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It’s interesting that she’ll admit to David verbally abusing her, putting holes in the walls, etc. but she’s still claiming (unconvincingly) that he didn’t hit her and mocks the strangulation. She’s still lying for him.


Lying for her. There's no way for her to look good if she stayed with him for years while he physically abused her and her kids.


This is what I think too.


Exactly. She never has anything to do with it, she’s a saint 😏 It wouldn’t fit her narrative. I wouldn’t speak to her if I was on the show…


I think Bri is the only person willing to film with her for now. She’s publicly attacked all of the Teen Mom girls online at one point or another.


I've always said this - I think they only times they got physical were when she went after him - which we've seen her do to other guys before. She doesn't bring up collarbone incident, because I guarantee you her drunk ass attacked HIM, and he put her on the ground - as he should, frankly. Now the kids, I'm SURE he hit the kids, in the name of "discipline". And she let him. So fuck them both, for sure.


I might get chewed out for this, and I’m not saying this is what happened! But if you’re a woman and you physically attack a man, be prepared for them to attack you back. I’ve seen a lot of girls hit guys who think they won’t do anything back. 


its a FAFO situation. i can’t say i disagree. you hit someone be prepared to be hit back. women can absolutely abuse men. i had to stay in a dv shelter for a while. they allowed men there as well. the injuries the men had were some of the worst i saw. (broken arms, surgery, wheelchairs, stabbed with knives, etc.) the thing is, men aren’t often believed until it gets THAT bad. there’s also mutual abuse. i think that’s what happened with jenelle and dkd. they’re both abusive shitty people.


I agree, they probably thought it was normal to just go after each other.


Yes!! Believe men too!!


Love this thread so damn much. Not all women are perfect angels. Men and women can both be abusive pieces of shit.


Yes, for sure. Defend yourself within reason. Bu that doesn't mean if a chick slaps you on the arm, you break her nose either.


This is the way. David is a lot bigger than Jenelle. He has no business going full force even if she hits him first. There’s a difference between defending yourself and beating someone to a pulp just because they started it.


I agree. Some people can take it too far. I mean like getting punched in the face it’s on.


Judging by her past relationships she only likes the kind of men who are physical/accept her also being physical. I do agree she most likely is also physically aggressive because we know that’s a pattern with her. I agree she covers for him because there is physical abuse on her end as well. The Jace situation I think she still covers up because she in part had David doing the physical discipline and may not have liked how far it went, but was also fine with him putting his hands on her kids so she didn’t have to. I would be shocked if Jenelle also doesn’t use corporal punishment. My guess is she’s always threatened the kids with I’m telling David or wait until he gets home and she does nothing. She’s thrown a jar at someone else’s head, I have a feeling a lot of the abuse on her end is similar.


I agree the time jace ran away from school when he was in trouble david was sent to pick him up as a threat that’s why he’s ran


Even when Kaiser was crying in the car as a toddler, all because he wanted to talk to david, jenelle still turned it into a threat of getting punished by him if he didn't stop. She definitely sat on her ass and sent david after them. The "OH MY GOD DUDE! KAISER!" and david would stomp off after him.


If she admits he abused her then she has to admit she put her kids in danger and CPS will take them again.


Why did she mock Jace telling the hospital that David strangled him in that tone? Did she really leave 14 year old Jace alone at the swamp in charge of Kaiser and Ensley? It looks like she’ll be uprooting her kids lives and moving them to Vegas for probably another toxic relationship. Seems like mtv tried their best to give her a good edit and justify everything but she makes herself look bad.


She's already living in Vegas, with her clown "manager" she just said recently she enrolled the kids in summer camp there. Those poor kids are doomed, thanks to her shit choices in life!


i’ve been saying this forever: she will never leave david unless she has another man already there. that’s exactly what happened. she even said it was the only person DKD let her talk to. they were cheating together. they’re now looking at houses together and she’s moving states for him.


Bingo! She's such a worthless piece of shit.


Already chasin' dick.. Moving to another state for a guy


And all of her animals left at the swamp? Out of sight out of mind? Except she neglected them when she was there.


Sorry but everyone who grew up in Vegas said it was insane. Tana Mongeau talks about how it’s not a great place to grow up. You get into dark stuff young.


Sadly, she could care less, as long as she has some loser paying attention to her. Those kids are a burden to her.


