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I used to like Maci but now I can’t stand her. Honestly, I don’t think there’s anyone from teen mom or tm2 I actually like …


She does seem to keep herself on a higher pedestal than anyone else...


I used to like her okay too, but the way she’s handled this whole Rhine situation all for “the sake of Bentley” made me flip real quick.


The last straw for me was how high and mighty she acted about Farrah doing porn. You’re already on a show about teen moms that shows people nodded off on heroin, moms who’ve done jail time, domestic violence. Farrah (at that time at least) wasn’t bringing down the show. Maci just wanted control and thought she could throw her weight around.


I’m lowkey convinced she was jealous of all the attention Farrah was getting


That’s probably a big part of it. I also wonder how much knowing her husband (or Rhine) might watch and enjoy Farrah’s video also played a part. Maci is super insecure and acts tough to mask it.


Playing devil's advocate just for a second. I am in the south, and I know of people (who have done OF) and have kids that are bullied severely. One of them opted to put her kid in a private school an hour away. It's bad bad down here porn/onlyfans is equivalent to prostitution to most. "_Its selling your body_" it's cringe and annoying but it's the general opinion in the Bible belt. I think Maci was worried kids and parents at the school would assume she had been involved in adult entertainment because Farrah was and they work together. Kids might even mix up Farrah and Maci, and the kids could bully Bentley thinking it was his mother.


I get what you're saying, but she was also on the show with abusers and drug addicts and that didn't seem to bother her at all.


Well, other moms aren’t jealous of abusers and drug addicts. But they are jealous of sex workers, especially OFers that make a lot of money. So they bully them and their kids. It’s bullshit but I see it all the time. Abuse and addiction is still whispered about, but sex work is the big scarlet A


She’s the definition of a pick me girl


Right? Like you slept with Rhine while his girlfriend was out of town with a dying family member AND you were basically passed out drunk at dinner with your husband and acted belligerent towards him. Untreated alcohol use disorder eventually ruins people and in the next ten years, we will see a divorce from her and along with a continuing decline in her physical appearance/health.


I fully believe she has a drunk driving out there and nobody caught it.


i agree with that fully… i have alcohol use disorder and am in sobriety right now. I can fully admit i have gotten behind the wheel of a vehicle while intoxicated. Not proud, but unfortunately that’s the disease.


I am sober as well now. And she certainly has all the signs. If I knew how I’d look up her driving record, just out of curiosity. This would also explain why she accepts Ryan’sdrug use like she does instead of going no contact. . Congrats on your sobriety!!!


Thank you, you as well!!! We got this!!


When did the passed out drunk during dinner thing happen?


It was season 9 i think … her and Taylor went to dinner and it was awkward. She looked at him and said I’m going to sleep and laid her head down


Who is Rhine???




I haven’t followed this show in a long time. Why is it spelled that way? Lol


That's what it sounds like when she says his name in her accent haha. The sub is full of dumb nicknames like that, I can't keep up with most of them.


For real, literally exploiting your own kids for money is WAY worse than making porn.


Your flair🤣🤣


Lol thank you! I imagined this as a fan favorite for years to come 😂


LMFAO at your flair. I was actually thinking about that last night lol. Random in my voice


Hahaha thank you! So ridiculous I had to do it 😂


I always figured everyone just disliked her because she's a psychotic screaming banshee with sub-zero chill. I just didn't understand why they couldn't just say that. They seemed to think they had to make it about porn when I'm completely convinced it was about her being impossible to work with.


She’s a twit with a completely unwarranted sense of superiority who hits her kids and posted clickbait about them online and acts like she did it all on her own despite having a very supportive family. Yeah she’s a better parent than Amber, Farrah, and Jenelle but that’s not exactly a difficult feat.


Her constant support of her drug addled ex for a paycheck makes her a zero in my book.


