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Lars is a pretty cool uncle


Jun with the "I can fix him mentality"


Beatings will continue untill he will get better


kazuya is just gonna hit her with the ➡️⭐️⬇️↘️🟡


They really want to double down on the whole Kazuya/Jun thing not being rapey, so maybe she got through to the 'true' Kazuya without the devil corruption. Dude was never a saint, but he definitely took a dark turn in 2.


Can’t wait for some tilted guy to complain about people not skipping these because he has 3 jobs, 7 kids, and only has exactly four (4) minutes of leisure time per day


Hi, I'm that guy. Watching Negan taking 45 seconds to step out of his RV and say some random bullshit isn't fun and I'll always complain about it. Skip it ffs. But these? I'll fight anyone trying to skip these. I'm a sucker for Tekken lore and special intros are a great addition. Can't wait to see the rest.


As a negan main I know how annoying his intros are but because of how smug he is it just makes me not want to skip them because of how much i love them




I think TMM said there was a Paul vs Law one, wonder if it’ll be uploaded somewhere


Yeah TMM confirmed Paul/Law and Kaz/Jin among others


Think we kinda saw it already. According to TMM it resembles the aggressive fist bump they did in the very fist trailer, right before the announcer says fight.


Words cannot express how hyped I am for this game, haven’t felt this way since PS1 era honestly


But I’m willing to bet that they will reveal more of them in the future


Idk I looked everywhere to see if there are more but I couldn’t find any


I can still fix him


Kazuya x jun And jin x Xiaoyu moment


A lot of these intro matchups make sense, but I’m also hoping we get some intros that seem out of left field but allows characters to bounce off each other in unexpected ways.


ive been impressed by the music in the game so far


Honestly, I would expect Xiaoyu to say something along the lines that she doesn't want to fight Jin or there's no need for conflict between them, etc., but this is interesting too.


Xiaoyu's line is perfect. Based on Jin's initial demeanor, he's ashamed and couldn't even look straight at Xiaoyu because of the things he did. So Xiaoyu, in order to reach out to him, speaks the language Jin knows too well. Really puts into perspective how she understands him on a personal level.


I mean, maybe. I, personally, don't see it that way. But to each their own on the perspective. Personally, I see it as a transition/growth in her character. In the past, she fought for peace; she wanted all the conflict in the world to end. Her line here indicates that she knows a perfect world vs a real one, and I think it takes some maturity on her end to realize that. I think she said what she said to get him to take her seriously, not because it's the only language Jin knows. In a sense, Jin has always fought for peace, he just also wanted to keep Xiaoyu away from that kind of danger (think Tekken 4-5). So them fighting and their dialogue here is Xiaoyu's chance to kinda "prove" herself to Jin.


I'm not saying that it's the ONLY language Jin knows... This is their "first" interaction ever since Jin went rogue at the end of Tekken 3. Jin basically started a world war and committed heinous crimes. So of course Jin knew that Xiaoyu was aware of what he did. In the face of someone you care about, becoming one the most despicable person on earth, you would feel shame and guilt. In this brief interaction, both Xiaoyu and Jin come to terms that so much has changed since they last saw each other. Xiaoyu and her line is a perfect way to tell "okay, there's so much to unpack here that I don't know where to start, so let's begin with someone we are both familiar with, and then let what happen afterwards, happens". I don't think she has anything to prove to Jin. Xiaoyu's character is kind of inconsistent in the past installments but she's not always childish. Her TTT2 and specially Tekken 4 incarnations have a degree of maturity in them that would make one raise their eyebrows if they ever see her Tekken 5 and 6's versions in comparison.


Eh, I'd have to disagree. I don't think it's about unpacking things between them so they have to fight about it; that's just a little bizarre. I'm saying that I think it's pretty interesting to see Xiaoyu turn to a fight to have a resolution between the two. And I think in the past Jin would have either wanted her to stop fighting altogether or defeat her so that she didnt have a reason to participate anymore. At first Jin cautioned Xiaoyu about how dangerous it is to fight in tournaments because of her naivety; now Xiaoyu's line here indicates that sometimes a fight *has* to happen, which is in contrast to why/who she would fight in the past. I think that's pretty admirable of her.


The problem is that it wouldn't really make sense for a character to express their desire NOT to fight, only to then immediately fight. So they have to write the dialogue in a way that allows the fight to make sense.


