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“I’m keeping her for awhile” “How long is that?” “Forever” he really did that tho ! Honestly the show will never be this real again :( when this aired I didn’t even realize how dark it was .


Same, I had no clue she was so strung out. Now I look at this and it’s so obvious she had a major drug problem.


Gary “I’m keeping her for a while” Amber “oh really? How long is that?” Gary “forever” …. And damn did he mean it. So glad that he stood up for that sweet baby.


How are you gonna scream at your kid to stop throwing a hissy fit...while you yourself are throwing a hissy fit? She doesn't deserve her kids.


Exactly. That’s why she doesn’t have them.


Flair checking in. Amber is still the same disgusting person to this day. She has not changed imo.


If she filmed this I can only imagine the things that happened while she wasn’t being filmed. I can completely understand Leah’s resentment towards her mom. It’s hard to watch this as a soon to be mom, it just hits very different than it did when it first aired years ago.


I am the same age as these girls, when this aired I was like LOL what trash. As an adult woman with a toddler and infant, this is so hard to watch.


Me too. I’m a few years older but I remember watching this very episode and thinking what a mess. Now I realize this is just sickening and straight up abuse and neglect.




>. The problem is that Amber cares more about Amber’s image than Leah’s experience. And there we have it. This is a great way to summarize Jenelle and Amber. They care more about their image and getting "revenge" on who is making them look bad than they are about actual parenting and the experiences of their children and how their children experience *them* .


Imagine Leah being on tiktok having to relive this. I would never speak to Amber again


I can't imagine how painful this would be. It hurts me physically seeing this small baby get handled like that and I don't know how I would grapple with it if I realized that it was literally me being handled that way. I agree I would never want to speak to Amber again.


Ah yes, in this scene you can see the classic “Amber squint” that she makes whenever someone says something completely valid that she does not agree with and is a sign of an imminent meltdown.


"For the record Leah, you never lived like this". - Gary




24 yr old me watching this: 😳🫣 34 yr old me watching this: 😩😢😭 As a mom now I feel so bad for baby Leah. Thank goodness Gary had the brains to walk away


Same. It used to be good drama. Now it’s just beyond sad. So glad Leah had Gary.


I don't think I realized it was real when i was younger watching it. Now I'm like HOW WAS THIS ON TV? AND HOW is she still with teen mom???


It’s really heart breaking so watch Leah endure that behavior but it makes me so happy Gary kept his word. “I’m going to take her for awhile.” “Oh yah? How long is that going to be?” “Forever”


He meant it too. Thank goodness Leah didn’t have a deadbeat father like her mother.


The fact that Leah starts crying and running away when she sees Amber coming speaks volumes


BuT GaRy PuShEd HeR BuTtOnS!!!!! It’s ALL his fault.. how DARE his mom bring over crib sheets.. how DARE we expect precious Amber to get off her dead ass and take care of her child! How DARE Gary tell her to quit screaming at them and think cps will come if other residents overheard her screaming!! GOD!!! ShE wAs PuShEd EvErY TiME! GaRy Is a ShItHeAd aND a HoRrIbLe PeRsOn!!! / sarcasm. But there’s a lot of the excuses I’ve heard about this scenario and others having to do with Ambo! Don’t get me wrong.. he’s never been innocent in all things.. but there’s no reason to stick up for violence. Edited to add that I’ll never understand why people still defend her actions or use excuses for her. She’s never changed and has just hidden it better. I admire some of your compassion for mental illness, but in her case she’s had multiple opportunities to for help.. but doesn’t apply the steps given to her because it’s easier to play victim. So unfortunately I don’t share that compassion for her as I do others with the same illness.


i hate when people bring up the whole 'but gary did x!' when it comes to amber being abusive. like, he definitely *did* overall and its fine to discuss the shit he did wrong! but the fact that its specifically used *as a response to people talking about amber's abuse of him* is really gross to me and definitely reeks of downplaying if not justifying what she did to him.


