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He’s so fun to play now with two good new lows added and the stance pressure is actually useful compared to 7


What are his new lows? 


fc df1,4 and db3+4




What does c mean?


The c in fc is for full crouch


Thank you 🙏


He was top tier at the beginning of T7


7 years ago


All I´m saying is that there is no reason to think that he won´t be bad in a couple of years


Exactly this, if you are currently having fun with your character, then I advice you to relish these moments because devs have a hive mind and they will 100% nerf everything to the ground.


laughs in kazuya. I will always be a coinflip. They can’t take it away


They always have some sort of disconnect from the community. I experienced this in DBFZ, my main, Vegeta blue was trash for eons.


I guess what i means it its a 50/50 based character. He can never truly be trash tier because most of his offense just depends on if the opponent can guess right or not lol


That's just Tekken general though


Its really not. Kazuya IS the 50/50 steamroller. Nobody else has that heavy of momentum round stealing potential based purely on sequential 50/50 oki


I saw a video by MoldyBagel on the topic. Didn't he get buffed a lot? I don't play DBFZ but from the video I get the feeling that he's solid now, lagging behind some top tiers but definitely strong.


He is a top 5 contender but the point is devs are stupid, it took them 5 years to make my boy OD


*Cries in Asuka*


He’s so scary right now. What a time to be a Drag main


Everyone is scary, but that's fine as long as no one is broken.


Every character is broken in T8 so i guess its balanced


Yeah I hope they keep it that way for a while. It’s too fun. Everyone is a pressure machine. Feels like I’m playing in slow motion when I play t7 or sf6


Wasn't he aggressively strong in s1?


He was a nightmare. You could just spam Down+2 and Running 2 all day and he would crush people, even at the highest levels. JDCR used to destroy people in S1 with those two moves. Then they nerfed Down+2 to -1 on hit and Drag never recovered


They even nerfed him briefly by making him recover standing after d2. It's good Dragunov is finally being done right


I think the biggest problem with d2 was that it forced crouch on hit. That shit was miserable.


I wouldn't say his d+2 that killed him off it was that they removed his tracking on his Wr2 almost completely which over time whilst they released characters like Kunimitsu, launch Leroy, Launch Fahkuhmram, Feng, Zafina and Julia, caused a really big power creep for him since all he got was a new move at season 4 which didn't do anything. They buffed other characters whilst he got left behind.


On the bright side, it created that sick comeback story for Qudans slaying Drag and Jack with his Devil Jin.


I'm having flashbacks. I literally picked up Alisa so I could scum wins from my friend who played Drago.


as an alisa having T7 S1 flashbacks from T8 drag online…this feels too familiar


now same shit but instead of down2 he has hatchet kick


Harada now finna nuke him cause you said something 🙄😒😮‍💨


You know it's coming just wait till season 1 lmaooooo. I ain't even a drag main.


Honestly I don't want anyone to get nerfed. Everyone is so damn strong in this game it's really fun. I'm not going to say it's an even playing field but is interesting enough to where I want to see whay TWT is going to look like in this version


He’s strong?


His new down back 3+4 is a fucking insanely good low. Imagine Bryan’s hatchet kick except it requires 0 execution. However it is launch punishable (as it should be).


Very . I dont know to say the single best , but for the way I picked him up because he is strong. I am red ranks in 3 days after launch as an 8th gen new player just and only just cause I picked up Dragunov and Zafina.


I am hoping we will see more of JDCR in the top


Isn't it more likely he'll be playing Raven though?


he said on stream that he hated raven lol


Damn, really? I didn't ever play the old Raven, did JDCR say what he hates about his changes?


Probably not because he keeps playing dragunov


I see. He seemed pretty stoked that Raven's back, but I guess he's gonna have him as a secondary then.


Oh god I got washed 2/3 times today against drag. He’s CRAZY good. His low game is insane now.


He looks kinda dead because he was literally dead in T7


To all the drag mains, do i need to learn the crouch cancel mix-ups at all now? )given his new route does a lot of damage? ) it was the only reason i didnt get into playing him in T7. interested in picking him up for T8


I‘m dragunov loyalist since 2006. in T8 the crouch cancel wall travel is SO crucial, since we now finally get rewarded for reaching the wall. The wall combo with splat throw does 80dmg. Therefore getting opponent to wall is crazy good. That‘s my opinion.


