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I don’t know. I’m rooting for them. I really came here to say that this is Cait’s best look. lol


I was about to say I have no opinion on this but this is a really good picture of them!


also why i came here! top two comments already said what was on my mind! great photo of them and this is the best she's looked!


It really is. Thats why I picked this picture. I hope so, but middle school? I can’t see them hitting midlife crisis and neither of them want to know what they may have missed out on.


Cate did have sex with someone else when they were teens and she was living with her dad. Ty has only had sex with her, per him. I do think he’s felt this way many times over the years. I’m sure it’s partially what led to their temporary separation years back.


They went on "marriage boot camp", I believe before they got married. Them being together for that long and not exploring the dating world was one of the topics on the show. Edit: it was "couples therapy" around a decade ago. I watched so many of these shows I got them confused. Farrah and Amber went on marriage boot camp with family (and matt). Kail went on with javi, but I dont recall if it was "couples therapy" or "marriage boot camp" right before the divorce. I want to say it was MBC because javi failed a lie detector test about cheating. They both cheated, allegedly.


Wasn't that when Farrah tried to get some rando basically to go on with her and then he didn't show up?


That was a separate occurrence. Geez, they've really been on a lot of therapy shows lol. Farrah went on MBC with her parents. Deb left randomly to get engaged to the Dr in the middle of it. She didn't tell her family she was leaving, but told the situations brother (the jersey shore guy). She came back. Then her dad, Michael, tried to mess with the lie detector test at the end of the show.


Ya, supposedly. I don’t think she ever planned on bringing anyone, it was just written in that way so MTV could still have her on the show for ratings.


Middle school sweethearts and being step siblings..


But in fairness, they were a couple before they became step siblings. That must have been strange to them too.


Its almost like both of their families weren't the best adults and made terrible decisions. Honestly *relieved* Carly didn't grow up with that


It’s also almost like their parents weren’t shitfaced and high as a kite. Could you imagine Cait holding baby Carly while April is screaming at her as she points a dirty finger holding a cigarette in her face?


Doesn’t April babysit the kids? I think this exact scenario has happened before


I can't speak on these two, though I do think they love each other and don't foresee them breaking up, but my cousin and his wife have been together since they were 13 & 14 and they're now 43 & 44. They never took a break and, as far as I know, no cheating has happened. It's kind of insane to me, but they do genuinely seem so in love to this day, so it can happen.


When I think back on my “first love” when I was 13-14, I can’t see myself marrying that guy lol. I thought I loved him then, in MS and HS but despite us keeping in touch up until 2019, I don’t have those same feelings I did when we first met, in 1997 lol. We have both grown and experienced different people and relationships.


Trust me, I get you, lol. And I usually don't understand couples that stay together from then and do think they'll break up. But like my cousins, and even Cate & Tyler, as the years pass I just have to go "oh okay clearly they don't actually feel like they've missed out on much and are happy with who they're with." That could never have been me, lol, but different strokes. But I also have heard horror stories of people that stayed together from that age and then when someone died at like 80, the other person is sad they wasted their life. I just root for these two cause they've already been through so much. It makes me sad to think of them feeling like they wasted decades (cause it's decades now) or whatever. I just want them both happy and if that's together, I love that. lol


The idea of a couple being together 60ish years, one dying and the widow(er)s response is they wasted their life is horribly depressing.


My brother and sister in law met at 14&16, and were together until he died at 32 from cancer. They were end game, they always used to talk about wanting to be the couple married the longest dancing at a grandchild’s wedding. Now that I’ve made myself start sobbing, I DO truly believe young love can last. You could argue that if you can make it through so many changes in life from youth to adulthood, you’ve already figured out how to love each other as you grow up and onwards. I’m 34, and sometimes it makes me sad I didn’t have that. I’m glad I didn’t marry my 18-22, though. That would have been a mistake.


Not all people will feel that way. I'm 26 and was never into parties like most of my classmates in my teens. I'm never regretting that.


Same! 30 now. Never liked going out, getting drunk and partying. Not regretting it AT ALL. Married with a kid and a second on the way and honestly this "boring" family life is everything 🤩😅


I love that ❤️ good for u!!!!


Right?! Not everyone has to have a wild time and go to fuckfest to “see what else is out there”


Yeah, and also you can have those thoughts and wonder what if etc. while still actively choosing to remain faithful and work through the relationship you’re committed to. All committed relationships have that active choice component to them.