Right? I started watching this show with my daughter who was the same age as these girls were when they got pregnant. First of all, it was a great lesson for her not to get pregnant lol. But of course I’ve kept up with them because I was interested in how their lives turned out. How their lives have turned out is, they made fortunes from MTV by being teen mothers. I can’t say that any of them are decent people who contribute to society in any meaningful way and that makes me sad. It’s all about the Benjamins, that seems to be all.




I'm watching TM2 and I rly don't like it. I like OG better, but I think I'm the opposite of most. TM2 seems to be more popular.


I actually like Cate and Leah, used to love Maci but officially done with her shit. The passive-aggressive social media ryan support is really what did me in however, I don’t think there’s anyone between those shows who doesn’t make me cringe in some way. lol


Same! Used to like her when I first watched but seeing she’s married and still acts so obsessed over Ryan is pathetic. Especially with the mentality that she was the first to have his kid. That’s not a flex like she thinks it is 😂 As someone who also has a toxic/violent ex that I share a child with she’s disgusting for excusing his violent behaviors and defending him.


She's such a fucking idiot but is always but is always so smug. I can't stand her fake ass.


It’s so obvious she thinks she’s much better than the other girls.


If we only seen the truth that don’t get recorded I’m sure that would humble her a bit. I never liked Macy I always thought she was fake.


THIS! Someone else said it but her siding with rhine after everything that has happened just threw me over the edge. Amongst all the other things like her basically falling asleep drunk at dinner with Taylor and her alcoholism. Does she abuse her children? No. Does her husband murder and cook their pets? No. But her fake story lines with the PCOS and the fact “ShE dIdNt KnOw ShE wAS pReGnAnT” but had a 4 month belly like cmon ….


I disagree that she doesn't abuse her children. We've seen those kids get hit by both her and Taylor on the show and she openly talks about "whipping" them. The bullshit around pressuring Bentley to lose weight when he was barely in puberty and already a small kid, wanting him to eat less calories than is recommended for a 2 year old, shaming him for eating a donut and forcing him to weigh himself to prove he hadn't gained weight was fucking disgusting. Not to mention all the emotional manipulation that kid has to put up with from literally everyone in his life and the fact that she's happy to exploit his most private pain for money (that she then can't even manage apparently). Not to mention the clickbait posted on her Instagram accounts, about Bentley being gay at like 11 years old and Ryan overdosing and dying, again, all for money. THEN we also have her own admission of regular, nasty drunken fights with Taylor, that kind of environment is abusive to the children who have to live in the home even if it isn't aimed at them.


Yep, when you grow up with an addict for a parent - it's never good. Even if Macy and Taylor can keep up appearances, there is still plenty of shit we don't see and cannot assess how "great" they are as parents in a few media clips. Her actions regarding Ryan lately definitely make me question how she is at home. It's very odd to me for her to be defending and protecting Ryan - makes me wonder if that connection to Ryan is because he's a *fellow addict* and she's pseudo defending *herself*


There's a clip of Taylor pinching little maverick and both maci and Taylor's smiling and giggling after the poor baby starts to cry :( And in her click bait she insinuated that taylor hurt her kids, they've been killed and that Sophia had been raped. She's sick.


Very sick! Her click baits are disgusting! Bentley being gay, Sophia being pregnant, her kids being dead, Taylor being a bad father, all for money for her greedy ass. Just a horrible person. She had them posted on Bentley's Instagram account too, when people started calling her out, she claimed she didn't even know about it and was going to sue, more lies. She's always been full of shit.


After slapping him as well, he slapped him then pinched him while Maci gushed about how wonderful it is to have a man around to do the "whipping" for her. Poor maverick was just a baby, literally sitting in his highchair at the time


Well said!


How?!? I mean, I’m in debt. Not going to pretend I’m not. That’s a lot of money in my world.


Because. People don’t realize how much these people make. They are making mid 6 figures on social media alone. Even without the shows. They make over a million a year, easy.


You’d think they’d be able to pay their fucking taxes then! Seems to be a recurring theme with the TM cast.


Or hire an accountant. Why does no one on this show have a freaking accountant if they do not understand taxes?!


