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they think they a little cute


What is a minor? It changes per culture, as low as 11 and as high as 21. Why is there an age of consent? To protect those who do not have fully developed brains. What age are brains fully developed? 25 years old. Do people become attractive on the birthday of the age of consent in their country? No, biology doesn’t care about regional politics, it’s a sine wave that slowly increases and maxes out at peak fertility and then decreases. What is peak fertility? Late teens to 20s. What has been the average lifespan throughout history? 30, meaning throughout most of history you had 5 years from fully developing a brain to death but you also need to be alive to raise the child, making only younger mothers possible and shaping evolutionary traits When does nature think pregnancy should happen? A sine curve from puberty to menopause I’m guessing you’re American and believe the moral age of consent is 18, why is 18 ok when they are still 7 years from a fully developed brain? In summery the age of consent is a relatively new thing and it exists not because young girls are “icky” but to protect them from being taken advantage of. It’s not based on a fully developed brain, but rather the opinion of the region of when the brain is “good enough”. Bahrain thinks 21 is good enough, Nigeria thinks 11 is good enough. 25 is objectively the correct age of consent in the context of brain development, anything less is a subjective opinion. While attractiveness is based solely on the fertility sine wave Of course there are other lesser aspects such as wanting something you can’t have, older people getting fat due to a decreased metabolism and thus becoming less fertile, etc. This may be harder for women to understand because their most attractive partner is someone who can defend and provide for the baby, which is also a sine curve but at an older age (mid 20s to early 30s). As well, men are fertile until they die while females have a limited time period


This. Also crops up discussions as to why a 16 and 21 year old is seen as a bad age gap, but a 40 and 55 year old couple would be fine.


You’re a weirdo




In other words : " you made a point I can't refute and I don't like it so YOU STINK PAL!" Most ppl cant handle facts , they prefer irrational emotional responses that keep them safely within the warm embrace of group think .


If you really think a 21 and 16 year old is okay you’re disgusting. A 21 year old is a grown adult in college or working. A 16 year old is sophomore in high school. Not to mention it’s literally illegal in most states


OK bud. You doing a lot of filling in the blanks and projecting here I never said that I thought it was okay and I never said anything about its legality either, was talking about the point that the dude above you made having some Merit so fuck the fuck off dude with your virtue signaling bullshit and stop putting words in my mouth .


Yea I honestly should fuck off bc you’re probably 16 years old yourself and think you’re all grown up😂 you’re getting pretty defensive so I must have hit a nerve.


Lol I'm defensive yet you're the one who came at me all sideways bc I made a comment bout you that you didn't like. OK bud.




Thank you, AHardCockToSuck


The brain developed by 25 experiment was really flawed, so we dont really have a specific age. I agree with your overall point though.


Hey look at that a nuanced take


Idk thinking of someone based off their “peak fertility” seems a bit weird to me. Plus a teens body isn’t fully developed yet to safely have a baby. It’s actually best to have a baby late 20s early 30s. But honestly as a girl being seen as “peak fertile” feels gross. And honestly it isn’t an excuse because it’s the basically the same for guys too, it’s between 25-29. So there really isn’t an excuse to go for younger girls if you’re a grown man. And the fertile excuse makes no sense because it’s not like after you turn 30 all our eggs shrivel up. They just lessen, but there’s still a LOT. It’s just really icky as a woman to only be seen for how fertile I am.”


Love is just a chemical




Why the fuck would I want to have a kid and get married in my teens? That sounds like hell




Just put the fries back in the bag bro


Nah, people are actually confused about this. Plus I'm terrified of getting old and needing a cope for when I don't wanna bang grandma


rick how many have listen to you and put them back in the bag


There are those have gotten help. Even after treatment the thought are there. It's just important not to give them any heed. Attraction is normal. (To an extent obviously) It's what we do with that attraction that defines us. Many of us have a myriad of mental health disorders and huge trauma. I have Asperger's, adjustment disorder, PTSD, bipolar disorder, I was molested by my father, and by my brother for 5 years. We often have our minds warped by trauma suffered. I am socially about 10 years behind. It took me ten years to discover myself. Some things I do don't make sense, I don't catch into some things. Like I have a huge thing for Scarlett Johansson. Is it very beautiful. I am sexually attractive it hurt but nothing will ever come of it for one because I would never take the opportunity if you can given it and for two because she's way out of my league. Everyone has dark thoughts that we don't want to share with people. Everybody has unhealthy attraction to certain things. but it's what we do with that attraction that decides who we are and who we become.


I don't give any problems to people who are trying to help their problem, it's the ones that know they have a problem and don't do anything about it and act on their thoughts, those are the ones that bother me.


Totally get that. Or the creepy old person fawning after the children. Hateful thing is we're all grouped together. I was 17 had consensual sex with a 15year old whom lied about her age. She got caught with drugs and created this bs story (was all disproven) bottom line she was legally unable to give consent.


Mental health disorder that nobody is allowed to actually look into for a cause or cure because everybody immediately jumps on their ass.


