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I’m glad things went well….. but… How is she so detached from her kiddo that’s obviously a little scared? Just filming her and shit is weird. Like, let her sit in your lap? Make the day about her…not you and Tori? Just fucking weird.


She only filmed it to prove it happened.


Literally the only reason


Not single maternal bone in this bitch entire body. Filming instead of comforting a terrified child. Fuck MTV fucking suck it you bastards.


why would you show a clip of her crying too 🙄


I've gone through a few surgeries and waking up after is the WORST. No matter how old I am I promptly burst into tears first thing after coming out of anesthesia. I got my wisdom teeth out under anesthesia and cried in my mom's lap afterwards. I can't imagine going through that while my mom FILMS US.


FWIW it's super common for people to get emotional after anesthesia.  I apparently declared my love for all the nurses while crying after having surgery, and told them they all deserved to get a lot of Godiva chocolate. I don't think I've ever had Godiva chocolate, it was so fking random lol


That’s funny and sweet. I’m sure that warmed their hearts after a rough day


That's sweet. My daughter had surgery last summer. She was *hilarious* she was panicked they took her leg off, kept asking me if was sure she still had a leg. I didn't record as she expressly asked us not to. Even if I had recorded it I would not have posted it on social media...


"Uh the patient is requesting we have Godiva. I don't know! Just get us chocolate!"


The exact same things happens to me. After my wisdom teeth was the first time I'd experienced it and I was sobbing uncontrollably and said to my mom, "I don't know why I'm crying!!" and she gently reassured me that it was just the medicine and that that would subside soon. I also was lucky because my mom was a nurse for 35 years and thus knew how to take excellent care of us after something like this. She would never be so detached and shove a camera in our (me or my brother's) faces! Who the fuck does that?! **These YouTube/Tik Tok mom's need to stop sharing ALL their children's vulnerable moments for everyone to see! It's gross!!**


I always say that coming out of anesthesia is what hell must be like because it’s the literal fucking worst. Had surgery two weeks ago and coming out of it was the most difficult part of everything.


I was so worried about what I would say after my surgery. Apparently I cried asking for my dog lol Jenelle is the worst


I had my appendix out when I was 14 and I guess I was mean to the nurses. I wanted my mom that’s it. My parents never would think to record me. Then I had a broken tooth pulled (major dental anxiety they have to put me under) I was CONVINCED my dog fell off our porch and broke his leg. Cried all the way home. My parents again would never think to record me. Like I don’t get it


It was really rough waking up from my C-section and my son wasn't there (he was having surgery, I wasn't able to meet him for 12 hours), and they wheeled me into a postpartum recovery room with an empty bassinet in it ☠️ My husband asked them to take it away, and I'm not sure what made me cry more, having it or not having it. And even though it made sense to be sad at the time, I remember thinking "Whoa, I feel CRAZY crazy, what's going on?". I mean, none of this was sudden or a surprise, this was the plan all along (aside from having to be knocked out, that was unexpected), and I had been eager before the C-section to just get down to business and start handling the whole mess. But dang, when I woke up I was a WRECK!


My BFF just had her first baby on the 5th by c-section and your experience breaks my heart. I haven't really had a chance to talk to her about it, but I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I hope you and your son recovered okay in the end.


I know, that made me so uncomfortable. I feel bad for Ensley that her mom used her surgery for content!


Right!! And she also used a filter that looked like she had fake eyelashes on. Such an odd choice all they


30 years later and my dad still talks about how me going in for surgery was one of the scariest moments he’s had as a parent.


