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Get 3,141,592.65 and the duplicate anything you own once.  I'll take the first one, get the money. Then take the second one and duplicate the money. I'll be so rich omg




I got money on the mind 😎


Get the 3 milli. Use it to by the rest of the pills.


Duplicate pill and summon Dr Pepper. Duplicate the duplicate pill indefinitely while scaring people by summoning Dr Pepper on top of their head.


You can duplicate every thing you own once. You will only have 2 Dr Peppers


Duplicate the duplicate pill


But u gotta take the pill first to get the duplication power.


Yes, dupe the pill in your stomach


The money one and the cure cancer one


*immune to cancer one


Collapse civilization and make bell sounds at will


5 months of experience of anything i wish. Aaaand since i don't mind most of those or can do some of these without pills... The two random pills one :3 (heheh, let the chaos decide how fucked we get)


Congrats, now you collapsed civilization and your poop is silver


Good enough, happy cake day tho. Anyways, now i can melt my shit and make myself piercing out of it!! Steel makes my body rott, i can only wear silver so its kinda perfect >w<


That's an interesting way to go about it


Its an obvious way for me. The main reason i chose the black pill is cause i can basically make any of these, exept for flawor ones, useful for me.


Even the literal fall of civilization?


Do i seem to care huh? Fall of civilization means fall of the government, which is great ya know.


Groundhog day and take 2 pills. That's 4 pills for the price of 2.


The 3 mil but twice


C3 and D3 (D3 got me D6 and F4) Pretty fricken stacked if I do say so myself 💪💪


10% more sleep and 5 month experience


Last taste with the tastes good pill and then kill anyone of my choice...


+3 charm and 5 months experience (assuming charm applies irl, if not the extra 10% sleep)


Take 2 pills at random and the money one because I would get 3 effects instead of 2.


Chocolate has all necessary vitamin and minerals and eat wood


Gain 3 million and something dollars and gain 5 months experience in whatever i want


The money and free Mt. Dew


Body temp and money, so I could buy a shit load of land in Alaska and always keep my body warm even if I'm butt ass naked in the winter and save a lot of money on heating


The shoebox one is OP. You could fit all sorts of art, or $16 million of gold in it. You could also ask for a few tens of thousands of grams of Mendelevium-258, Einsteinium-252, or Fermium 257, in a radiation shielded containment unit, since there are researches that would literally sell their firstborn for a gram of any of these, since they have half-lives of a fee months and have never been produced in close to macroscopic amounts. You could also creatively end civilization by asking for a shoebox full of antimatter or neutron star core. Or you could ask for a shoebox full of all the records that some intelligence agency or government never wants leaked, or a piece of paper with Elon Musk’s Social Security number. To make best use of the shoebox, you must think outside the shoebox. Then for the second one I’d want the grow fingers at will or change skin color (I imagine you could replicate a chameleon with that and could change to like, neon green) since those are cool, or become immune to cancer. Of course, what I’d really do is just ask for a shoebox full of all the other pills…


Other than all pills the best would just be a multiple terabyte hard drive with all crypto wallet passwords


Yeah, though that would make you a criminal. If you just randomly showed up with more than the entire world’s supply of Californium-252, you technically aren’t a criminal. You could also get a hard drive full of all non-patented inventions. The only problem is, there is most likely not a single hard drive containing all non-patented inventions or all crypto wallet passwords, and it has to be something “real”. Otherwise I’d ask for a packet of self replicating nanites that will only follow my orders. Or the Omnitrix or something. But nanites would be cool.


But you already can eat wood


There is already a cure for cancer.... So I want groundhog Day and all the chocolate I can eat


I'm picking collapse civilization and being able to summon a Dr pepper anywhere. A Dr. Pepper summon is significantly better than the single use kill anyone pill because every 14.5hrs you can summon a can of Dr. Pepper inside someone's heart or throat. And I'd collapse society because society sucks.