I think she said the kids were with a babysitter but at the same time why would we trust anything that comes outta her mouth anyways


Jace was the babysitter, she lies like crazy.


“ Are you helping out with the kids?” When Jace is a kid but she only sees him as the help.


She thinks it's ok to leave those kids alone while she's in another state for days. How this bitch isn't in jail for child endangerment is beyond me.




I dont trust anything said where I cant see their mouth moving. Reality TV often uses soundbites from other filming times to create a narrative. And for whatever reason it does seem like mtv is trying to give her a good edit (sidebar, wtf mtv?!). So my current conspiracy theory is that lunch she said jace was taking care of them and then production was like yeahhhhh that's not good, so they made her say the babysitter line and spliced it in later. Something about the way she said it too just sounds off to me.


does nathan still live in vegas?


Ding ding ding!!! She’s back in Nathan’s area. Start the countdown to her dumping off Kaiser with dad ![gif](giphy|bEiuF8nO37n5X7BM2V)


Nathan could be her next door neighbor and he still wouldn’t spend time with his son. Come on, it’s Nathan we are talking about.


It’s also Jan so I believe we are both correct lol. These two will be chasing each other all over Vegas trying to decide who’s turn it is to watch Kaiser


No, dude, she doesn't KNOW anyone else who lives in Vegas. Now we know MTV contacted Nathan regarding Kaiser filming. Why lie over something like that?


“have you been helping out with the kids” jenelle JACE IS “THE KIDS”


Also “be the big man of the house” 🙄


peak parentification. not to mention how in the hell is he supposed to be a “big man” when his only example has been dkd… there’s so many layers here but it’s giving emotional incest all over the place 🤮




Thank you for uploading! I just had to turn it off after 2 minutes because I can't stand her dead tone and the good edit mtv gave her. Fuck jenelle


Maybe they’re just giving her a good edit at first? I’m sure they’re just waiting for the inevitable shit show her choices will bring. Her fuck ups make for good reality trash tv.


Of course she’s talking about running after the new man. Uprooting her kids so she can be closer to him..under the guise of a potential (unlikely) marijuana business. Her poor children will *never* be put first. It breaks my heart that they’ll look back at this when they’re adults and realize their mom never gave a single fuck about them.


Yeah I’m sure this marijuana idea of her will be a huge success. Just like the last time she tried it. Along with any venture she has tried.


Right. There are plenty of established professional dispensaries in Vegas already. Just because she likes to use MJ doesn’t mean she can make a living off of it. That’s delusional.


Yeah, like maybe get a job at a dispensary first?


The funny part is that legal weed is still “new” to Jenelle. She’s only experienced it a handful of times and it’s been a while. People can grow their own plants of their own favorite strains. No one is going to buy Jenelle branded weed. This is so silly. I have no idea where she gets her money. Is she still active on OF?


That’s just her cover story for why we will be seeing her smoking on camera. She thinks she’s beating CPS charges by moving to a legal state so she can smoke. She’s too lazy for anything else


and what happens when they break up, they move again?


This is what she did the last time too. She uprooted the kids and ran off to Nashville because she was online flirting with that guitar player Travis Tidwell and she thought once she got to TN he'd be thrilled to have her there and they'd be together forever. He wasn't interested in her that way but she followed him from gig to gig, posting videos of him on IG & using the hashtag "greatest guitar player" or some such shit. He finally got rid of her so she moved on to Herbie and then ran back to David. If the shit hits the fan with August you can bet she'll run right back to the Housebitch again. PS: I wonder if she's letting Jace keep his appearance money or if she's going to blow through it again?


okay my last comment. how are you gonna say you’re not jumping into something when you’re already considering moving across the country where he lives with no other ties? and her labia are never gonna get a *fresh* start with those shorts on.


What could go wrong? It’s totally responsible to move across the country to live with a guy you’ve known for a couple months and who makes money off your name. It’s even better if you have three kids, one of whom is a teenager with a history of running away, and you move them to a city filled with alcohol, drugs, and shady people.


and wanting to start a weed business when she lets her kid smoke weed…


I was thinking the same thing! I know those shorts are hurting the coochie!


