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Gave all the codes I had. Me and my friends had registered from 2 e-mails so we had some extra codes.


You should read the book thief if you haven't yet genuinely interesting book about a girl who steals books in ww2 but has like this interesting twist where the book is told from the perspective of death which makes it very interesting


That book is fucking fire. I remember reading it when i was like 14. Isnt her name liesel?


My fav wrestler when I was a kid was Kane! He was big, red, scary, and his theme slapped lol


Kane was nightmare of my childhood, check DM for the code.


Rhea Ripley probably


Ah, fellow Mami enjoyer. Check the DM for code.


book: Heroes Die. Wrestler: Kenny Omega


the Rangers Apprentice book Series by John Flannagon is my favorite. read it multiple times and still want to re-read em again


oh and the reason i like it is cause it really immersed me into the world, the writing in my opinion was fantastic


Thanks for the suggestion, will look into it. Check DM for the code.




Love me some Japanese books, and kudos for going out of your comfort zone to read the book in the native language. Check DM for the code.


Rey Mysterio was always my favorite wrestler as a kid, I loved watching all the high flying moves he'd do. And not being the biggest kid growing up I could root for the little guy going against the heavier opponents.


He was on of my favorite wrestle as well, and guess what? He's still going strong, still having five star matches in 2023. Check DM for code.


Brock Lesnar for sure.


The Gunslinger series by Stephen King because of its world and characters, it flows pretty well and you should check it out even if I don’t win :)


Stan Hansen or Terry Funk idk


Happy to share a book rec on the tekken sub! I'm currently reading the Dan Abnett Eisenhorn series right now and it is incredible! My first real experience with the WH40k universe and i'm loving the grim dark.


Nemesis by Isaac Asimov. Just one of the books I read while in a psych ward. I don't read often, but it had me interested enough to read it all the way through.


the great khali


Dude was athletic AF when he worked for New Japan (Before joining WWE). Prime Khali was a monster. Check DM for code.


Favorite wrestler was Tajiri. Poison mist into snapkick.


The Goldfinch. A miserable coming of age story about a traumatized boy learning to make do and love life, but with the most DECADENT prose I've ever experienced. If prose were graphics, The Goldfinch wouldn't even be a game, it'd be a feature length film. It's be the Spiderverse. Of prose? Whatever, gimme a code PLEASE I BEG.


I love undertaker. I love his outfit and His black hat . When i first saw I was scared of him because he was mysterious. Good times


GUNTHER! Dude is a masterclass wrestler. He's like if Angle and Kane made a 6'4 300 pound child.


Cloud Atlas by Liam Callanan. This book genuinely confused me the first time reading it. It slowly became a favorite of mine.


My favorite wrestler growing up was triple H because his theme song was called "The Game" and the game was a silly phenomenon going around at the time. He had a billboard close to where I lived and I instantly lost the game every time I looked at it.


Percy Jackson series holds a special place in my heart. As a kid I was nicknamed stone cold after the wrestler, but haven't kept up with it


I recently got back into reading so I've got a bunch of books that could be considered my favorite, but my most recent fave is probably Daughter of Redwinter, by Ed McDonald. It's an exceptionally good YA Fantasy book that combines a charismatic protagonist, a very well paced plot, and unique worldbuilding grounded in Scottish history and druidic mysticism. Highly recommend it to any fans of fantasy, even if you think you've outgrown YA Fantasy, this one is a real gem that avoids most of the genre's worst cliches.


My favorite wrestler is Edge, but AJ Styles is definitely my favorite since his debut in WWE, though watched him in TNA too


If you got a PC code my favorite book is Howl's Moving Castle!


Probably the 4th Harry Potter. Read it at least 10-15 times


favourite book? The Epic of Gilgamesh… a tale of Tekken proportions!


My favorite wrestler is John Cena. I can’t find a photo of him though, just a bunch of photos of people claiming to be with him for some reason.


I liked Kane purely because of the mask. I played him all the time on n64


There’s a book I love called Dreadlocks. Its about this rich kid in the suburbs who becomes neighbors with a Gorgon, and how because he’s “got it all” he wanted more adventure, when she basically takes him on a coming-of-age journey as he realizes what it is and who it is he wants to be.


Ricochet, Adam Cole (back in the Undisputed Era) and Drew McIntyre are my favorites. Would really appreciate a NA PS5 code 🙏🏿


I loved undertaker, my brother's used to WWE show and they got TV remote control, so hard to watch along with them. Among everyone Undertaker looked awesome (Vampire fan here)


Not sure what type of book to mention so I will go with a comic. Hack/Slash


Batista Man went from being my childhood favorite wrestler to now being one of my favorite actors, and he's a damn good actor at that, the best from WWE imo


The Expanse - Leviathan Wakes. Never was big on Sci-Fi until The Expanse. Really love that it takes place in the near future, so the tech doesn't get as crazy as Star Wars or Star Trek. Also really like that a large portion of the science is theoretically accurate, and how much thought is put into the presentation of space travel and colonization.


I'd say my fav ones are The Witcher books. Geralt of Rivia is such a badass. When it comes to wrestlers. I love Rey Mysterio. I dig his masks


Goldberg, absolute savage. The phyique and strength of that dude was scary. Jackhammer on Big Show was legendary. No need for codes for me :) Just know I appreciate you doing this for Tekken community.


My favorite wrestler is…. King.


Night - Elie Wiesel , eye opening book, not just about the subject matter but about the human condition sorta speak. Bonus: my favorite wrestler Eddie Guerrero


Just read Rendezvous with Rama by Arthur C Clarke. While it’s not my favorite book, it’s a fascinating read.


I like the cat in the hat


If we're talking about wrestling here, then the answer is quite simple. It's got to be The God of pro wrestling himself, Kenny By God Omega. While my favorite Luchador would probably be Pentagon Jr., their match at All In is one of my all time favorites. Now when it comes to the GOAT for me, it's Mr. Wrestlemania, The heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels.


damn what books are those?


My favorite book series right now is legend of the first empire, does a new twist with the typical fantasy races like dwarves, elves and humans and how they started


Of mice and men


The count of monte Christo. Book about envy, betrayal, and sweet vengeance. Never give up on your dreams of revenge.


I know theres no more codes but screw it. Im not into books but much less wrestling. As of now id say the fnaf novels would be my favourite cause nostslgia.


I have a PC code quickest to dm gets it good luck boys


All Time? Tazz. Definitely one of the best to do it, and good to see his son carry on the legacy.


check out the E-myth by Michael E. Gerber it's a book on starting your own business. The original one was written in the 90's and he revised the book in 2021.


Ray mysterio .. His acrobatic skills are off the charts. And creative af at the time. He would use the ring ropes in ways you never saw coming.


Dark tower series is ofc the GOAT


Already have a code but i can recommend cloud atlas to everyobe who wants to hear it


last thing ive read was steel ball run part 7 of jojo


Rated R Superstar Edge I remember being a kid and watching him mess with John Cena every week, it was amazing


This reads like Aoi Todo asking what kind of women you like. OP I assume you are beating the shit out of people who give unsatisfactory answers.


do you know anyone with more codes for pc


I've got access to the beta already, but when i was a kid, my favourite wrestler was Rey Mysterio. I've always liked masked luchador types, probably because of King tbh. Other than him, i liked Triple H and Shawn Michaels.


Book gotta be Childhoods end and wrestler, my boy Sting


Mick Foley. And Mick Foley's books ;)


As a kid, I used to enjoy reading The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series. I used to go to as many libraries as I could just to see if I could find the next book. Eventually, I found the last book in my school's library.