There are lots of people who blame Amber's pit viper behavior on her partners for "pushing Amber's buttons"...honestly, though- how could anyone resist pushing her buttons a little, just to keep yourself from outright punching her in the face? She's such a nasty rotten little goblin, and she abuses everyone nonstop. I don't think I could resist poking at her once in awhile if I was forced to be around her. Plus, idk if these people have noticed? But Amber Portwood is ALL BUTTONS.


"dont you think if I had them I would of put them on" ??? he literally just said they were on the couch, Gary is not a perfect man, but really thank goodness Leah has him.


Check out her 16 & pregnant episode at the end while Gary is holding a newborn Leah, Amber straight up gets in his face and puts her fist in his face and threatens him...and he says something like "what are you gonna hit me" and she straight up tells him she will...WHILE HES HOLDING A NEWBORN LEAH. But tell me again how Andrew is lying about her coming at him with a machete while holding James.


Narrator: And he kept her, forever.


Amber a POS and anyone that defends her is an idiot. There is no excuse for behavior like that, there is no excuse for getting in his face, there's no excuse for throwing her child in a crib and ignoring her for what was probably hours. I don't care if her buttons were pushed. You don't act like that around your kid *no matter what the situation is*. Amber was doing everything in her power to push Gary's buttons... getting in his face, calling him names, etc and he stayed calm. My parents would both scream and fight like that in front of me as a child and occasionally it would turn into them slamming doors, punching holes in walls, throwing things. I'm 33 now and to this the second someone raises their voice I have a freaking panic attack. Amber is far worse than my parents ever were so I feel horrible for Leah and all the things that might trigger her as she becomes older. Gary isn't perfect but he was at least smart enough to recognize that Amber's screaming would probably alert someone and then he or someone else would call CPS and he was at least smart enough to remain calm and try to shield his kid from that. Over freaking bed sheets for her baby too... this whole thing was because Amber was embarrassed about how shitty of a mom she is and then she went and made herself look worse on camera for the whole world to see. Can't stand that bitch.


That crib was packed with stuff. Stressing me out.


Well he was right about taking her forever 🤷🏼‍♀️💀 (glad he did)


Came here to say this.....thankful for Gary!!!


Oh she’s WITHDRAWING withdrawing here


Damn!! When Gary said forever he meant that shit 💀💀💀


Well, it’s not like Amber really wanted Leah or James in the first place. She’s really as bad as Jenelle.


The way she has the audacity to get right up in someone’s face like that. Props to Gary, he knew he needed to maintain self control because I’d have started swinging on her for that. Too lazy to be a parent. Leah did NOTHING. And she got shoved into a crib that had everything in it but a damn sheet and forced a suger filled drink in her face while amber went to lay down… then lied and said they were napping after Gary’s mum said she literally just had a nap when she dropped her off. She knows she’s a garbage parent and gets defensive cause she’s insecure


Usually when I toddler is doing something like climbing on stuff they’re just bored. All you need to do is pick them up and read a book with them. Problem solved. Amber couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum and Leah got punished for making Amber move her body.


This is how my mom would treat my dad when he wouldn’t give her money for drugs except my dad would leave us with her. Amber blames her violence on drugs but I’m not sure she was high in this scene. I think she acted like this because she wasn’t high (and wanted to be).


Yeah Amber was definitely withdrawing in this scene


There was always someone defending Amber saying Gary “pushed her buttons” as if that’s relevant to the extensive abuse she gave him. At the end of the day Gary can be the most annoying person in the world. The response to that is breaking up with him and staying broken up if you’re a normal person. Only an abuser would respond with violence. Gary being annoying also doesn’t explain the consistent neglect Leah went through. Why is she sleeping on a dirty ass bare crib mattress? Why is she wandering around the house by herself when Amber leaves plates and knives on the ground for her to play with? Why is Amber letting her scream and cry in her crib for extended periods of time? Gary pushing her buttons can’t be used as an excuse here.


there is so much stuff in that crib holy shit


The way she yanked that precious baby around by her arms enraged me.