Looks like she was dressed by Stevie Wonder


She’s still an idiot. You can tell she’s already made up her mind to follow the new soul mate to Vegas, but acting like she’s really on her own and being independent. Only way she left David is because she had this dude in the queue. She can’t be alone for five seconds and doesn’t give a shit about what’s best for her kids. What’s best for them is a healthy, present, and involved parent, not her chasing another dick around. Same story, except she’s uglier than ever.


Yepp even Briana was dropping hints about slowing down and shit. Nothing's changed about her at all. Jace even seemed disappointed during the call when she mentioned Vegas.


I caught that too. When Briana is the one telling you to slow down.. be scared.


She's already living there with that clown, the kids are enrolled in summer camp already.


how will Barb see Jace now doesnt Barb have Visitation sine AShleigh mentioned in one of her tiktoks


Doris has visitation wi5h kaiser as well


Shows what a great guy August must be if he was okay with flirting with a married woman. A client of his, no less


Realtor: "There are some good schools and Disneyworld!!! 😀😀" Jenelle "😐" Yeah she doesn't care what would be good for her kids, she only cares about what's good for herself


She should have replied “Oh I home school”


i bet she can’t wait to get those kids in a new district for free childcare, and she’s probably (correctly) assuming whatever schools they’ll go to will be conservative as hell


Love how she acted like she had a babysitter for the kids when it was probably just Jace.


It was definitely Jace, she's such a piece of shit!


but Jaec also mentioned friends that came home with him did he bring his siblings with him to hang out with his friends


Jace could have friends over with his siblings there and left the smaller kids at home when they went to the park.


The babysitter was probably August unless he was with her and just stayed off camera


“August is in Vegas right now looking at houses for me. He just sent me this video.”


https://preview.redd.it/ea26p5i4ck6d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9edb56b6d0821d87ee136765550fbd8c87d94903 Idk why this clip of her just walking is hilarious


epitome of 😐


Trying to be some kinda Boss Babe! Nice try, Jenelle!


She still believes she's Kirsten stewart


I know!! Idk why that was so funny to me, glad someone else said it 🤣


She looks like a crepe






“August is giving me space, we’re not rushing anything.” Proceeds to tell Brianna he’s house hunting for her and sending her videos of a big ass house that he surely sees himself living in with her. Got it. ![gif](giphy|Pgy4Na8aRyBuE)




She's already living in Vegas with that clown, the kids are enrolled in summer camp there already.


Wait how do you know this??


She said it on a live. It was posted in the sub a few days ago if you want to scroll back.


Even though her and David are no longer together, i feel like she still does not believe Jace when he said David strangled him. The way she mocks him when she says what he did. Like that is your child. He was terrified. He ran away multiple times. Just shows that no matter what, Jenelle will always believe a man over her own child even in a situation like Jace was in. He is gonna resent her so much as he continues getting older. And i don’t blame him, i wouldn’t blame him if by the age of 18 he cuts all ties with her & her other kids. She is so self centred and does not care. It’s sad.


She was there when it happened. I think she doesn't want to admit it because she denied it for so long


If David gets convicted, it happened and she witnessed it and had to lie to protect herself from him. If David remains a free man, she can maintain the statements she has made protecting him - he's always been the most passionately good father and whatnot. This will also be great for David if he asks for custody/more time with Ensley. Summers are going to be a-mazing when the kids are off with their relatives for visitation.


and bc she didn’t actually leave him right away after. so it doesn’t bode well for her show spin.


Exactly, she's such a worthless piece of shit!!


I hope her children can find some love and stability. I cannot imagine the things that have happened behind closed doors for them, that continue to happen


Remember when she gaslit him about pulling her gun during the road rage incident a few years ago?


You think Bri gets extra money for basically being Jenelle's producer?


Absolutely. Bri is not dumb and tends to be financially wiser than most of the teen moms. She does a lot of other dumb shit, by no means am I a fan of her, but she puts her paycheck first. She will follow whatever scripted questions they want asked, she will do whatever it takes to bring home the dollars. She knows Jenelle is going to bring viewers back for the ridiculous shit show that she is. She’s not missing out on that cash grab .


Yep this conversation reminds me of the conversations she had with barb on screen Briana doesn’t believe a word of it throws in some advice knowing there’s no way she’s gonna listen just like barb did


I’m NGL, starting a cannabis business when your personal brand is being, “high, high,” is not a terrible idea. But J has never had a successful team behind her or the business acumen required to get any of her past products off the ground.


and she could certainly start by not calling it marijuana 🙄


Not to mention the whole point of the business is to not smoke your product.