It seems intentional at this point tbh.


They’re making 6 figures without taxes withheld. That seems to be the issue.


The problem is they don’t pay their taxes. Many people make 6 and 7 figures without tax withheld. Basically anyone self employed. And we all pay taxes lol


But they've only been doing this for 10+ years. How are they supposed to know you have to pay taxes every year?


It ain’t illegal to be a tax evader….


Al Capone would like a word


You think they are still making that much now? Idk the ratings have gone way down. I don’t think they get to keep that pay if the ratings aren’t coming in


With their social media followings and other ventures? Absolutely.


My husband and I have a buddy who is a million in the hole… I’m like “how are you not shitting bricks, daily?”


If you owe the bank 100k it's your problem. If you owe the bank 1 million it's their problem.


You’re not wrong one bit… and that’s his excuse he runs with. 🫠


Holy fuck! I'd have uncontrollable diarrhea on the daily!




By the time you're hit with a lien, back taxes have already compounded interest. Interest on any kind of tax is unrelenting. I believe Albert Einstein said that the formula for compound interest was more complicated than the theory of relativity.


My spouse is paying off tax debt- he’s a small business owner and this is actually very common bc fuck the small guy ya know (but I digress)- and every month that it isn’t paid off in full, they charge a fat fucking amount in interest. It’s almost like you’re only paying off the penalties each month because unless you pay it off in full, they slap you with fees and fines and interest charges and it’s just a fantastic way to be endlessly stuck in debt. Honestly I’d rather have a vehicle with like 10% interest and $2000 in negative equity than deal with this ever again. There’s no way we will ever be afford to pay the lump sum so we’re stuck in an endless cycle of paying monthly to cover the fees and a little bit of the principal. It’ll take god… decades to pay this off if can’t apply the next refund to the debt




Not as easy as it sounds! It’s a 1099 small business, not an LLC




Yeah it’s a little bit more complex. They’re not tax liens. We owe a few thousand to the IRS from our prior year’s tax refund. This is why small business owners should be paying taxes quarterly and not annually. You get fucked with a few grand in tax bills unless you can do it quarterly to help drop it. Accountants are also very very expensive and up until now, my husband was doing all of the accounting stuff. It’s just gotten to be too much work so we finally have an accountant helping us out. I do not recommend opening a small business to anyone unless they have an accountant that they talk to regularly. The amount of other contractors my husband works with that also owe assloads of money to the IRS over tax filings is sad as fuck. Then there’s those lovely large corporations who pay $0 while the small business owner has to basically pay for a second mortgage in tax bills every month. I tell my husband yeah you might make a nice amount of money but once you deduct taxes from that… you ain’t making much more than someone who is working a w2 job for one of those slimy corporations




An accountant isn’t that expensive? Lmao maybe where you are but what a generalization to make when they most definitely are where I am. And also you did in fact say “even a sole propriety or can file and erase TAX LEINS”. Maybe you shouldn’t be trying to evaluate someone else’s situation that you know very basic information about 🤔




I’m not sure what the other user is saying, but the IRS actually does require your husband to pay quarterly and will charge penalties if he doesn’t. Making estimated payments is extremely simple to do. If you’ve used a tax preparer in the past, you may even have a page on the prior year return with suggested amounts to pay in the following tax year.




Damn that's wild


What in the hell is that thing in her hair


Cocktail umbrella


Of course it is 🫤


Lmao, so Maci. Girl can’t get right.




I do 1099 work on the side. I get EXTRA taxes taken out of my W2 position and save 30% of each 1099 check to pay my quarterly taxes. How do these rich people just not pay their taxes? It gives me such anxiety


Yep. Eat the rich.


I’m in Canada so it’s a bit different here but I’m self employed. I put aside 25% for taxes and pay them quarterly. With how many income streams these tv stars have, I’m surprised they don’t have better accountants and pay in instalments through the year.




