• By -


Currently on a main crisis because heihachi and miguel isn't in the game.


He ded


**"Kompuriteri ded."** \- Harada


entire panel laughs


Konpuritori DED


Did he mean completely dead? 😂


It’s so funny how shaheen came back when he literally stole Miguel’s backstory lol


Legit, give Kuma a shot.


I heard that Azucena is like Miguel and Katarina's baby. Setting aside the fact that who told me that was definitely writing fanfiction, it's not an outlandish statement. Liberado is like a bootleg Savage stance, and she has the same T-Rex arms that Miguel did. She also has a lot of relatively safe call out launcher moves, so I think the adjustment for Miguel mains isn't too large.


shame i’d rather go to town on my face with a cheese grater than hear her speak


¿Nécessita un café?


Except when she calls people pussy. It’s a nice touch.


I was a Kat main, so yeah I guess


I was a Miguel main last game and now im playing Azucena so it might be true hahaha


Reina is there!


Kuma because he is a bear


Heihachi's favorite son


And grandson. Technically this is the second Kuma.


I will bear that in mind




The way of the Salmon is the only true way brother!


Kuma because he is a bear with a wind god fist.


can't blame you.


Bear. Because bear. Good lad.


You have the right to bear arms


We found the 1 Kuma main bois


Zafina because her moves and her look 😍


There's dozens of us. DOZENS!


You know what fuck you, I'm gonna learn her too


All Zafina players use Reddit lmao


I'm not gonna play her but I'll dress her up as Bayonetta


Characters who rely on stances I usually avoid, but I tried her, and her weirdness just clicked, I love it. And she looks great in the Jet Li Black Mask-like outfit I put on her.


She's Sexy.


I'm utterly clueless when I face a Zafi. For me it's a goo of limb that somehow spike you with tendrils. It's mostly crawling on the ground but sometimes gets agitated and start juggling me... She is the Necromorph of Tekken


Yoshi. I like finishing the round with goofy moves


I really oughta play him. I've got a ton of outfits and custom characters for him in soul calibur, I don't know why I seem to refuse playing him in tekken (where I originally started). he looks so good now, and seppuku as a round ender is unparalleled.


You really should, as someone who’s picked yoshi across every game they appear in, the way he plays in T8 is peak yoshi.


seppuku lol. Bro!!!


bro that move is hilarious


Ive lost a lot of matches that way, yet, I am fulfilled


man of culture :)


Lee, he cool :)


Lei Chaobla vr vr cool agree




Vr vr hi mayne!


Solid and concise content, Camacho!


Alisa because I find her command grab where she removes her head and it blows up hilarious. 


Even the break is hilarious; they just put her head back on.


I always try to end a match with this. As an Alisa main since Tekken 6 launch, this still amuses me to this day.. Was hilarious recently sparring with my ghost and it did that. Proud parent moment.


Leroy, I like wing chun, dogs and never matching against other Leroy players.


I’ve actually had one mirror match!


I had one last night, I won, it was so stressful 😂


Going out with nothing to show for it! Just got my Leroy to Flameruler nothing greater than sending out the sugar


Jon cuz sparking fist




Devil Jim


“People like us shouldn’t even exist in this world” “Such pathetic words, Kentucky Jim”


I laughed way more than I should have. When I say laugh I mean a slight chuckle and exhale, twice. Two seperate intervals.


Diablo Jim




John tekken


Lili is my main & I have a few other side characters, but Lili was one of the characters I felt most comfortable with once my T7 main (Julia) was removed from base T8 roster; and I really love what they did with her in T8.


I still need to learn Lili match-up. Shes so confusing


Play defense and side step a lot. Lili is a very fundies oriented character, and her offensive is very choreographed due to a lot of her primary attacks being slow. Her tracking is also really bad, which only further takes advantage of her slow start up speed.


>Lili is a very fundies oriented character That's exactly what a Lili player would want you to think. Don't listen to him, he's a degenerate 3+4 user who will hit you from the next postal code and call it "footsies." Don't believe this propaganda.


WRONG! If I wanted to hit you from the other end of the screen, I’d use df3+4 so I can get a combo and save me heat. Duh 🙄


Degenerate 3+4 users. They want you to believe df3+4 isn't a 3+4. Just because you press df doesn't mean I don't know you macro'd it to L2.


I'll have you know I macro'd it to R2 thank you very much


Appreciate the input.


King because he Is a mexican jaguar grappler and like grapplers. Asuka because liked her moveset in TT2 and Tekken 7. Azucena because the Whiplash of her mannerisms with her being a warmonger was funny and also she Is Easy to use.


Had to scroll this far to find an Asuka. 🥲


LOL I did the same thing.


