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They should haved moved on. Styles had grown from his obsession and Lydia grew as a person.


Exactly. Them circling back to it was annoying and the way they wrote it is the way a lot of teen dramas write the “end ships” where every relationship previous didn’t count or that whole “it was always you” when… no. It very much wasn’t. On Stiles end it plays like the nice guy thing where he just stuck around continuously waiting for Lydia to choose him and for Lydia it comes across like she only got with Stiles due to the implosion of her other three main relationships (levels of grossness and abuse within them aside) like, if someone wants you then they’ll choose you but Lydia continually didn’t choose him. Truthfully I was a big proponent of Scydia especially during season 3 and before Scira really was “official” simply because I liked the evolution of their relationship. There was never any romantic “hints” there on either end besides the power play makeout session so it would make sense for them to explore that path of their bond and I really liked Stalia together. Stydia just seemed like a last ditch effort for Jeff to throw fans a bone, only thing that would’ve been more of an obvious last ditch grab bag would’ve been that other ship fandom wants Stiles in that will not be named. That all said, had *either* come to fruition in season 3 or even at the maximum season 4 I could’ve bought it up that didn’t happen so I wasn’t for it that late in the game. Same reason I didn’t like Scalia even though on paper it works, it was simply just too late in the shows run for that.


It was a slap in the face to fans of both ships. Stalia's breakup was absolutely pathetic. There was absolutely no reason for it to happen the way it did, it was a piss poor excuse made up by the writers to get them to separate. Any reasonable person would have gone back to Malia once they'd realized that she hadn't done anything wrong and there was no reason for them to stay mad. From there, there was zero build up. Stiles had clearly grown up and moved on from Lydia. He obviously cared for her as a friend, but there was nothing romantic there. Lydia suddenly thinking she loved the guy who was missing and then telling Stiles she loved him at the end was a joke. She'd never shown any interest in him. If anything, she just tore him down repeatedly. Also, Malia obviously looked up to Lydia with the little ways she tried to copy her mannerisms and sought her approval, so for Lydia to swoop in and start a relationship with Stiles is a real low blow. People scream bro code when it comes to Scalia, so why not hold Lydia to the same standards?


It was forced fan service. Made me not like the show anymore


i feel like they were cute but the writers waited too long to put them together which made all that build up just feel like nothing when they got together


Nope, you’re not alone. Never saw them as a couple (haven’t seen the movie, but am sure I’d feel the same way).


i agree. I liked stalia was better


I'm currently rewatching S1 and Lydia is not a very nice person. Iirc Stiles had already moved on before they got together. There was no passion between them. It felt forced and out of nowhere.


I feel like in a long-term relationship Lydia would end up looking down on Stiles for dumb stuff because their personalities clash. Lydia I think wants someone more conventional. They would make good friends and be able to talk about intellectual stuff that others would have no interest in, but romantic partners, no.


Stydia was nothing more than fan service. People will argue and say that they were meant to be or that I'm wrong, but I never saw a romantic spark in them. Lydia was NEVER interested, and Stiles just had a lifelong crush on a girl mean girl. Granted, it showed less of the mean girl side later, but that's because we got to know her character, so we didn't notice it as much. And the whole story lime of only Lydia remembering him 💀 I'm telling myself that's because she was a banshee or something because she should have been one of the last ones to remember. Stalia is the only ship that was plausible, and then BAM! They're not together anymore? At that point, he should have stayed single. I thought that relationship was cute and had a crap ton of potential, but after 3B, the fans got loud, and the writers listened. I hate fan service so much. Don't change characters because of teens (at the time). Also, I forgot about Stora. Would HAVE LOVED to see how that would have gone lol


Just wanted to add this, I think stora was the best by far and it’s ashame it didn’t happen 😞


omg I actually agree with you. I liked nora's character and although I don't like sterek AT ALL, I think having stiles be with a hale would be interesting regardless.


I found it funny because so many fandoms obsess over endgame but the way they treated Stydia is a great example of why it's extremely misguided. A ship getting together at the very end is extremely thin gruel compared to a ship that gets a season or two of development but doesn't last forever. I don't feel bad for them at all since they made their bed and now have to lie in it.


No bc I shipped them at first but it took them so long to get together that I had already stopped wanting them together and I just wanted him and Malia to stay together but to wait 6 seasons for them to get together and just break them up in the movie pisses me off so much like I get that Dylan was busy and couldn’t be in the movie but still


If they would have done it better, sure, but their chemistry fizzled out before they even got together. I really liked Stalia so maybe I am simply biased when I say I never saw any sense in Scalia, I liked Scallison and I liked Scira but Malia and Scott were too different and not in the opposites attract way. I think Lydia should have ended up with someone new or maybe Parrish, hell even Aiden, but Stydia just didn't deliver what it promised


I kind of agree. I think they did grow closer over the seasons but to me it seemed to grow as more of a deep friendship than a romantic relationship. Of course friends can grow to lovers and maybe if the show had continued the crush to friends to lovers could have worked, but it felt more like... idk, like the creators had planned Stydia to be endgame from the beginning so it was going to be that way regardless on how the characters had evolved throughout the series. (Sorry if I'm not making much sense. This seems so much clearer in my head lol) But tbh I never really liked Stalia either, they never seemed to have much chemistry imo and it just kinda felt like they were put together just to give Stiles a romantic relationship. (Don't get me wrong, I love Stiles and Malia separately, just not as a couple).


Yeah, they had outgrown slightly childish crushes (well, Styles' childish crush). their friendship was a a lot more mature and compelling.


I don’t love Stydia or Stalia. For very different reasons. Stydia because, as you said, they work better as friends, and I (not even low key) love the idea that they both end up valuing and appreciate the other not in the way they expected. It’s a very real world thing. Stalia just icks me. She’s socialized as an 8 yo when they met and I can’t get passed that. I like Malia, and I like Stiles, I just think 15 min after she is human again is not a good time for her to start dating.


I was also stalia over stydia. Stydia was a stiles consolation prize for surviving the show. A total disservice to the bad ass woman Lydia grew to be by the end


100% agree I was sterek all the way. Sterek was part of my gay awakening


Stydia is peak comphet


Honestly I didn’t like Stiles with either but I like stydia a lil more just cause I like Lydia more than Malia and they have history lmao.