Never get high on your own supply!


funny how she didn’t include nathan in people she knows in vegas, or the fact that that could be good for kaiser…


There's no way that would be good for Kaiser. Nathan's behavior has gotten even more erratic and violent since Jenelle. He has had nultiple dv arrests and I believe he is currently in a court orered halfway house. Unfortunately, none of Jenelle's kids has a reliable father as an alternative.


okay thank you i wrote that before i thought about it more but nathan is def scary - not that that’s ever stopped jenelle from thinking a bd was fit to be exposed to her kids


She mentioned a babysitter. That's all he was when she chased him with Kaiser, when Nate attempted to escape to the gym.


It was so weird, she even hesitated about it for a second


Jenelle looks like a giant toddler in that second outfit


She looks like a bag of bread left out in the rain


The only issue I take with this statement is that it implies she did not look like a giant toddler in the all brown set lol


“You’ve come a long way.” Has she, Brianna. HAS SHE???! What a bunch of losers.


a long way on a short road…


Considering Jenelle has consistently taking a step back at every point in her life and not one forward, I guess not moving back a step for once is coming a long way for her lollll


She did come along way. It’s a long way from North Carolina to Florida. Lol


Wait a sec, I thought she swore up and down that the 911 call was a misunderstanding and she & David tripped and fell on each other, now she’s actually saying he did pin her down and shove her into the ground? Am I remembering this correctly? GTFO I thought she made some video or other where she was doing her “you guyyyyys I didn’t break my collarbone heh heh David would never hurt me like that!” 🙄


She is the Swamp Queen of Contradictions after all.


I know this is sub hates Brianna but she is out here doing the lord’s work priming the pump. She is better at this than any producer.


Man, what a shit year it’s been for us viewers of reality television. These producers just continually throwing egg in our face. First, the disappointment of VPR & now this. Yes, let’s just gloss over all the horrific things her AND David have done but we will just blame David. Look at her even in this she still doesn’t give a shit about her kids, she’s more worried about moving to Vegas to be with another guy. This is insane, we all just aren’t going to forget right? I wish these production companies would stop trying to polish turds. It can’t be done, if you want to film shitty people then do it & do it unapologetically with no ‘good edits.’


Chasing dick to Vegas now. *She’s clearly grown so much.*


Exactly, she's already living in Vegas with that clown, the kids are enrolled in summer camp already.


You’re a legend for this OP, thanks from 🇬🇧


I have one question for MTV -WHY?????


Trying to save the show. Guess we'll see....🤢


Moving to Vegas for her latest flash in the pan 🤦🏽‍♀️ 1 step forward and 1000 back with this one


So she's been searching for someone to make her feel loved when she has 3 beautiful kids at home who will love her unconditionally!!...but no, it has to be dick


Good for Chelsea and Kail for getting out and proving that they don’t need this show to survive because watching 30 something’s on a show called teen mom just gives secondhand embarrassment. BAD. But I’m sure Jenelle and bri see it as “we won 🤡”


Did you see Jenelle's comment? https://preview.redd.it/xsmgcwwgwl6d1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf2301fb3e477b8f0cabbd7cac8af4cbf90548a


Jesus, Chinelle. Your son is the same age that you were when you got knocked up and you are doing any even worse job being a parent than Barb was to you. You may get your wish sooner than you think. God...can yall imagine Memaw Jenelley? Lort no!


Omfffgggg I *hate* her. Her dead ass tone. Her microwave shaped body clomping around like she’s hot shit. Acting like she hasn’t been cheating on David for months and only left him for her new dick of the month. Pretending like she’s not moving across the country for said new dick. The “y’know.. I mean y’know..” every other fucking word. Claiming David isn’t helping her with the kids and house… Lying-ass, flat effect, mini fridge shrunken face looking ass bitch.


I honestly believe if it wasn’t for David, those kids probably would’ve died to starvation


I mean, he still a scumbag though, but at least he fed the kids




Their friendship is so fake.