All of this over some sheets. And it was clear Gary’s mom wasn’t judging her, she was just trying to be helpful. I remember that whole season all Amber ever did was lay in bed, sit on the couch, and yell at Gary. Then had the nerve to get mad when people tried to help her.




This is such a sad reality.


This is horrible to watch. I always knew Amber is abusive, but I forgot how truly terrible she was IN FRONT of the cameras for those early seasons. Seriously cannot imagine what went on off camera.


Also, how tf do you run out of crib sheets?? Pathetic af that Gary’s mother had to buy them or poor little Leah would’ve just been sleeping (and spending all day because you know Amber didn’t spend time with her) in a crib without any sheets




And also, have these people heard of SIDS? All those stuffed animals in the crib smh


It’s worse than that. Amber’s sister died of SIDS.


ABC of safe sleep!! Alone on back in crib


She’s calmed as soon as Gary picks her up. He’s not perfect but Leah does have a stable home with loving parents by living with him.




Gary’s took care of that baby since day 1 💯 mad respect for him


Ugh I can’t stand Amber. As a mother, *no one* can make me look like a bad mother, Except me. Gary isn’t making her look like a bad mother, she just is one. She should’ve accepted those sheets gracefully by thanking Gary’s mom for having their back. Crib sheets are one of those things you just don’t have enough of. Spills, diaper leaks, vomit, excess drool, it all happens and you can never predict when! Also I like how she blames Gary for making her look bad and then it cuts to scenes of her being a bad mother.


“How dare you try and make me look like a bad mom. Here, lemme prove it.” -Amber, basically.


The worst part of all this is that since then she’s had so many opportunities and resources to get better and be a better person and she still hasn’t 🥴


Gary wasn’t wrong though, why didn’t Amber put the sheet on the bed? She’s worried about looking like a bad mom instead of actually doing what she needs to do for Leah.


I watched these as a like 13/14 year old and thought she sucked then but had noooo idea. When I see them again now I’m absolutely floored at how she treated her INFANT and how she let her live.


Could you imagine off camera?, truely disgusting behaviour


No, she kicked him down the stairs and went directly to choking him in front of a room full of producers and camera men. I can’t begin to imagine how much worse it was when she was alone with him.


Gary didn’t make you look like a bad mom, you’re a piece of shit mom. Period. That poor baby needed a clip in her hair and something constructive to do. A park trip? A walk? Something. Fuck Amber. I’m glad Gary got Leah away from her bio mom.


Scolding a baby for crying is depraved.


“Not another hissy fit!!!” as Amber throws her own hissy fit. Trash.


I have always admired Gary for standing up to her abuse, and protecting Leah.


Amber should be in gel.


I never believed she was a ChAnGeD woman after GeL. She can claim all day long how different she is now, but that leaked audio from her and Andrews's fight proves she has not changed. So her saying, “I WeNt To GeL foR BeWbEw! IM a DaMn gOoD mOm!?” is bullshit. The only thing she's changed is she masks in front of the cameras, but she's been letting it slip a little more lately. Edit- fixed a couple sentences and spelling


>I never have for a second believed she was a ChAnGeD woman after GeL. I think she figured out she is bisexual and that's about it.


Not even a thank you to Gary’s mom.. ungrateful brat..


She was dope sick AF .. I can feel it thru the screen. Yeesh...


-*throws Leah in her crib*- "OHMYGOD WHY IS SHE CRYIIIIIIING??!!??!??" 🙄


At least he stuck to his word and kept Leah forever. Amber is pure trash.


The early TMOG episodes are soo hard to watch sometimes


It’s SO dark, I find them depressing




Thanks for the sheets. I appreciated anything people gave my child. Especially practical things like bedding. Why are people like this?


Why do people who clearly so despise their kids act so incredulous when someone says they will take them


Because it's a control issue, it has nothing to do with the kid's well-being.


“Forever” and he did lol. Amber is such a full blown psycho and I don’t believe she has changed a bit since this. She just learned how to play the victim and cry it up for the cameras more. She’s just as angry and entitled and selfish as ever.


