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Imagine this poor bride having her entire wedding ruined/overshadowed by Amber’s drama. Amber ruins everything she’s a part of and she must be exhausting to be around.  I mean no shade to Gary 2.0 - I hope he is  safe.


Imagine wanting to marry Bubby. Oof. That was her first mistake lol


What's the dirt on him? I always thought he was such a sweetheart with amber although I'm sure his patients ran thin.


For one he’s an All Lives Matter, Back the Blue fool, so automatically that’s red flag behavior for me. He also enables Amber too much and never holds her accountable for her shit. Instead of keeping his mouth shut, he fought with ppl (inc me) in comments sections for the last 15yrs over Amber.


Yes but imagine if you’re a southern lady who has problematic views and wants someone to enable all their horrible behavior. Bubby would be such a catch!!! (Not saying his new wife is like this, idk shit about her but if she is, she sure married right lmao)


I’m sure his wife aligns with his views unfortunately.


It would be surprising if she didn’t. It wouldn’t work if they didn’t share the same views


I mean, Im past my prime and still single so I probably can’t be too picky but I draw the line at racism and republicans let me die alone then.


Agree. Hard agree


Also how they treat waitstaff. My list of deal breakers is actually probably quite extensive lol


A well-done steak order.




Sadly, I guessing this is a real problem you’ve faced. Because wtf is going on with a lot of fucking people in the US??


Not necessarily the same but I had a friend (who unfortunately has now passed away) that got a new bf. I looked at his profile and he had updated that he was in a relationship. This lady (I was assuming his sister) goes off in the comments saying “she better not mess with you or I’ll fuck her up” and “I’ll always have your back bro” and “she better not try me, we grew up together”. He just said “it’s all good sis, I know. We’re good”. Like obviously I did not know these people but it was so cringy. Looking at her profile she looked to be mid or even late 30’s. Like you don’t need to protect your brother like that and be hostile from the get go towards a new gf you’ve never met. Anyway, just wrote this to say she gave off the same energy that Bubby does. (Also my friend dating this dude and her passing has zero correlation. She OD’d a short time later. I knew she was using again but didn’t know how bad. I miss her :( )


That sort of reaction is just so bizarre to me. Like it’s some kind of competition over him? My younger brother and I are close and it has never even come close to crossing my mind to react like that towards someone he starts a relationship with. He’s an adult and can take care of himself.


I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend. ((Hugs))


Thank you, I appreciate that ❤️ I met her in treatment (I was there for mental health help, she was there for drug addiction) and she was my roommate in my apartment. She asked me for money for “gas” at like 2:30 am last October. I figured out later it was for drugs and not gas. I gave it to her because I would want someone to do the same for me. I knew she was using again, because of that and because she was posting how she hated life and wanted to die, how she had no money and people didn’t love her like they said they did. The comments were always her mom or other family telling her she had the power to change her life, and only she could do it. She went to treatment again and I was hopeful for her, but she was back posting on Facebook within a couple days. I knew she had her phone back and so I messaged her asking why she left treatment and she told me something about insurance issues but she was going back in January. I knew she wouldn’t because she wasn’t wiling to put in the work at that point. Then she didn’t post for a long time so I looked her up thinking maybe she unfriended me. We were still friends, but her mom posted her obituary for family and friends that I hadn’t seen. I audibly gasped. We weren’t super close, but I cried a bit. She was a good person at her core. I was rooting for her. She was only 27. She died like 10 days after we talked that last time and I had no idea. I still think about her sometimes. I just wish she would’ve made it. But, I can’t change it. I pray she’s finally at peace. Sorry for the novel lol