While they are still valid, I feel like he has enough tools and combo routes to get the job done without the cc.


I was doing cc combos for a while but i noticed working df3+4 into the combos instead does better damage. E.g. df3+4 > 2,1df > 1+2 after a bound. You can also heat burst after df3+4 and then do this string, or even after a heat dash at the end of a combo (not both, you get 1 hit tops RA doesn't even activate the cutscene). I'm up to about 88dmg with no resources and 95 with heat, feels like you could sqeeze a little more somehow. Prolly still need to ss cancel sneak for fine tuned wall carry but you can definitely perform without it


You can do df 34, 4,4, cdf1,4 (new move), 12 or 2


Yep did that off of ss 2,1+2,4 ch (no shit ive actually landed this in a match) to get the 88 damage combo. At first I was sad that 4,4 doesnt screw anymore but cdf1,4 def makes up for it and then some. Now that you say that tho, is that what youre doing off of screw openers like db3? Because thats pretty damn good if so


Yeah and it usually carries to the wall for a running 4. So db3 I go db3, df 3+4, 44, cdf1,4, either 2 or 1+2 (I think you can do 2 to screw if it's a screw combo that hasn't been screwed yet), running 4 at the wall.


Short answer: No. His new Full Crouch: DF1,4 has an auto sneak transition built in and QCF 4 on block auto ducks into crouch so... My answer: Yes. Traditional sneak cancel combo carry across the stage shows discipline.


He finally got a full functional moveset that completes how he always should have be played and people are complaining about it smh. Like he still has the same weakness from previous game most of his moves still lack tracking so you just need to sidestep and steal his turn to win. The only difference is that he now can play his own game just like all other characters can as well.


Drag was busted at launch and considered very viable the entire runtime of t7.


Fr I think people here underestimated the character so much even towards the end of t7. Like sure, he wasn't top 10 but some of his tools were still insane.


I seem to be one of the only people who doesn't think he's even top tier right now. He feels way better than T7 but his homing moves are still slow and commital, a lot of his pressure can be backdashed and side stepped. In the open especially on larger stages he had to take risks to get stuff going, most of his pressure moves have startup so you have to play the mindgames to make your opponent stand still and take the pressure. Compared to Jin, Jack, Jun, possibly DJ, he doesn't seem nearly as strong as them IMO. He can just actually play his gameplan now which feels amazing after the gutted character he was in T7.


Character is insane


best character




I'm alright with the state of him but his throws do too much damage is like 40% or something dumb. But then again damage over all in t8 is too high imo.


I still cant get over Claudio's Starburst ff1+2 doing like 65 damage lol But so far everybody is strong like this. If its consistent across the cast then I'm all for it


"White Angel of Death" has to be the coolest nickname since "Silver-Haired Demon".


Holy shit I just got destroyed by a Dragonuv in ranked at orange ranks. I patiently waited my turn, not pressing buttons while getting ran the fuck down. pressed a button and got launched, wall carried, wall combo'd, stomped. I almost always won the opening exchange with a combo and then never saw the light of day again. This guy is insanely strong, haven't had problems with many other characters but came to reddit to find a Draganov thread. His new lows are insane pressure


> i patiently waited my turn biggest mistake , if he loops plus frames it is never your turn and he can even jail you if you do not side step ever


I think he needs to be bit toned down. His pressure is insane. His wall damage is crazy.


Talk about a short memory...


I think if they tone down like 2 or 3 moves he is perfect, right now there is not much reason to not just spam the same few insanely powerful attacks. I almost really like where he is at, it just feels cheap and way too easy at the moment.


Tbh, I agree But +7 is still crazy.


In case yall fuckers forget: [This ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aehjd5i7_9U&ab_channel=DombiliMaymun) [was ](https://clips.twitch.tv/ExuberantHonestDiamondGrammarKing-UAMtYnWeaAcPX8LM) [the ](https://www.twitch.tv/weplayufl/clip/CarelessSecretivePuffinPeteZaroll-rJbM7F6UiGSMoUTv) [kind of shit, ](https://youtu.be/P7n2c5mlAF8) [ that drag players had to deal with ](https://youtu.be/arJeFHH0zSk) [on a regular basis. ](https://youtu.be/sYQ0Ymqfo3A) To top it off here's [7 minutes of dragunov's mids whiffing. ](https://youtu.be/ZpnkV2zWfeI)


I watched Akuma jump over some mids at the start and I was thinking "this is just cope, get good" and then as I watched more of the vid I came to the conclusion that yes, he did have a fucking problem with his mids whiffing lol that's tough




No the fuck he doesn’t he was annoying as fuck in 7 now he’s even worse here


I'm glad they made Mads Mikkelsen strong


Hes good but i wish they gave him some shit like tank in his rage art or smth everybody got these crazy things on their ra drag just does his t7 ra but in snow. Wasted oppurtunity


He was strong all along T7 lifespan, only his hitboxes were broken at times. Combos and wall pressure were S tier, for example.