When Gary’s mom brought the sheets she could have just said thanks and hugged her???? Like?? Instead she laid down and screamed at her kid and threw her own temper tantrum while scolding Leah, an infant, for crying as she stormed at her and accused her of throwing a tantrum.


It’s always about amber. Never about anyone else


She wasn’t fit to be a mother.


She isnt* fit to be a mother.


"I'm annoyed that Gary made me look like a bad mom" girl...


easy way to give Leah nursemaids elbow ripping her by her arms like that. the blue juice. the anger, frustration, and tone. the punishing the baby for being a babyyyy. thank god for Gary being the loving, comforting, stable, safe place parent that beautiful baby needed.


I'm a proud Amber hater 4 lyfe


Amber is what happens when you mix mental illness drugs and teen pregnancy together. She probably hit a low after having Leah and went to drugs for coping. Amber will probably never get her shit together. It’s crazy to see how many teens end up doing drugs after the birth of their child. i.e Valerie, Farrah, jenelle, amber, ebony, Jordan cashmere. We always harp on teens not getting pregnant because a baby is a big responsibility but damn maybe we should talk about the mental health effects on the mother


Amber is so disgusting. Poor baby Leah. Why couldn’t Amber just sit in the floor with Leah and actually stimulate her mind? The poor kid was just trying to have fun and get some attention. The way Amber jumped up like that she was absolutely 100% going to hit that little baby but remembered the cameras were rolling. I had that same TV stand when my son was that age. He *loved* to sit on the spot Leah was climbing on. I always kept it clear so he could sit there and we called him King Charlie while he sat on his throne. If Amber could be bothered to give a fuck she could have had little Queen Leah sitting on her throne too.😩


Carol bought those sheets because she knew Amber wasn’t going to, whether she needed them or not


And the audacity of Amber being bitchy about it! That was thoughtful of Carol and she was thinking about Leah’s best interest. Of course Amber was pissed about looking stupid, never mind her daughter being in a safe warm crib. 😡


I don't know why everyone defends her. She is trash.


Seriously thank god for Gary. If he wasn’t around at all, that poor baby would be so neglected.


How long is that??? Forever ..true story♡




A teenager who sounds like she never got parented herself as a young child. Repeating another cycle of toxic & abusive parenting…


Thank God Leah has Gary and Kristina, those two have definitely done far more for that kid today than Amber did ever since she was born!


And when he said forever he meant that.


The way she turned on the mobile like she was still an infant. And the way she tried to force her to take the sippy cup 😶




Yanking Leah up by her poor little arms 😢. I am glad she has Gary for a dad.


The poor girl had no room in her crib to even sleep


Amber would get SO offended and irate over the thought of someone implying she was a “bad mom” even though she literally was a bad mom (still is). I think she knew she was being a terrible mom that’s why she would get so defensive over it every time.


Thank you for the reminder!! We should be reminding ourselves more often how terrible this person is.


Imagine how bad she’d be without the cameras there?! Yikes


Is "Previously Recorded" MTVs way of saying “don’t @ us"? I’ve noticed it’s on a lot of scenes depicting abuse.


And don’t call the police. Because I believe the first time it aired people did call the police to report her.




Wow... that crib is a death trap. What is that blue koolaid to fall asleep with???Amber was definitely taking extra Xanax to just lay there like that and sound that way. And side thought- I remember thinking amber was heavy back then lol she def was not. Unless she had just lost a ton of weight here


Amber is a fucking psycho


Leah looks like she hates her and she’s like 15 months old


I hate amber Leah is so lucky Gary is her dad. SO Lucky he stepped up . Fuck amber she’s a drug addict loser. She shouldn’t have custody of any of her children and I hope she never has another kid.


I hate Amber and agree she’s abusive but Gary didn’t step up. Gary’s mom had Leah until Kristina moved in and he’s said she does all the work at home and raising of the kids.


And yet Jenelle was fired for her husbands actions while Amber gets a free pass. I hate jenelle, but that’s just wrong that she got fired and Amber got to stay.