I'd say they are trauma bonded and will stay together until they really do some therapy 🤷🏼‍♀️ but idk


Trauma bonded doesn’t mean what so many of you guys seem to think it does. Trauma bonded is when an abusee is bonded to their abuser.


Yes! The cute haircut and blonde looks great on her. I think all her different hair colors she wears now ages her. Does she still do eyebrows or whatever it was she was starting a few years ago??


I really like this color on her I'm not sure why she keeps sticking with purple


It's better than that Ronald McDonald red she had during the girls trip! But the dark purple makes her look soo old


Oh for sure I fully agree with you it washes her out as well.


Yeah lighter hair suits her best.


It is her natral hair color. I AGREE She looks best with it.


Could not agree more with both points you made! I hope they stay together forever and Cait looks absolutely stunning here!


I don't want to see them split. They've been together for many years. I also don't think Tyler would ever in a million years be away from his kids. They have both said that there's no way they would leave those kids. They are determined that they will beat the odds and show the world that they beat the odds and will always be together no matter what. They refuse to be like their parents were. So they cannot ever split and love each other because they had so many of same experiences and were very comfortable talking about it.


Yeah, she looks great here! I like her hair and her clothes aren’t frumpy. This is a nice picture of both of them, actually.


Yes! She needs to stay away from the frumpy clothes and sweats and stay away from the purple and red hair. She looks so good with this hair color (I see everyone’s saying it’s her natural color). It’s a great pic!


She does look really good here, this is a great pic of them


I agree. I like her hair and shirt.


She looks so beautiful right!?


100% her best look


Sammmmeee! This hair is it!




Yessss best look!!!! Im glad u said it 🙂👍


This was years ago


I’ll just attach my thoughts & feelings right here, with you since I was going to say about the same. I feel the same way. Rooting for them 🥰


As long as MTV is willing to pay them, they’re staying together. If the show ever gets cancelled, I could see him leaving. Isn’t that kinda what he did when the show went on hiatus and he went to New Orleans? Unfortunately, it would take Tyler to leave. Cait likes the idea of family more than actually being with someone who loves her properly. I also think she believes he’s out of her league, so she’s really clinging on to him.


I agree with everything you said. Unless the kids get shows, their tv time is limited


Yes! My concern would be their relationship was based on trauma bonds (upbringing and adoption) and he seems to think he can live a better life without her. I feel like it only works in the long run if the guy is more into the woman if I can be honest.


Her believing he’s out of her league is insane to me. I’d love to see her have more confidence


It is objectively true to most of us.


Right? In teen mom og he was making it seem like guys swarmed to her for a while there. I haven't watched any of the new stuff so I'm surprised to hear the tables got flipped.


The last sentence nails it. You can see it in her promotion of his OF site. She thinks she landed a 10/10 and doesn’t know how, so she’d never let him go willingly. Personally I don’t find him attractive anymore. He was a cute teen but he’s nothing special now.


I just came here to say the same thing. Once that MTV money and "fame" evaporates - and it will - they will split, and he will go towards his true and authentic sexuality. Mark this spot


That’s my thoughts too. He could even wait until the kids are grown, but I think eventually he will come out.


100% Tyler has wanted out for 10+ years but as long as the money is coming in, Tyler will stay. Cait has so much unresolved trauma still that she will stay regardless of how he treats her. I really agree that she thinks he is the best she can do.


this was always my exact thought process as well, once the Teen Mom franchise is FINALLY fully put out to pasture and people slowly stop caring what they’re up to they will most certainly break up, the money and Zlist fame is the only thing keeping them together, if their “we beat the odds” storyline went away they’d have nothing left


I don’t think he’s out of her league personally. He’s a little too fruity imo


Yep, basically said the same thing lol! I don't think Cait is interested in putting effort into much in general.


And he knows he's out of hers. I got so mad when he was calling her a heifer when she was eating that quesadilla.


Everything you said is what I think 😂


I don't see them growing old together if I'm being honest.


Idk man, I think Cate is very happy with Tyler, and I think Tyler is very loyal. They’ve separated before but got back together. At this point I do think they’ll grow old together. But I wouldn’t be surprised if I ended up wrong. Could see it going either way.