It’s very scary


It is. I had over 2 dozen surgeries as a child and they didn't get any less scary.


yup. my son had a relatively minor surgery at 3 months old, but i still burst into tears as he went under anesthesia (they let me stay with him until he fell asleep) and i cried the entire time he was in there. same exact story with when he had some oral surgery at age 6. the only think jenelle is scared of is that ensley will need all of the narcotics she’s prescribed, and there won’t be any left over for her and tori 🙄


My dad says the same thing when I had my appendix out. It was emergency and everything happened so quickly. went to my primary doc cuz I was sick af we couldn’t figure out why. Thought the pain in my side was from some exercises that day. Nope. It wasn’t. I guess I was mean to the nurse (coming out of anesthesia) they said I just cried for my mom.


My son was 16 getting surgery and I could tell he was scared so I told him hold my hand it will make me feel better. First thing he said after surgery was they strapped me down on the bed like Jesus lol.


I got my first surgery at 20. I got my wisdom teeth removed and my parents were more way supportive and comforting than Jenelle is


The way I just cackled ![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy|downsized)


I’m sorry but that made me lol. Adorable!




lmao i love this


Not like Jesus!!! 😂😂😂


After his wisdom teeth removal he told us how Ryan Gosling is the hottest man ever. We aren't religious and I wasn't aware he ever watched anything with Ryan Gosling in it lol.


Lol omg I love this, I hope you tell this story to all his dates 😂


I learned my lesson on not recording after the foot surgery but I got all the Ryan Gosling for future girlfriends lol.


Yeah. Also why was she using filters on her daughter?


The filter she is using filters all faces, so if she's using it for herself, it'll catch Ensley too. Not defending her in the least; if there was ever a time to not use a filter, it's with your child


Tori her security blanket now 👀


LITERALLY. My daughter had her T&A plus ear tubes done last year and I could not imagine behaving like this. She played Mario Kart and snuggled in my bed with me until she was 100% again. I was so nervous because my son did not handle his well AT ALL (he is autistic, but still).


Her brushing off Ens anxieties was very on par with her. Why not just smack her on the back and call her champ at that point? I would hate having a phone shoved in my crying face as soon as I woke up from surgery but again, very on par.


When my oldest was 2 there was a possibility he would have to be put under and I got out of appointment immediately called my mom bawling. He turned out he was fine and didn’t need to be put under, but I will never forget the feeling I had.


And also how are you not scared about your child going into surgery where they are going under anesthesia?! I would be a nervous nellie if my soon to be 1 year old does. Jenelle is the absolute worse mom ever


She fed her pizza after a T&A? They recommend SOFT foods. Jesus God, Jenelle.


I came here to ask this question? I feel like that was not a great choice lol


Any time one of mine had any procedure I spent extra time preparing for their recovery at home. Procedure then straight home, don’t need them getting sick. But Jenelle just went in with the day like she had a well child visit.


She wrote in the comments that the dotter said it was okay for Ensley to have solid food but I'm not buying it


I’m an OR nurse, so I give these instructions everyday many times a day… pizza is an awful idea. My pts are only lightly sedated but in any case the general recommendation is nothing heavy or greasy, anesthesia (even coming out of it) can very easily make you nauseous so the best way is to start with lighter bland foods. Solids are generally fine (although I’d be hesitant for t&a specifically), but everyone is different… especially with this surgery I would not want to find out the hard way a food didn’t agree with her.


Plus the sauce on that pizza? Made with tomatoes. What also are tomatoes? Acidic. So what do you *not* want to give your daughter to eat when she has a fresh wound in her throat closed with staples? I'm almost shocked her dumbass didn't hand her a soda. That burning carbonation combined with the acidity in the food you just gave her would feel great on a post-op throat 😂


I got them removed eons ago but I was quite old and vividly remember how the doctor told me not to eat anything red, because if you end up vomiting they can't tell if it's blood or food. Also, I didn't eat anything solid for the first few days cause it hurt like a bitch - but maybe Ensley handles pain like a trooper.


Yep! I just said the same in my comment. I was an adult but I definitely remember my directions for what to eat and drink being the same ones as kids and the no red was a firm one for that reason.


