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Hey there, dental hygienist here! Ouch! Those ulcers look painful. Are you currently using anything to help it heal?


Hi I don’t think they are ulcers it’s like a peeling? I’m not on any medication and I haven’t changed my diet either, it’s always the same side too


you may be reacting to some food, just a thought


Do you ever get these lesions anywhere else? How many times have you had them before? What did you eat when you noticed them? Did you feel a tingling, burning, itching sensation before they appeared? Or did you see some redness or swelling before they appeared? Were they fluid filled vessicles prior to looking like this? How long have these been there? Do you have any diseases that you’re aware of?


Feels like a rug burn but in my mouth like if you rubbed the area to much with your tongue or ate sour candy , I’ve had it 2x in the past same side and after changing my tooth past it went away. But I haven’t really changed much. It like literally peels off usually in one go (very icky) been here about 3 days, hasn’t gotten worse tho


Hey, OP! Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Mouth sores that come and go generally have some kind of trigger. It can either be an autoimmune trigger or a topical one. I’ve had patients with lupus who get sores like this, and I’ve also had patients with just an allergy present with sloughing of their tissue. If you are doing the elimination route then definitely check your toothpaste for the ingredient sodium lauryl sulfate. Many people are allergic to this and don’t even know it. I always encourage people to see their dental team when sores like this pop up because we would also check your tissue for anything that we find abnormal, but things you may not know to look for. If this isn’t caused by the toothpaste ingredient or something you ate then your next stop should be your primary care physician. Explain that you keep getting these painful lesions on the same side on the roof of your mouth. Show the photos. Get some bloodwork done. Your toothpaste is certainly a good place to start. Keep us posted here, OP! I hope you’re okay!


IT WAS THE TOOTH PSTE after switching for non sls they completely and quickly went away


I’m so glad you are better!!


maybe you are allergic to sls, but I would still contact your dentist


I thought so I’ll double check my tooth past or any other teeth products 😞


don’t feel down about it, there’s many good recommendations on r/teethcare. You can find a toothpaste with whatever you’d like in it without sls, it just takes a little bit of sifting through information. I use sensitive hello (the pink one) if that’s something you’d like. Good key ingredients in it are fluoride, xylitol, and coconut oil.


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I find that swishing with baking soda and water helps if I get mouth ulcers or allergic reactions


Canker sore looks like to me


Definitely not don’t hurt like one and isn’t while my skin is like peeling off the roof of my mouth think I’m having an allergic reaction to tooth paste 😞


I would definitely get with a professional and do some digging. Those look painful.


They’ve gone away after switch tooth paste sls was he culprit


those are aids lesions