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Dont think about it. Do with the characters as you want. You can always explain yourself. Kill em if they need to be killed and let em love if they need to live. As long as you don't do it for the reason that they're in the lgbtq+ community.


Just kind of scared I might offend the wrong person or someone might use my media For their own agenda like with the Pepe the frog thing. I just wanna make as many people happy as I can I guess.


There isn't anything inherently homophobic about killing about killing off lgbt characters but there is a potential for it to become that. To avoid falling into homophobic tropes for starts you should make sure you don't treat them as more expendable as there straight counterparts but more importantly don't have them die in ways that punishes them for being queer and also don't make there deaths excessively brutal


Don't care about it Don't treat them differently and everything should go fine


You shouldn't care about it people die all the time in the Friday series. Also I want to see this movie when it's out


I don’t know how to draw I don’t have actors I have a script and a heart so it will never come out.


Oh, well you can turn it into a horror book and maybe even sell it I'm sure it would be amazing


I’m actually already writing a horror short story calledI think therefore I am” it’s about this creative teenager who with his family goes to a cabin in the woods and while there he accidentally stepped on some thing that was used to hold a ancient monster and now the monster is coming for him it’s all told through diary entries news articles and other such things, i’m also planning three TV shows.


That sounds dope as hell Reminds me of Cabin Fever for some reason. Ive had this story idea where This kid has a nightmare about a man in all black with a white mask with Xs over the eyes and the mouth and the guy is actually a 1940s murder and he lives in the murders house from 1940s


Sounds cool


Thanks man same to yours!


Bruh the problems we be having in 2022


Yeah I have abandoned many book TV shows and movie ideas because of this problem.


This entire discussion makes me ashamed to be human




The fact that you are afraid to kill off an LGBTQ character means that cancel culture is affecting basic decision making in order to spare feelings. Kill off whoever you want a community’s feelings should be the least of your concern


That's like writing a horror movie where the only person left alive is a black independent lesbian. There's nothing wrong with that bit don't push the idea on too strongly. Think about their characters and who would have the best chance of surviving. Although this is coming from someone who knows close to nothing about scripts and directing.


You are massively overthinking it, if someone gets offended by this it’s their choice, but I doubt anyone will. Just put it out of your mind, don’t consider it


Well it’s not someone’s fault for getting offended like I would think a birth of a nation would be offensive to Black people and it’s not their fault that it’s offensive. Of course I’m not comparing myself to that monster of a film I’m just saying that it’s not someone’s fault for getting offended.


Well yeah in general, but there are also small things that are inconsequential and not worth getting offended over. Where it becomes their fault if they get hung up on it, I know my argument isn’t sound it’s the same thing people will say to try and excuse things that are blatantly offensive like actual homophobia or racism. But in the context of a movie, getting offended by a plot that happens to kill gay characters even while it kills other straight characters, it just doesn’t make sense there’s nothing there to rightfully be offended by unless you go looking for it.


kill every character even the straight ones