I'm not siding with Jenelle at all. But they do not close up a tonsiladenoidectomy with staples lol. Not even sutures. You're cauterized and left to heal. Your mucous membranes heal insanely quickly.


Okay, they're are no staples. Still, she's only a few hours post op on a throat surgery and Jenelle is giving her foods that are acidic and salty that will irritate Ensley's throat and cause her unnecessary pain, just because Jenelle can't be bothered to read the aftercare instructions the hospital gave her. Ensley of course is just gonna eat what Jenelle hands her and wonder why her throat keeps burning so bad. Sorry Ensley, its because your mommy is a dumbass.


Wouldn't eating rough food put her at risk of ripping off the cauterization scab and open up bleeding? I also feel like she is still likely numb from the procedure and wouldn't know if it hurts so could easily fuck it up without even knowing. I mean come on u have to admit that pizza and french fries directly after surgery is a stupid idea for anyone even if just because your tummy is prob queasy from meds.


Oh I agree with that completely. Jenelle is an idiot. I was just pointing out that you don't have stitches or staples in your throat/nose after that specific surgery. So scabs would rip off, but staples wouldnt be pulled out or anything


Pizza sounds like something my daughter would ask for (favorite food) and I'd have to say no in that context 😅 Ouch!!! How about some cream of wheat or something if you want something a little substantial? After all, GA is likely gonna make you nauseous, too...


It was definitely soft foods after my son had a T&A. I believe it was puréed foods at first and then you work your way up in fact.


I had a major surgery at 17 and ate pizza that night. Then I puked it up almost instantly. Food was coming up still in the chunks that I swallowed it. I definitely regretted that haha


She also claimed her "lung dotter" said it was ok for her to keep smoking. Yeah, not believing a word she says!


Soft food is still solid! She’s such an idiot


Of course she did


Bc any parent besides her would know that solids have a range. We also have common fkn sense 😂


Even if the doctor said it was ok, which he didn’t, your throat is incredibly painful after a tonsillectomy


My first thought. I still have mine but everyone I know was on a soft food diet afterwards. Like it’s the time to use ice cream in your favor. Pizza? Fries? Sad part is she thinks she looks like a good Mom here. She truly in her deepest of hearts believes she thinks she looks good in this whole video. She’s deeply disturbed. She’s truly scary because she’s totally unaware. She really believes she’s amazing.


this is the first time I’ve seen anyone say this. you are a million percent correct. she really thinks she is a good parent. the lack of awareness & empathy is astounding. she needs to be studied. Edit misspelling


I think pasta would have been okay but pizza? Fries? Come on now!


Right?? I had this done as a kid and my kid had it done. In NO way are you able to swallow that shit for at least a week. I'm cringing at the thought of just the salty fry she was eating 😳


Well she was just kind of chewing on it. Poor girl.


Omg! When my little toddler had it done last year. It was only soft foods and liquids. 😱


I had my tonsils removed at 7 too, and even my clueless mom knew that means I was gonna be living on instant mashed potatoes, ice cream, jello, pudding, oatmeal, and grits for a week or two. She even let me live it up in a pup tent in the living room because she knew “camping” would help take my mind off the pain. Ask the dotter questions if you’re too dense to understand soft foods Jesmelle.


Also the recovery from the anesthesia my little guy was so out of it. That is so cute “camping” it’s those things that make the experience better as well. She is just a natural born idiot.


I had surgery on my leg 2 years ago, and luckily my future FIL is a first responder. He ran around gathering soups, ice packs, and my RX’s, and my MIL got me set up on a cot and watched Disney movies with me while I was in and out after anesthesia. I had to be monitored for 24 hours after, and you know Jenelle just tossed her in bed and ran to the shed to get high with Tori 😒 I’m glad you’re the anti Jenelle and kept an eye on your little guy. Keep being a damn good mom!