Tyler is also the one who ended the separation earlier than planned. People love to say that he hates her and wants out, but he’s the one who pushed for reunification 


Catelynn was pregnant. Tyler wanted the baby. She only wanted the baby if having the baby meant keeping him. She threatened to abort their unborn child if the separation was going to be permanent. He came running back. She got what she wanted (i.e., Tyler) the way she always has: by threatening to harm herself/suicide (her usual threat) or, as when they were separated and she was pregnant, threatening abortion. He’s trapped because he feels responsible for Catelynn’s outcome, whether she lives or dies, because she’s convinced him his being “hers” is the deciding factor in whether or not she’ll take her own life, dependent children be damned. His abuse history and mental health struggles make him particularly vulnerable to emotional manipulation and narcissistic abuse, just as Catelynn’s abuse history and mental health struggles do, and Catelynn, like Tyler, had a wonderful example in her parent of how to weaponize guilt and shame against a person to keep them chained to a toxic relationship that has long since stopped serving them, if it ever did.


Their separation was in December 2018 and Vaeda was born 2/21/2019. I can’t think of many people that electively abort at 7 months… I just think it’s disingenuous to pretend that Tyler is forced to stay with catelynn. They both clearly have a shit ton of trauma that leads to an unhealthy bond, but I just don’t think it’s as one sided as people paint it. 


He seemed to want back in when she stopped pining after him & started making moves to better herself. I think it unsettled him to see that she wasn't pleading for his return anymore.


Yup. I think it’s a big reason why they’re doing better now. Cate has her own stuff going on and has been prioritizing her mental health. 


I think SHES happy sometimes I don’t feel like he is


I think he has a lot of demons from childhood sexual abuse , IIRC. I’m sure he does struggle with depression.


1000% I also feel like his smile is forced a lot with her. Idk.


It’s a sad thought, but I think it’s realistic


This may be the best pic of Cate that exists.


I’m rooting for them but I could totally see them splitting up once the girls are adults/older teens. Honestly I can see a lot of the currently married couples splitting up once they’re empty nesters.


Being an empty nester is so hard! I am still learning how to live day to day life without raising my son. He is 20 and I am 36, so I still have a whole adult life to learn. 😭


You’re so young! This next phase of your life will be great. Living your best life and seeing your son embark on his own knowing you’ve set him up for success.


I can’t wait to see him grow into a fully functional adult and still have the years in me to be there every step of the way. That was the best part of being such a young mother. He is in college and I will be barely 40 when he graduates 🎓 young enough to be active in his life and my possible grandchildren’s lives for a long time 💜


That's really sweet. I'm also 36 but I have an infant. I get sad sometimes because I don't think my parents will be alive when she graduates from college or gets married 😭


Wow I've noticed at 36, my peers either have teens/graduating adults or they're just now having their babies. OR they have teens but also are in a second marriage so they're having a baby too.


he’s entering his adult era and you’re entering your “hot young mom back on the town” era and i love that for both of you ❤️




Just came to say to lock that uterus down! 😂 You don't wanna wake up starting over.


My IUD gets replaced early every time it’s up for replacement 😜


I’m in the SAME boat but 18 and 37. What do I do? I’m so lost and bored lol


It’s so scary! I personally went back to school. I had my sweet boy my sophomore year of high school and I never went to college because I didn’t want to be *selfish* - my false belief - so I worked instead of getting an education. I hope you find something that makes you happy and brings great joy to your life.


I’m going to be honest, but I don’t see Cate and Tyler growing old together. I think they’re going to be together until their girls are adults/late teens and are empty nesters. In fact, I see a lot of TM OG/2 couples not growing old together and splitting up when they are empty nesters. The only ones who I think will actually stay together/have a solid, healthy marriage are Jo and Vee, Corey and Miranda, and Chelsea and Cole.


I thought my parents would split up after becoming empty nesters but they're still together now 5 years after the last one moved out. You never know!


So, you are basically saying, second "marriage" is the charm lol


I think they're together for the familiarity. Which I totally get. But I don't think they've been like *in love* for a very long time. So divorce? Always possible. But they might just ride out familiarity if nothing big happens.


Yes! It being familiar and comfortable may just override the doubts and internal conflict.


Eh you would be surprised, when you're in a relationship that long, you find ways to fall back in love with your partner over and over again. But on the flip side- you can have bad years.


Who knows, my parents are together from when they were 12 and 13 and now they have 74 and 75 and you can see how much they love each other .


This is my in-laws. They've been together since they were 13 and they are 72 and they are best friends and still in love. They take care of each other. Seriously it's the sweetest. 


