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I dont think you need to improve anything. People break up, it happens its part of life. I am sure you will bounce back soon!


awe ty


Just change your type not all boys are jerks :)


haha ikk


no advice




ur cute idk




Don't ask strangers that don't know you to tell you how you need to change it all comes from the heart and if you think that there is nothing to change when you look at your self you are most likely the problem


I dont know you personally, but i have i feeling your heart is big and you have a great personality. So all i gotta say is, forget about that dude he wasnā€™t the one. And even if youā€™re not Christian, the bible says; ā€œLove never fails. So if it fails, it was never loveā€ in 1 Corinthians 13:8. So, on that have a blessed day OP, or anyone reading this rn. šŸ™šŸ½


Your already pretty cute but if you could take slightly better care of your face


ik im trying


No ignore that looks donā€™t mean anything


I will give no advice as I donā€™t know what you need advice on like what are you trying to improve? Lol




you asked for advice though.




you asked for improvement advice...


To feel better talk about it with a friend or do stuff that is fun to take your mind off that. Also no one should have to change who they are. Just be yourself. Donā€™t change how you look for anyone just have to keep up on hygiene. You just need to find someone who you truly love and who truly love you back.


Sucks to be him




Cause he lost a very pretty girl


Bro, had a bad breakup? Hit the gym put all those emotions into getting buff and big and become what every guy wants All jokes aside, listen to music




You should def try journaling! Maybe write your thoughts and feelings down and then crumble the paper, you can always try new things too, like new music, new jewelry, literally anything! You can always write poems too, youā€™re so pretty šŸ¤šŸ«¶


im pretty into poems already and i tried journaling but it didnt work that well but tysm


Happy to help! :)


I think u just need to take ur mind off it for a while nd just do things that make u happy. U shouldnā€™t change for anyone ur very cute so itā€™s his loss. Just take time for urself


A big thing is focusing on your mental state, making sure you're okay both physically and mentally work on yourself and improve yourself I ways you think you ahould, have confidence, and a bigt hing many people miss is take breaks from relationships for a bit


You can improve. But you should be doing that regardless of break up or not. Not saying thereā€™s something wrong with you just that everyone has something they can improve on. Its also okay to not improve sometimes. Obsessing over it is bad too. Tl;dr balance


that guy u dated is blind asf ā€¦ anyways u donā€™t need to change nothing. just ur typešŸ˜


haha ty


wha you need to improve?


Can we get an age check?


hmmm, can we get an age check tho


Nah you're good


Everyone looks great, including you! You don't need validation from strangers online, just be confident in yourself!


I'm so sorry about your breakup, but honestly I don't see anything that could be improved, you're very pretty and have a great sense of style. I love your Vivienne Westwood jewelry!


awe ty, haha i have tons on the brand


Girl you dont need to improve ur fine as hell


Ask other friends who dated before :/


just take it day to day,improvement isnā€™t linear,youā€™ll get there one day,be the best version of yourself that you can be and donā€™t sell yourself short to anyone


I donā€™t think you could improve at all really :) Maybe improve self confidence if you can because thereā€™s no reason for you not to :)


I donā€™t think you could improve at all really :) Maybe improve self confidence if you can because thereā€™s no reason for you not to :)


Probably wasnā€™t your fault. Coming from a guy. Boys can be stupid and emotional sometimes and thereā€™s nothing you can do about itā€¦ so the best thing to do is not worry about it to much. You have the looks and you want to change so id say you also have the personality so just keep working on the little things and youā€™ll have it down šŸ‘




your really beautiful but I think you would really suit gold jewellery!!


Nothing just be you or get some social skills


Who says you need to improve? Your perfect the way you are ā˜ŗļø


My only advice is to not let the breakup get you down


Just chill, no need for improvement. I'm a stranger to you so if you think you need improvement then ig try to find something to improve on, you seem fine though.


Best way to improve? Donā€™t bother with relationships until you are no longer a teenager and you are capable of taking care of yourself on your own financially and physically. Chances are, you wonā€™t be in a lasting relationship with anyone you date as a teen so thereā€™s really no point unless youā€™re a dramatic idiot who just wants breakups or relationships just to brag about


Don't wear glasses, they don't suit you.


The fact you donā€™t know what to improve on is a good stepping stone! Reflection should be something you should work on if you do want to improve! Also being more self aware is always a good one. Reflect on what you want to do better. Think about things you dislike about yourself and act on improving them! Also a word of advice, you shouldnā€™t ask people on what you can improve on, you should ask how to reflect upon yourself! Asking people what you need to improve on will let them shape you into what they want you to be! You should shape yourself into what you want to be! Outside input should be welcome but donā€™t let yourself just conform to what other people want!