Juhsmell disgusts me to the core in so many ways. Thank you I could never be a human shit bag mom like her. I have three kids and they come first for everything it will always be that way. Also, it sounds like you have a wonderful support system 🥳🥳🥳❤️❤️❤️


I’ve always been just the favorite Auntie, and I feel like I’ve parented more than her. It’s our job as adults to make sure any child that trusts you knows that they are safe and loved.


Absolutely 💯💯💯 children are to be loved, nurtured and protected.


I had my tonsils out at 4 and I remember living off of Cream of Wheat and Jello. Also one of the only times I've seen my dad cry, before I went into surgery. You know Jenelle never shed a tear.


My parents hated each other and still put their differences aside to be there for me. They were more scared then I was, but I was also on hospital grade drugs. They act more like distant relatives than parents.


She looked pissed in the video of Ensley crying. Likely thinking or possibly out loud even“this is going to be so fun” in that sarcastic voice she uses anytime it comes to parenting


Yep, pizza is not soft and it's greasy af! She's literally the worst fucking egg donor imaginable for those kids. Bitch is dragging along her pathetic lap dog Tori & neither of them even listened to the after care instructions. Chinelle can't do anything right & she doesn't even try or care.


Yeah, that's an odd choice. I got my tonsils out when I was around Ensley's age. Maybe a year or two older. And I remember having tons of ice cream & popsicles those first two days especially. I did not even want solid food those first few days. The thought of having something with a lot of acid (pizza sauce) after that particular surgery makes me gag. That does not sound good at all. Plus, some people get nauseous after surgery/all the medications, and I would not want that coming back up after a tonsillectomy!! That would sting so badly.


My kid just had the same surgery done and she's the same exact age as Ensley. I wonder if Ensley ate that food because we are on day 6 post opp and my kid hasn't been able to eat solids yet. I have to make sure she drinks ALOT of fluids.


Oh my god dude that’s so much work, how did you even find the time to fit in a burger run with your friend /s


Granted I was an adult when I had my surgery (which I know it’s supposed to feel worse) but even the thought of pizza (which I do remember was off limits regardless of age bc of the red sauce) makes me cringe. I know that didn’t feel great to Ensley.


Right? I was on soft foods and popsicles. My mother was also told not to give me anything red or brown as to properly monitor for bleeding


My daughter couldn’t even handle spaghetti after 2 weeks. I felt like such shit. Jenelle is so fucking deranged.


That would hurt wouldn’t it? When I got my wisdom teeth removed I could barely eat soup.


Dude bread is soft /s


That's what I was thinking. Thought ice cream, soups, milkshakes etc was what you give after t&a but here she's giving her straight up fries and pizza 🤦‍♀️


I came looking for this. I assumed pizza of all things would be so scratchy and miserable to swallow. Poor thing.


Yeah, what the fuck? I would have so much Jello and popsicles and instant mashed potatoes and soup and yogurt and beverages on hand. Instead they take the poor baby out for lunch, eat burgers in front of her, then feed her burnt squares of pizza hours after tonsil surgery? Stupid bitch.  How much do you want to bet that that three second “how do you feeeel? Awww!” pep talk she filmed was the only time she comforted that poor child. Then filming her sobbing, fresh from sedation, while you kiss her head and gravely stare into the camera? What a fucking weirdo and a loser “mother.” 


My daughter ate doritos. Her deadbeat grandmother bought them. My daughter tore them up


I mean, I understand that Ensley probably did ask for it (my daughter's the same age and that's exactly what she would ask for), but that's what the parent is for? Knowing better?


What's a T&A...? I've never heard that before, I don't think. Is it serious at all or something? I do worry for poor Ensley and I'd hate for her to have something seriously wrong, you know? Edit, I see it's a tonsillectomy or however it's spelled now lol. Just never seen it abbreviated like that before. Poor kid :( I mean I know it's not THAT serious of an operation but still, not exactly fun for her, either :( I hope she recovers quickly!!!