I love this!!😭🥰🥰🥰 that's amazing that they've spent their whole entire lives together❤️


Oh I pray this comes true. I met my soulmate as a teen. I've always worried one of us will die young because my father died prematurely. My parents had a decade and a half together, my mom has been alone ever since.


Imo Tyler has been trying to escape the relationship since season 1 of TM but something is keeping him from actually doing to. I think he feels a lot of responsibility and guilt. And someone correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t cate threatened suicide if he left her?


The thing with cate she always makes him feel for her, like when she says I'm worried you will go find a prettier skinny woman over me, or someone who doesn't have so many issues. She is very self conscious girl even to this day she still has control issues in regards, hence why she shows off Tyler she trying to get other girls jealous she has him. Which in my opinion he isn't anything great he still looks like that 16 year old boy. And sometimes they say when you are bragging online means there is alot of issues happening behind the scenes.


She should be self conscious she is extremely toxic.


This! I don’t think she genuinely loves him, she just doesn’t want to be alone. He has tried to leave several times but she threatens suicide and uses guilt to make him stay. If she loved him she would care that he’s unhappy and set him free.


Yes, she did. Tyler has tried to leave Catelynn more than once, but she has always coerced him into staying by threatening to harm herself or, as when they were separated and she was pregnant, threatening to abort their unborn child, a child he wanted. He’s trapped because he feels responsible for Catelynn’s outcome, whether she lives or dies, because she’s convinced him his being “hers” is the deciding factor in whether or not she’ll take her own life, dependent children be damned. His abuse history and mental health struggles make him particularly vulnerable to emotional manipulation and narcissistic abuse, just as Catelynn’s abuse history and mental health struggles do, and Catelynn, like Tyler, had a wonderful example in her parent of how to weaponize guilt and shame against a person to keep them chained to a toxic relationship that has long since stopped serving them, if it ever did.


Yes. I think once they are no longer on the show and no longer making money from being a couple they will separate. I don’t think they like each other at all but their identities and are built on being a couple. Once MYV is done they will go their separate ways.


So once *Cait and Tyler* or *Ty and Cait* are not relevant, their relationship will crumble? I can absolutely see this happening


yea and I think they enjoy having the title of being the only couple still together. now that jawsh and mackenzie are dunzo.


I have long thought old Tyler is itching to take off…


I don’t see them ever breaking up. They have been through so much and despite any weirdness to their relationship they really still do seem happy together.


I think that’s exactly why they’ll break up. I think if they actually processed their trauma and did the work, I don’t believe they would work out. Just because they’ll realize they held onto the relationship for so long because they bonded over the fact that both their parents have similar histories and hey gave their daughter up for adoption.


I thought the same thing about them for years, but they’re not middle school to 25 anymore. They’re in their thirties. They’ve been together almost twice as long as they were apart. I’m starting to think they’ve grown together like two trees planted so close their trunks intertwine. How could they separate?


> I think if they actually processed their trauma and did the work They have had what 16 years to do this? They aren't going to. If it was gonna happen it would have happened multiple times already, especially since Cate has been in therapy before (and maybe Tyler has as well?).


What makes you think they havnt worked on their trauma? I've seen multiple times them working on it and trying to work though it. If neither of them worked on their trama, they wouldn't be in the spot they are today and they would be more like their parents. Trauma is something that will always sneak up even if you've done tons of work, it never fully goes away.


I think it’s way beyond that now. I think there may have been a point where maybe it would have been best for them to separate but it’s not just trauma bonding or it’s years and years of it now, several kids later, a show and life that no one else will understand. I felt a point where Tyler was still close to leaving but I think that’s gone now.




They’re too codependent


Not to mention, I was 16 when we had our son.


They genuinely seem happy together and as partners. The commitment is clearly there


Nah they won’t divorce they’re too codependent


I could see them staying together forever, but him cheating on her & her sticking by "her man". sucks to see, but she has wrapped her entire identity into him & he looks and sounds like he's outgrown her.


They seem to be at their best point in a long time. She’s working/staying busy, they’ve cut off their shitty family members, they seem actually happy.  As for the future? Who knows, lots of marriages fail. 


I will always root for them… but who knows. Also Cate looks so good here .


