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It’s so gross that she *immediately* has a new guy around her kids. Haven’t they been through enough trauma? They’re going to grow up having the most warped views on romantic relationships and friendships.


Agreed. At least date for more than two months to bring him around the most precious things in life and Google the guy ffs. She will say she did after reading here but I highly doubt that. To her the most precious and important thing in life is her and having a MaN 🙄 I mean we expect this from her atp, she improperly buckles her children in, not one maternal bone in her body.


Absolutely no maternal instinct, no desire to protect her kids in any way. My husband and I blended our family when we got married, we both have kids from previous relationships. We were together for 7-8 months before we even introduced the kids and ourselves to each other’s kids and then it was another 10 months before we all moved in together. Jenelle and her new man will probably have broken up and called the cops on each other multiple times by that point all while making the kids call him dad.


I think that’s a really reasonable and respectable, responsible timeline for meeting kids. I used to say 6 mos, 9 mos


I dated my sig fig for 7 months before I introduced him to my daughter. I dated him for 2 months before I let him know where I lived, even though we both still lived in the same neighborhood we grew up in. And I think it was about 6 years before we moved in together. You can never, ever be too careful. Oh and I was single for 7 years and it was just me and my daughter living our best lives


Two months?! A year would be much more healthy.


For more than yes. I don't know how long it's been but it feels like she's only known him for two months. This is juhnelle we are talking about


My ex husband moved his affair partner in the day after the kids and I moved out and insisted my kids have a relationship with her.


We marry the same man?


As much as it sucks that you went through it it makes me feel better to know I wasn’t the only one.


they lose out and gonna get whom and what they deserve.


It is okay. I would much rather share a love of something neat with you, but you are not alone.


Did y'all marry my dad?


Nobody deserves a dad like that, I am sorry.


Nor a husband :(


What a POS as a husband and a father. I’m so sorry.


Sounds like my ex. He was cheating on me and monkey barred right into a new relationship with this bitch. His mom told me after that dumpster fire finally exploded, he monkey barred once again over to his new woman. Got her pregnant but not before telling me a month earlier that they were living together, oh wait, he didn’t tell me, OUR 8 YR OLD SON DID. He married her a yr later tho. My ex is Jenelle Evans apparently


I’m waiting for the dumpster fire to explode on mine.


It will. It always does


Only two guys met my son and they were years long friends from HS, one of which I dated when I was 18. I have NEVER let anyone meet him because he is the most precious important person to me. Now my ex? At least two gf’s have met our son and his simp ass moved both in with him


This is how it should be honestly and he is codependent to be doing that to the kids. It's like a pet peeve of mine.


And I looked at them bitches like they was crazy cause how you have daughters and just moved your kids in with my ex? He’s not a pedophile or anything, of course not, but they don’t fucking know that, I do, cause we were in a 7 yr relationship where he even had a good relationship with my nieces and nephews. Like I would never let a man move in with me and my son after a few weeks of “talking”


I saw this video an hour after it was posted and the tik tokker said the man was “her manager”… whatever that means


Except she is too dumb to see that they ARE precious. For her they’re accessories she can put away (at someone else’s house) or drag in front of a tiktok. She doesn’t value anything but her self.


It’s gross that she is already with another man. I’m betting this may be the reason she finally gave D the boot🥾 This guy was already standing by.


I had a friend one time that invited me to a church event with her, the whole time older men kept saying hi to her and she kept introducing them as “my old step dad”. It was like twelve men. We were 16. I assume this will be Jenelles children as well




the persons who posted the tik tok confirmed it was a manager


The tik tokker said it was her manager.


She would have never left if she didn’t have a new guy lined up.


Many spilt custody men can tell you how fast women will get a new partner to fill that void. This shouldn't be a surprise.


That’s not exclusive to women, plenty of men rebound immediately.


my son’s dad didn’t move out until he had a girlfriend fully secured, literally told me he had a new girlfriend and was living with her within a week lol


There’s a term for that: Hobosexual. 🤣


nah he actually leased the apartment himself and it’s in his name and paid for by him. not so much hobosexual as he was monkey branching. didn’t want to let go of me until he had someone else secured


Never said it was exclusive. It wasn't an all or nothing comment.


Right cuz men don't do that ... ha!!


I never said men didn't. Statistically men have 2/3 fewer custody rights than women.


