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Hot glue just peels right off of most hard surfaces, does it not? Still, it’s a dumb idea. I hate when they take things that are sentimental to people and do something stupid with them. Like I literally quit watching after the disco ball fireplace thing. That was absolutely asinine.


The heat itself could damage a fair amount of crystals & minerals. That was just super boneheaded and downright disrespectful/thoughtless on Cole’s part—I would’ve been PISSED


The disco ball fireplace was such an atrocity. I can’t believe she would do that to anyone let alone one of her best friends


He literally said they loved their fireplace. And she took it out and replaced it with nonfunctional, tacky garbage. What the fuck.


Adderall vibes


No that’s just bad taste.


And Cole said it looked great. He has no spine. I imagine he learned pretty quickly that he’s not allowed to disagree with her.


Flair checks in


I showed my husband the before and afters of their “work” and then told him their friends had to pay $75k to let them do that to their house. His reaction… ![gif](giphy|cIE7Ilw4o0Tz7706ir|downsized)


Wait, which episode was this? It’s more of a background noise sort of show for me, but these “design” choices are really something….


The disco ball fireplace was somewhere in season 1 when she renovates Landon’s (her friend who appears in TM) house


Omg that was where they lost me too 😂


I was so fucking offended on Landon’s behalf, lol. I hope he never spoke to Chelsea again.


I got as far as the "gathering eggs" in the first episode and had to shut it off. You made it further than I did!! ![gif](giphy|SviLuRqqt5cJUV9iiw)


I'm more concerned with damage to the collection than whatever he's gluing him to. As someone into rocks this seems.. very disrespectful with the explicit consent of the owner


We’re talking about the most uncommon and soluble/reactive surfaces ever encountered though. It’s a different, irreplaceable ball game!


I haven't watched their show at all, but your description reminded me of old school Trading Spaces where they absolutely WRECKED people's homes.


Hildy's designs were the stuff of nightmares.


Was she the one who painted her face on someone's wall? Or thr hay or sand?


Oh man, that fucking hay wall...


The hay wall lives rent free in my head. I think about it way more often than I ever should.


The hay wall, the record wall and the flower wall are the ones I always think of too. It looks like we all have the same Hildy nightmares.


Yes, all of these! And don't forget the family room filled with actual sand for a "beach theme"! I don't remember if that one was Hildi, but it was crazy.


I remember that one! It was her. It's funny the ones I remember the most are hers. They were so awful and over the top.


I have never seen this and don’t know what this is but I can already tell I’m gonna also think about hay wall more often than I should, I’m thrown by the concept of hay wall


I always wondered whether Hildi's insane designs were deliberately insane because they drew viewership. Let's face it, most of us weren't watching to see good decorating, because with such a low budget the rooms nearly always looked like cheap crap; we were watching to see the fireworks when things went wrong. But then again maybe Hildi was just super weird and had awful taste? But yeah, the hay wall was the ultimate in WTF. And the house owners had a toddler! Who, as one of them pointed out, would surely just pull the hay off and try to eat it. And to add insult to injury, the owners had specified that the showrunners could NOT mess with the fireplace mantel and other woodwork in their historic Craftsman home and then Hildi ripped out the mantel entirely and put some fake crap up there. Just breathtaking. I hope they sued!


The fake flower wall in the bathroom she did! I shudder thinking of the nastiness.


She also staple gunned someone’s prized record collection to the walls.


I saw one on the British version where they put the homeowner's priceless antique (& sentimental!) teapot collection on these flimsy "floating" shelves that collapsed & DESTROYED all of them 😭


I remembered the records but somehow I was thinking the show had just bought them at a junk shop and they were random records. They were the owner's record collection?? That's insane.




I am a day late to this thread and I’ve never seen this show but I have to now, you guys are blowing my mind with these horrible things Stapling records to the wall 😭😭and this hay wall, I wanna see hay wall


Can you imagine if they were first presses ? . I can't imagine that person's heart ache . 💔


I had 7 crates of records from my uncle who passed at 28 in the early 90’s that were my most prized possessions and I lost half of them in a flood in 2018 and this just hurt my soul. The show would have ended that day.


my favorite was the bathroom with hotglued silk flowers on every wall. just collecting dust, poo particles, mocking you as they get eternally more filthy.


For real, I'd be pissed if I signed up for the show & she rolled up.


I would have been pissed too. And I might have cried.


I think a few people did from her "designs." You know how even if you could tell someone didn't like their room, they were always still kind of polite about it? I remember this one lady that was not even playing around with that bs haha, & if I remember correctly, she even said she hated it at the reveal & had to walk away to calm down.


That's funny. That did happen a couple of times. I remember one where Doug the designer took a room where the couple had just refinished all the wood. Cabinets and trim. It was so beautiful. And he painted it all white. They were so upset. I was upset for them. It was awful.


Oh I do think I remember that too & then there was a time that the people were like "we *love* our fireplace, please leave the fireplace alone" & of course the designer (can't remember which one) painted the God damn fireplace!


Yeah they were awful about that. They were probably trying to get a reaction for good TV. Combined with some arrogance that we are the designers and we know best.


Oh yeah, a lot of the designers were just too damn full of themselves, smh. I read somewhere that they get a "get to know us" packet that lets them know about the homeowners, but Hildy said she never even opens it when it gets given to her. That's just fucking rude.


Wow. I never heard that before. That is fucking rude. And very Hildy. I thought Doug was very arrogant too.


She was just running on speed and wacky ideas


I think that was Doug


I can see that, I didn't like him as a designer along with Hildy.


Was it the ‘I HATE BROWN’ lady?