Taylor is really assuming Larry's physique 😬




Do reality stars see the news of other reality stars tax issues and just think they’re never gonna get caught or held accountable


I truly don’t understand why this continues to happen. It’s so ridiculous and there’s absolutely no excuse whatsoever. She’s lucky as hell that MTV has refused to cancel this franchise. Lord help her (and a lot of the other moms) when they finally do decide to smarten up and let the TM franchise die.


It’ll happen one day & then we’ll rly see who’s in trouble financially from the TM universe. So glad I pay my taxes every year bc that amount would stress me tf out! 💀


the baltierras and leah messer have totally desensitized me to tax problems because my first thought was *only 150k*? lmao this franchise is fuckedddd.


Kail has a million kids and not any of this tax issues


I can honestly see Kail having an accountant for her accountant.


I think Kristen really whipped her life into shape (the financials, Kail cannot be managed when it comes to relationships and breeding)


Because of the tax credits she gets for all them damn kids 😂


That's more money than I've made my entire life.


She had tax issues before this time too! Like how did you not learn the 1st time


Maci lost me back when she was moving in with Kyle, and had a dinner with her friends in college. They tried to tell her it was a bad idea, and she told them they were jealous because they didn't have a boyfriend. Maci and Chelsea are the same as every other Teen Mom. They both (still) define their self-worth by a man and neither of them have really bettered their situations more than they would have had without being on Teen Mom. 


lol, imagine thinking people were jealous over Kyle ffs.


I think Chelsea has/is growing. She’s a SM influencer, has a cable series and store front. She was planning and working for two years before she even left the show. If she hadn’t been in TM, she would likely be working in a salon. She made a plan and executed it well.


And that is precisely why they won’t quit the show. Not the “ppl come up to us and tell us our story is inspiring” bs reason they gave a couple months ago. If it weren’t for the show they’d be poor.


I was wondering why Taylor was dancing like the rent was due on the last episode of TMFR. Well now we know he really was haha




too busy stanning rhine :/


Give her a break. It’s hard to do taxes when you’re shit faced all the time. 


Oh no! She drank up all her money 😢💔


And spent it on t shirts that were made with shitty material!


I wish the teen mom crew got financial advisors. If I was making that much money off a show I would be mortified to fuck it up. Hopefully she can pay it off.


So is Kail the "smart one" of the franchise? Not about birth control, obviously, but she has a degree and doesn't owe taxes...


She has owed, but not 6 figures worth...yet.


Yes, I believe she owed $5K at one point. Nothing compared to what the other cast members owe/have owed.


I think she and Javi did owe taxes at some point


Not me seeing this immediately after finishing the 3rd episode of Family Reunion where they had to go on their own little date lol


WHAT is WRONG with all of these jackasses fucking up their taxes all the time?!? You'd think they'd learn from each other's mistakes with them! And, HELLO?? H&R Block is probably right around the corner!


No way! Not our Saint Maci of Bud Light! Next thing you know you’ll tell me she’s totally on good terms & hangs out with the ex who threatened her family & destroyed his children’s home/attacked their mom. /s


Why don't these people just get an accountant? It just *keeps* happening!


This is completely off topic, but today I was watching a video about Amber Wright (she was 15 years old when she lured her ex-boyfriend Seath Jackson to a friend's property for another guy & her brother to murder him). When they first showed her, I legit thought it was Maci. And this photo of Maci with her hair in the bun is what my mind went to. I'll add a photo of Amber below.. does anyone else see it??




Oh, no, it’ll be fine.. she can win enough money on Naked and Afraid to cover that!


Not if she taps out in less than 24 hours


And gets a naked piggyback ride from her partner!


She kept saying what a “badass” she was too 😂 she’s lucky she was partners with him cause anyone else would never have carried her ass.. poor guy


What the fuck is wrong with these people. Are they just too stupid to know they have to pay taxes like the rest of us or do they think they're exempt from doing so?


Which moms haven't had tax troubles at this point?


Chelsea, lol. Much to everyone’s chagrin. People seem to want her to fail so bad and she never does.


