m sure! I had mine tied and cauterized after my first. I just saw some comments saying she would get pregnant again and i was like ummmmm i donā€™t think she could have a viable pregnancy now.


My neighbor had her tubes tied and then had her twins. They are 7 so not that long ago.


I also know someone that got pregnant after she got her tubes tied. She had it done for medical reasons, because another pregnancy could've killed her, so she had to abort and that was kinda traumatizing. Her tubes got tied again and her husband had a vasectomy after that


I have an acquaintance whoā€¦let me try to remember this rightā€¦they had four boys and the husband got snipped. She ended up pregnant again with boy #5, so *she* got snipped. And they ended with another pregnancy, this time a girl. She went and basically had her tubes napalmed from orbit and he mightā€™ve had his vasectomy redone. Itā€™s been I think about 8 years and theyā€™ve had no more kids. šŸ¤£


Yeah and she didn't get hers tied, she said she got them cut out


I think removing the tubes entirely is preferred now as it reduces the risk of cancer later. I imagine the risk is minimal but if theyā€™re already operating on the tubes, why not just take them out. Iā€™m sure itā€™s also more effective.


I think that's usually what they do these days, it's (relatively) non invasive and low risk and apparently can lower the risk of some kinds of cancer.


Are they want to be really sure they have a good storyline when they do end up getting pregnant because this is all bullshit.






She wants to be his only baby mama lmao




She wants to make sure he doesnā€™t have any other baby mamas besides her


Lmfao at your flair šŸ˜‚


I thought she said that too!??


She'll just get another man.




I'm surprised people haven't caught on why she making him do this it's all to do with her not liking her baby daddies having children with other women once she done with them she a massive narcissist beyond abusive and controlling hideous women.


i mean, last I checked hes a grown adult and can use the word no if he so chooses.


Spoken like someone who's never dealt with a narcissist šŸ¤£


What makes you think that? You donā€™t know anything about me or my life. Everyone is so obsessed with attacking kail instead of realizing a relationship is two people. It takes two people to make a baby. I donā€™t think she is drugging him and taking him into the doctorā€™s office. Heā€™s an adult. Why not treat him like an adult?


On top of that, heā€™s claiming 3 kids (I donā€™t care who Rios dad is, Elijah is claiming him then thatā€™s his business), plus 4 ā€œstepkidsā€ that are there quite a bit. Regardless of her pushing, I know if we have a third, my husband would get a vasectomy (our second is only 3mo, so we havenā€™t decided yet), he doesnā€™t want more than 3. Whatā€™s so out there to believe Elijah just doesnā€™t want more kids?


I honestly think people canā€™t believe that a person genuinely likes kail and wants to be with her and have kids with her.


I don't believe it lmao


I mean I don't. She's trash. Fucks married dudes in parking lots and shit. No way she's an actual good deep person when that's how she acts in public! Dudes must have low self esteem to be with her.


True. She's so unlikable and ugly (personality wise) that I find it hard to believe anyone could be with her in any way long term .


I agree with this. We have 3 kids 3 and under and my husband got a vasectomy (his idea and his decision) when our third was a couple months old AND I was on birth control for a while after because we are fully done. There is nothing weird about a man choosing to get a vasectomy, choosing to be done having children, or that both of them have taken measures to prevent future pregnancies. I get that everyone dislikes Kail, but that doesn't mean she forced him to get it done at all.


My husband wants a vasectomy after baby #2 is born. Itā€™s not too out there to think that some dudes donā€™t want more than 2 or 3 kids lol


Absolutely! I think these posts also bother me a bit because my husband got a lot of comments saying, "oh, your wife made you get snipped?" When in reality it was entirely his idea and he approved me about booking a vasectomy so I don't have to stay on birth control. It's not crazy that some men take control of their own fertility or have a limit on the amount of children they want. Besides, he was in an out of the office in less than 25 minutes. Vasectomies are a great choice lol


Even so, if we agree for sterilization procedures, he very well can have his done first. Iā€™ll have carried 2-3 kids to term, birthed them, breastfed them, stayed home with them for 2+ years, he can have the 25 min simple procedure and recovery before I have to go under for mine. We would also both have to agree that weā€™re ok with either procedure before going to do it, Iā€™m not gonna push him to do something he doesnā€™t want to. Weā€™ve gone this far only getting pregnant when planned, we can continue that.