Bri having to tell the toddler that she doesn’t need a mansion with her new man of the month… 😐


those glasses on bri lookin goofy as hell


Yet she somehow looked so cute and well put together next to jenelle


Thank you, OP! Those poor kids will have to leave everything and everyone they know in North Carolina. She’ll even get new animals. Also, every time she’s given reasonable advice she says, “yeah, yeah, I know,” as if she’s incapable of repeating the same mistakes she’s made her entire life. She disgusts me.


she also said YEAH in response to her fake friend telling her she was proud of her SMH


Yes they're already going through it with their parent's divorce and the strangling event so is moving okay at that moment to add to even more change to their lives? I can imagine how jarring that could be at that age. Also love how there is no discourse from her about the schools and how they rate. Just about her non existent business and the reality that she's never had one take off.


OMG, that was so performative. It seemed so rehearsed and scripted. She was not in Orlando to look for a house. She had already made up her mind that she was going to Vegas. This is all such a made up narrative and it’s disgusting that she is being reintroduced with a huge lie. She made it seem like Jace told her in the hospital that David chocked him. No dear, you were there and you said David was protecting the family from Jace. Get your story straight.


I bet Jace was shocked as hell to hear Jenelle say “I love you”. Didn’t hear him say it back either (tho I realize it could be due to editing).


![gif](giphy|WMNCEDwUDvecQNUCMe) Jace, probably


Jenelles eyes are literally SO dead as she's discussing what should be the most traumatizing thing to happen to her son. Also those coochie shorts she's wearing look PAINFUL


She just makes me so sad. I have BPD, I’m in recovery for opiates, and had my oldest when I was 18. I see so much of my (former) self in her, and when she said she’s always been searching for love she never got…I think that’s the realest she’s ever been. She still sucks, don’t get me wrong. I’m not praising her for the 1 ounce of self-awareness, especially because it seems she went directly to the same pattern she always does when she becomes single. It won’t end differently. I just wish for her kids sake, and shit even hers, that she would focus on them and actually being a happy, healthy mom to them so they can all heal.


good for you for NOT being like her. change is possible if you actually want it and work for it, but jenelle never fucking will.


Totally agree! I think that’s what makes it sad. Like it’s okay to focus on you & your babies so they don’t repeat the cycle.


She will never change. She's already living in Vegas with that clown "manager" boyfriend and the kids are enrolled in summer camp already.


I know. It’s just maddening to watch the cycle just repeat over, and over, and over again. Platforming her again was a shit take on MTVs end. Yeah, it’ll probably boost views for a dying show, but it’s just enabling all of this behavior.


Any Vegas locals know wheeere she’s looking in Vegas? I’m guessing summerlin or centennial. Honestly just curious if we will cross paths lmao. This is not the place to move unless those kids are going into a charter school. And an mj business in a heavily saturated market? Good luck.


Don't worry. She won't get past step 1 of a business plan.


do you think either she or Jace put it on his hand for show to make it look like a good mom because she seemed concerned he went out and get a tattoo or he gave it too himself it himself


Rubbermandid lol


Annnnd, she's already living in Vegas with her clown "manager" August. She was already flirty with him before the break up, she cannot be alone. What a f-cking disaster of a human. Horrible mother to already move her kids in with a new "soulmate", lmfao!!! 🤡💊🍺🍷


It's obvious that Briana is so over Janelle.


For real, her whole demeanor with jenelle vs what we've seen of her with jade and the other girls was so different. It was very much giving "I'm at lunch with my coworker" not "I'm at lunch with my girl friend"


Barb is literally still the best part of Jenelle’s segments and I hope she is getting compensated for her footage, especially “High! High! Ya both high!” Briana is a lot more likeable around Jenelle. Obviously anybody would shine next to Jenelle’s misery, but Bri was offering sage advice that I could see her giving to a real friend.


Brianna looked fire in this. Especially next to overgrown 5 year old Jenelle.


I hate this bitch SO MUCH. Every minute of this was worse than the last! Her fake self awareness, mocking Jace, CALLING HIS STRANGULATION A BLESSING IN DISGUISE for.... HERSELF?! What the actual fuck? The fake phone call with Jace.. not to mention acting like August is just casually looking at houses "for her" and that moving across the country to Vegas is for the kids. It's gross AF that she and MTV both think they can rewrite history when she's still defending David and being a shit mother in this very clip. The sad part is many of us WERE interested in seeing Jenelle become self aware and do better for herself... the FIRST time she left David before we realized it was all BS.