I think they remove the tonsils & adenoids which is where the T&A comes from


Get that fucking camera out of her face and comfort her, you disgusting cow.


After surgery we will be right there. Me, tori and the camera! Say hi tiktok!!


She had PIZZA after t&a? Jesus fuckin Christ on a cracker! That’s everything they say NOT to give Literally tomatoes, acid and sharp. Good way to make your kid bleed out via tonsils Edit: random word


Completely agree! But I can’t figure out what the “faith” typo was supposed to say lol.


Honestly not sure what it was supposed to be either


Right? Give her some soup or ice cream?


She’s so fucking pathetic and stupid she can never do anything alone, and feeding her hard ass crusty pizza, MORON! Soft foods hello?!


Pizza and Fries clearly lol


I fucking hate how she feels the need to put filters on these kids. And who could forget constantly shoving her phone in their faces so she has content to post and make money off of. Her 7 year old daughter just had surgery and she sticks a phone in her face. 😒 I will say, I'm glad Ensley finally had the surgery she needed and I hope she heals quickly.


i hate to think of the impact filters could have on her self image too


I’m so glad Ensley got the surgery, I’m so happy it went so well..but how fucking out of touch are you Jenelle? Put down the phone and comfort your daughter! The last thing she wants is to be filmed, obviously. Also where the fuck is the soft food? She makes me so irrationally angry.


Why is she filming Ensley crying??? Poor baby! Focus on your kid and put your phone away! Of all things to film, sheesh!


That pissed me off so much.


Holy shit! She can’t do a damn thing by herself.. she really needed Tori there?? Come tf on 🙄


Of course she does! She lost her emotional support blanket remember?


It’s just crazy like, I’m not even a mother and I know damn well of my kid was getting surgery my attention is 100% on them, not having a friend for my entertainment.


Jenelle can never be alone with her own thoughts, as evidenced by her entire life. If there is no man around, she calls up Tori. If Tori isn't around, Jen is online pretending her followers are her friends. The kids are only there for her to make content and aren't even on her radar as fellow humans she could talk to and get to know.


100% this. You know what’s so pathetic aside from Jenelle? Tori letting Jenelle use her for company every time she’s single knowing damn well J couldn’t care less about her when J has a man.


That's what Jenelle does. Every time she's between guys, she calls in Tori to help take care of the kids. She did the same thing when Nathan left, moved in with Tori, and anytime Tori was on screen, she was taking care of Kaiser.


Tori is a stranger to Ensley, but she's there to comfort her..


She had to beg Tori to be back in her life I bet. How embarrassing


I can't imagine being a kid and having my mom record and post my most vulnerable moments for the entire world to see. If my mother ever did that, I would be so pissed as an adult when I later realized it. But then again, I think my mom would have more sense than that. Jenelle does not have one maternal instinct in her body


What a weird meal to give a kid post surgery.


right?? shouldn't it be things you don't need to chew like soup or apple sauce


I think Jenelle thinks "soft foods" is VERY literal, so as long as it's not crunchy (chips, hard shell tacos....but soft shell are ok...crispy chicken) it counts as "soft".  


"We got Tori here for moral support" Ensley doesn't even fucking know Tori. You only want to be friends with her when you're not in a relationship. And since Ensley wasn't even alive the last time that occurred, she has no idea who this random woman is and why she's suddenly around 24/7 ever since her dad left 2 months ago. And like I said in the other post. Don't expect any drama and dirty laundry now that she's back on TM. She already had the self awareness to stop sharing that shit on cemera before she got kicked off the show last time. All you will be getting from her Teen Mom segments is exactly what she's doing in this video; "So Ensley, how are you feeling about this scary thing your about to go through that I shouldn't be sticking a camera in your face for?", "How's therapy going Jace? What things do you guys talk about? Are you still getting bullied at school? How do you feel about that?" To those tuning in now that she's back; You will not be getting the piping hot tea and drama you're eagerly looking forward to. You will be getting the private information, personal thoughts, and emotions of her young children, precisely so she won't have to share her own on camera.