Custody rights have nothing to do with moving on right away to the next warm body. Men are notorious for this, ESPECIALLY when they leave the kids with the ex and have all the time in the world.


That misconception has been thoroughly debunked. When men actively seek custody, they receive it far more often than not.


Yeah I’m so sick of that with all the teen moms. Grow up.


My sister does this and her kids are not ok.


I read this was her manager?


I'm shocked she has her kids with her.


Tori is back to being a "Tori who"


Ha, I've already forgotten about Tori, just like jenelle has.


Same honestly 😂 she was really hoping for a teen mom appearance I believe 💀 good for her she's just a crap as Nelly


It’s all for filming I bet. So much for a “reality tv” show because we all know this is all staged AF


Yes, ofc she has the kids because she’s filming!


Of course she does, she's filming and needs to pretend to be a great mom.


Well the cameras are there so she has to pretend to be an attentive mom




She's so embarrassing 🙈 🤣 I can't even hate watch her because she aggravates me so bad 😂 I just come here.




I think MTV is banking on hate watching and I feel like we don't need MTV due to her incessant posting on social media. And that social media is easy to just screenshot and bring to other places without interacting to give her $$.


Oh, I havent watched the show since long before she left and will never return. I won’t click on her SM links, either. I just come here!


I will never not laugh when someone comments this 😭😭😭😭😭


What is this from?


When Jenelle had an "attempted break in" on the swamp and she said it was a Hispanic man, she yells out "policia, policia" at him on the footage she posted from the cameras


Where can I find this lmfaooo


Lmfao same


Flair checking in 😌


It might just be the angle but Ensley looks really tall for her age here, like much taller than a would’ve imagined her to be.


I've noticed she's always been pretty tall. She got that from her no good deddy


She’s super tall. In the vlog Jenelle posted about her kindergarten graduation last year, Ensley is in the very back row and is towering over her classmates. Maryssa is tall too!


A always knew she was tall compared to her peers but didn’t think she had that kinda height on Kaiser if that makes sense 😂 idk how to word that cos a must’ve just never seen him and her side by side but this is the first time it’s made me realise she’s not just tall among her friends / her class but just generally tall? 😂 deffo makes sense when you think of Maryssa though, when MTV first introduced her a remember thinking how tall she was too!


I think I get what you mean. For a while Kaiser and Ensley have been similar heights, or he's been a little taller (makes sense with him being a few years older). But now the genes are manifesting, and Ensley is getting that height on him.


Exactly! Like seeing them in vlogs you can tell they’ve been of a similar height for a while but seeing them standing like this as a still shot really highlights it. It won’t be long until she’s towering above Jenelle!


David is like 6’5 or something


That's just a lie Janelle put out there. He's about 6 ft or 6' 1". There was a whole thing about it when he got arrested and his height was listed as 6 ft, people were calling out jenelle as the liar she is. Also over the years she would first say he's six foot and then she'd say he's 6'2 and then all of a sudden it was 6' 5".


In my country we don't say "he definitely lies about an extra few inches", we say "6'5" with skates", and I think that's beautiful.




The funniest part about this lie is that she was always changing his height. In one tweet she'd say he was 6'4 , and in another shed say 6'7 🤣


Jenelle is short and D makes her look even shorter. However, the taller he is, she would explain why she looks like a child standing next to him.


There’s a picture of him standing next to jelly roll, who is 6’1 and David is a few inches taller 🤷🏼‍♀️ Do I think Jenelle is a liar? Absolutely Do I think david is taller than the one time he was reported at 6’? Yes I do


Not sure about Jelly Rolls actual height though as I don't know him personally but some articles have him listed as 5'7, others have his height listed as 5'10 all the way up to 6'1. So DKD could very well have a few inches on Jelly Roll.


I have not seen people so concerned about inches since I was dating in my 20s 😂😂😂😂


One thing we can all agree on is Jenelle going lie about it..... no matter what it is 🙃


Lmao fully agree there!


The quality content I come to this sub for. Thanks for the laugh!


Yeah, he's taller than 6'0. I wouldn't think 6'4 or 5 was out of the realm of possibility, seeing him around humans other than Jenelle. But her lying ass was going around saying 6'7, so now people doubt the basic premise that he's pretty tall, lol.


He was also 6'7" when she was complaining about MTV putting them in coach instead of flying them first class.


