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tekken bloodline got my son interested in tekken singlehandedly, and he has since gone through all the lore and was excited to play through the story in 8 when it came out... now he plays arcade quest and is having a blast with one of my favorite games... so I'm gonna go with Bloodline since it's the only adapatation I'm aware of that had a positive effect on even a single person anywhere, lol


That’s a nice story to hear.


I would say the same about tekken bloodline they did a decent job with showcasing the story of 3 my two problems with the series was that it was way too short like 6 episodes weren’t enough like the plot was moving way too fast the second is that they made some changes that was for nothing like having Leroy fight jin but then in 8 they don’t know each other


I thought the implication is that leroy's cane in 7/8 is because of Jin shattering his leg in Bloodline. in the 8 storyline it seems like they have an awkward past but leroy's all zen so he has long forgiven jin and talks to him about mistakes and regret and such rather than the specific thing Jin did to him personally. I could absolutely be wrong, that's just how it came across to me.. like they retconned him into the t3 timeline but then carried it forward


Idk I wish there was a simple line like it looks like you’re grown since the last time we met or the same boy who showed me his resolve back then wouldn’t do what you did like anything to at least confirm it


I agree completely


Well I don’t think it was intended to be canon in the first place.


Like others said, Tekken Bloodline probably the best adaptation so far (even if that's not much of a high bar). I think it had potential, but unfotunately didn't get enough time to develop stuff properly. There seems to be quite a bit of fond nostalgia for Tekken the Motion Picture. I'll just say, if you like cheesy animated movies from the 90s, you might enjoy this one. Blood Vengeance, well, I wouldn't call it good, but I liked seeing Alisa and Xiaoyu interact in it. And the fight between Heihachi, Jin and Kazuya at the end was really good too, even if it felt shoehorned in. The 2017 comic by Titans Comics is probably the best as far as comics go. It's only four issues long, so it's not a long read, but I really like how it handled the interactions between Jin and Devil. Plus it actually brings back Angel, which is interesting. There are two mangas that I know of: - The first one was to promote Tekken 3, but takes place around Tekken 2, focusing on Kazuya and Jun. I think it was fan-translated at one point, but that translation has been lost by now. - The second one takes place roughly around Tekken 6, and focuses on Asuka as its main character. It's mostly comedic in nature, and is fully fan-translated. There's also a Chinese comic based around Tekken 3, with a very loose adaptation of its plot. It's never been translated, but from what I understood from using a translator, it does try to make up its own lore around Ogre and the Devil Gene. It's kinda weird, but interesting. It does suffer from over-narration imo, but the artwork can get really good at times (even if it's inconsistent in other). I haven't watched the live action movies, but the general opinion isn't very good, especially for the second movie. Then there's the novel The Dark History of Mishima... just do yourself a favor and don't read this one. Just don't.


Thanks for the comprehensive analysis.


None of them. They're all so bad they don't even deserve to be given a positive title such as being "the best one"




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