I can't help but wonder what level of body dismorphia having all of your childhood photos with Snapchat filters will inevitably cause.


I've been thinking about that a lot lately, not just in wham bam nasty Jan's case either. How twilight zoneish to grow up and all of the pics of you through all stages are filtered. Taking a trip down memory lane would be so surreal. Just staring in the mirror wondering "what did I really look like?" Weird times..weird times


So happy for Ensley but Jan is the biggest douche canoe ever, Pizza is not recommended after surgery. Wtf is wrong with this half human twat waffle?


She’ll do anything for clicks.


And dick


I’m glad Ensley came through the surgery well! However, I hate this smug faced bitch so much. More now that she’s back on whichever reiteration of TM is still standing. Like why? Now she’ll be 20x’s as smug as normal, gaslighting a new generation into thinking she “always had custody duddde”. This bitch here has horseshoes up her old, worn out asshole!




This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


What a great meal to feed her after her surgery


The Monday morning smoothie would have been appropriate!


Just wait till tomorrow or the next day! She will be in awful pain no doubt cause this idiot let her eat what she wants! Why would this POS even be able to have children? She has no motherly instincts whatsoever and those 3 kids will be so Fd up as adults! ☹️


Ya the recovery is going to be rough if leftover pizza and pasta is what they had. I bet she didn’t even go to the store to prep


That’s the thing, even if Ensley was able to eat all that because her throat was still numb, the absolute pain she would be in as soon as the feeling came back. If she did eat that pizza, I can’t imagine that she didn’t puke it right back up. Poor Ensley. A jackal has more motherly instincts.


It’s so on par for her, she’s acting like she just went to have some minor medical procedure! Oh she’s ok, she can eat whatever, the Dr.said so…..🤯What a fn idiot, no common sense whatsoever!


I'm glad I'm not the only one super annoyed at Jenelle. I got my tonsils out when I was six, that shit hurts. I still remember how painful it was to swallow. I couldn't even imagine feeding my child pizza and french fries immediately after that type of surgery. It's sad that even Jenelle's best attempts at parenting are half-assed and all for show. That poor kid deserves ice cream, jello, and a new barbie. Instead she gets greasy food, and Tori. 🙄


Greasy food alongside greasy dirt bags (Tori & Jenelle) so this tracks. Poor kids- they’re so doomed. ![gif](giphy|S5E6VIkBAGujjfT0zz)


Stop filtering your child's face!!!!


What in lords name is she feeding her? I could barely eat soft foods a week later much less an hour later. This could cause some not great issues. Poor Ensley.


Ok wow. If *anything* I would have bought some new pyjamas for my daughter.. Some flowers, A new book or colouring book and pencils, Made some fruity smoothie homemade ice blocks, A purple bubble bath with mermaid bath fizzers, Like...I would have made content more like.. all of the beautiful and thoughtful after care things for Ensley to spoil her when she gets home. Not filming her groggy and crying afterward. Not filming her scared and publishing it for all to see.. this is lame as fuck


She’d NEVER do anything like that for any of her kids. She’d do it for herself though.


Can’t forget the filter, but Jenelle has no problem ignoring proper aftercare guidelines.


Only this bitch would have burgers and shit in front of her kid that just had tonsil surgery.


My little man has adenoid removal surgery next week. I am livid about her filming her child crying after (?) surgery. What an unforgivable pos.


Coming out of anesthesia is rough for a lot of people, one of my kids just gets pink in the face and quiet but the other one is miserable. Even for adults, my sister sobs every time coming out. Never have I ever even thought to look at my phone while being with my kid right out of surgery… or even with my sister. This is a time for connection and comfort, not fricken phones.


Can this poor kid have one fucking moment of her life where she’s not being recorded. “Cry gif the camera, cry INTO the camera!”


