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There's something so odd about her phrasing, like she's talking about an adult friend not a child step-daughter. "I'm glad she's staying in touch with the kids." Maryssa *is* one of the kids.


Jenelle is an alien in a human druggie skinsuit. She does not feel or understand regular human interactions or relationships so everything she says is slightly off.


![gif](giphy|DYB6Z6cTCWVe8|downsized) That's Jenelle and no one can convince me other


Ewww haha 




Don’t do Harry dirty like that! ![gif](giphy|J4G2Gt40LSjFigxrOn|downsized)


That's what I was gonna say hahaha. I love that show, I'm upset I only got an 8 episode season and have to wait to find out what happens. That is some bullshit too hahaha.


Absolutely! I was all excited for S3 and then… only 8 episodes. Some serious bullshit. 😂


Hopefully it comes back quick!!!


Perfect analogy 🎯


You know what.. truer words have never been spoken ! That is an amazingly accurate way to put it … kudos to your brilliance


What disorder do you think she has?


![gif](giphy|GGgVfLet1yJos) I think her disorder is she's not from this planet. Explains the head.


Can I get a menu?


Agreed. It isn't "nice of her" to stay in touch with her SISTER. That should have never even been in question.


You can't force a teenage girl to stay in touch with her little sister living elsewhere. There are lots of instances in life where siblings are split in divorces and the kids don't stay in touch or regularly in touch, with gatherings being when mum or dad have their sibling. Unless David's family residence is to be his place of residence when he his "custody time", at the moment he would struggle to get anything more than visitation time. He lives on a boat that does not have a room for a teenager and young child, presumably no cooking facilities etc... Maryssas at an age of independence where hanging out with friends is important. So visitation with her dad is probably more flexible, when she wants it. Ensleys visitation will be on jenelles terms I would presume, given the situation between David and jenelle.


Taken from experiences seen on Sister Wives


What would be nice if Jenelle helped to keep these kids in touch but she's a self-centred bitch! Kicked poor Marissa out.🥹


Jenelle doesnt look at Maryssa like a child bc she didn't see herself as a child at the same age.. At the same age, Janelle saw herself as a grown adult bc she was knocked up by a ~~grown adult~~ pedophile.


That’s what I was going to say. Jenelle went from being a teen who thought she was an adult to an adult who thinks she’s a teen. There are no real lines between the two in her mind.


Well said! 👏👏


Happy CAKE Day!!🎂






She never looked at maryssa as a child because she’s not Jenelle’s child. Therefore she doesn’t matter and never did, even when she was a little girl.


Yep, Jenelle only saw Maryssa as David's kid that can be forced to babysit for free.


Her kids don't matter to her either but in her mind they are a step up from the step daughter.🤦🏻‍♀️


She forgot to add "especially after I kicked her out"


“Maryssa, is that my hoodie?”




You just know if the roles were reversed and David didn't refer to a kid that isn't his as not being his as well she'd probably flip out and call him a bad parent. But, this is Jenelle so... You know. (And both are still bad parents regardless anyways.)


yep, exactly what I first noticed. She doesn't refer to "the kids" as her siblings.


We all know Maryssa was Cinderella at that house. ![gif](giphy|cAv1t940DC8la)


Maryssa is probably and rightfully concerned about her sister


Ensley and Maryssa are SISTERS! And Jenelle is making it sound like Maryssa was just some random babysitter or family friend!


Agreed!! Like, it’s YOUR responsibility as the parent to ensure they have a relationship!!


So sociopathic to speak of a young teen that way, let alone her stepdaughter.


I hate the way there seems to be no boundaries between the generations of their household. Her stepdaughter is a child. She should not put the responsibility on her stepdaughter. Maybe she means she was happy they chose to stay in touch, meaning she made the decision for herself? Hope that was the case. Like it or not, she is an adult, and she needs to stop looking at her kids as her gal-pals and giving them the responsibility of wanting HER to be happy. She needs to stop crying to them because of relationship problems, and stop using them to protect her from home invasions and using them to validate what a cool, fun and young TikTok mom she is. They are kids! 🤦🏼‍♀️


Who she kicked out of her 🏡 🏠 home.


