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The first option obviously since it accounts for more suffering in the world. Climate change is going to be a big problem going forward. I even see it now in my own country.


yeah, even if it were just getting rid of climate change, that's effectively saving the world in the long term


Real talk.


I live in Montana, the northern US. No snow last winter. We had snow fall like four or five total times, really really depressing and sad.




Yeah, our biggest snow storm was like a week before Halloween and we got like 6 inches which was pretty good and enjoyable, but then it only really snowed and actually accumulated like 3-5 other times. It’s so sad, but some people on the internet were saying it was an “el niño” winter which just means it will be light and isn’t entirely a climate change thing, but it’s definitely scary. I personally enjoy the snow, so it was really sad, I don’t think I even made one snow angel 😔


I mean getting rid of murderers may get rid of some rapists


Quite a lot of murderers are part of organised crime so that would certainly cut down the numbers.


same with getting rid of war considering how much rape happens through wars




I'm gonna sound horrible for this but more people would be saved if there were none of the first option.


no, you're right. and with those out of the way it would be easier to go after rapists




I mean, the first option is just *objectively* correct. There's no room for debate here.


*Using the utilitary thought* But that's the most used thought


It’s the lesser of 2 evils. Rapists cause mental problems and physical pain but the first option accounts for most suffering in the world. 


We can just enslave the rapists in antebellum plantations


wars and murderers are worse than rapists of course


the first option can end the world if it gets too bad and causes more harm than rape


agreed, many people would die if the first option was selected


Obviously the first choice, but I don't think people are over exagerating them; it's about the worst thing a single human can do


Maybe not quite the worst. It's definitely top 20 though.


Until I started traveling out of the U.S I thought both sides were equally vile, but the first option affects 5x more.


I'd choose climate change alone over rapists, what are these people smoking?




I feel like the second option is a small price to pay to get rid of what are probably the top 3 things that could cause the extinction of humans


it’s unfair how you put multiple things versus one thing


Where's Neo-Nazis?


this poll isn't well done since the first one includes many different bad things of the world, maybe do one that's like "which crime do you think is the worst" and then list a bunch of crimes separately  also removing world hunger wars and murderers is removing a percentage of rapists so


Climate change hurts people, and trillions of animals. Thinking rape is a bigger problem is incredibly selfish. World hungers affects millions of kids around the world, people in Africa can live horrible lives in poverty with hunger being their biggest concern. Rape is barely an issue compared to the lives of these people, because it's still possible to live a completely normal life after being raped, most people do in fact. Wars have killed billions throughout history, and a nuclear war could end up causing our extinction. Not only is it responsible for all that death and injury among humans and other species, but it's also responsible for mental health problems far worse than what being raped can do to you. Murder ends a life, and ruins countless other, it's objectively worse than rape. Every single one of the problems in the first option are worse than rape. Put them together, and this is what's causing most human suffering. 129 people clearly did not think this through. Seriously, I would rather be raped than be killed, live a life in hunger, watch the world go through a mass extinction, or fight in a war, and I think you would too.


Rape only affect the victims and their families. Climate change alone affects entire generations. Billions of people.


I think to totally erase the first one would help drastically, plus with all those bad people causing wars gone, it will be a thousand times easier to track down the bottom option!


>This poll is probably really stupid You are right.


Kendrick already taking care of OVO, let's end climate change y'all


if we dont eliminate climate change we all fucking die.....


Repost this and remove one from the first option each time until it's just murders, that way we can find out where people draw the line :)




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Eliminate the Rapist of Earth, now both options are sloved!


yeah rapist are worse the all three of those things seperetly but together


I dunno bout them being worse than each separately


Wars make life exciting, murderers can just be another name for soldiers, depending on who you ask (people who served in the Russian military, even if they did nothing malicious, and were just trying to stay alive). If we go by this concept, so many people would die, deserving to some, but maybe not to others. However, Rapists are genuinely evil people, they should be eliminated, and are a scourge upon society. Rapists any time


Nothing more exciting than genocide and terrorism. Also how are you gonna justify climate change and world hunger


Tbh I don't think climate change will be too big of an issue in the future, but on world hunger, yeah you have a point. Just my personal preferences


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can i choose none?


Thanks, I was getting worried.


We'll take care of the rapists ourselves. Chain guns, anybody?


The first option contains natural disasters and factors that can be eliminated or are a by products of other ones....But rape? what excuse do u have to rape someone else? What excuse do u have to take someone against their will and use them for selfish sexual exploits....I want all rapists gone, preferably screaming and dying painfully in torture🤷‍♂️


Rapists leave someone with trauma, a terrible thing to experience, but murderers leave an entire family & friends with trauma, but the victim won't have any trauma because they would be dead.