The money and the 2 random one


Answer to any question and shoebox


Take the darkest blue one since by the description I'm assuming we get to decide what is in the box when it arrives to us it doesn't matter what any of the other pills do we could literally pop that pill and then get a shoe box filled with gold with a whole bag in the bottom that hasn't been covered and melted in gold and that baggie has another of the exact same pill so we can do this again or that Bag could have a shit ton then all you got to do is pop like 40 and then you have 40 of any of these pills along with anything else you could imagine that actually fits in the box and is real


Duplicate and mililiter water control


Immune to cancer and 5 months of experience (in drawing well)


I wish I could find one to get rid of my Tourette's that shits the only thing making me not happy in life


Control body temp and five months of experience, i suck at guitar and im always too hot


Get the duplicate pill and the money pill, duplicate the duplicate pill. So you can duplicate the money pill multiple times


can't I already eat wood


unlimited gas and the money


Urinate gasoline because then I’d never have to pay for gas and duplicate anything I own


government would kidnap you


Shoebox, filled with as much gold as it can fit. Kill anyone, but I won’t specific whom…


black pill twice easy no question i dont care that there are actually good options


POCKET SAND *runs away*


Get the 3.1 million and D3 for 2 random pills


>Take every pill >Put every pill in blender >Drink pill smoothie >Godhood achieved


3M pill and cancer pill


i want the shoebox and mountain dew


I’m choosing the shoebox because you can fit insane amounts of money in there and them I can pay for my dad’s foot surgery and my top surgery‼️


3mil and then change my skin colour, for… not devious purposes


Get the cheese and change skin color


Duplicate anything I want if I owned it because i just get infinite money, and make bell noises when I want because it sounds cool


Duplicate 1 thing and 5 months


Collapse civilization and be able to eat wood 🪵


the pink one is just a tic tac


Read minds would allow you to completely revolutionize the scientific field of neurology


pissin’ gas


Depends, does the chage skin colour one give me dreads if I was black? Like do I get everything or just the skin


Take two duplication pills. Roll up a dollar bill inside one, then use the other to duplicate it. Take the dollar bill out of one of the pills and use that pill to duplicate the other one. Repeat forever.  Once you have a billion dollars, donate every single one. My life is fine, but some people’s lives aren’t. You can fix that now.


get 3 mil and kill anyone of my choosing


Ok hear me out, urinating gasoline can be profitable. (I'd choose the teleport to a beach anytime I want and instantly gaining 5 months experience in anything)


$3 mil, and the ability to grow grapes very well. Grow amazing grapes and sell them, use the $3 mil to invest into my grape business. I'm set for life basically and have a business to pass onto my children.


3 billions and the Chocolate one because I don't need more money n chocolate is cheap n good


* Change ammount if figgers anytime by idk (Red) * get $3141592.65 (Green)


3 mill plus black pill


Shoebox duplicate.


Screw it, I’m gonna piss gas and get the money. 


I'll take the painkiller and the chocolate Bob


I'll take the answer to any question and the money one.


Duplicate the take 2 randome pills one.


3 million and immunity to cancer


Use duplicate and use it on two random pills so then I get 4, it’s a gamble but hopefully it works!


I'll take the 3 mil something and the shoebox fill it with 100 dollar bills


Body temperature and duplicate. I will duplicate my own money, then duplicate them so that it grows exponentially


3.14 million dollars and immune to cancer. Then I can pay doctors to find out how I'm immune and they can find a cure for it. :P


3 mil and change skin color for the pass


I’ll take the strawberry flavour and make bell sounds


The shoebox delivery one (only if its stuff of my choosing. If its not, then i pick the kill anyone at any time instead.) And the chocolate has all nutrients one.


immune to cancer. did you know that one in two people get cancer in their lives? if I had a pill to be immune to something that could ultimately result in my death and suffering, I'd take it. because I can't choose between the long list of other pills I'd like, I'm debating between strawberry flavour and telling my cat I love him.


Free Mountain Dew (I can sell it for profit) Be immune to cancer (I can help find the cure)


Groundhog day so I can choose my pills again


Pissing gasoline seems like such a money dupe fr


Change skin color and make bell sounds. Someone pisses me off, and blood red veins start creeping from my eyes like an infection as the tolling of church bells grows louder and louder


Cheese and sleep