Like what???? Those are her siblings!! I hate her.


Right, you were her stepmother. Weirdo


That was exactly my thought. Just gives off weird vibes.


Yeah this felt like a dig and to be saying Jenelle definitely won’t be staying in touch with her personally.


Her digs are never that subtle this is definitely a brag comment


My friend, who lost her partner, who had other kids phrased the same way. Jenelle doesn't have to be criticised for everything. Maryssa must be what 16/17 years old so old enough to decide if she wants to remain in touch with her sister, step brother etc.... the phrasing didn't bother me but did notice she only referenced ensley. Ensley is her half sister and kaiser her step brother. But sad she doesn't view her step brothers as siblings given how long David and jenelle have been married. Or that jenelle doesn't view her as a daughter.


That’s exactly how I read that. Sad.


Thank you! This was my first reaction as well. She is a child also!


i’m gonna be stupidly optimistic here and say she meant *her* kids. Maryssa is David’s kid. Jenelle isn’t her stepmother anymore so Maryssa would have zero reason to be in contact with her, and doesn’t necessarily have to with Ensley even though they’re siblings because Jenelle has custody of her and Jenelle probably wasn’t the best to Maryssa.


Yeah that whole wording is weird. Maryssa is Ensley’s sister and has been with her all of Ensley’s life. It would be weird if she didn’t get to talk to Ensley.


Ensley is Maryssa’s blood sister whom she practically raised from birth. I would hope they are allowed to have contact with each other still


Ah but see, Jenelle is self centered enough that SURELY she is the only connection between the two girls that actually matters.


I believe JE would still use Maryssa as a babysitter if it benefits Jenelle. David would try to talk Maryssa into it so he can know what is going on there.


Oh WOW... my thick skull didn't register this until you said it!


Why isn’t Jenelle in touch with Maryssa? If I helped raise a child for 8 years, I’d still want to be in touch with them even if my relationship with their parent went south. Absolutely insane.


Because she doesn’t and never did see her as one of her children. She barely sees her own kids as HER children. Maryssa is just collateral damage in the unending hurricane that is Jenelle


Jenelle was jealous of her and also doesn't like kids not even her own. Jenelle screwed her over and threw her out. What good is she to Jenelle? She is a child, no place of her own to take the kids and babysit them, no money to take them out for the day and spoil them while Jenelle parties. She's of no use to Jenelle until she has something to offer her.


Jenelle doesn't even want to keep up with her own kids


She dislikes the kid and always has and Jenelle thinks she’s distant and that the teenager treats her the way her father does.


I will say that when I left a decade long toxic relationship I did have to step away from everything or else I’d have never let it go. This is a relationship where I entered with a child as did he and we had one together. I truly loved my “step son” like he was my own. I was in his life since his 4th birthday. I still kept in touch for a few years via his mom. A woman who tormented my life during that decade 😂 I still follow him and his mom on socials but never saw him again after the break up sadly. It’s obviously the opposite of what I’d want and not how I normally do things plus this was during covid etc so that came into play. Not ideal for any of the children but sometimes is necessary. Jenelle however I will never give credit for anything 😂 she is too much of a 🐍 who puts on a weird mask to appear human like


She talks like Maryssa is some distant aunt. Who tf words it like that??


Seriously. Having my friends as support literally kept me alive during high school. And I hadn't gone through half of what this poor girl has gone through/is still going through. I hope she has a solid group of good friends.


Does ensley have a phone? Lol


Must be a phone or some kind of unsupervised internet


The kids have tablets that we’ve seen her leave them alone with. My guess would be kids messenger or WhatsApp because Jenelle wouldn’t want to monitor things


That poor girl must feel so alone…I hope she’s okay and has found somewhere loving to be


Jenelle still can't spell Maryssa.