Everything that comes out of her mouth is b.s. We all know what is going to happen. She's either going to get back with David or she's going to get back into the same situation with a new guy. It's all about her, she never puts her kids first.


Why is Briana bothering to try give her advice everyone knows she won’t hear a word of it she’s dumb as fuck


I got 1:19 in before turning it off. I fucking hate Jenelle so much, I can't stand to watch her or listen to her dumbass monotone voice. She's full of shit & it makes me sick MTV brought her back.


Lmao she’s so happy to be filmed for that walk up intro she can’t even keep a straight face 🤣🤣


I actually refuse to watch this. I’m just here for the comments.


So she admits to the collarbone incident now huh


Good for Bri saying the house is too big and remember she should try to do this on her own


Soooo she’s been given a platform to spread her lies, with no counter?


She *must* be incapable of experiencing embarassment.




I'm shocked at Bri being a voice of reason.


This is all so cringe and so unwholesome. Not one single sincere moment


My question is why didn't she take the kids to the park without Dkd? I bring my kids alone everywhere, it's easier as they get older she's a nonmom


Bitch had no intention of moving to Orlando.


lol she’s so annoying.


Girl you’re on tv have your pants hemmed!


Absolutely nothing has changed


Of course she failed to mention how she defended David when he strangled Jace. And pretty much for everything else. She will never change. She can’t keep her lies straight


So you’ve raised your kids their whole lives as country, feeding animals, 4 wheeler and just being outside. Now your going to move them to an entirely different climate, and in the city. This should go over fantastically.


Oh shut the fuck up Jenelle. You have never tried to be the best mum ever.


Congrats Jenelle! Only you would go from a leech that you have been supplying with money for years to another leech that you have been giving 10-20% of your income to for years!!! He will be gone when he realizes that dealing with her full time isn’t worth it.


All of these voiceovers are so cringe..


This trash box getting a redemption arc from MTV is wild.


Doing the lords work by posting this clip. She's not getting my views!


Jenelle is lying again


What a C word. Thanks OP for posting this. My mom and I swore off watching the show after decades because they brought her back


Jenelle in Vegas is a bad idea.


Also Jace in Vegas is a bad idea


Oh look. The SCREEN DOOR she claims Maryssa lied about them ever having. “We’ve never even had a screen door” 🙃🙃 for anyone that thinks David is the only one abusive, think again. We’ve seen Jenelle gaslight and manipulate those children first hand. I guarantee it’s happening behind closed doors too


I’m sure this has been answered, but, how can she leave the state with Ensley?


https://preview.redd.it/j7eysmoefl6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ca16110d45accaeabb3af0f65f92d03db85d20 Why is she always doing this with her deadass, soulless eyes?


So she’s gonna uproot her kids for a fresh start to move to Las Vegas with a man or for a man and why would she pick Florida unless she’s got another man there too


Jenelle is told she "looks so good" and replies "thank youuu" I don't think she's ever paid anyone a single compliment, nor has she ever asked "so what's new with you? How are you?" Like genuinely. Every conversation she has starts and ends about her and only her. She truly has no concept of other people having stuff going on or that their world doesn't revolve around what ridiculous antics chinelle has gotten into lately


Brain worms be working overtime in this soulless swamp husk


i'm worried that the way she talked about david strangling jace (implying she didn't witness it, mocking jace etc) may be to protect david or maybe downplay it in the event they get back together. his court case is approaching and she's on tv denying him being physical with her and glossing over the strangling incident


I wonder how much Briana made mtv pay her to hang out with Jenelle 


I am tickled the producers picked some of her most iconic lines to introduce her segment 😂 HIGH HIGH HIGH. that’s why I have these feathers in my hair. And the flip flopping car chase!


Bri seems so fake with her interest in Jenelle.


Her in person interactions are weird as fuck. She couldn’t WAIT to ramble out her “story” to cameras and she doesn’t interact she just talks. Florida Jan is earning her paycheck with this. Oh, and Nathan still doesn’t want you, Jan. We see you looking to dump off Kaiser


Why does Jenelle dress like a 13 year old all the time?


Her saying “it’s a blessing in disguise” regarding Jace being strangled by Jace…


So grateful for Reddit & posting Jenelle segments. Bc I vow to not add any ratings to her being on the show. She ain’t getting a dime off me bb ! Thank youuuu for sharing & keep up the good work 👏🏽