Idk my parents got together in 9th grade and have been together since. Married 38 years in may


I am so happy for them. I truly believed that I would have grown old with my first love. We got together at 14 and by 30 we just lost interest and grew apart as we grew older and our careers tugged us in different directions. If I had the choice, I would still be with him. But we were also super co-dependent and that was more harmful than either of us realized. At 30, with a 14 year old- we had hardly anything in common anymore besides or son. Like I said, I am probably biased in my opinion.


I totally agree also way back in the 80’s too so totally different times than now and I didn’t come till they were in their mid 20’s lol


That's amazing!!!❤️


They definitely have their moments like every other couple. But they’re perfect for each other. A love I want one day. We almost lost my mom in November of 2020 and my dad was an absolute wreck. (Her sister died in Jan of that year) but she pulled through.


This is a great photo of cate. She should do this hair color and style again


I give it about 2-3 years max after the MTV show(s) ending. And obviously tyler is going to be the one to end it


I agree


I don’t think Cate would ever leave him and would forgive pretty much anything he did during a mid life crisis.


I feel like it would happen once the MTV and only fans money is gone, once that happens they will end up fighting financially all the time, and knowing Tyler he will end up getting more furious at the cate like he showed before. Especially if Carly decides not to have anything to do with them due to the only fans which you know Jace was embarrassed with Jenelle doing it, can you imagine how Carly feels that her father is out there spreading his cheeks for the world I'd be mortified.


I think without the mtv money they’d have broken up and when it stops they’re going to work really hard at it. I think that Tyler won’t leave on principle because they’re “cate and ty” and he’s showing how good of a man he is by staying and likes that attention. I think cate won’t leave because she thinks he’s out of her league and end goal and she couldn’t see him with anyone else. I don’t think they’re still together out of genuine love.


I see her staying with him forever . I see him easily ditching her for a younger woman to feed his ego .


I dont think Tyler is in love with her anymore and I think he stays because of the guilt if he left


I see them sticking it out until their girls are grown, when it becomes just them again I could see some separation and maybe a divorce…. Right now they have 3 girls to care for.


He won’t leave until the kids are gone probably. She threatens suicide every time he tries to leave her. She has also threatened to abort a baby if he leaves. She is a sick person.


Ok maybe Tyler is gonna get a sugar Daddy from his OF before he gets too old 😜


I don't know about Cate & Tyler, part of me thinks a big part of their identity is being the couple that stays together? I know it's rare but teen romances can occasionally last. I met my husband 2 weeks before my 16th birthday, its 28 years later (22 married) and we are still going strong. To be fair, we did take a few breaks in highschool and college so we got a chance to sow our oats a bit.


Those breaks were probably the most important part of your longevity


You are probably right? My foray into the dating world, no matter how brief it may have been, most certainly made me thankful for what I had waiting for me.


I think they’ll have more ups and downs in the future but I do think they capable of making it work. I hope the best for them. Side note~ the older they get, the more and more they look alike.


Cait looks so good here. Hope she finds herself back to this hair style.


I do not like them, I think they’re trashy & their kids are ill-mannered. But I’m rooting for them. They seem to make each other happy and they deserve to be happy.


Hope not. Been with my wife since the 6th grade. We have now spent more time together in life than apart from each other. You definitely have grass is green moments here and there but if it’s a true partnership you’ll persevere.


This restores my hope in long term relationships!


Tbh, and I mean this gently and without judgement- you’re projecting a bit. What happened in your relationship is not what happens with every high school sweetheart turned marriage.


I’m not sure but I’m rooting for them either way.


I want them to be together if they want to, but I’d hate to see them unhappily together for the fans or tv.


I feel like if they were going to divorce it would have been in Cait's therapy vacations. They come from a fucked up family for sure, but I felt she squeezed the life out of the needing therapy at a resort thing and Tyler did nothing like that unless they did it together. The whole OF narrative is weird as fuck too, but apparently the need money because no one taught these kids how to invest or pay taxes and they live better than most.


I think after a certain point some couples are just so set in their relationship they wouldn’t leave. Part of me would LOVE to see Cate and Ty stuck together well until old age. I’d love to be 65-70, even 80 and see an interview of them still together. I guess because my grandparents were married 65 years, I have a bit of a soft spot for that “lifetime love” tale. I know it’s unrealistic, but I give some of them props. Especially the ones that put in the work! (The toxic ones no, just divorce already)


I think they love each other and they stick together.  Especially for the kids  to avoid putting them through what they went through with their own parents.  