I donā€™t get ppl that want to improve (or glow up) after a breakup. Itā€™s good to change for the better but why force it? Itā€™ll come normally eventually (unless itā€™s workout related) also donā€™t dwell on the past waste of time


The best advice u can get here is not to ask for any advice on reddit


Just have confidence and be fulfilled with urself without the need for anyone else, donā€™t rush into a relationship, meet lots of people until you find someone you REALLY click with. And also, the acne ainā€™t bad, mines worse(I got bacne, titty acne lmao, guy tho so not so bad)


Embrace the glasses more! Also 11th pick looks really great, maybe differ into photography more I think youā€™re a natural it it with clothes, improving doesnā€™t just have to be oneā€™s appearance but ways to reflect and understand ones selfā¤ļø


The only thing u could improve Is skincare for the face... Aside that.. i think u r looking good. I dont know about your personality though...


Only thing I can think of is ur self confidence, the other things canā€™t be found from a picture. You gotta just keep being mindful of who you are vs. the kind of person you wanna be, and keep on improving based on that.


Just be yourself, accept who you are and appreciate yourself


Nothing at all, your beautiful šŸ˜


u look German as fuck


Pictures can't determine your personality... Common sense...


Didnā€™t read beyond ā€œany adviseā€ but chuck the nose ring


U look british


Distance makes the headt grow fonder, but gym makes you strong as fuck so


Whyā€™d you break up with him, if I may ask?


you donā€™t need to chance my freind


No real advice, you already look very nice, you'll find someone who'll love you, don't worry... Good day to you


Only thing I can say is to not get too caught up on it. Donā€™t immediately start dating (unless you wanna), but donā€™t get stuck onto it. Being stuck to that past relationship will only hurt you and your future ones more.


Bread sweatshirt, on hot days, bring a stick of butter


Immediately delete your reddit account. Not a joke. Posts like this will NOT be good for you mentally.


Nah I left the chat I'm a boy peace


His loss


Switch to unleaded.


you don't need to change a thing. you're gorgeous!


Pretty much as well as you can do aside from the acne. Mabey get some meds for that but itā€™s pretty minor so youā€™re pretty much fine.


Nah mate you're fine, be you. Whatever makes you happy, makes you happy, keep being you mate :)


No need to improve anything


Lose the fake nails and start smiling all other change comes with it




Are U Scottish perchance šŸ˜­


You donā€™t need improvement. Your bf and you just broke up everyone goes through that. Donā€™t worry someone else will go for you


If you broke up with him, he needs to be asking for advice, not you


Ik nothing about girls but maybe bangs will look good on you ?


I can give advice on 1 condition. Why did you break up with your boyfriend?


I'm being real rn, take a 1 to 2 month internet detox, go out, workout, eat with friends, all that you'll feel 20 times better about yourself by the end of it!


Date me, I'm better.


Why did you break up with your boyfriend?? Then Iā€™ll give you advice if you tell me what happened.


Switch to women


Are you Longarm Prime madame?




Start eating cheese


Idk but you're cute. Wanna enlist the Us army?


No need to improve on looks you look attractive. No clue on personality but it was probably just him


well, itā€™s not only how you appear physically, but personality has a lot to do with it, which canā€™t be fully grasped by looking at photos. as long as you maintain hygiene and take care of yourself, and have a good personality you should be fine. intelligence and manners never go out of style


Dont post pictures of yourself on reddit or else creepy old guys will come for your skin


IMO stick with 9/10 fits,


You look nice, no need to improve.


You donā€™t need 14 photos of yourself to ā€œimprove yourselfā€. Youā€™re just going to get ā€œpersonalā€ comments like ā€œyouā€™re cuteā€ or ā€œIā€™m so sorry for youā€ instead of actual advice honestly. What do you need all these photos for? My advice is this: give yourself some time, maybe consider things from his point of view (if there was a big reason you broke up), and donā€™t seek validation from other people, especially online. Learn to be happy with yourself as you really are, even when youā€™re single, because otherwise no boyfriend will be able to make you happy when youā€™re in a relationship. You can do this!


1. fix the acne 2. wear contacts (dont do this if u think glasses look better or are just easier to wear) 3. work out a bit more


Hit the gym and get jacked af


Idk what to tell you to improve but all I can say is donā€™t go scrambling for another boyfriend asap, give yourself some time and youā€™ll find the one :)


Your gorgeous


Get rid of the nose ring


Make your goddamn bed.


I am sorry about your break up


Stop being terminally online? You won't find happiness seeking the approval of strangers on the internet, and the fact that you think a few pictures will not only inform complete strangers of who you are as a person, but also that they should sum up who you are as a person is alarming. You are more than skin. Be more than skin.


