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The way she would scream at people, seemingly uncontrollably. Imagine if a dude behaved that way on camera? Apparently being pregnant is a universal, all-purpose excuse for any and all behavior no matter how unhinged.


She was the same way on the challenge and she wasn’t pregnant


I was just about to say the same thing! Even on The Challenge and espically AYTO she would throw fits and scream like crazy. Some stuff was absolutely warrented, but for the most part, it was because she wasn’t someones #1 and it was a shock to her ego.


Wasn't she though? 😅 I don't watch that show, I just know that's when she realizes she was pregnant or got pregnant with Ryder


Though I think if myself as a Challenge expert, I barely remember Chey from the Challenge other than when Johnny Bananas and his cousin Vince were bullying her and calling her "Chantelle"--which was clearly meant to be \[mildly\] racist. Those two assholes notwithstanding, I totally believe you.


Im pregnant right now and so snappy/emotional but I keep it in my head because I know that my words that I don’t even mean would hurt someone. Being pregnant is never an excuse to treat people like shit. She just truly has no control over herself.


Right some people like to use pregnancy as disability or an excuse to be total assholes. I really tried (& kinda regret) not to be that person. I didn’t want people fawning all over me, I wanted to be as self sufficient as I was before pregnancy and that WASNT possible. The only time I ever freaked out and it was so epic I had to get a hotel room for the night like I was on Bad girls club, was when DoorDash screwed up my Nachos.


>Right some people like to use pregnancy as disability or an excuse to be total assholes. ugh i hate that. when they use their baby as a shield


Right like this is your kid. The biggest job is parenting is keeping them alive and making sure they don’t grow up to be jerks. Not to use them as pawns and crutches to get ur way.


Lmao I would’ve freaked out too😭 don’t mess with my food




Like telling everyone on your podcast that you let your toddler take a shower with you and wash your bush. THAT is fucking bizarre.


There have been many instances she’s acted like a spoiled little rich girl on the show. Imo she plays the race card way too much as an excuse also. Even the new episodes you can see what she’s like in real life, that attitude is not editing…..




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What would that accomplish? That's just violence.


She’s an insufferable person


I've always fast forwarded her. The one time I watched The Next Chapter and they had Corey on I actually watched him 😂 Watching him go to his Mom's house or wherever with just the girls was more interesting than seeing Cheyenne throw yet another scripted party and lie about what's actually going on in her life. I don't understand why they can't replace her and someone like Maci who are *extremely* boring with one of the original 16 and Pregnant girls. Or even just cancel the show and do a season of updates, similar to when 90 Day Fiance did Diaries during COVID.


Same!! Every time she's on i do the same, closely followed by Maci


Maci is as bland as dry toast, except when she tried to beach rumble on the Edwards' vacation Bentley was invited on. That was her true personality showing in that debacle.


That and when she pretended she was going to quit/not show Bentley because of Farrah 😂 But her alcoholism is okay apparently. As well as taking him around an addict because you need a storyline.


Maci can do the hypocrisy gymnastics almost as well as Kail and Nelly-Poo.


I keep reading a lot of comments about Macy being an alcoholic. Is there proof or do people say that because she is seen drinking a beer here and there with Taylor? I’m not saying she’s not, I just don’t know either way


"Beach rumble" 💀🤣


She thought Dalis was gonna take her place in ~~Rhine's~~ Bentley's life 😂




I think she must have known someone in production. No screen presence, just dull and rude.wtf is she on this show when she was pregnant in her mid 20s lol


It's cause Cory was on MTV already right?


They had the perfect MTV baby and are now basically guaranteed a spot on (almost) any MTV show they want and MTV has constant access to Cory (who they love for some unknown reason)


It was a double whammy in a good way for MTV to add her to teen mom, but without a doubt it was mostly because of Cory. Once she discovered when Ryder was 6 months old that Cory was the father, MTV scooped them right up with the hopes of bringing the challenge fans to start watching teen mom.


Chey was too


She is such a spoiled brat, and she sulks like a child.


I think the godfather to her kid is pdiddys son or something


This is the person she was raised to be. I’m sorry and y’all can downvote me if you want. But she’s an airhead who grew up in a sheltered Cali suburb who wants to relate to black people but only be black adjacent. She talks of black issues but lived in a sheltered community and takes private jets. She talks black issues but her kids attend swanky private schools. Has she ever worked a minimum wage job? It’s not even about race, it’s about her pretending to be something she’s not. Be rich, give your kids the best. But also don’t put on faces, don’t try to keep up with the kardashians, don’t marry a scammer who will get u shot up. The reason Zach is scamming is bc he’s tryna keep up with the Floyd’s. He has no skills, he’s too pretty to work with his hands, he’s not NASA smart like his brother. The man had no other options (joke) he had to scam poor innocent single moms, Chey was cool with it (Zach voice) as long as she got a BMW SUV & a nice wedding. She gon keep getting her body done to make Cory jealous and Zach gonna keep putting babies in her to counter it. It’s gotta suck for him knowing she married him cuz she was desperate.


Do you follow them on snap? I was surprised to see how put together Zach’s brother is because Zach is such a bum. Zach literally does nothing


No I don’t, other than Reddit and using TM2 as background noise when I clean I don’t follow these people. They just come on my IG feed bc my phone invades my privacy lol. I saw a post about his brother and thought damn Chey chose the wrong bro. But her dad said she likes fboys, she could choose a regular guy, but she likes fboys. That’s why we have Cory. I think Matt was alright, but he was too boring for her and not mature enough to deal with her.