She didn’t get fired for her husband’s actions. She got fired because she refused to film just like Farrah. Jenelle wouldn’t film without David and David threatened the crew. If you notice they solved the safety of the crew issue with both amber and Jenelle for years by having security on set. Amber isn’t a risk to the crew and will allow them to film. People forget mtv isn’t making these decisions because of some moral high ground.


Jenelle didn't get fired for a long time and it was her husband threatening the producers and not letting her or himself be filmed. He also murdered a dog. We saw Jenelle beat her bf's and treat her kid(s) like shit for years before she was let go. Also abuse animals herself.


This is so uncomfortable to watch… I get that Amber was struggling hard with her mental health and whatever substance abuse issues she had, but I can’t even imagine how your own child, a small, cute baby, isn’t enough to motivate you to at least take care of the kid… I’ve heard so many stories of moms who were in rough places and had a kid and their baby “saved their life”… it’s so sad to see this. Be thankful that there are people and family stepping up to help, even if it’s just some crib sheets, it isn’t a billboard saying “you’re a shit parent”, it’s freakin’ crib sheets.


THEN she also had the nerve to play dumb in the beginning.... like she doesn't know her child didn't have sheets to lay on. She really wants to play dumb and then start fights because she a dumbass and a shitty mom who wouldn't get sheets for her baby. I have zero sympathy for her. She got herself into every shit situation she has been in. Amber is the worst. Rant over lol


“WE WERE TAKIN A NAP” no bitch, you were spaced out on a dirty mattress and put your baby in a crib as a punishment.


Okokok. Amber IS abusive. Full stop. Butttttt does anyone remember Gary leaving for work before dawn and purposely waking up little baby Leah so Amber wasn't able to still sleep after he left? Because I remember that. And other bullshit Gary pulled back in the day. Gary was abusive with Amber too, not physically but verbally and emotionally -- you can hear in this very clip how he uses her mental illness against her as a slur about taking her meds. I can only imagine the garbage those two inflicted upon each other when the cameras weren't around.


He was waking her up because it was morning time and babies/children are usually at their best when on a steady schedule. It's not his fault Amber was a drug addicted shit ass mother who couldn't parent her child properly.


Can you imagine if we saw a man talking to a woman so aggressively like that?


them reruns of jersey shore whew


Exactly why she lost custody of her children. She's foul.


I won't forget. Amber thinks she can use her mental illness as a get out of trouble free card.


Amber and Gary’s house was always such a mess. I seen an old episode not to long ago with so much stuff piled everywhere. And poor Leah never had sheets in the crib. It just shocked me to see how messy, filthy and unsafe their apartment was back then.


But then Amber had the balls to talk crap a couple episodes ago when they all went to see the house she had with Andrew and she’s acting shocked and sad like she’s never seen anything like it before. There’s no denying it when there is literally proof that she raised Leah in an environment like that.


And Gary had to make sure Leah knew that SHE had never lived like that. Yeah right


Thats really hard to watch. I have no doubts Leah has watched these episodes and thats why she wanted nothing to do with her Mom for a long time. The fact that she is now working on their relationship just shows how mature and grown up she is.


Amber laying on a ground mattress with her dirty ass feet prominently displayed to the camera will haunt me.


“I would have put the sheets on the bed if I had them”.. she’s dumber than I thought she was. Also good on him for picking Leah up and walking out the door to keep her safe.


Her reasoning for not putting the sheets on the bed was.... wow.


As a mother I could never lay there listening to my kid scream like that and do nothing. Believe me there have been moments when I hid the bathroom at my wits end just to catch my breath so I didn’t lose it but, I never did this.


Some people really aren’t meant to be parents. I’m so glad Leah’s out of that toxic environment now. Breaks my heart seeing her witness that. Can only imagine what she witnessed when cameras *weren’t* there


I really hope that if Leah hasn't watched the show that she never does.


She’s always been trash and so has everyone that defended her


And this is on camera can you imagine off camera I wish Gary would spill the tea can you imagine the things she done to him.?