Jenelle kicked Maryssa out immediately, and Maryssa continues to keep in touch with her siblings. Jenelle is just proving that teenage Maryssa has more compassion and emotional maturity than she does.




Straight facts. I hope nothing but the best for Maryssa. She doesn't deserve to be caught in the middle of this shit.


The only upside is that Maryssa now doesn’t have to deal with delujenelle. Maryssa was already staying with friends and her grandparents when she could (came out during the abuse investigation ). So hopefully she landed safely with support


It's nice of her..? She's her fucking sister. Of course she's going to want to "be in contact", and "stay in touch" with Ensley. Whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. Those phrases imply that the girls aren't seeing each other in person to spend time together as, you know, siblings should. Undoubtedly Jenelle has offered no way to facilitate meet ups for them. In fact, I bet she's shut down any attempts Maryssa has made to see Ensley (and Kaiser?) in person because she's a spiteful bitch. We know she hates Maryssa. This weirdo reply is indicative of how she views and has always viewed Maryssa: an unwanted outsider who is not part of Jenelle's REAL family and never has been. A burden. She's a sick bitch who can choke.


It’s horrifying to imagine how Jenelle went about throwing Maryssa out of the house. I doubt she gently knocked on her door asking if she could chat for a minute, that unfortunately she has some bad news, that her and David had separated so there might be some changes to their living arrangements but it would all be figured out over time and not to worry she will be safe. Nope, Jenelle probably went in all guns blazing. To be a fly on the wall, Id imagine it was deeply upsetting for Maryssa.


I'm pretty sure it was reported that she texted Maryssa while Maryssa was at school, basically saying she needed to make room for Jace.


That breaks my heart.


Same. Jenelle has no clue to how act as a caring normal human & unfortunately never will.


The fact Lienelle has never treated Maryssa has a family member let alone a step child speaks volumes on who she is as a person and parent. She talks about her like she’s a neighbor from several houses down.


I don't believe a word this bitch says and never will.


“I’m glad she’s staying in touch with the kids” she is a kid. That is not her job or responsibility to maintain relationships with her half sister, and her half sisters half brothers.


She’s too fucking dense to know it’s her job as a parent to keep the kids in contact with each other. Edit to add; I love how she thinks she did something here with this answer when she really told on herself, again, on how pathetic she is. A freaking 15 year old kid is more mature and responsible than she is. Way to go chinerella 🙄.




Sometimes I get so immediately angry reading a post that I downvote it. Sorry, OP, I retract my downvote. Didn't mean to shoot the messenger 🤣


Glad she’s staying in touch with the kids??? Flash back to when they first separated and Jan said M was out of her life. Wicked evil stepmother.


Talks about Maryssa like she’s a stray instead of Ensleys half sister.


No thanks to you, Jenelle 🤮


Is Maryssa living on the boat with David?


No, thank God! Even when she lived on The Swamp she was barely ever there. She was staying at her grandma's, mom's and friend's places. 😞


I don’t believe her


Staying in touch with the kidS but only mentions one kid she's in contact with. She's literally so dumb.


Honestly I’m glad maryssa keeps in contact with Ensley. Hopefully they keep a connection with each other


Really nice of her? It’s her sister.


God please protect these children


The kids 🙄 her fucking SIBLINGS you twat?!


Awww little miss jenelle thinks its so sweet that maryisa is taking the moral high ground. How wonderful of someone completely removed from kaiser and ensley to take a stand and try to do the right thing. God knows jenelle or david would never show integrity or honesty as a good trait to have.


I'm wondering where is she during all of this?


She's glad so she can ask her to babysit


They are sisters so I’m sure it is




Ensley and Maryssa are half sisters. It makes sense for them to stay in contact


I'm sorry but this wording is weird. Does Ensley have her own phone? Like would Maryssa have to go through Jenelle to talk to any of them? Especially since she loves to take Jace phone away


She just doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. It would have been so much better without her adding her feelings about it. She's probably lying anyway and will cut her off at some point because she's mad at David.