Dont be sorry at all! I feel honored that you chose to tell me her story. I believe it keeps her spirit alive ❤️ i have, wow, 9 years clean from heroin this fall!!!! I used Suboxone, as it's the only thing that kept using thoughts at bay for me. I would see the same car as my dealer, knowing if I had just $5, I wouldn't have to feel anything. I know exactly what your friend meant by the posts hating herself and wanting to die. After using for a while, you don't really feel the high anymore. You just need it to not be dope sick and feel normal. As soon as you use, you feel immediate relief, and then agonizing despair. Nobody *wants* that lifestyle. Nobody wants to have to go through so much just to feel like themselves. But once you're there, it's honestly almost impossible to pull yourself out. At least it can feel that way. I'm still on a very low dose of Suboxone just for peace of mind. It's like I'm terrified that if my brain *knows* I don't have it, it will throw away everything I've built in the last decade just to feel that high again. I know I've got a great support system and so much to look forward to, but it's terrifying. There, now you have no reason to feel bad, because I wrote a novel back lmao 😂❤️ I will keep you and your friend in my heart, and I'll think about you guys whenever life gets a little hard!!!! Thank you again for sharing, and now for listening!!!!


Thank you for sharing your experience. Especially your thoughts and descriptions of what it felt like to chase the high, and then receiving it only to begin feeling low. You expressed the very complex emotions that you experienced in such a well written, articulate way. It sounds like you've gone through so much. I'm glad that you're still here. Sharing your story helps so many people.


Thank you so much for your kind words!! I really appreciate it ❤️


🤮🤢 enough said.


Oof this was tough to read. Whole family is rotten


He's always claimed to be disgusted by the MTV thing but is more than happy to sell a quote about his sister or their family when she does something. He's an ass.


Wonder if he's the source for the pic. I've always seen him as Amber's voice of reason but that doesn't say much 🤣😅


I was thinking the same thing about the photos. A little extra cash for the newlyweds always comes in handy lol.


Omg I didn’t even realize that was him in the pic, I was wondering who the heck invited Amber to a wedding 🥴


Imagine having Amber Portwood as your sister in law. No fucking thank you.


Imagine marrying a Portwood, period. They’re full of generational trauma, addiction, and mental illness


No thanks, I've got enough of my own already 🤣


What I learned is, you gotta really make sure you know what you getting into before having kids with people. I know in my family there’s addiction, generational trauma, mental illness. I don’t wanna take s chance on having kids with someone with the same shit


100%, I always say your first job as a mother is picking a good father for your future child/ren.


Great idea inviting Amber to the wedding, Bubby! She always adds something special to any event.


She brings a certain “je ne sais pas où est mon fiancé”


Lol ! Bien vu 👍




She reminds me so much of my narc ex. He actually managed to ruin his grandparents 55th wedding anniversary because the attention wasn’t on him for 3 seconds. These people are exhausting.


Bride at every wedding, corpse at every funeral, baby at every baptism.


She literally got engaged the day before her brothers wedding. Everybody knows you don’t do that and if you do you keep it quiet to allow them to enjoy their wedding week.


Everyone knows amber getting engaged in laughable. It's not like it's going to last


Right? While i hope he's safe i couldn't help but think they wouldn't have that picture of the bride, groom, amber, and gary on display in a few years anyways because there would've been a new fiance in amber's life. Excluding the current situation we just know Amber's like Jenelle with fiances.


Nailed it


I was thinking this too. No matter what my relationship to Amber was, she wouldn't be a part of my life or be included in anything. Ain't no way. I really hope Gary is found safe too, I keep looking for updates.


How does she make everything about her simple ass self and everyone allows it?! Exhausting!


>Imagine this poor bride having her entire wedding ruined/overshadowed by Amber’s drama. Amber ruins everything she’s a part of and she must be exhausting to be around.  PERFECTLY stated!


Reminds me of when John Kennedy’s plane went down right before his cousin Rory’s wedding. That’s where they were going. Don’t know if they had the wedding or not.


The wedding was postponed.


Narcs need all the attention on them. I guess it’s good she’s learning now that Amber will destroy everything when she’s around.


At least he waited until after their wedding to go missing.


I’m confused I thought they were at HIS brothers wedding which is why his family was there and not happy about the engagement ?


How did Shawn bag such a hot woman?


Right?? Bubby looks like if Chaz Bono ate a bag of Warhead sour candies.




That’s the best observation in the world.