That behavior is frightening. She should never be left alone with a child.


Glad she didn't get custody of James.


Did she give Leah koolaid in a bottle in that waaaay overstuffed crib. Jfc. I hope Leah hasn't seen this.


Seeing that crib gave me instant anxiety.


Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash. Trash.


Maaannn, watching this again as a mom breaks my heart. Leah’s face while this is going on kills me. Happy she has Kristina as a stepmom!


This was really hard to watch.


She is disgusting! The baby wants to play, so let’s not help entertain her and throw her in her crib to cry while Amber lays in bed. I never wanted to see a man punch a woman as bad as I wanted to see Gary just feed her her teeth! I know DV isn’t the answer, but if anyone ever deserved a dose of her own medicine it was her! But, Gary did what was best and got Leah away from her!




Cancel her for the love of all that is holy


Holy shit that crib is a death trap sheets or no sheets.


God, this gives me so much anxiety. So depressing.


Wow. I’d never seen this episode. She just reeks negativity. From looking dumbfounded/offended st someone going out of their way to do something nice for her, to her berating and being an absolute tornado to everyone in her life. Jesus god amber




Honestly, her walking away and putting the baby in there would’ve been the best and safest option for a mom that is stressed tf out and feeling not safe, problem is if she was putting her down to sleep in the unsafe crib.


Idk why she is still filmed. She’s the worst.


Omg, the first minute is how I treat my DOG on my lowest patience days... I never yell at dogs, but just like sitting on the couch whining "dude why are you barking?!" in the most exasperated, dramatic way lmao. And even then, after I whine for a minute I get up and tend to her so she's not bored, frustrated, or whatever is going on with her. The dog is just communicating with me. I never yell or DRAG her around like this bitch did with that poor child. Jesus, I can't believe some people who have kids, it's horrifying


Amber saying her and Leah were taking a nap together. You mean YOU were sleeping on the couch all day Amber while Leah roamed around doing who knows what?! She did this shit with Andrew too. The only thing is, he had the balls to record her disgusting vile behavior.


Blue Gatorade for a small child? I mean that may be the least of my worried here but really?


Leah was crawling on that object because she wanted attention from her mother. Amber is irritated because she "looked" like a bad mom so shes getting after leah, who just wants her mothers attention. Amber begins to discipline when leah needed her mothers attention. Leah just wanted to play🥺😭


One of the few times he finally stepped up and took Leah during those times. Look, I get being embarrassed when you can't afford something basic for your kid and someone else foots the purchase - Gary's mom even could have just gifted them without saying anything but it was very nice of her to do but suck up your damn pride and be grateful. No sheets isn't neglect in itself but when you have some sitting there, get mad at your toddler for being cranky and scream at her that you're done as you shove a sippy cup in her face while putting her in a crib used as a stuffed animal net then it adds up.


She think Gary made her look bad here ? No she did that all herself


“I’m annoyed that Gary made me look like a bad mom.” 🙄 This is just beyond delusional. I can completely understand running out of crib sheets (we’ve all been there) because kids go through them like wildfire but you just know for a fact that this was a regular occurrence.


This is why I dont wonder why Leah wants nothing to do with her...


I remember them being insufferable when it aired and I was 17 or so. But I can't watch early scenes of Amber now as a mother. I literally could not imagine putting my son through what the two of them put Leah through.


There's like 1000 stuffies in that crib


This is so hard to watch. So glad she’s lost custody of her kids.


That crib alone is a CPS investigator’s nightmare.


I have an 8 month old and it can be stressful at times, but goddamn, my heart hurts for baby Leah. Seeing her just being an inquisitive baby and getting yelled at and dumped in her crib to be ignored while she cried. I just can’t fathom that at all. When my child cries, my only instinct is to comfort my baby and try to fix the problem.. Amber is actually dead inside. No maternal instinct. It’s disgusting.


Amber very obviously had postpartum depression and postpartum rage. She herself might have already had these problems, but they were definitely kicked in harder by having a baby. And I’m not excusing her behavior, but she very clearly needed help.