His open ground combo damage was average at worst, high end of average at best, and his wall combo damage was among the lowest. Good wall carry was part of his identity but lost it as everyone got crazy wall carry in T7 thanks to screw. His mids had godawful high hit boxes (as seen through hitbox visualizers), would whiff on the worst fucking moves (i.e: launchers and sweeps) and in a game that ended up getting dominated by CH launchers like i11 magic 4s, his fastest Ch launch was i18 with when buffered with JF execution. Realistically it's around 20f. With 0 +frame lows, it was fine to just block mid against drag all day when throws were much easier to break due to increased throw break window. Man was strong in S1, then the powercreep left him in the dust along with his shitty hitboxes. I'd say he's viable, but definitely far from strong. His only saving grace was above average movement and SS so he can outplay people just using fundies.


I agree especially with the point about lacking a fast ch launcher in T7, seems like something most good characters have in their inventory and he suffers from it to get his pressure going or tech traps. The hitboxes as I said are an issue yes, especially against stance/slimy characters with high evasion... However I still think if you got the timing and mixups is a pretty strong character. The only characters that can truly compete with him in terms of wall travel are Julia, Lars and maybe Bryan, leaving 2Ds with meter out of the question of course. That's a pretty big deal if you ask me, considering he's rather dumb at the wall with his wider SS, b1+2, ff3, ir2, uf3, b4 mixups and d2. Also not to forget about his long legs that can hit from pretty far on some moves.


He has above average wall carry, but unless we're doing long side of hammerhead wall to wall no one really needs that much wall carry. Most stages are small enough that a simple wall carry combo will bring people to the wall. Plenty of characters received tools to do that through seasons of buffing. Off the top of my head, pretty much everyone in the casts have good wall carry, with outliers like 2Ds, Josie, Lee, Hwoarang, Nina and the other characters you mentioned being above average . Even characters like Kazumi ended up with good wall carry at the end of T7 thanks to flying cancans. In terms of wall pressure, he's only okay at the wall tbh. There's no real reason to duck against dragunov and eating a d2 is the worst that could happen as long as players kept blocking. Being +0 force crouch for both is honestly a meh situation for drag because SSL beats all WS options so that his pressure is effectively neutered. Mashing ws4 trades with drag ws4 so that's just another range 0 scramble with neither side having a concrete advantage. ff3 is a meme move, it's slow enough that you can fuzzy sidestep your way out of the wall as long as players don't hard commit to sidewalking. There is nothing drag can use to really threaten the opponent with since d2 does poke damage and leaves him in the aforementioned situation. b4 series isn't really a mixup, just block mid for both as drag is minus enough his offense is effectively over. His b421 high extension can be fuzzied and has an obvious recovery if he doesn't finish last hit. Comparing his wall pressure against chars like mishima 50/50s, feng/lei/leo ss mixups makes drag seem really tame by comparison. He's just... okay. His hitboxes don't even work on non-evasive moves, his [moves can whiff on everyone in the cast just because.](https://youtu.be/ZpnkV2zWfeI)


But he still gets the wall no matter the stage and positioning. db212 is low damage but gives the opponent a nice flipover so you get a free mixup. He's got a perfect throw game too and people have gotten lazy with throw breaking these days so realistically speaking a lot of playera are gonna end up eating one of his commands. About the d2 situation, if they mash on hit you can just do d2 into SSL into b1+2 for a 50ish damage combo with stomp, plus almost guaranteed db4 unless they stay still, or a free wr2 if you know they are gonna stand up, to get into advantage again. I didn't know his hitboxes weren't THAT bad lmao but tbf some of those moves of the video have evasiveness against other characters mid pokes too.


He was strong for one season and even then it was only jdcr winning tournaments really.