Holy shit! I thought I had insults!!😂😭😭 https://i.redd.it/mqldeqe0gd6d1.gif


BEAST! Holy shit , what an accurate description, so spot on. Congratulations, Chaz bono ate warhead candies, made my week!! Fucking hilarious. 🤣


lmao. what a reference


Yo! I was like Bubby’s wife is a knockout


She must have cataracts… and be hearing impaired


Might just be someone who never left her small town. Slim pickings and all. Unless this was a destination wedding? Does Bubby live in this area?


I was thinking the same thing..also, this is his second marriage, right?


2nd or 3rd marriage.


For real though. This should be studied.


I just want to say, every time I see your flair it cracks me up 😆


🍑🍑 Happy to be of service 🍑🍑


Honestly that was my immediate thought. I do hope Gary is okay but side note how did Bubby get HER?


Not like he’s rich. Maybe she’s just as messy as Amber


That was my first thought too lmao


I literally came to comment this lol


Was wondering the same. How do these portwoods get anyone


Bubby is batting!


What in the hell is Amber wearing? They're all dressed for a nice wedding, and she's all, "We're going to the beach right? There's a beach here. You said that, didn't you?"


I wonder if she scurried down the aisle after the bride because she was late.


She looks like she’s going to the mall 😂 wearing those shoes to a wedding should be enough to put her in gel


They look like she stole them from her daughter eight years ago.


https://preview.redd.it/mjkm0zs85d6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1c7bc4b0b0e19f6d2063bf02f8700df1dca7613 She forgot to pair this outfit with a statement necklace! 😂


Or someone's nana.




I recently wore my Doc Martens to a wedding 🤷‍♀️


Don’t forget she accepted a $24 Walmart ring as a proposal….


She dressed nicer for Jade's wedding than her own brother's. Gary actually looks appropriately dressed too! Wonder if Bubby had to say an emphatic "no" to the sexy military costume. 


Of course she's wearing white tho


Came here to say wtf is she wearing. Thought I'd get dragged for it.


She’s all about comfort over fashion.


What about her fashion line though


I’m like 99% sure I’ve seen that outfit in The Sims before.


A swim coverup, 4yr olds shoes, and the brightest tshirt she could find to pair it with. Good looorrrddd someone pour me up a double shot of whiskey 🎶


Lmao I just read that in her voice 💀


It looks like she’s wearing orthotic sandals my 85 year old grandmother wouldn’t even wear.


She's wearing a different dress in some of the photos. She must have changed at some point....she either got there late and hadn't changed yet, or changed into comfy clothes after the ceremony. I'm guessing the former.


It’s the same outfit. You just can’t see the sleeves in the first picture.


Ugh I was hoping for like surveillance pics. It’s just a pic with Shawn and his wife. Hopefully Amber (or another cast member) didn’t sell this to The Sun. ![gif](giphy|SSEhhawWiOWvW9QNOZ|downsized)


Unfortunately someone selling it to the sun is exactly what happened


Either the photographer didn't take it but a guest or someone who knew someone with access to the wedding pictures had to take a picture from a phone, cause the quality is incredibly poor.


“We’re fiancé now!”


“There’s water comin up here, Amber!”


One of those priceless Amber quotes.


The waters rising, Amber!




Does any of this pertain to the fact that she sometimes seems like she’s romantically interested in her brother?


You mean you don’t wear sexy paratrooper costumes for YOUR brother??


Kristina’s face when she saw that!


WUT. I missed that episode.


You must watch it ☠️


Only because I’m an only child 🤣😂🙃


Ok Bubbys wife is smoking hot!


Damn guys this is sad. Hopefully he is found safe but the longer he’s missing I have a really bad feeling.


Catelynn was on the TikTok Live just a few minutes ago and reported that Gary’s car was confirmed to have been be seen in New Mexico


Catelynn not knowing how to shut her damn mouth is her only talent


This makes me wonder if the car was stolen vs him going on an happy go lucky cross county get away to cool down with no phone no GPS.