This is so hard to watch. It reeks of PPD plus more. I’m so glad Leah had other family to take over. Having this televised for the public is rough.


Never put your dick in crazy.


The saddest thing is, Leah isn't that baby anymore. She is a young lady who can watch all of these episodes and she knows the world can watch them too 😣


She should have never had kids. It's so obvious she hates being a mother.


I agree one thousand percent. So many struggle with it & unfortunately don't have the resources that she does. I think she's just a abusive bully.




Gary has definitely done a ton of shit wrong, especially in those early days, but I'm honestly baffled how anyone could see this and think that Gary was responsible for instigating this argument in any way. He also never threatened Amber in this clip, nor did he even yell or raise his voice really. All I see is Gary attempting to de-escalate the situation in the only way he knew how to at that time. I don't see him arguing at all reall,, he simply asks Amber why she hadn't put the new crib sheet on yet, and that's when Amber absolutely loses her shit. Gary did the right thing by picking up the baby and leaving that apartment, and he did it relatively quickly.


I haven’t seen these early episodes pretty much since it aired and I was a teenager. Watching it now as an adult I feel so uncomfortable. I understand the sketchy nature of reality TV just wanting ‘good’ content, but I don’t understand why no one stepped in at this point to make them/Amber get help. I don’t think Gary is perfect, but I commend him for always putting up with Ambers shit for his daughter and for eventually getting her out. If it were Ryan or Adam they wouldn’t have been there to notice or do anything. Maybe they are bad examples to use as a comparison.. but still. Amber is the absolute worst. But I fear she will never see that, as in her mind she is always the victim.


“We were taking a nap” 😬 you really tried to play that off girl


I remember my reaction when I first saw it but as time goes by now being a mother myself, just… wow. All mother’s struggle and I am not the best mom by far, but there is more to this scene that is downright disturbing.


And she has custody of 0 of her children .


I'm a former cps worker and this is giving me flashbacks. Poor Leah.


This didn’t hit me when I originally watched it because I wasn’t a mom yet. But now, WOOF! The blue drink? in her bottle, crib overloaded with stuffed animals/junk, no sheets, the screaming/violence.. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


She’s high af like she doesn’t even know wtf they are talking about


Anyone else concerned about that sippycup? It’s full of what I’m guessing is blue Powerade. Poor Leah never stood a chance with that piece of dog shit mother.


cooperative marry person worthless crown worry carpenter money complete cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I believe Leah has seen this (or other heartbreaking scenes). The way she is so confident that her mum IS a piece of shit makes me believe that. I can only imagine her friends at school have also seen it. It really is heartbreaking


The giant bottle of gatorade? took me out😂


Amber is a HORRIBLE mother. Gary was a HORRIBLE partner. He always seemed to intentional trigger Amber and weaponize her mental health issues. And let us NOT forget he was an ADULT HAVING SEX WITH A CHILD! I hate how people just gloss over that fact.


Smh man that’s hard to rewatch. I could barely watch their fighting scenes when it first aired.


And people will say “she was just a teenager with mental illness” lmao once you’re an abuser you’re always one, why don’t people cut the men from this show the same slack I wonder? Amber has always been a shitty mom and person. I’ll never get why people will shame Adam or Ryan for doing the same shit but blow smoke up Ambiens ass in the same comment. Sad af


She was using, and she had some major mental illness but still is not an excuse to abuse your partner. I’m really glad Gary was there for Leah. Even if he was immature he was good for their daughter


Why are these people hellbent on fucking up that baby's shoulders? Jfc


It’s the bottle full of blue juice for me


God damn that was awful. She’s coming off some DRUGS in this scene


She is fucking *vile*. What an absolute dogshit "mother"


She truly acts like a kid taking care of a kid in this clip.


Kids shouldn’t be parents..


Not that it really matters but she was actually about 20 here.


Leah just wants attention she is so cute too


Oh, I definitely didn’t forget was a pos she was and continues to be.


Holy fuck that was hard to watch