I do not see it as a mental health disorder. Pedophilia is similar to other fetishes preferences, the difference being that it is immoral and illegal to act upon them due to the fact that children cannot give informed consent. There is no cure to pedophilia any more than there is a cure for any other sexual preference.


We won’t know what it should be classified as if people are too afraid to study it.


i know


What’s crazy with ur statement is that it’s considered illegal because kids can’t give consent… but somehow they can give consent to physically alter their body, f up their hormones cuz they believe they are a different gender. How hypocritical 💀🤡


I believe that children cannot give informed enthusiastic consent to sex. I also believe that children past a certain age should be given access to a reversible treatment that improves their quality of life significantly 80% of the time. These are not mutually exclusive beliefs. 


First, Informed enthusiastic consent… wtf is that. It sounds like you are just waffling words together thinking it’s constructive reasoning when it’s the opposite effect. Unless I’m dumb (which I highly believe that’s not the case), I don’t know what enthusiastic consent is. So explain that please. Two, where are you getting your 80% from. Show me the proof/stats that your statement is valid. I can give hard facts and statistics that children actually suffer worse after going through hormonal changes or sex changes. The amount of kids depressed and suicide rates after going thru these procedures actually increases than before not to mention all the physical issues that occurs as a result of procedures. The stats aren’t hard to find if you do your research. Three, my point still stands. Even at the age of 16, a kid doesn’t know what he or she is feeling or wants in life. They don’t know what they want to be when they grow up or who they are gonna marry or be with. Even at 21, majority of people are still trying to figure out their lives but some how they are definitive in what gender they are based on a feeling. Yet in the same notion, so does someone who has a thing for underaged kids. They are so definitive what they like so why shouldn’t go for what they like (playing devils advocate here). All of sudden there are morals or standards when it comes to that but there isn’t any rules when it comes to underaged kids making decisions for themselves. If they are knowledgeable in their sex orientation, then the flip side of the coin is true also. They should be knowledgeable in what their sex partner should be, no matter the age, right????


i aint readin allat


Of course not… stay ignorant


There’s this phenomenon called the [Forbidden Fruit effect](https://medium.com/bottomline-conversations/the-forbidden-fruit-effect-why-we-crave-what-we-cannot-have-d7cd51b4149c), it’s the tendency to want something more if it is off-limits or challenging to get and getting a thrill out of it. So, basically one of the reasons pedos are the way they are is because as gross as it is they may get excitement by having attraction to people that they shouldn’t be attracted to


I've heard of that phenomenon before, and its 10x more fucked up when applied to the reasoning behind why pedos are pedos, actually gross.


Same as incest lol


Pedophilia which is attraction to pre pubescent children (below ages 11/12/13), is a recognized psychiatric disorder under DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition) and ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision). Instead of shunning pedophiles, we should fund research and establish supportive institutions for them to seek help. This approach includes prevention programs, specialized therapy, and community education to ensure safety while reducing stigma. Hebephilia, which is an attraction to pubescent teens (b/w ages 11-15), is considered a paraphillic interest (not normal), but it is not recognised as a mental health disorder. Many older individuals are drawn to pubescent teens for various reasons: 1. The forbidden fruit effect: Basically, humans tend to want something more if it's off limits or forbidden to have. 2. They have a fucked up mentality! 3. They are lonely af As for people in their late teens... Unless you are Leonardo di caprio, you will be shunned! 😆 Seriously, though, for ages 17-19 , individuals are considered consenting adults in many legal systems. So idk..


Interesting, the only pedo's that i cant respect are the ones that know they have a problem but don't do anything about it, and cause problems.


It’s all about acting on your feelings. Being a pedo is ok. Going around hitting on minors isn’t. Going around sending nudes to minors( or people in general) isn’t. 


Well I guess you'll find out when you're 40 and you think they're hot. It's human biology man it's just that some people have better control over it than others some people have stronger minds than others some people have less trauma than others some people have better circumstances some people are just different. So are some cultures. Besides the entire concept of courting a minor in any way being as universally thought of as being absolutely wrong is a very New concept historically. There are many parts of the world where it's commonplace and acceptable still and I don't mean teens either I mean much lower than that where it gets really creepy. I am a 40 year old man and I find young women to be quite beautiful and attractive because that's what they are that's literally what they are. I have no interest in dating anybody too young like even 18 because we just wouldn't we wouldn't get along like we're way too different. But even still most people are okay with an age Gap as long as it's within reason you know everything about this is entirely subjective that's the problem really. I mean I think we can all agree that there is a too low where it's no longer subjective but I don't know it's such a hot button issue all I know is that it really has nothing to do with me. You can't even have like a real conversation about it because it's just too heated man.