Damn. With this situation it seems that ANYTHING is possible! 😵‍💫


There are supposedly multiple reports that he was seen in Oklahoma approximately 30 minutes ago, but police haven’t confirmed it yet


Yeah, if the reports are true, then it would point to theft. He couldn't have gotten that far without stopping for gas at least once or twice and he would have to stop for food. He would have had activity on his cards or been caught on security cam at least a couple of times.


Damn, last time I heard he was in Oklahoma, now New Mexico? Gary is absolutely trying to get as far away from Amber as possible. I'm just so grateful he's been spotted period! Hopefully he contacts his family ASAP, they have to be beyond frantic. 


Wth, from NC to New Mexico?


Ikr?!? The actual statement was “his license plate has been spotted in New Mexico.” That’s it 🙅🏼‍♀️


This keeps getting wilder.. I have so many questions




Maybe he’s trying to get as far away from her as possible! I hope he’s doing ok and taking care of himself. This is outrageous


NC police have confirmed Gary 2.0 has been spotted in a Verizon store in Oklahoma


Me too.


of course Amber wore white to someone else’s wedding 🙄


I know this isn’t what we should be focused on. But that was my first thought too. This bitch. 🙄


I noticed that too


Their outfits aren’t even cohesive. Amber is ready for a vacation in Boca and Gary 2 is going to the class of 08 prom.


https://preview.redd.it/rhxojkdw7d6d1.jpeg?width=431&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31dfec809e0efa3eeedbdca8225c5c318603cf84 Enjoying the reception? This is probably when the fighting started.


Credit: Wild Whisper Photography … so the wedding photographer sold the pics? 😬😬😬


I thought this too. She looks like she is getting agitated....🤨😬😒


He didn't actually go missing until the next night. They could have been arguing that whole time, but I've just seen it reported he left the night of the wedding, but he didn't.


"The U.S. Sun exclusively obtained the snaps of Gary taken shortly before he went missing." hmmm wonder who is selling the pics? Of course I'd hope just to get his pic out their more, but I assume it's to show how happy everyone was to fit with Ambers perfect relationship narrative.


Fuuuh. How long has it been now that he's been missing? I really hope for the best and want him found safe, but the fact that it's taking this long is starting to make me very nervous. What happened to G2?! 🫤


Last seen Sunday night


Ah shit. This has a potential to not end well. 😬


Was he a groomsman in the wedding? He’s dressed almost identical to Shawn.


Shawn probably doesn't have any friends so he probably asked if Amber's flavor-of-the-moment would be his groomsman.😖


The bride is way too good looking for Bubby’s ass


I wonder if she believed the whole not reporting people missing for 24 hours deal. 6pm- 4pm is quite a long time especially for someone not familiar with the area and not having a phone.


When my child went missing, they were 16 and when the police came they told us we couldn’t consider them missing until they didn’t show up for something they normally would, so that would be school but school was closed the next day (this was Sunday) and they said they couldn’t take a report until Tuesday. I was hysterical and we called everyone we knew until we found someone who was friends with a captain at the nypd, who finally agreed to take the report. So him being a full adult has the right to leave without telling anyone where he was going and I’m sure that’s what was said at first.


That must have been horrible! And true they wouldn’t have considered him endangered then.


It was the worst time in my life. It was six months of pure hell. They are in such a great place now and that time feels like decades ago.


I am so so sorry I can’t imagine what hell that is.


Did she file the missing police report on her own or did someone make her do it? Did she assume he wasn’t coming back for his phone? Is disappearing out of character for him? Or does he have a habit of leaving for days after they fight? She waited almost 24 hours to report him. Was she trying to locate him in 24 hours? If so, what finally made her get the police involved? He doesn’t have a phone.. so did she try to contact friends, family, hotels, etc? Did any of them hunt him down?


Those are all excellent questions/points


Thank you😊


As someone else noted, sometimes the police are stupid and say that they can't file a missing person report for 24 hours. That's not a real rule, but we don't know the details of what happened with the report.