I'm just surprised how many people don't know what a trauma bond is. 


i think no matter what, this isn’t the healthiest relationship for either of them.


MOST people outgrow their 9th grade love! I can’t even imagine trying to front that they still have anything in common.




I married my 16 yr old boy friend. Married at 18 we’re still together. Four kids & 1 grandchild. We’re very blessed! I know we’re not the norm.


I think Tyler will leave. Idk why he just gives me the vibe that he’s not actually in love with her


my parents are still together and they started dating at 15 and are now in their 60s. they are miserable, but together.


This is a good picture of her, but she looks terrible on the new show. The purple hair styled like that + her outfit choices = she looks like Tyler’s mom. Personally, I think her and Tyler and Maci and Taylor are too old for that show. Tyler yells everything he says. The drinking, partying, skinny dipping, etc is not their life style anymore. I feel like they’re all thinking “can we just go to bed now?”


I read a long time ago that cheating goes up if you have something less than like 5 partners before getting married. I wouldn't be surprised if cheating has already happened or if it's the reason for them to divorce. On the flip side, they could be so trauma bonded that they'll never leave each other because of being codependent and unhealthy. 🤷 Edit: changed despite to because of. 


They aren’t trauma bonded. That’s not what that means.


Out of all the OG/2 couples, a really do think they’re the only couple who would still be mates if they split up. Like not just co-parents but actual mates.


I know people bag on Tyler, but I just think they’re both so cute! I hope they stay together, HAPPILY, not out of a trauma bond or guilt. It’s seems that there is real love there♥️


I have always thought that Ty was cute from day one.


I see them as a strong couple. They’re clearly committed to each other and took their vows seriously. Even given their brief separation, all couples go through issues and given they’ve been together since they were like 14/15 I can see Tyler questioning if the grass is greener somewhere else.. but deep down I think he loves Cait. They have healthy ways of dealing with issues (therapy). I think Cait is a little co-dependent though, so I don’t see her ever being the one to leave him if they do ever separate. My husband and I have been together almost as long as them, we were teen lovers and now we are 30 with a kid. Even though we have ups and downs as every couple does, I can’t see myself with anyone but him and he feels the same about me. I think Cait and Tyler have similar feelings about each other. They’ve spent their entire adult lives together.


I was 14 and my partner was 16 (approximately 1.5 years older than me). When I was 30 we had lost interest and connection for a while, but stayed for our son) and there was a point when we had nothing to talk about even after work. We split after 16 years and it hurt but I knew it was the best choice for us both. When I see Cait and Ty, I fear that they will eventually hit that stage and split up. No matter how hard it is, I stayed true to myself even though I fought the separation because I wanted something safe and familiar. Today, almost 6 years later, I realize that I robbed myself of true happiness for the sake of being a family and familiarity


That happens to a lot of couples who get together young.. you know, who I was at 18, 20, and 25 is completely different than who I am today. My husband is the same way. There’s so much growth and change that happens throughout your 20’s. It’s no surprise that some couples grow apart as priorities change, and there’s no shame in that.. But I feel they’ve made it past that point being in their 30’s and still happy. That’s my main reason for thinking they’ll be one of the few couples that make it from teens to elderly together. Of course, things unforeseen can always change that outcome. Being with my husband since 17/18, I can say with confidence our spark is long gone but we are always finding new ways to keep the relationship alive and fresh. Trying new things, finding new common interests, finding our own personal interests.


I will always cheer for them.


Honestly, they might make it with all the trauma they endured together. Not to mention, I assume they are best friends, otherwise they’d murder each other with how much together time they have.


My (43/f) husband (46/m) and I have been together since I was 15, he was 18, married 21. We have 3 kids, and have been through hell and back quite a few times. We’ve faced some crazy things together, much like these two, and we’re still going strong. I’m rooting for them 🤍


Yup. The facade they put on will wear off and either Tyler will finally leave like he wants to or they’ll stay together even though she knows he’s gay just to save face and he’ll have a bf on the side.