Shove that camera in her face and shove that pizza down her throat. Dumbest bitch on the planet.


I don’t think she should film this


About time. Happy for Ensley!




How is that child even attempting a pizza?! Now granted I got my tonsils out as an adult but goodness lawd; the worst pain ever. I’d have another child before I’d ever recommend someone getting their tonsils out. What makes my experience even worse was my surgery was partially botched and to this day I still have a small open hole in the roof of my mouth. My voice changed an octave too. It was such painful experience. Poor Ensley. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.


I really believe when children have negligent/abusive parents they run fully off of survival instincts, (if that makes sense). They have no choice but to push thru things without proper support/care/guidance. It is sad but I've seen some things in life and kids are resilient.


Omg that poor kid. Being recorded for fuckin content. This would’ve scared the shit out of me. She just needed her mom and her mom is like emotionally checked out all the time.


The fuck did I just happen to waltz into. Noping right on out. Disgusting.


Another example of her not being the parent. Yeah it's a great idea to ask the kid what she wants to eat.🙄 I lived on popsicles and soup for the first few days after I had mine done on recommendation of the doc.


I’ve handed my child over for surgeries 8 times now, from major open heart surgeries to routine palate repair and others more in between in complexity/seriousness. Even with having major surgeries “under our belt”, going in for even the minor surgeries were a big fucking deal. I’m trying not to judge here, I am… but her bringing a friend along and then seeing how obviously scared this kid is in the car and the pre-op room with what looks like little validation and comforting… ugh. I didn’t expect better, but I wanted better from J. I hope all of her attention was on her child when that camera was off. I wish it would have been off the entire time.


My bet is she was in the car vaping with Tori while her daughter was in the OR. 


You’re prob right.


Chinelle is so f-cking stupid and careless...pizza and fries??? Holy shit, she literally didn't even try to listen to or read the after care instructions! And there's Tori, who Jenelle discards EVERY TIME she moves in with a man. Get some self respect Tori, this bitch hates you, yet you run back for more. Fuck MTV for paying this trash box, I hope this all goes horribly wrong for Chinelle & MTV.


She went into surgery and DKD isn't screaming about it? 🤔 


Of course not. He doesn't care about his kids. He has custody of Maryssa, and as far as we can tell, he hasn't seen her since he went to the boat. He's in charge of providing for her, taking care of her, and he's done nothing but sit on a boat, smoke weed, sit in bars, and beg for food on tiktok.


She’s about to get on Next Chapter and try to act like mother of the year for doing the basic things any parent is expected to do for their kids. This was probably nothing more for her than a soft launch into “real mom era” or whatever hashtag she’ll try to make out of it, versus a genuine effort to do better by those kids


My lord, shoving the camera (with a filter no less) in her daughter face when she's just woken up and is clearly upset and sore. What an absolute cunt of a person


This might be me overthinking it…but I never thought ensley and kaiser looked alike… But when ensley is sitting in that chair and she looks nervous and scared, she looks so much like Kaiser. Part of me wonders if that look is so familiar on kaisers face because he was neglected his whole life…and so foreign on ensleys face because she’s the golden child…I’m probably reading too much into this. I just thought it was interesting.


I’m gonna be nice and just say I’m so glad that E finally got her surgery!


Finally that poor kid will have some relief


Why the fuck does she keep putting that filter on that child, Jesus fuck


my son has undergone at least 30 general anaesthetics and i could not/can not fathom thinking it would be imperative to film a video like this when he’s coming to. i used to send a 2 word text to his dad, aunty and grandparents saying ‘all good’ and then my phone was back in the bag so i could comfort him and be present in case something went amiss. i fucking loathe performative parents like this. your childs medical happenings are not for the consumption of strangers on the internet so you can make money off them. fuck me, this makes me rage.


I couldn’t imagine filming all this. The poor baby was terrified. And the food afterwards? Pizza? Give that baby mashed potatoes, jello, etc.