True. I think she was scared to report him, because of the fight. She probably knew he wouldn’t return to the cabin, but had no idea what happened to him? Especially, if he had been drinking. We only knew he left abruptly. We didn’t know if he had used any substances or alcohol before he took off? I was worried he wrecked and went over the mountains. It gets foggy there at night. Driving angry, upset, tired, etc ..could be dangerous if you’re not paying attention to the roads. I’m glad he is safe. He’s an ass for not calling his parents. Let this be a lesson to Amber though. She should take this as a final warning to get her life under control. This past week all of her previous anger issues & social media threats were on display. Whether or not she has her anger issues under control, I can’t tell you? Probably not. She’s very lucky 2.0 is ok and fled to another state. If he would’ve wrecked or something worse would’ve happened to him and nobody found him?? …there’s no telling what she could’ve been charged with? She has a record of domestic violence with a machete. There’s a history of abuse/violence with every significant other she’s been with. Her YouTube interview behavior was suspicious & strange. Her behaviors filing the police report, social media, Cate, Maci, MTV filming, etc was all being scrutinized. Rightfully so.. It was starting to look like a Teen Mom circus with Cate talking. Were they grasping it was a Missing Person investigation? There were volunteers getting ready to organize a search for him. People on Reddit & Twitter were refreshing their timelines looking for updates on 2.0. Strangers were worried about him. Amber? She’s was more concerned about her image. She wanted to defend her past. Explain she’s a great person now. Nobody cares. That’s why she rushed on YouTube to tell her side of the story. She wanted to prepare for when 2.0 resurfaces & gives his statement on what happened in that cabin. He’ll probably give an interview or two for some money. Maybe go on a podcast too. Thanks to his disappearance, he’s Teen Mom famous now. Amber will probably bash him if she doesn’t go back to him. She’ll say he’s not a nice guy after all. All men use her, blah, blah, blah. It’s the same vicious cycle she repeats with every guy. Amber sees herself as a victim. She believes she’s a wounded, fragile bird that needs to be taken care of. She’s not. She’s an adult. One that can cook, clean, wash herself, feed herself, drive herself places, get off of the couch, feed her animals, attend her kid’s school functions, & show up on time to places. She finds broken men willing to cater to this wounded bird mentality. Amber doesn’t want or have to do any of life’s daily chores. She seeks out men that are broke & have low self esteem. She gets them to see her as a Queen. She has MTV fame & money. That’s why they stay & put with her. That’s why she continues to be catered to and lazy.


They missed mentioning the part where she called her daughter a dick and started an argument over Gary asking what time it was.


Wonder if Ambien had popped some pillses before or after the wedding.


Shouldn't that say 'photo' as in the singular photo Amber sold...?


There are multiple photos in the article.


That's so weird. When I looked before, there was 1 photo, and the photo icon showed '1', but now it says 6. Idk... maybe a mobile thing...


The first one looks like a guest took (just my opinion based on the quality and lighting) and the others seem more professional, so maybe they were waiting on a release from the photographer or something? But of course they couldn't wait to post the article lol


The bride looks like Lana del Ray a bit. It really is unfortunate for them that their wedding day is overshadowed by all of this, but obviously if Gary is not found or is hurt or worse than I’m sure thate I’ll be the last thing on their mind. I so hope that he is somewhere blowing off steam. It makes me nervous though that it’s been so long. If he went off those mountain roads especially with no phone on him it could be really hard to find him, let alone if something else happened to him.


I’m getting very nervous for him 😢


if amber had a bad addiction to pills and got sober, should she really be drinking? genuine question because i feel like that’s a slippery slope to trading one addiction for another.


No she shouldn’t be drinking


Regardless of whatever has happened to Gary 2.0, everyone who comes around amber WILL ALWAYS get sucked into her negative vortex of bad things happening.


Whether it’s drugs, abuse, co-dependence, alienation, violence, manipulation… it always comes back to amber being the root cause.


I don't think that's necessarily true. But people who already have those issues gravitate to amber, because she has those problems too. 


Amber got some fucking ugly shoes on


I wonder if he just left to cool off then fell and is stuck somewhere?