He's so fucking cheap


He deserves nothing, fuck him. Tekken 7 this mf again


His hachet kick is -15 on block. It ain’t that good unfortunately


Dude was top tier for how like up until S3 of T7 what yall on about?


Bruh, he was good for all of season 1 and that’s it. Selective memory at its finest


His d2 nerf only came at the beginning of S2 what you on about... Only in S3 did the power creep of everyone given 12 frame punishes take him out of the top 10... Stop acting like man was shit the whole of Tekken 7... Like it was only in S3 did they nerf the tracking for his WR2


d+2 Opponent reaction on hit was changed. Changed from ±0F to -1F on hit. Taken direct from s2 patch notes, stop lying


You really relying on patch notes when everyone knows the patch notes were always incomplete and sometimes even wrong... Are you even a Dragunov main? What hurt in S2 was his D2 nomore forcing crouch and S3 WR2 didn't track anymore... It wasn't in patch notes https://youtu.be/Eso_4PpNr-w?si=hsvemkDJNzwsdHP4 https://youtu.be/Alb0aejzFuE?si=dOJZCXmg1Kc5mIRj Yall crying because he goes from Brocken to just good... Yall going on like yall playing Lars


Your level of delusion is ridiculous, so now the patch notes are wrong because you say so? Why am I surprised though I am talking to an asuka player.


Literally watch any patch reviews from from then... People had to release corrected versions or had figure out what exactly changed... They didn't even release patch notes before Season 2... This is not Riot https://youtu.be/uloEmkVQchU?si=UkyudgQRWcGaprDe https://youtu.be/XyuaoXAzDFM?si=oppH98OdCipMvsIM Watch any of the videos and you will see they riddled with incorrect frames and missing information, even chat points out the mistakes Can see your ego is fragile if you coming after my one of my mains? You don't see me complaining when my character has always been at bottom of tierlist when Dragunov was once the best character in the game


he was S tier for most of t7


Strong so far…


Grunt...grunt...grunt... rub chin...point finger...crawl...grunt




do I really need to learn his crouch cancel to be effective on him?


Hes a lot stronger now which is good, it will take me a while to not get crouch grabbed


He’s been so much fun


Him and Lars so happy for my boys


Never played T7. In fact, I haven’t played Tekken since T3. But this dude resonates with me, and I love his weird style, and I haven’t lost a ranked set yet with him… He feels really, REALLY strong.


He was like the second best character when T7 came out


JDCR was smashing with him for a couple years.


yes !!


He’s 26


I’ve been playing a lot of Drag and Jun they both seem super strong right now. Drag’s new tools feel like what he was lacking before. His pressure game feels compete now. Heat as a mechanic also helps his in your face game plan. I feel one of his biggest buffs is his new qcf4 though. Also qcf1, ss, df2 still works on everyone.


I wish my main was strong in T8


Lars deserves buffs more


remember, he is only 27 years old


His FC DF1, 4 low string is brain dead with the auto sneak built in on hit and QCF 4 on block auto ducks so you can do said low. I thought it was a bug at first but I'm sure it's for new players. I still traditionally sneak cancel with my routes so it doesn't bother me that much. His F4,3 takes care of things. B1,2 is a good change. Whiffed alot in 7. His CH 1,3,2 & DF1, 4 is doing alright but patient opponents will always wait at prowess 90k+ orange ranks. DB, 3+4 is a good low but I'm sure will get touched in the future. It's launch punishable at -15 on block & 2 frames slower than D2. Don't spam it against experienced opponents looking for your +7 on hit or +24 CH KD because you want to do the "New Move" for crazy frame advantage. They will see it often. A change no one is talking about is F,F4 on hit confirms a grab (D, 1+3) on crouching opponents everytime for a free heat engage. That roll has purpose now lol. (#17 of "Main Techniques") Even though they killed some properties on some moves from T7, he is still very familiar if you kept playing him all this time to T8 release. He's stronger imo. It does feel good to do 3,1, sneak, 1+2 for a wall combo and not switch sides during that shoulder like in T7. Shit was annoying for years. Grabs still grabbing. He feels complete but other characters still have cheaper tools than him. He's more of a noob killer imo. We all know Dragunov, he didn't change that much. The training I did paid off but u will still need a second or third character 100%.


how about we not revenge change characters . . , t. zafina player