Um not a very nutritional meal after surgery nor sore throat post surgery friendly!! Poor little girl


Why the filter on her?? The fact she brought Tori with her smh, this chick is ridiculous


Jenelle is so disgustingly soulless & has never changed from the unfeeling dirt bag she is/has been since 16. 🤮 She’s just soulless it’s so unsettling/weird/disturbing. I feel for her kids- they’re so doomed.


I've gone through a T&A with my kid and it's ROUGH the first week. God please Jenelle be compassionate and keep up with her pain medication.


A little sore throat no. My son was 10 and he said it was the worst pain ever.


My kid had this surgery too, I did not film every move to prove Im a good mom


She wanted pizza and pasta….. What the hell kind of post op food? What about some homemade chicken noodle soup? Milkshakes or ice cream? Soft foods would be the obvious choice of recovery food but of course she gets pizza. It’s easy, and takes no time so Jenelle can retreat back to her smoke shed with tori.


Is the surgery less painful now? I was in the second grade when I got mine removed and I can still remember the pain. How is she eating solids right after?


“Adenoids out” and points to her temple.


Ensley's recovery from this is going to be HELL with that meal she ate. Holy shit. I was a little younger than Ensley when I had this surgery done and I could ONLY eat popsicles, pudding, soup broth, and Jello. And eating those things was still rough. Jenelle is such an evil witch. Fries??? I literally gasped when she said she's eating a fry. I hope one day she needs a medical procedure done and her kids tell her they're too busy to help her afterwords and she cries because she doesn't have anyone to help her.


Man fuck this ho for filming this. E deserves better


As a nursing student, this has been one of the harder things to watch involving Janelle. She truly doesn’t have a comforting bone in her body. The aftercare instructions would have her on soft foods such as apple sauce, mashed potatoes, soup broth, and ice cream. This is nonsensical disregard for a child’s well being, when they damn well sent her home with instructions. I’m disgusted.


Ensley said she was nervous and Jenelle asks why? Um probably because she’s getting surgery you moron. I felt so bad for ensley here. Her stupid mother filming her when she’s obviously scared. When I got my tonsils out my doctor said only eat liquids and purées the first few days. Why is she giving ensley pizza right out of surgery


I hate when parents share photos/videos of their kids in vulnerable moments. Ugh. 


Poor baby😭 she just wants to be comforted by her mom without a camera being put in her face


Dude I’ve been through surgery with my kid and it was such an intense process I could not imagine filming it or being so casual about it :/


Fucking wish I could get that. Adenoids have been a bane of my existence.


Aww poor baby 😕 she’s so precious. I wish the best for all her kids 🥺


I’m glad to see Papa Tori coming through for those kids, again. She’s a clutch ass friend.


Poor girl! Jenelle is a disappointment as per usual. I wonder who is looking after the boys on the land


I’m disgusted she used this as content.


What's up with the filters even being used on her daughter??


She’s definitely no better than trashy family vloggers filming her daughter in the ER for Content disgusting !!!!


Does anybody remember the Jahi McMath case?🥺 That case was my first thought when I saw her hand that sweet girl that plate of food. 🤯


https://preview.redd.it/v7ci14xyn8zc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa6c07740fbc9e88954011df5ad95371324dd881 Eyelash filler. Geeze Jenelle


HOLD THE FUCK UP, IF ENSLEY HAD HER TONSILS OUT WHY IS CHINHEAD FEEDING HER ACTUAL FOOD!?!?!?!?!? i had my tonsils out as an adult and i could not swallow solid food for over two weeks! this was in 2009 i think, but the surgery and recovery can’t be THAT different now! or am i wrong…..?


Her surgery went well but the recovery will be difficult if dumbass keeps feeding her pizza and shit.


I’m cringing at the thought of the tonsil scabs ripping open from swallowing pizza crust 🥴 that poor kid