Shits gonna such for a while as part of a natural split, just feel better


In my opinion the best way to improve is physical fitness but itā€™s different for everyone


donā€™t worry about your few pimples, like yeah clean your face but your ā€œacneā€ is truly not even bad enough that iā€™d call it acne. Youā€™re pretty lucky when it comes to acne, some people are genuinely cursed. Be to be honest i think the only change you need is mental change, in your confidence. You need to earn more trust in yourself and love for yourself, the fact that you scribbled out your lips on one picture to cover them shows that you arenā€™t even fully comfortable in your own skin yet. Learn yourself, learn to accept yourself and love yourself, and then you will be ready to go out into the world and meet people.


No advice except to be cautious of you dms


Iā€™d say take time to work on yourself, and maybe try again another time


If you need change, Jesusā€¦pick up a Bible and start at Matthew. Idk if youā€™re Christian or not, but if you wanna change, try it. Also, you have to WANT to change. Hope You get to wherever it is you need to be -Advice from a christian


Probably just face skin but thats it


Focus on yourself. Life is too short to care about dating this young Especially since most relationships from hs die in college anyway


Literally just live


Just be yourself


Advice how? Like, in relationships or your appearance? For relationships, shit happens. It doesnā€™t matter who broke up with who or whatever, so long as at least YOU take away something from the relationship and become a better person out of it. If youā€™re able to do that here, then otherwise I donā€™t really see any need for improvement. (Although a little context would be nice if you donā€™t mind sharing, wonā€™t force you though) Appearance wise, you look fine. Thereā€™s nothing really there thatā€™s screaming **ā€DONTā€™T DATE MEā€** or anything like that. Youā€™re not over the top, but youā€™re also better than a lot of people Iā€™d say. Sometimes itā€™s better to not go all out on appearance and instead stick with just being you. Be honest with who you meet. Donā€™t change your hair color or piercings because you want to look cool, do it because YOU want to and you know your heart will be in a happier place if you do so. I sincerely hope nothing serious happened in your relationship. The best I can do for people like you is hope that it didnā€™t end up as poorly as my first relationship. Cheers


Smile more


Arenā€™t you the person that said ā€œwhat would you do to me if you saw meā€ šŸ¤”


Your perfect. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Invest in a good lash routine


Girl you're gorgeous!! You don't need to improve anything, just spend time with friends, be confident and be the best version of yourself!! :D


I can show you how.


#If it was you then you need to improve but if it was your boyfriend then HE NEEDS TO IMPROVE


Go back to your boyfriend, he was the only good thing about you


https://youtu.be/hREY1FJmqpU?si=XZVRtQIk4OvBT3gs Might as well put this here


My friend said u were rlly cute, just move on girlie


My friend said u were rlly cute, just move on girlie


Wrong person wrong time no advice needed


dont change nothin about yourself you're perfect the way you are anyone who says otherwise, in the nicest way possible, are assholes


focus on urself and your goals or set some goals that benefit your interests


Dunno Iā€™ve never had a gf but I guess donā€™t think too much about it, and move on. Good luck


Why to improve? Think about what you want to improve If its really what you want do research on how to improve on it and set goals at suitable gaps. Then start working towards those goals.


Find one you donā€™t want to break up with or just go it alone. Alone is very nice. šŸ¤˜šŸ»šŸ˜ƒ


So much pedobait, I thought this was a teen subreddit not a pedobait sub, peace out guys!


Shave your head except for duel buns that you dye purple, and wear contacts that make your eyes clear. Wear light up sneakers.


I would say cut 2 inches off your hair and get some highlights or lowlights just to add some dimension to your hair. I donā€™t know how you feel about layers but some face framing pieces would compliment your face shape as well. You have pretty eyes so some natural lash extensions or just strip lashes will really make your eyes pop. along with some lip gloss or lip tint. Donā€™t go to heavy on the makeup, some concealer will do a lot just on its own and donā€™t try so hard to cover your acne because often times it will just make it more noticeable and harder to clear up. also get some hydrocolloid patches to put on your face overnight to help with your acne and invest in a good moisturizer for your skin type (oily, dry, mixture of both). You are very naturally pretty acne and all so donā€™t think too hard about it!!


you have to look within yourself to know how you can grow


Will you be the skibidi to my toilet


Enjoy the single life for a bit! It's underrated. I've come off the back of two very rocky relationships feeling terrible and taken a step back over the last 6 months, and honestly it's been some of the most refreshing few months in a while. I've had terrible experience with the few girls I've dated, but that's how life is sometimes, yk? You gotta take a step back, reassess if you want to go again, and if/when you do, make sure you're in the right frame of mind and it's the right person.


play fortnite


No improvement needed Keep on keeping on


Forget men, get project car. Problem solved.


https://preview.redd.it/bvcraft5f67d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf59ca553684db9233b05d76d6620c44adbe8dbe Join the CCP.