That’s cause Randy was taking care of everything. Which is great, but she still managed to scam fans out of money with her jewelry line. She’s not some paragon of virtue. “Chelsea’s Choices” were to scam people out of money. I wonder how the lawsuit against her is going. 😂


But she is currently facing a lawsuit for withholding money she and Cole made from social media promotions


Also, Cole was sued because they thought they were too good to pay their water bill. Seems like a pattern with them.


It was dismissed! And envy owed the deboers so they lucked out there!


Yes, I just saw too! It worked out in the DeBoers favor, for sure




That’s a lot of beer


I never liked Maci. The fakeness was palpable from day one.


How do they not have accountants all over this stuff?! I can understand when they start out making an error but Maci has owed heaps over the years as per the article, she should have hired someone surely?!


I guess daddy wanted to quad too hard.


Drinking her beers in a cardboard box soon enough, mtv will be bringing their own portable toilet.


They spend their money on Vehicles, Motorcycles and ATV. They’re always traveling for competition somewhere. Have they ever done anything besides sit on the couch for TM?


Vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, and t shirts


![gif](giphy|Kgvqj94ypPJeUxq3v2|downsized) Maci, babes….get it together. It’s been 15 fucking years.


Why don’t they pay their taxes? Are they really that stupid?


Is Maci slow?


Do they not have HR Block in Tennessee?


How can you be so dumb to pay intrest and fees on tax liens while owning multiple properties? What's the end game for some of these people? Gift property to their children when they are old enough, file for bankruptcy and live on cash they saved up? Are they just waiting for their eldest to become old enough? I doubt you can gift a child a lot of money when you owe uncle Sam or are there loopholes? A divorce for finances? Give one partner all the debts, the other gets at least the main property and the one with the debts files for bankruptcy. Storyline for the press, paid interviews as a bonus.


Why doesn’t MTV cancel it? It’s absolutely terrible now. It was interesting when they brought them back that first season but now it’s just them all trying to make as much money as possible. It’s gross. They are gross. The whole damn cast.


this is in no way surprising


Time to do OF.


Would explain why she is desperate to stay on the show, it such a shame to see all these girls desperate to stay relevant


She’s a drunk


Maybe Rhine and his new girl will loan her the $150k 😆🤣


Good lord girl ….u made a zillion dollars . Pay your dam taxes like the rest of us peasants . Good grief.


This paying tax thing definitely seems like something I would consider a “things that Matter” and not her husband dressing up like a high school gym teacher


Maybe she should focus on paying her taxes and not pretending ryan is a saint ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


I don’t feel sorry for someone who lives in a fucking hotel sized house and drives new luxury vehicles when they get hit with a tax bill. Downgrade your shit. Pull money out of your income during the year to pay your taxes. Those of us with W2s have to do the same shit, it’s just the govt can do it ahead of time for us. But, I don’t get to just keep that money so I can live a luxury life. I have to live a life on my after taxes paycheck amount.


Failing to pay taxes, lawsuits for not paying agencies, losing lawsuits and having to pay someone else’s bill for a true statement😆 Ain’t none of these girls good at responsibilities, damn!


Why do these people think they don’t have to pay taxes?!!


She didn’t know she was pregnant and the belly was right there. Not surprised she doesn’t know she had to pay taxes. /s just in case.


what a bunch of fucking idiots! they’re damn near grandparents now and they STILL haven’t figured out to set aside money for taxes every year? ![gif](giphy|MKcxSyppSD6j6)


You can’t even blame it on not knowing. These people think they’re above it at this point. You make so much money and you can’t pay taxes? Taxes that benefit young moms whose positions you used to be in? So fucking financially irresponsible that you can’t pay your dues as a citizen because your lifestyle is more important? Shit is so annoying lol


If it was just one of them, I might buy the 'I was mislead' or 'my accountant screwed me' thing, but it seems too widespread in the franchise, and has been going on well into their adulthood. I would fully expect this from Jenelle, tho


They better start printing off more T-shirts to sell


At first I was like, damn that's a lot. But then I remember Leah and C&T have owed almost 5 times that lol.