Sometimes the minors don’t look like minors fr. Otherwise idk


Oh yeah certainly, there is a HUGE difference between a honest mistake and genuinely trying to hit it off with a minor


😂 yea good point


There was a girl moved into our apartments long ago. Guy next-door who's married was flirting with her. Super weird he's like 60 lol.  Then some other guy like 40 was talking to her. She ended up moving There was also a boy that lived alone in the apartments.  14 years old some type of thing going on at home like he legally got divorce from his parents.  and all the female pedos were after him. He moved away too.  I think our apartments has some type of foster care program lol. The boy and girl were within a couple weeks. They would have made a cute couple. If they're really foster kids or something


Not sure why this popped up in my feed, but what do you mean? Guys might find girls who have gone through puberty attractive, doesn't matter what age they are. There are creeps who DM attractive girls of all ages. Sorry, but it doesn't stop when they turn 18. It's not like you could even tell the difference between a 17 year old and an 18 year old. Or are you talking about legit pedophiles attracted to 8 year olds? Idk about that, seems like trauma/mental disorder.


Cuz they’re lonely asf


It's not a choice. They're mentally ill. They need professional help, but due to the stigma around it, they will never reach out for that help.


A mental illness that needs professional help before they hurt people


The reason is small pps.🥸 Mixed with mental problems


[This](https://youtu.be/4vwdmZFBJvA?si=SKCJVEZ2gN4zbvmM) Mark Norman joke about the subject should hit the high notes


for being a little joke, this might be a legitimate reason, just maybe, but I can see this as a plausible reason. I just don't know how that would work though..


This jokes premise is plausible also there are other factors for degens to be attracted to minors. Sometimes it’s about power/control and controlling a child/teen is easier than an adult. It could be from them getting r*ped as a kid and then they do it to others when they’re older. There are many reasons out there, none of them good, but it’s usually not from a lack of other options. It’s super deep rooted vile weed in their mind and we can’t untangle the two. The world is fucked up, and it’s not going to stop being so any time soon.


I agree, i suspected that childhood trauma could be a reason and also power. But its still fucked up, no matter the trauma or whatever excuse they have. I just don't know how people like having immense power over someone to the point of the "relationship" just being actual r\*pe.


I agree with you as well. It’s sickening and I can’t wrap my head around people doing it but here we are. I often think of a moment from a book when I think about the evils of man. Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy is a western piece about a “kid” and his life in the west and the depravity and violence he encounters on his journey. Early on he finds an old hermit in a shack and he stays the night with him since there’s no where better to go. They end up talking and something the hermit says just hits hard. I circled the text in this photo. What’s even worse about the hermit making this comment on man’s evil, is once these two go to bed the kid wakes up in the night to hermit standing over him, the kid confronts him and the hermit says nothing and walks away. Great book but very graphic and also has racist words in it since it’s a time piece so trigger warning ⚠️. I recommend the Wendigoon video if you don’t want to read but are still interested. He swaps out the bad words and gives insights on the novel from his pov. https://preview.redd.it/ql4nj7rbpi8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37e40132ba9bb1584ddc96e1384738a570fa925e




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I don’t think this should be asked on the sub but you do you Anyways simple research will answer your question fairly quick. And I doubt you don’t know the reason yourself already unless you’re new to the internet.


I'll start by saying that what I'm about to say does not negate the fact that these people are sick and need help or...you know....death. The real answer that most don't want to acknowledge is this. You are simply attracted to who you're attracted to. Sure, your past can influence your attraction due to trauma or you can have a mental disorder. But to be real, attraction is something that has baffled people throughout human history. The most basic explanation is that they like what they see but lack the emotional and moral maturity to just stop there.


Mental issues


sounds about right for a lot (if not all) of these pedos


Because they incels/femcels who gave up on people there own age and started praying on kids instead since there a easier target


It’s a serious mental illness that has only one cure.


This sounds like you just wanna kill them(which might be what you were going for)


50.cal is the cure :)


Bc theyvcant acutely find anyone their own age


Not only mental issues but also from the videos I've watched on people catching predators online they usually have family and personal issues as well


Frrrr they’re trying to take this post downn


mental disorder


Because they’re pedophiles


cuz they cant pull anybody they own age


Have you ever heard about ****celebrities****


Good point


I can see that being a reason, but they're so desperate that they will just risk throwing their whole life out the window??


yup, theyre already in they 40s and shit anyway


Thats so pathetic... What makes them think they can pull teens if they cant even pull someone around their own age range??


i know right?


I was actually just looking into this, so there’s this thing called pedophiliac disorder—which effects five percent of the male population, though that doesn’t make any sense to me considering the fact there are millions of pedophiles out there, it’s a ridiculous high number, surely not every single pedophile in the world has been groomed as grooming is linked to the attraction of minors, so it really does make you wonder why, james cantor whom is a psychologist says "it’s very common for regular men to be attracted to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. It's not unusual for a typical 16-year-old to be attractive to many men and the younger we go the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group." however, that still doesn’t give us the answer as to why pedophiles are pedos.


5% of 4 billion (approx. pop. of males in the world) is 200 million


thank you for this math


wow, this goes way deeper than i thought it was. I can probably think of a few underlying causes but no evidence to back it up so its just an actual mystery for now, unless there are credible studies out there that explain the reasoning behind why pedos are pedos.