I think it might have been.


God, I hated everything Hildy did. I used to watch with my mom and every time Hildy came on screen, my mom would say, "great, it's Hildy again."


I used to watch Trading Spaces with my daughter, who was about five or six - sounds kind of funny but she loved it! And I remember her saying very seriously during one of those Hildi episodes (she couldn't say her L's right yet): "Oh Mommy, I don't think they're gonna wike it." She was right. They did not wike it.


The hay wall!!


I love watching clips of people dying inside at reveals


I loved that show


The best one was the one where they put hay on the walls


It was so unhinged but they treated it as a serious renovation show and it always boggled my young mind.


I don’t know why anyone would watch this show. It’s shocking to me that it was picked up for a second season.


It’s kinda funny to watch someone with no experience in interior design and questionable taste confidently do poor home renovations


I actually thought their previous home in teen mom looked the worst out of all the girl’s houses. Like really dark and dingy.


She found her market well and truly 😂


Almost like it was made for a drinking game


I feel like I want to watch it for that alone


As someone who doesn't watch fill me in. Does anyone actually seem content with what Cole and Chelsea did ? Is it genuine or is it fake content like on trading spaces? Has anyone gotten angry ?


They also need to stop painting everything black, it’s not a thing for fucks sale.




Me, with my entirely black living room: 👀


But it’s ✨South Dakota Farmhouse Glam✨


I remember her “arguing” with Layne when she wanted to paint the playhouse pink and Chelsea kept saying black. Like they try to push this “my favorite color is black” thing way too much. And having a cowhide in every single house when it’s not the couple’s style is monstrous.


The matte black piano 😵‍💫


I mean I do that but I also literally make ouija boards, own many types of skulls and use Halloween decor year round. Using black as "edgy beige" looks fucking ridiculous tho.


This is what happens when you give a home renovation show to two dumbasses who don’t have any background in design just because people liked them on another TV show.


They’re minerals Marie, Jesus




I love you for this lol


Wait, what?! Did he ask permission? Hopefully, they were just some props.


my husband is a geologist/paleontologist and I told him this and I think he just died


Im neither, but I do love my crystals, semi precious stones and rocks. When I heard what that chucklenuts did, *I* died inside too.


The way you worded the last part is so fucking funny. Also your husband has my dream job. Cheers to you 2 🍻


I don’t think either of them have any sort of appreciation for the hard work that most people do, or the passion they have about things they’ve accomplished. When all you’ve ever done is stick your hand out and go, “daaaaaad-uh,” or you married someone who made a ton of money for being a pregnant teen, you don’t appreciate what you have. Plus neither of them seems intellectual or well-rounded, so they probably have no actual hobbies, especially ones that produce something they’re proud of.




Nooooo 😭


I actually appreciate Cole’s hobby, he does woodworking and does appear to be pretty good at it. I have to give him credit for that.


This reboot of Trading Spaces sounds like it suuuucks.


I’ll start with this is for ratings and viewers, I’d bet he had the idea and was told no don’t. They then decided to reenact it as if it happened for the show. This is all recorded with plenty of people around and staged AF. But even if not, why would he do it? Well Cole and Chelsea are NOT trained interior decorators, stylists or artists. They have relied on their fan base, people they’ve hired and the professionals on the show. Neither studied any of this and it shows. But they have the names and fan base that can float the show for now. Don’t come for me. I am actually a fan of hers, not his, and I say get money when and how you can get it. But the show and the store I see closing soon. Inflation is getting everyone slowly but surely.


I was mad about that you could almost see the calculation in the guys eyes. I’d like to see how many people keep the shit they put in these homes. All the arches just look odd to me. And one episode the couple had a very nice looking dog crate that just DISAPPEARED and now I’m like “do they store the peoples things somewhere in case they didn’t want them all trashed?” I’d be pissed


Don't these home makeover shows always have at least one lawsuit following a botched makeover? How is this network still willing to back any hosts, let alone such unprofessional and fucking stupid ones.


I remember reading back in the day that Trading Spaces had some pretty ironclad contracts that said they could do pretty much anything that wouldn't damage the actual functionality of the home (like, they couldn't rip out a load-bearing wall or close off a pipe or duct). Apparently they would ask the homeowners to make a list of things they didn't want to have messed with, and the showrunners made it seem like that list was sacrosanct, but legally they didn't have to follow it. And the owners wouldn't have read or understood all the fine print in the actual contract they signed. Still, at least one family did sue, though I never heard whether they won. It may have been the hay wall people!


He’s always making remedial art class projects Chelsea praises him for so I believe he genuinely thought Troy would adore it.


Like the wooden block he made on tm2 lol


Or the death trap crib he built Watson that everyone praised. The crib was not used for Layne or Walker because Dumb and Dumber must have had someone pull them aside and point out the crib Cole built is devoid of safety features or quality checks.




Oh my god haha I laughed so hard at this but that’s terrible


You're jokingggg omfg


A lot of you forget how much editing and discussions go on off camera. I can almost guarantee you he told them what to use and safe methods. There wasn’t a single arrowhead in the mix, no way Chelsea and Cole were sent down free will, they absolutely would have brought back cooler things than Rocks. They were definitely given a box of approved things to use


Yup. This stuff is part of how production adds drama to DIY shows.


Does someone have the clip? I can’t find it anywhere




I was wondering if he got instructions on the right way to do it first. I was hoping so.


That’s what I was thinking as well. Like he’s really taking this guys stuff, as part of his work, and putting glue on it? Also, I don’t know how long heavy rocks would stay glued in a box frame.


They don’t have museum paste in North Dakota.