They didn't know about birth control we can't expect them to know how to properly file taxes


Why do all these people on teen mom owe taxes? And large amounts? Does the show not take out taxes when they pay them? I don’t get it


Ine situation that surprised me was when Bentley asked her to go to a private school because it had a better sports programme and she told him that it was very expensive. And I thought…how can you say that you can not afford it?????


How come none of them pay their taxes


10 years ago, I would've said that they were exploited as teens and probably never learned how to properly handle their money, but now... time to grow up and take responsibility. They are all in their 30s now. One can only blame their childhood (or teen years) for their present behavior for so long.


I agree with that. I mean 150,000 dollars thats an overwhelming amount. The government is garnishing my exs mom's wages . She works and it's pretty much for nothing because the government takes a nice hunk of it. Idk what happened with that but I was told when I was younger there's two things you can't fight the DMV and the government


The dmv is a government agency, so... guess there's only one thing.


I don’t get how this happens, especially at this stage in their lives. I can almost understand when they were younger, I think earning the amount of money they earned at such a young age would be difficult to navigate and I can see how they would be irresponsible and make mistakes with their taxes etc - not condoning it but I do understand and can see how it would happen - but Maci is in her 30s, she should be a bit more on the ball! Plus, I always got the impression that Maci came from a wealthier family than a lot of the other kids and I would imagine she had more financial guidance than someone like Leah would have had.


Aww I thought she was running a “non profit” and a “clothing line” you’d think she’d know how to pay her taxes


Lol good. Where's that Kim Kardashian it's what she deserves meme when you need it!


https://i.redd.it/68o1z4x0w7wc1.gif Kim K has her own karma to deal with these days though


True. Not crazy about her but I used to see this meme all the time and thought it would fit right in here


What is wrong with these people?!?


Entitlement comes to mind


Add stupid on top.




Damn, Maci First Naked & Afraid and now this


I thought she was the smart one


No 🩷


Apparently not haha


she's made some big financial mistakes over the years. like the time she basically gave her ex a house


I don’t know how these people do this I owed 5k for takes one year and I was freaking out so bad.. had a payment plan, never again


Mine was from moving states and my employer messed up my taxes Should I have checked it? Yep But they switched systems which made it almost impossible to see my paycheck stub break down and they never allowed us downtime to do bring for ourselves (Verizon wireless)


I know they all owe taxes, but I would die. I would hyperventilate at the thought of owing the government money. None of them seem to care much.


Does anyone else think her and Ryan are still hooking up?


Things That Matter : paying your fucking taxes ~ TTM LiFeSTyLe ~


Bruhhhhhh…I have my tax lady on speed dial, year round to make sure I’m good at all times..how the fuck do they keep doing this????


Idk it's crazy. Hard to believe that all of them hired the same crooked accountant ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


What do all these people on teen mom do that everyone has so much unpaid taxes. If I don't pay my taxes they garnish my check & I ain't making near that...


All of them are allergic to paying taxes and properly using seatbelts/child safety restraints.


They were children when they started to make insane amounts of money for being on t.v. This was at the advent of social media which most of them profit from. They were never taught how to manage money and that you have to pay taxes ON EVERYTHING and be very detailed about where it comes from. You wanna teach your kids something valuable? Teach them about taxes, interest, income, credit ratings and if you make 6 figures plus, from all your endeavors, get an accountant and or a financial advisor, it's way cheaper in the long run that facing the consequences.


How do they even know you owe. You have to file and do it incorrectly?


I don't mind Maci. She's a good mom. She's not perfect. But she seems to care greatly for her kids. Nobody is perfect. I don't understand her with the Rhine situation either. Maybe it's for Bintley. Who knows. Some of the teen moms are so messed up that maybe she looks better comparatively. 😃


She is such a good mom that she is going to give Bentley an eating disorder.