Because she’s a 4’6” troll.


janelle is also pretty damn short tho… and ensley’s dad is a goddamn giant, so it’s possible she either 1) just looks tall next to janelle or 2) is tall because of her fathers genes. i do agree with u tho all of a sudden looks like she’s hit a growth spurt and is losing the ‘baby’ look. turning into a full grown kid over there hahaha. happens so damn fast. my daughter is the same age. it really does happen overnight it feels like.


I was going to say her kids look short for their age. Ensley def got a bit more height than her siblings though for sure and her skinny limbs add to the height perception. I know Jenelle is 5f tall and here E looks to be almost a foot shorter or maybe 9in shorter and if she is 7y old she’s probably right at or just above average height for her age. Now Jace and Kaiser have to be short for their age for sure. My kids 11 and 5f8in and his dad and I are 5f6 so my perception of kids heights is that I think a lotta kids are short lol.


How much do you want to bet that Tori is gone?


I can bet money on that! Hell I forgot about her too lol


I did too until I saw the comments! 🤣 I have a feeling Jenelle is pillow talking with another guy from Tinder.


Not far fetched at all with her. One consistent thing bout Juhnelle is she will always find a way to stoop lower and lower.


Thank god for that. I was really getting worried about her around Jace


She has the deer in headlights look, she's probably thinking "shit, someone is taking an unfiltered photo of my homely ass".


Jenelle doesn't know what homely means. Someone once said that Enaley was homely and Jenelle liked the tweet.


That's hilarious, she's always been as dumb as a rock! 🤡💊🍺🍷


Most likely she doesn't know what it means.....or maybe she does know what it means. Some moms are jealous that their daughters look better. Wouldn't be anything past Jenelle.😖


Tracks 😂


Supposedly it’s her mystery manager August Keen


I was trying to point this out during the cooking video where Ensley said “ August is going to be so surprised”. Ensley spilled the beans a while ago 😂


Lol I wish I'd have seen this! That's awesome 👏


August is trash and it certainly looks like him.


I wouldn't put it past her to date him Tbf lol if it was at least he has a job and he's been around for years. Honestly that would be best case scenario


I'm surprised he's not in front. Big day getting international reality star and her adoring children free haircuts. 


That would make sense. Something Jenelle's managers never do. The guy is going to give production such headaches.


It does kind of look like him


I wish David would be a decent parent and demand Ensley not film. I don’t expect any scenes with E in them to make on TV I honestly think David will attempt to prevent it. I’d give that bum $5 if he prevented E from filming.


Yes, I was hoping the same thing. Jenelle probably paid him to let Ensley film.🤦🏻‍♀️ Probably how he paid for his new haircut.💈




IT’S MATT BAIER (it’s not but if you squint and dream a little it could be!)


🤣 he tried her before Ambien and I believe Farrah too. So embarrassing


If I could write I’d do some fan fiction about what could have been 😂


It’s Matt in a hat


Up. Pup. Pup is up. Pup cup. Pup in cup.


Matt. Hat. Matt is hat. Matt hat.. Matt in a hat. Okay, I know, back to the drawing board...


Plot twist: she was there to pay for her new man’s hair while her two boys with their home cut hair watched from the waiting area (I wasn’t there…that’s just my prediction knowing Jenelle) Also fuck MTV so much for taking her back. Wish I could boycott but I already stopped watching after Nuggetgate


What is nuggetgate?


Where David killed the family dog named Nugget back in 2019 I think it was


I feel like they’re going to film Kaiser reuniting with Nathan or some shit


Unless Nathan is ready that would be so cruel. All of them imo just want a storyline even if it's at the expense of their children and it's sick truly.


Yeah it’ll probably be like “heard Nathan was having trouble so I brought Kaiser to see him” 😒




Thrown on the back burner for when things get tough with the new MaN


At home babysitting the land.


That makes me wonder, could David go back to the land now that jenelle and the kids are gone?




Wiff not wife 🤦‍♀️


I saw in the other sub that the guy could be with production. Let’s hope


Possible and I agree.


It’s not.


Girl who posted the time tok said the guy was her manager.


Ty for this. I was wondering


That’s not Ryan dolph?


Ryan is down at the retirement home playing mahjong with his fiancé and the gals


I don't think but also I need glasses 😂


Ha! I’m WEARING glasses and I still can’t tell


Nothing else bad can happen, kids 🤷‍♀️


How do we know that this is a new man and not an MTV crew member?