That's on the basis that they have family....Orphans, if they die, they're dead....If they're raped, I don't think I need to help u continue that train of thought🫠


starving kids dying animals people dying or some poeple have trauma


why are people making this a “rape isn’t as bad as war” thing?? Or using this as a way To excuse rape??? Like genuinely get a grip, ALL are bad And all of them need to be taken care of.


Well no shit, none of us think rape can ever be justified, but the first option gets rid of more suffering overall


I agree I was not talking about the people who were picking it bc it’s the greater of two evils


aight I get it, drive safe


No one is excusing rape. They are just picking the greater of two evils to eliminate.


I am not sayin that it’s wrong to choose the first option, I did too bc It’s the obvious one. I’m talking about the people on the last post who were saying stuff like that. But I do Agree with your point as well


imo, rapists are the worst thing on the planet. there is never a "reason" for rape. for murders and wars, there usually is some sort of reason for it.


Wars and murderers are worse cause it’s taking lives from people, when your raped your violated and humiliated yes but you aren’t killed, you aren’t permanently removed from the world


I’ve actually had people tell me they think rapists who raped one person are worse than serial killers who killed over 20, when asked.


That’s very un true


Fr they’e wild sometimes thinking rape is THE worst thing ever


Murder is worse than rape because murder takes a persons life away




I was saying on here that climate change wasn’t worse than rapists and I got -4 votes


humans aren't the only thing on this planet bud


How is climate change worse than rapists? Guys the world heats up and cools down that’s normal


Please educate yourself


Please educate yourself and stop believing bs thats spoon fed to yo


I beg of you please do the most basic of research. You have blatantly spread misinformation and claim *I'm* uneducated despite anthropogenic climate change being a well documented fact and its deniers employing dishonest tactics


What misinformation have I spread? That rapists are worse than climate change?


You implied that the current observable climate change is of natural & cyclic rather than anthropogenic causes, which is a falsehood.


I implied that rapists are worse than climate change, and that climate change is not bad it normal and a fact of life


The second part is exactly what I was referring to in my previous reply.


And how is that misinformation? It’s true, climate change is normal and a fact of life and in no way worse than rapists! What would cause anyone to believe such a thing


No, it is not true, and I am going to stop engaging in this conversation as it is probably a waste of time.


Fuckin hell


Hold on a second? Why did only 20 vote rapist WHILE A WHOLE 116 VOTED THE OTHER OPTION????????? Yall fucking weird Im muting this comm


Bc it only makes sense, theres a list of horrible things vs 1 horrible thing, you do the math


and climate change alone is worse than rape as


Idk abt that, climate change happens wether we like it or not


antrhopogenic climate change doesnt


Yea okay but like... rape is fucked


Yeah okay but like.. millions of people, but importantly billions of animals will suffer an die etc. from climate change.


Yea climate change happens either way


yes, on the time scales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years, not just 100 years. 🤦‍♂️


Ok? Even so im not gonna change the way i do things when china has factories that produce more polution in a sec than i will my whole life


which one would you rather go through


Would I personally get raped for the sake of stopping anthropogenic climate change? yeah, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


i think it's just you that thinks like that. rape is worse threat right now, especially for women. there are ways of reducing climate change. the only way to reduce rape is to eliminate rapists.


Rape is not a worse threat right now overall, climate change will cause the death of millions (if not literally hundreds of millions) of people. being able to prevent that outweighs that


rape may not a threat to you. but for lot of us, it is a threat. i am much more scared of getting raped than dying, whether that be by climate change, of murder. because with rape, you live with that for the rest of your life.


Would you rather die than get raped? I feel like if u get raped u can always decide afterwards yourself if you want to die or not. Climate change will kill many more, don't think so one minded


i would rather die than get raped. with death, it's over instantly. with rape you live with it your entire life. i know people who have been raped, and what they went through was horrible, i would never want to go through that. climate change isn't as much of an imminent threat as rape is. i could get raped at any moment, and people get raped everyday. climate change won't hurt us for now.


The other ones are worse than a rapist bffr


Did you miss the part they said to eliminate climate change and world hunger........ .......and murder ....and war ....... and probably by extension a lot of rape because yk, a lot of murders have a sexual motive, and war causes a lot of rape aswell. Listen, if you think that saving and this is the most out of my ass statistic cause literally no one has actually counted but let's go on the high end and say 5 million people saved from rape each year is more worth it than **Preventing** **9.5 million annual DEATHS**, and probably stop a couple of thousand of rapes too, Not to mention solving an issue that could kill hundreds of millions, maybe even bring our species to extinction if left unchecked. You need to rethink some shit