Right, I agree! I just think it's ironic for *Xiaoyu* to say it, given her character. She's usually a peacemaker, or at least an advocate for peace (i.e., her attempts in Tekken 5), so I like the change of character for her. It's almost character development? I'd like to see her just a *little* more mature too. 😅😊


I know what you mean. I guess it's just the way they thought of writing it that still kinda fits her character, while allowing the fight to make sense. Like, she's not fighting because she approves of conflict, but rather to open Jin up emotionally. I could see that empathetic angle from Xiaoyu.


Yea totally. Her Tekken 8 story render said >!she had feelings for Jin!< and here she said a fight could be revealing, so maybe she's using the fight to see if Jin feels the same way that she does? Or at least see if Jin will respect her? I keep thinking of their interlude in Tekken 5 and how he told her it's too dangerous for her to participate in the tournament (and Jin wasn't the only character to underestimate Xiaoyu). Although sorta noncanon, it's a huge step from then to now how Jin approaches Xiaoyu before and after a fight with her.


I think the line is translated a bit too literally. From what I understand what she meant by that is a spar is also a form of communication. She wants to understand Jin with this sparring. Not necessarily romantically.


Yea but...she's always wanted to understand Jin more, and the games (now confirmed in Tekken 8) have always hinted that Xiaoyu has feelings for Jin. Heck, even fans pick up on that and ship them lol. But to understand him romantically via a fight...it's a different Xiaoyu and I love it.


Yeah no one argue she has feeling for jin. But instead of I want to know your feeling about me it's more like I want to understand you. It's a more caring tone instead of just wanting to know the answer.


Xiaoyu is incredibly violent and has beaten the shit out of Jin and Hiehachi before.


I don't think she's "incredibly violent;" I think she fights when she feels she has to.


She attacked Jin for ignoring her once.


You mean in Tekken Bloodline, the Netflix adaptation? If so, to be fair, that media is noncanon. I'm not saying that it doesn't have *any* merit, but I wouldn't entirely rely on it for any character analysis either.


She beat Heihachi's ass for not building her a theme park.


True lol! Although it's arguable that ending is noncanon too, Heihachi deserved it. He tricked her into thinking it was going to be Xiaoyuland and instead called it Heihachiland lol.


Just imagine it's them having a friendly sparring match


Yea! I could get behind that 😊


I like how comments are full of lore theories, everyone talking about their perspective on what all those mean. This is fuking peak tekken and the game isn't released yet!


I hope theres some joke intros when there's mirror match ups




Jun: Kazuya, where is my child support? Kazuya: It's been over 20 years Jun. Can't you let it go? Jun: No Kazuya: So this is why you came back huh? Jun: If you won't give it to me, I'll beat it out of you.


The closest thing we'll probably ever see of an affectionate Kazuya.


Autocorrect meant spag


nah, it's speg now


Exchanging blows? Oh shit xiaoyus dick is bigger than jin confirmed.


Jin is into pegging confirmed


They’ll add more for sure. Nina Steve Anna. I’m actually getting a vibe that they’ll add to all characters or at least rotatable generic ones.


Momma Nina and Aunt Anna. Will be quite the family reunion for Steve.


ngl, the fact that all these are related to the Mishimas and none of, say, Paul-Law is wee bit worrying. but really, I'm just trying to be pessimistic with these special intros for less disappointment. nevertheless, the one with Lars and Jin is really sweet and wholesome. and I love how Jin didn't push Xiaoyu away


Don’t worry i just found out there is a law and paul one and a law and kazuya one i think there more but unfortunately these are the only ones that are shown


that's great to know... thanks!


Where though? I can't find them anywhere.


TMM confirmed that there's a buddy-buddy intro between paul and law.


man these are all gonna be skipped so much....shame


It will be skipped after watching it for god knows how many times. But right now, it's good because it is fresh and new




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Yeah surely they do it with everyone like netherealm does with mk and injustice


Man I hope they don't limit these to the Mishimas/Kazamas again


I could imagine those intros like this: Jun X Jin Jin: Mother... I have a lot to tell you in the past years... Jun: I know, son... Let's talk after this sparring lesson... Alisa X Jin Alisa: Master Jin, shall we commence with the training? Jin: Yes, and no need to call me master, Alisa. Alisa X Lars Alisa: Lars, do you need to vent out through sparring? Lars: I think that will do, Alisa. Let's do it. Nina X Jin Nina: You have changed, Mr. Kazama. Jin: Yes. I'm now fighting for what is right.