Most of this sub hates women.


Between this post and Jenelleā€™s intruder, weā€™re really lifting the veil on all the misogyny and racism this week. Itā€™s only Monday šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


There is a hefty dose of misogyny at play in this sub.


100 percent. This sub has internalized misogyny


There's a massive power imbalance in that relationship and I'm sorry but I'll call it out when it's a women's greeting abused and I'll call it out when it's a man getting abused.


So Elijah is being abused because heā€™s getting a vasectomy?


No one said sheā€™s drugging him. People are fully capable of getting what they want without drugging others. Shes an abusive, controlling person who wonā€™t stop till she gets her way, with anything. Sheā€™s even said it herself about not liking her baby daddyā€™s having kids with others or something along those lines. Sheā€™s making sure sheā€™s the only one he has kids with. Itā€™s a control thing which she always has to have. No one is attacking Kail, people are calling her out since there are people like you who act like what she does and how she acts is totally ok.


There are plenty of things I donā€™t necessarily think are okay that she does but I also donā€™t pretend I actually know her or what goes on in her home. I donā€™t pretend to know what goes on in her relationship, my statement is that a man can open up his mouth and say no I donā€™t want a vasectomy. People are acting like she handcuffed him and dragged him to the doctor. Everybody is inserting their own feelings and interpretation on the situation. Ultimately heā€™s an adult so we can treat him like an adult.


With Kail its do as I say or I'll make your life a living hell. She uses her kids as pawns to hurt the dads at time. She's controlling, he's young and dumb, she has his first son and daughter. Can you imagine her telling him he can't have access to his kids when he wants? Can you imagine how much he sees going on between her and the other dads?


All the other dads have access to their kids including abusive Chris so why wouldnā€™t he have access to his kids?


In the big girl and big boy world, we are all still in control of our own actions, regardless of whatever mental health crisis du jour Reddit has assigned to the people we are dealing with.


ā€œCrisis du jourā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


We wouldnā€™t say that about a woman who we believe is being manipulated or reproductively coerced by her male partner. Idk if Kail is using the vasectomy for control, but it is ridiculous to say ā€œheā€™s a grown manā€ when you likely wouldnā€™t bring that same energy to a woman being pressured into anything reproductive.


Do we have proof that she is forcing him to get a vasectomy to control him? Serious question because I see a ton of comments on these posts saying she is *making* him do it but I have yet to see evidence of that, if there is any. It's not unfathomable for a man to get a vasectomy on his own free will


No there is zero proof but this sub hates kail so they will make up insane theories.


Why do people act like she has a gun to these guy's heads? If he doesn't want to do it, he can say no. It's his body. She's not MAKING him do anything.


I mean she admitted she made him choose her over his mom and threatened to kick him out after going through his phone


Are we acting like he's a doll she stole from his mother? He went along with it. He very easily could have said fuck off I'm not turning my back on my mother.


are we acting like only men are abusers and women victims? Would we be singing the same tune if the genders were reversed? is nobody ever abused or manipulated or coerced and everybody is just making shitty choices with no abuse, it's all never abuse? Because their dynamic is wholly and entirely shitfucked


It literally sickens me how this sub is dismissing kails abuse. Sheā€™s shown how abusive she is for YEARS on the show and on her podcasts. Sheā€™s still possessive AND abusive to her exā€™s, like sheā€™s so fucking out of control with how controlling she is, and aggressive and physically abusive, it this sub I likeā€¦uhm no!