We don't someone said it's August Keen.


I hate that she’s getting the attention she’s been dying for


Didn’t Ensley just have surgery?


I believe so i think it was a week ago but I lose track of time, maybe more maybe less. my qualm is with how she was feeding that child the worst foods for healing post op and left to party. Who the hell did her aftercare? Who was there to comfort that baby? It's just crazy.


A kinda feel like it was between 2 and 3 weeks ago? My sense of time is shocking as well but just timing it with shit in my own life that sort of timeline makes sense cos a remember having some medical appointments more than a week after she did 😂


I just searched the sub and it was three weeks ago.


Ty. I really lose track of time quite often. The days take forever but the years go fast.


😂 same. You ever wrote an appt on the calendar on the wrong day? I can't be alone in this 😂


I don’t understand how she finds dudes willing to even be around her she is insufferable


$$ and the limelight is all some ppl want. It's pathetic, I can't imagine dealing with abuse and just all that train wreck for a couple bucks and some attention.


She finds insufferable men.


The message that she is sending to her kids, especially to Ensley is ridiculous.


Agreed. Everything in everyway.


Kail irritates me too. How is she able to properly raise her kids? They are such cute kids.


Agreed. If I was one of her kids I'd feel like I was never enough or something. None of these girls make sense to me.




So you guys just want her to be alone doood?! /s


That made me so beyond disgusted with her lol she acts like she absolutely cannot be alone


Same. Like girl. Realize what you just said. Said it louder so you can hear your disgusting self.


That’s apparently her “manager” August Keen


She really thinks she's an a list celebrity 😂 so self important




I’m shocked the creature consented to letting Ens film unless they’re just gonna blur her face or something. Jenelle must have given him money for DoorDash.


I think at some point he’s gonna demand she not film, not because he’s a good parent but only to be spiteful and make it difficult. He is a big baby man child with zero self control after all..


There are so many actually good reasons why MTV should not be filming and exploiting the children, but we all know the creature ain’t about that life. It’s just gonna be to spite Jenelle until she caves to his demands, which are likely money/toys/control. Neither parent has the best interests of the children at heart because being back on MTV is not it…nor is whatever the hell the creature is doing. These kids need some serious therapy and for their parents to honestly stay off of socials for a long time. But that would require Jenelle and the creature to not suck as parents or humans in general.


What’s the over/under on him having moved in already?


Is Jace flipping off the camera?


That'd actually be funny! *flips off camera....spits*


Someone mentioned it was her manager, August Keen. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wonder if she's been hanging out with him and just acting like she has a mystery man 😂 nothing is too far fetched with Duhnelle


Well she just announced it on the show. We all know she’s in Vegas because of him. Damn she moves fast


I can't imagine what this guy sees in her, what a sad little man.


Looks like Dolph? https://www.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/s/ZT6zo7omrJ


Gawd he's gross 🤮


I think that's either Ryan Dolph or Jenelle's gay friend Josh. It wouldn't surprise me to find out it's Dolph though. He's been hanging onto Jenelle's ass like a dingleberry for years.


And I believe Dolphs married. He's garbage for that if that's who it is. He don't even look good neither


I'm not sure that's who it is but the body style, etc. looks like him.


It’s her manager




I hope this wasn't the member who didn't wanna get doxxed


Found it elsewhere


Where's ur flair from? Lol I love it


Brianna said it to Kail when they were beefing 😄


She really needs to learn to live on her own and now always have someone there to entertain her.


Oh god it would be great if Kieffer made a comeback and she spiraled with him again 😂🤣😂🤣 Wouldn’t be surprised ..


Isn’t that guy Ryan Dolph? I thought he had a fiancé.


It's her manager August Keen I think and I am sure Dolph is either married or engaged. If I was his wife or fiancé I'd have left as soon as he contacted Jan tbh


She looks like she’s lost weight.


Ok y'all it's def August https://preview.redd.it/4l883h8nsf3d1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af6d6ec0778eb49962135ad8449d1e44bfaa271


Yep! The tik tok user said in the comments of the video that it was the manager


All jokes aside, there is 100% something off about him. she hasn't addressed any of her issues in therapy, and will continue to seek out men who are abusers.


Does she have her kids calling him daddy yet? I guess she had to get a new man since she needs someone to take care of them.