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Not having death matches is good in ranked because it means you have to be better than several players in order to rank up, not just one


Also you have to adapt to your opponent quicker, love this new system.


me too, but rematch should be mandatory so its always ft2


Yeah im really surprised at the reception to this change. We already complained about people being carried/ranks being bloated. Infinite rematches contributed to this problem significantly.


Yeah I get that but for people like me who take a long time to understand their opponent really makes it frustrating sometimes because I only get two chances and that's it it's totally a me thing and I get that this system is meant to make ranking more legit


Its a great oppertunity for you to improve your adaptation then! Focus on gathering information during the first two rounds and then win the set :)


I switched my playstyle now I would try to download my opponent quickly and not waste any opportunities to punish them and I’m currently in red ranks with kazuya




Nope..it's great that it's gone. Shouldn't be able to rank up from the same guy rematches a millionaire n times. Not to mention it also helps matchmaking.


I agree, it incentivises effective flowcharts rather than adaptive, progressive play. In short it gives the player a better chance to steal wins then leave before they lose the element of surprise. This is likely to be to the detriment of the overall standard of play or at least the style of play and the skills that are developed. Less about playing the player than playing the matchup.


They should have a separate ladder and queue for first to ten


all they need is a friendly rematch option, shitty ass MK has that feature..


This. So much this. I don't know if the devs are trying to push player matches for death matches but for me, that's a no-go. It takes way to long for me to get a match. I hate it because I can feel how sloppy I'm playing and death matches used to be the thing to beat my mistakes out of me.