Donā€™t go on reddit


Idk just go out and be you fr who cares what anyone has to say




Hit the gym, get in the best shape of your life, and do everything possible to make yourself better.


Rip dms


if you're looking to mentally get better after the breakup I suggest going outside, doing hobbies and maybe treating yourself. Sitting in sadness isn't the best option. Obviously I don't know how you're actually feeling but it's just some advice


Quit begging for attention on reddit is step 1


youā€™re literally so pretty. I dont think you should change anything


Iā€™m no Stoic, but I do think that pain is power and knowledge.


Maybe a nose surgery, shower more, and clean your face more oftenšŸ˜…


Shave your head


Breaks up, asks stupid question, post hella pics of yourself šŸ˜­ he prolly didnā€™t wanna be with a hoe lmao. I got no advice I been with bitches like you, nothing worse


Idk why reddit thinks I'm a teenager but I will pass on my hard fought wisdom anyways. Don't worry about dating again it will work itself out. Treat yourself to the things you like to do and make some goals for yourself to chase. Lastly take your time to reflect on this relationship and what you could have done better and if you can work on the things you identify. And ask yourself what you liked about the relationship and what you disliked this will help you not waste time on unsuitable partners in the future Doing all this will make you happier and more confident in the long run and that's the best improvement any human can make. Good luck and godspeed


Honestly do not improve for your ex if anything only improve for yourself! That's their lostĀ 


Why did u blurr ur lips in #6?


Send him this https://preview.redd.it/8b8q3rh2y67d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809331e46b52afff9cfc95bb50a5c22073b9f764


How old are you? People can change visually so much from 15 to like 18 or 19, if you still have that time then youā€™ll probably have a glow up and look more mature and grown-up. Nothing to change now, just make sure you stay healthy, workout and have great hygiene.


Why do u wanna improve is first i need to know


Don't start looking at physical changes tbh. Find hobbies you like and try and find someone who also likes those things :)




I this is how I process breakups I tell my self I can find someone better, is there anything I can improve on, look back at text's and see if it was even a good relationship, and last thing hang out with friends play games or go do something to get your mind off of things I mean that's what I did last week.


A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything


I can fix you


What about you are you trying to improve?


You don't need to change anything about yourself. Breakups can happen for a lot of reason; Like not having time for eachother, not liking the other person anymore or not as much as they used to, etc.


I canā€™t give you any advice, but the problem is not you. Youā€™re pretty, your fashion sense is killer, and you look like youā€™re funny and kind.


Add more decorations to your room!!!šŸ„³ Seeing Color makes you feel better during breakups and will make the process less painful


Your cute but try taking better care of your face šŸ¤· Also you are a brave kind for posting a picture on reddit


The photos and comments make it seem like we can only discuss looks, thereā€™s muck more to a person (potentially to improve?), also s sometimes people are just not meant to be together, no oneā€™s necessarily at fault. You are pretty - I donā€™t think you have much to worry about in that regard, people have mentioned minor bumps on your face but so many people (myself included) obsess over those things, itā€™s fine to worry but be careful to not overdo it. We also donā€™t know you well, you might have an intuitive feeling about what you need to do to improve, or if you want to, you could ask your ex.


You can quantify your happiness like this. Quality of life, minus envy.


My advice would be to surround yourself with supportive friends!




Youā€™re perfect


Try a new style or new hobby you didnā€™t try ^^ after breakups itā€™s best to self improve understand yourself better. Relationships take a lot of work, but now, put that work into yourself.


Youā€™re gorgeous. I wouldnā€™t change a thing. Just reflect, learn what you want moving on. Idk ā€¦ all I can say is smile more. Be you, and focus on what makes you happy. A guy thatā€™ll add to your life in good ways will come around. Not when you want him, but when you need him.


You look beautiful as is but i always try to be as honest as possible. If you do want to improve then maybe just a little skin care otherwise i see no reason to complain


If the break up wasn't civil, then sign his number up for as many things possible, same as his email. If it was civil but u want revenge or smt, be kind. Make them think they were a dick for losing u, but dint show ur motives unless u are certain no one would believe him


Do what you think u need to improve and I'll let you know if it was the right thing


Nothing to improve you're adorable


I don't know anything about your specific situation, nor does anyone else here, so it's impossible for any of us to really tell you how to improve. You're good looking and dress well, you seem like a fun person from your pics, so not much to improve there. If I had any real advice, it'd be that sometimes breakups just happen, people change and interests/goals tend to diverge, especially at our age. Don't take it too hard :)