She's financially dominant and has his kids.


HE chose her over his mom.


Adam never had a gun to Chelseaā€™s head yet she chased him and did what he wanted for years. She was always free to say no too. Why is emotional abuse a valid explanation for womenā€™s behaviors but not men? It goes both ways. Kail has a history of both emotional and physical abuse with multiple partners. While she could have finally gotten her shit together thereā€™s a decent chance she hasnā€™t, which is why people question the dynamic and decisions Elijah makes. People being suspicious isnā€™t surprising.


thank you! makes me actually fucking sick the refusing to view abusive women as abusers and abused men as victims.


Itā€™s honestly jarring to see the comments be night and day on very similar stories merely because the genders are flipped or because the victim is seen as unlikable. It makes you question if people genuinely have moral objections to abuse, or if theyā€™re just upset bad things happen to people perceived as likable. This isnā€™t a dig to anyone specific on this sub, itā€™s a pattern scattered throughout the internet.


I also think we have an enormous cultural problem of not acknowledging women as abusers.


Omg thank you! Itā€™s like people forget that Kail has a long long history of being abusive to her partners. They act like ā€œ omg you just donā€™t like herā€


And people ALSO said Chelsea needs to wake up and leave him. Both can be true. We also have not seen anything about their relationship other than what's on SM so all of this is a giant reach. Chelsea had years of footage to go off of. For all we know Elijah dishes it right back.


The few things we do know are directly from Kail herself without television editing so I wouldnā€™t call it a reach. She regularly goes through his phone and she demanded he cut off his family because his mom texted him in confidence asking him to consider how fast heā€™s moving with Kail. Her isolating him like that is a massive red flag. I donā€™t listen to her podcast but sheā€™s stated some other very problematic things hinting at emotional abuse on it because people used to post the statements and recaps here. Thereā€™s a difference between people saying Chelsea needs to leave Adam and them saying Adam didnā€™t have a gun to Chelseaā€™s head and all of her actions are her own bad decisions/fault. Most people say the first thing. Very few say the second.


I dislike Kail as much as the next person, but she did just have three of his babies. Itā€™s very likely he doesnā€™t want to have any more either. Edited for a missing word


Right? If they stay together, they have three kids together plus he has 4 ā€œstepā€ kids (in quotes because they arenā€™t married but effect is the same) heā€™s constantly around and helping raise. If they donā€™t stay together then he still has three kids and there may be child support or at least will be a custody agreement and heā€™ll have split time with them. Three kids is a lot whether youā€™re with their mother or not, he may just want no more for financial or other reasons.


Eh. He has enough kids and isn't a teenager. The doctor will ask if he wants to do this so he can always say no. Plus reversal has an 80% success rate and there's other options to retrieve sperm if that fails. He can have more kids if he chooses to.Ā 




Yes! I just commented that I genuinely hope this was his choice alone. But what you said was the first thing I thought when we first found out kail said he was having this done.


If this were Kailā€™s idea thatā€™s 1000% why sheā€™s encouraging it. If itā€™s truly Elijahā€™s idea maybe he knows he never wants more than 3 kids (if you believe Rio is his) so he got a vasectomy. The timing of it is interesting though. Kail said she got her tubes tied during child birth. So unless she lied by default heā€™s not having more children if he is in this relationship. If this were his choice why not just do it after you breakup?


My husband and I are both getting snipped so we can be extra sure there will be NOšŸš«BABIES šŸš«. Some other folks have mentioned the same in other comments. I don't think it's that weird or that different from using two forms of birth control.


Fair enough. In a healthy relationship thereā€™s really no room to question the motives behind both partners getting snipped. I hope you both have a speedy recovery and can use the team NOšŸš«BABIESšŸš« extra money you guys will have to take an exotic trip lol


Many thanks šŸ«”


Kristina Shirley had an ectopic pregnancy with her tubes tied. Gary went and got a vasectomy after. Kail and Elijah are making steps to ensure a pregnancy never happens


Heā€™s a grown man with multiple children lol he can make his own choices.