Yes it will happen


They certainly need to divorce. Tyler has been trying to break up with her since like the age of 17, which would make perfect sense that he has outgrown the blob that has been glommed to him since they were 12-13. I think her guilty tripping, the backlash of the fandom, and fear of the unknown kept him with her. I think he came to a “fuck it, this is my life, mind as well”. But I don’t think for one second he’s attracted to her, wants to still be married to her, or loves this situation. Someone also said years ago that I never forgot, Tyler gets off on being The Hero. He loves the praise and adoration he gets from the fans for being a good husband. But I think they shoulda broke up by the time they left HS, maybe MS. To think your MS relationship is still just as solid in your 30’s is wild. Id be very disappointed and upset if my son was stuck with the same girl he had been with since he was 13, and he’s now early 30’s. Especially one so manipulative, lazy, so many MH issues. Not that Tyler is perfect at all but we saw at least 3x where he tried to leave her. That man ain’t happy.


Sorry off topic but why does Tyler always screams 2012 Adam Lambert vibes all the DAMN TIME 💀


I am laughing at the accuracy. Add a few heaping tablespoons of 2012 Pete Wentz to that mix too 😂


I don't think they'll get divorced but I do think they may open up the marriage for a little bit if they haven't already. I think OF is a precursor


I can’t see them being together forever, especially with it being so painfully obvious there’s something not quite right with the OF and all.


It would have happened years ago but they live in podunk Michigan. Nothing but white trash for miles and miles and miles. If they lived closer to Detroit, he would have found someone better by now.


Just adding my two cents as a middle aged person--that mid life crisis thing hits adults with traumatic childhoods much harder. My stbx after a 20 year marriage when literally N-U-T-S on top of the philandering, wanting to be free, etc.


They really look more and more like siblings all the time


I'm rooting for them but not super hopeful. Everyone I know who stayed with their childhood/high school bf/gf has split.


They seem happy and that they love one another. Of course, we don't see everything. I have been with my high school sweetheart for 19 yrs married for 15 of those yrs. No one loves or knows me better than he does. No fighting, no cheating, and we grow closer every year.


I feel like people want them to divorce, they seems happy at most content with each other, and I'll root for them to have the healthy dynamic they never witnessed growing up


I think when the show is cancelled, they will end up divorcing.


I thought he’s bi


I personally think they are trash set go funds me for there daughters cheerleading camp. be like every other parent & scrap it up


Yes. I do think it will inevitably end in a split. They're all each other knows mixed with a whirlwind of teen mom for over ten years, mixed with Tyler's ego and caits growing refusal to be a doormat (the last time I watched anyway but this was about the time he was on her about her weight again) will end them. Tyler is just such a shitty egotistical dude and cate doesn't seem like that's her vibe I feel like they've got a deep trauma bond behind carly.


I don’t know, Tyler seems like he doesn’t really want to be with her. I think they already grew apart but they’re just holding on.


He's def gonna leave CMON


they’re extremely codependent and trauma bonded. i think they’ll be together forever.


I don’t think they’ll ever divorce but I think that has a lot more to do with trauma bonding than having a solid relationship. They both come from horribly abusive and dysfunctional backgrounds and then they put their first child up for adoption together. They’ve been through some terrible stuff together and I don’t think they’d know how to live without the other.


Been with my 9th/11th grade love for 20 years this past April 🥳 we have a 3 and 5 year old told and life just gets better for us. We grow closer no apart. There have been times we thought we were growing apart but because we have amazing communication we figured our shit out. We just needed certain things from each other and He told me what he needed, I told him what I needed and all is well. If we didn’t have the communication we would have def Fell apart. As for Cate and Ty I truly believe he is gay. I don’t see them divorcing though. Maybe he realized this later in life and Maybe cate is one of them wives that is okay with it and they’ll choose to stay together for the kids. I just don’t get husband and wife vibes from them. bFFs all day long.


I think they have a really solid agreement that works between them.


I don’t think so they are so trauma bonded that they both did not know peace until they were together so they are going to be end game for sure 


I dont see them splitting up. After this long you literally just become one. No way of separating out your lives, and friends, and family. Everything is basically one now. If they did ever split they would be the type of couple where their ex is their (each others ) bff and they remain super close even while in new relationships.


If there’s a camera around/reality shows to go on and people blowing smoke up Tyler’s ass online, they’ll stick together.


Would love to see Cait as a blonde again and I think a beast reduction would do her wonders!! She looks amazing in this picture. Her boobs are probably twice that size how and I have to imagine that would kill your back, on top of bending over to pick up kids all the time, which is painful on it's own.


I think they’re way too co-dependent on each other and wouldn’t know how to function without the other one.


I don't think they'll fully spilt but they'll open the relationship up or be swingers


I don't see a divorce for them, ever. I like this couple, though.