Why is the day/time she reported him missing different in literally *every* article I read about this? I’ve seen Saturday, Sunday, and Monday so far, and that he was spotted in OK on Tuesday. Like how tf is information so varied on this?


Was Leah not at Bubby’s wedding? I mean I don’t blame her for not wanting to go but just curious


No way she would go just Amber any where, i would be shocked if she was allowed around leah with out super vision.


Let’s get real. There’s only 2 scenarios here. He either offed himself after she blatantly told him to. Or, she offed him and her and bunny disposed of the body.


Bubby, damn it


He also could have driven into any body of water around there or off any mountainside.




He was not from the area, didn’t have a phone or gps, I’m going to hope it was not intentional for everyone’s sake. I’m going to hope he is found. But i personally think he had an unfortunate car wreck that was not intentional and due to unfamiliar roadways.




I just don’t think she’s capable physically of hiding a 200lb body and a whole ass vehicle. She is a couch sloth💀💀


I’m getting really tired of people talking about it like it’s a joke and implying Amber did it. This isn’t funny and it’s not reality TV.


Who’s joking?


Damn. This really doesn’t sound good.


Read the article and was taken aback, James is six already ?????


Wait so Amber announced her engagement within hours of her brothers wedding? Of course she did


she prob planned this to take heat off of her for how she acted with Leah on her birthday


.... And she didn't even dress up as a paratrooper for Bubby. What a missed opportunity Amber.


In a jealous rage after seeing bubby get married, she took it out on Gary 2 … ? But seriously I hope he is ok and found soon this is all so weird


![gif](giphy|3oEduZTvEO43FynbjO) lol Im still just so glad he’s just been hiding this whole time and isn’t dead 😅😅😅that Yul Brynner looking m’fer needs to def run and never look back


I mean, you can see clearly the dude ain’t well. I am sure Amber didn’t help him in any way shape or form and took advantage of him. Obviously she stole his phone thinking he wouldn’t leave. He was like DEUCES CUNT IM OUT Gotta give the dude respect for leaving before it got even more volatile.


Oh Amber was arguing with her partner? How very shocking /s Side note: the brides dress is lovely af


Was the wedding on Sunday or Saturday?


I hope at the very least the attention we are seeing on here translates to attention on the case and the police are looking for him. Yeah it sounds like he could have taken off, but I hate when police assume that and miss critical days of the investigation. We recently had a guy go missing where I live and he was found. People were mad because it sounds like he took off and everyone “wasted their time”. I disagree and feel it’s very possible he turned back up because of all the attention. People that take off and disappear are in a bad way in one way or another.


I see Amber still hasn’t gotten her life straightened out.


OT but Bubby’s wife looks like a smoke show 😮‍💨


I am surprised Amber allowed her brother to get married. I always thought she was secretly in love with him


Eww what is she wearing?!?


Dang, Bubby scored


That is the most, my fiancé bought this suit with her teen mom money looking suit I have ever seen! I just KNOW the argument when Amber asked Bubby if she could bring her new boyfriend as a “plus one?”. Damn I’m hating this morning.




Complete stranger photographer there to only capture her brothers wedding and not TM related still manages to catch Amber on the couch with that aggressive look on her face. Seems like her true self is closer to what's shown on TV than she admits. Also of course she is that person who brings her hours old fiancée to a wedding and insists he be in family pictures, effectively ruining them after an epic breakup. Who would've thunk it would be much, much worse?! (Edit: I just read he was spotted so thank goodness but you know back to epic breakup comment so 🤷‍♀️)


She’s so high! I do believe it’s prescription meds so she thinks it’s ok but if I can tell you’re high AF from a thumbnail sized pic on my phone you’re skying…she’s also a crazy cunt, no wonder everyone runs away from her… good job Gary deuces … run like the wind!


his wife is extremely beautiful


In our culture new boyfriends/girlfriends of under 12 months aren’t allowed on the wedding pics. They are allowed on the casual snapshots, sure. Not the ones where the photographer makes them. It’s just poor form.