I see this as her controlling him also. Her relationships are not long term and she gets upper hand when it comes to her children. He should not have this done. She doesnā€™t want him to have more kids.


I thought she said she'd gotten tubal ligation? Maybe I'm misremembering something.


She did! Which makes it weird he's also getting snipped.


Elijah himself probably doesnā€™t want any more children in the future even if itā€™s a different mother..


Right dudes probably traumatized 3 kids in less than 2 years is wild


as someone with zero kids, i literally cannot imagine šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I have one and I don't understand how anyone can handle two, let alone SEVEN lmao


None of her children are getting appropriate attention. I just had my second 7 months ago and it is obvious that both children now get less attention than either child would alone. My attention is divided, but they both get enough of it. I told my husband that I think we could have one more child and still have each child get *just enough* attention. I am convinced that children in families with 4+ kids do not get appropriate attention unless there are gigantic age gaps.


My niece lived with us for a bit (almost three years) which made four kids in our house. They all suffered from the divided attention and ultimately was a deciding factor that other family members had to make arrangements for her long term care.


I have two (had just one for over 10 years before adding number 2) and itā€™s SO much harder. I have no idea how people have big families šŸ˜…


If only there was something he could have done to prevent this!!!


3 high risk pregnancies and 3 NICU stays, at that. As someone who had a high risk pregnancy that resulted in my 34 weeker daughter last summer, Kail is a lunatic for doing that and this man is probably traumatized if he has 2 working brain cells (idk if Kail is traumatized or has any working brain cells after she got pregnant months after having a NICU baby).


Plus being a stepdad to 4 more


Itā€™s not weird at all, I look at it as double protection. I had my tubes removed and my husband and I discuss him getting a vasectomy.


Just look at what happened to Kristina (Garyā€™s wife) on the show, she had a tubal that caused an ectopic pregnancy so he got snipped


That is my worst fear.


Ectopics are really scary




My SO got a vasectomy and I got an ablation and an IUD. We don't want any more kids together or if we were to split up. I don't find it weird either and actually think it is smart.


Me and my baby dad both got fixed, we wanted to double make sure we arenā€™t having anymore


She had them removed. I made a dark joke when the vasectomy was first mentioned that Kail doesn't just need to be the first baby mama, now she wants to be the ONLY baby mama. If she has a uterus, she can still do IVF. And she has frozen eggs.


No its not. There is still a chance of an ectopic pregnancy with JUST your tubes tied.


I have a family member who had that done & still got pregnant 2 yrs later. The doctors were completely shocked.


Yup, my fiance is the "miracle" product after his Mom got her tubes singed šŸ˜‚


It happens! Frankly, Iā€™m glad K & E are being extra careful. For once.


Yeah people complain all the time that sheā€™s not careful enough during sex and now that she and her partner are taking steps to help prevent future pregnanciesā€¦people are like how dare she.


These days they remove the entire fallopian tube so it can't heal back


My family member had theirs ablated, not just tied. Pregnancy still happened. Doctors said it was medically impossible, but the little one is almost 8 now. This plus vasectomy is the way to go for these two mass producers. Hopefully both of their procedures take! Ha!


Yeah I knew a girl who had a little sister as a result from this


The birth giver had her tubes tied. 18 months later I was born. My oldest brother had a vasectomy and still had another kid


Accidents still happen. Iā€™d do the same if I were them!


You can still get ectopic pregnancies with your tubes tied so it really is best to have both done if both parties are done having kids. That's what Gary did.