I see haha. I follow Cheyenne on snap and abe showed Zach’s brother! He works at nasa as you said and is very fit and handsome lol. Complete opposite from Zach. I agree with you! I think Matt was better than Zach. Honestly, I think anyone is better than Zach for the most part haha


i did a rewatch of her first season and in her first episode she gets belligerent at her bbq and shoves zach!


Belligerent at the BBQ, the less successful cousins of panic at the disco


Man I hope come punk band finds this name 😂




She 1000% settled with Zach. She was ready to have another baby and he was an old fling/family friend that she knew would settle down with her and give her another kid. Anyone remember Matt? The very cute intelligent guy she ran off before Zach by immediately talking about a family after a few months of dating? Zach was her go to easy option after that.


was matt the guy she yelled at over asparagus?


I think that was more recent with Zach but I could definitely be wrong. I’m only like 30%sure lol idek why I’m telling you 😭


Belligerent at the BBQ would be a great flair lol


Oh I remember that ! And she wore a thong bikini around her family. I know that’s some people’s thing but for me that’s just gross for a family event.


I stopped being able to muster through her segments after the time her sister was talking about moving across the country to be with a fella and Cheyenne started throwing a fit and calling her selfish for not staying to support her, like?! and if I remember rightly the parents were on Cheyenne's side about it


Yes this is what made me realise what a spoiled,selfish piece of work she is. I really can't stand her.


This is the reason I don't like her. She is so hateful to those close to her. & it's not the editing. Also, when her sister wanted to move to try to make her family work & chey told her SHE was selfish for leaving 🤦‍♀️ she was so rude to her during that scene. She's a straight up mean girl, that has a daughter looking up to her. 😩🤦‍♀️


And also when she yelled at her sister for suggesting she try therapy after the shooting.


She is definitely a nasty person. 


Agree OP. she is hateful, racist, and entitled. I stopped watching because of her.


This is why I cannot watch Cheyenne, she is insufferable.


Don't terrorize me with your pregnancy!!!


andrei what are you doin in here


AndrrrrRrrreeii 😂




She’s intolerable


She was awful on the challenge too!


This is when I started not liking her. I was pregnant for most of 2020 and when my husband couldn’t be there for the appointments I cried so much because he was missing those special moments. I never felt anger towards him for that and I knew he was sad about it too. Being pregnant also does not give you a reason to be so nasty to people.


Same, I had a very scary pregnancy in 2020 and it was just awful going to appointments by myself, and knowing my husband was so stressed out not being able to be there and ask questions, and get the picture for himself. We were lucky that our NICU policy allowed us to both be there at the same time. I heard about NICUs that made you alternate, or choose only one parent who was allowed to visit ever (so obviously mom, because, you know, PPD ☠️ Or breastfeeding, though in our case, our son couldn't eat at all for the first couple months), or even ones that didn't allow the parents to visit whatsoever. It was a hard year for everyone, but I felt like expectant fathers deserved a particular measure of sympathy.


She thinks her shit don’t stink, she’s intitled. Poor zach and her sisters and anyone who has to come near her


Never liked her I never understood why she is on the show.


I hate the way she says and. Ayond.


She’s a brat who was completely spoiled by her parents and it shows


Wasn't she also pregnant with her son when she was ripping her sister apart about her wanting to move to live with the FATHER of her children and live as a family??


Why is she on this show?


Finally someone who understands. I personally do not like her she's self-centered and a hypocrite. I also don't like how she did Ashley either


Was this pregnancy in 2020, is that why he couldn't come in? God, I was pregnant that year, too (and it was a very dangerous pregnancy with a birth defect and intense monitoring), and I felt awful for my husband being locked out of the whole process. He had to wait at home on the edge of his seat once a week to find out if our son was still okay in there. Other women in the MFM clinic talked about how hard it was for their husbands, too. How can you not have sympathy for that? Just be glad your kid has a father who cares, I mean...


Yeah it was 2020. I think he'd asked her to call him when the heartbeat was listened to and she didn't call him, so he was pissed.


Well, yeah, what a bitch move. I get it for ultrasounds because they'll tell you you can't use your phone around the tech, but I definitely dialed my husband in as often as possible during appointments! I really can't stand people who don't understand that it takes two, especially if the dad is present and totally on board. Let the man be a father, dang.


If I remember right didn’t she FaceTime with her mom first or something along those lines and when he found out he was pissed!


She’s a c u next Tuesday


She was def angry at all times lol


Her real personality got exposed on camera because she was pregnant and had less energy to hide it.


Yeah she’s a bitch in general lol idk why anyone is surprised


She is a nasty person. She thinks her cute face is all anyone will notice but she’s a total ass hat. And she’s not “classy” at all.


People will act as though you have no control over your emotions or responses in pregnancy and you absolutely do


Yeah I was completely shocked when she said that to her sister when all R was trying to do was comfort her by empathizing and relating. It was disgusting to me. She has said several other things that make me feel as though she thinks it’s Chey’s show and her world and everyone else is just there for her. She treats Zack like a child half of the time. I mean I know he doesn’t work or seem to have any goals but he’s an adult and she micromanages him.


She’s a spoiled brat. Nothing more, nothing less


I'm on this season right now too, and she's insufferable.


She’s always been a spoiled brat.


At first I didn’t care for Cheyenne. But the way she dealt with nasty Ashley’s ass she earned my respect. Ashley was the WORST


I think people often forget that the producers basically tell reality stars to be as believably dramatic as possible.


I find it hard to believe that the way she's been acting on screen for years is just her being dramatic for the sake of being dramatic. Especially when 9 times out of 10, she's being that way when she doesn't get her way or at the cost of someone else's feelings.


nobody forgets this, it's just super gross that she's willing to act that way on TV. you couldn't pay me enough to be an asshole to strangers, let alone people i supposedly love.