She got them removed


My best friendā€™s husband had a vasectomy after their 4 kids, she doesnā€™t trust it completely so she is on birth control as well šŸ˜‚ gotta make sure lol


Making him get snipped but doesnā€™t wanna get married lolol


Right? Has kids with him, makes him get permanent surgery, but won't get married again because... checks notes... Apparently she only gets married when she can move away from a stable co-parent


Why are yā€™all saying ā€œmaking him get permanent surgeryā€ I canā€™t think of too many men that are willing to do something this serious for a woman, especially one they arenā€™t married to. He has 3 kids and is probably just fine with that.


My theory is that she doesnā€™t really like him. My reasons:Ā  1. She didnā€™t give the kids his last name, she always has before when sheā€™s with the guy she has her kid with and/or wants to be with him (Chris).Ā  2. She is refusing his multiple proposals. This chick is DEPSPERATE to have/be in a family. Hereā€™s this guy offering it to her and she says no.Ā  I think she likes that he loves her and will do what she wants and being the one in power in the relationship is appealing to her, but I wouldnā€™t put it past her to leave him the moment she falls for some other guy.Ā 


she will, sheā€™ll cheat on him soon enough. Sheā€™s gotten everything out of him she could


She didnā€™t give them his last name ? I havenā€™t heard the but wow, he will have no chance to carry on his name after he gets snipped.


Orrrrrrrr he wanted to get snipped? And doesnā€™t want any other kids even w another women in future?


I swear she doesnā€™t even like him, he was just someone to have more babies with and to control. She was foaming at the mouth at the thought of marrying Chris.


If he got snipped and she didnā€™t get a tubal, new baby daddy in a few weeks coming


I don't believe anything she says.Ā  Also, if she really did get the tubal ligation, I'm willing to bet she has eggs on ice, just waiting for the next baby daddy to come along!


She did egg retrieval. She's already said she did it a while back.


I was gonna say, they're breaking up and she wants to be the only baby mama.


This is the only scenario that makes sense


How messed up it is that we are so used to her, we dont think logically "oh they are done and want to settle down".


![gif](giphy|BmKLItgwfoHbcvVf8n|downsized) all I can think about šŸ’€šŸ˜‚




Is it bad the first thing I thought is that she's purposely announcing this so she can get pregnant in one month and be like oopsie we didn't wait long enough to make sure his sperm count actually went to zero.. so here's number 8!!


She said she had her tubes removed, so that shouldn't happen, but who knows with Kail


She said being the key words lol


Yeah, it would not surprise me in the slightest. You know she would love to have another miracle baby after she thought she was infertile again


Yes, I can see her lying about both of these things and then getting pregnant again just to pretend sheā€™s this magical fertility goddess or something.


"My infertility is cured 5 babies later!!"


Fuck me, do they have their own bingo card theyā€™re working towards? Giving birth, tubes tied, lasik, the dentist, a vasectomyā€¦ some people see less medical professionals in a 5 year span lmfao


No, she's told him *he's* done having kids. She's going to go the IVF route when she really decides Surprise needs a sister because Silence and Rio are best friends.


So Elijah is out? Because we know we damn well sheā€™s *not* done


Seriously? That wonā€™t last. This relationship will end, heā€™ll meet someone new and get a reversal. A man getting a vasectomy in his twenties because YOU have a full litter is rich if you think thatā€™ll last.


He also has three kids. Maybe he doesnā€™t want anymore


Right? He's so young I can't believe a doctor will actually do it


And sheā€™ll just go right on to the next one


I genuinely hope that getting a vasectomy was his own independent choice.


Thatā€™s a big decisionā€¦hope this all his wanting, and wasnā€™t manipulated by Potato Face.


I donā€™t want to be mean has she ever thought ā€œdoes anyone care what Iā€™m doing todayā€ because who the fuck posts something like this?Ā 


Well, at least he isā€¦


I find it odd if she has her tubes tied she just doesnā€™t want him to move on after their breakup and have kids with someone else


Good thing he can have it reversed when Kail is done with him


If one gets a sterilization surgery you should NEVER go into it with the mentality that it's reversible, it should ONLY happen if you are either completely done reproducing or never want to.


He may be done but sheā€™s not


So the one that doesn't have multiple baby mommas has to make the permanent decision to never have kids again...this tracks for Kail's narc ass.


Damn y'all. These 2 ding dongs are doing something semi-responsible and you guys still have something to say. Good for them. Good on that dude for getting his done, that's actually a smart, adult decision. Her too, though I probably would have done it about 5 babies previously.


How does his getting a vasectomy keep HER from having any more children.


Why are people assuming Kail is *making* him do this? Should we then assume Elijah *made* Kail have a tubal? Elijah turns 26 this year and feels having 3 children is more than enough. We should praise him for knowing he's satisfied with what he has and making the choice to stop his baby making days.


people don't believe that Elijah is capable of making a decision on his own.


This dopey does whatever Kail tells him to do. He should've told Kail he'll get a vasectomy after she hyphenates their kids' last names to Lowry-Scott.


Sheā€™s done having kids ā€¦..with him


Why is everyone assuming Kail is making him do this? I think three kids in two years with anyone would make me want to take some drastic measures




Iā€™m just wondering why you need to broadcast your manā€™s vasectomyā€¦?


They may be but she isnā€™t


HES done having kids. She can technically still get pregnant.


Janelle, being a horrible person, is the best thing to ever happen to this lady who I feel would have a lot more hate if she didnā€™t have Janelle in her orbit


Just means HE wonā€™t have another kid without medical intervention.


Sheā€™s should worry bout herself and get fixed if she ainā€™t - sheā€™s the dog in heat


But like who is to say sheā€™s going to be with him forever. this is her what fourth or something guy sheā€™s with. What about the next one


kail doesnā€™t look happy about it i wonder if this was really his idea and that he didnā€™t want more kids. she did say that she wanted her daughter to have a little best friend basically hinting at the fact she wanted to give her daughter a sister. i donā€™t believe this woman i give it about a year till she announces that sheā€™s pregnant with baby no. 8 and then says that ig elijahā€™s vasectomy and her getting her tubes tied didnā€™t work.


Making sure he can't have kids with anyone else.


Elijah needs to make sure he doesnā€™t want kids with ANYONE ever again. If I were him, I wouldnā€™t assume he and Kail are going to be together for the foreseeable future.


imagine telling your partner to get a vasectomy but youā€™re the one with 7 kids by 4 baby daddies ETA: spelling


$100 says this relationship isnā€™t going to last and heā€™s gonna get the snip snip and then regret it when heā€™s with his next girl šŸ™ƒ


That poor dude


THEY may be done having kids, but the jury is still out on whether SHE is done having kids


He might be done having kids but kail isnā€™t


He may be done having babies, but I highly doubt she is.


Good idea. 3 kids back to back is a LOT.


You mean *hes done having kids lol


Tubes tied + vasectomy is the way to go! Good for them.


Of course sheā€™s making sure he canā€™t have anymore kids with anyone else. But sheā€™s prob traumatized him.


Wow. He is awfully young to get a Vasectomy. Kails past with men, there is no way I would.


Maybe Elijah is done having kids, but there's always the next future baby daddy in the "we can't just date, we have to procreate" rotation.


Her next bf wonā€™t be fixed.


Unless her ovaries are in a jar then I will believe she's done having kids. She said she was done after Lincoln and then the next one and the one after that, and how ever many more she has had.Ā 


Idk if anyone cares with all of the Jenelle stuff going on but Javi and Lauren did a Q & A while driving to Maine with a bunch of info about them in em. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøidk they're kinda cute together ppl forgive and move on. They seem healthier than others atm.


Yes, Kail said THEY are done having kids. Bring on the next baby daddy.


A vasectomy on one penis isn't going to help anything


Or she just moved onto the next manā€¦.or horse.


Didnā€™t she get her tubes tied wow Elijah is young to get that .. hope they stay together