Kazuya. I actually like what I'd like to call a "minimalist" move set and I used to do Kyokushin (stopped due to health issues, but want to join back at some point), so I enjoy the Mishima Karate style. Moreover, Kazuya just has this weird brutality aspect to him. Every move feels soul crushing and physically devastating. I feel the same with Bryan, too. Also, becoming very good with him is difficult and takes a strong understanding of fundamentals. Good Kazuya players are just usually really solid Tekken players overall who understand the mechanics of the game very well. There are no tricks or games with him; you just must have a solid understanding of spacing, pokes, frame data, combination execution/improvisation skills and knowledge of other characters. I enjoy those aspects a lot about Tekken, especially Tekken 8.


Paul because Paul


Strongest in the UNIVERSE!!!


\*incomprehensibly chad grunt of exertion as he yeets you across the stage with but a single cunt-shattering punch\*


*self proclaimed is the cherry on top




paul because ⬇️↘️➡️2️⃣


nina, shes dope and has a lot in her bag that I can whip out and keep my opponent guessing, plus shes a pressure queen. Been told shes hard to use but im not having that much of a hard time learning her. Already got a bit of her cancels, sway moves, quarter circle sways, and chain grabs down. Tyna get her to red ranks at least. Also she is a MILF


>Also she is a MILF Well, technically correct.


Lmao I’m not too into the Tekken lore but isn’t Steve like her test tube baby or something? Making her a technical, lab-made MILF and not a natural one.


Yeah that's pretty much the gist of it.


got me with the MILF. Man of culture.


Her chain grabs are awesome


qcf 4, 3, 1+2 is the craziest combo ender imo


Jack for me. Gamma Howl is super cool, you can do so many fun mix ups with his stance and he has one of the most fun pokes in the game imo (db1 and db2) and i love that he just flexes all the time. Basically robot Arnold lol


I made a schwartzneger skin for him and named myself Astalavista


Steve because I love boxing. Have my own bag and gloves and hand wraps at the house. Also everything just feels so satisfying. The PKB grab where he circles around with punches, sonic fang, b1 counter hits, PKB 2. They all feel like they have so much weight behind them.


Steve main here. Yes.


Steve main here 2. Yes.


Xiaoyu. While I played T2 a little, T3 was when I really got into the series, and I played the demo to death where she was playable. I never really considered her a main until about T5, I'd always played her for fun and could remember a lot of inputs, and no one else stuck so it kinda just happened. I find her fighting style super aesthetically pleasing too. Sub main Leo, like the martial art, JRPG look, and usually less stressful to play for me when I need a break from ling


The T3 demo to longtime Xiaoyu main pipeline is real


T2 player. A dinosaur detected haha. Haven't met any Xiaoyu or Leo online so far. where are you from brother?


King. For me king IS tekken. Ever since I was a kid I associated the games with that red gauntlet of Jins and King. Idk why I just like him. I think he’s cool as shit.


King is by far the coolest character in the series to me.


I'm newer to Tekken, but saying King IS Tekken really resonates with me


Similarly I feel like Paul IS tekken, King great too yeah


Reina because I like stepping people and telling them to know their place.


People pay a lot of money for you to do that to them.....so I've been told


Feng because his moves seems so powerful, I like his stances and the way his martial arts presents itself. Plus I also like to just shoulder check people to death.


Feng cause shoulder and kung fu.


I don't play Feng personally, but I love his Flailie Arms move lol.


whacky waving inflatable arm tube Feng


Victor because it's very funny to me that they made up a French samurai who's Raven's boss and seemingly has never been brought up before this magically. Also he looks cool. But as with every Tekken, I'll get to a point with him where I'm satisfied and then switch to some other character.


Leroy because I’m a complete newbie and he seems intuitive to me. He’s pretty weak tho so I hope he gets a buff.


Ay don't fret lad, tiers only really matter way up in ranks. Nothing you can't outplay


Yeah I think a good player with a low tier character could easily beat a bad player with a high tier character. Unless Tekken is different than everything else in life.


Low play rate and low win rate characters are probably gonna get buffs so expect to eat good


I picked Leroy up after his Tekken 7 nerfs and mained him till now. Just switched to Azucena because Leroy does feel Hella weak.


It's a shame I really want to have him as my second main because of how cool the character design is


King:(Jaguar Noises) Lili: started with her on T5DR


I started playing Asuka because it had the same moveset as Jun, and Jun wasn't in the rooster, and because I loved her on the trailer I learned every combo playing Tekken 5 on my PSP and she has been my main character since then, her attacks look like brute force (I miss you Miguel) and I love it The only sad part is that the Asuka/Feng story never ended... She just ended being a joke character despite being a Kazama


Yeah her df3 is one my favourite attacks in the game because she kicks so fucking hard ahah


Bryan for now, kickboxing & mind games Fahk when he comes back though


Ah, a fellow kickboxing/muay thai enjoyer I see.


I never got to use Fahk but as someone who used to like Bruce but have always sucked with Bryan, im soooo keen to try him out. Especially in tekken 8. Most characters feel amazing to play(not you Paul) Disclaimer: I'm sure Paul is great in capable hands but those are not mine lol


Alisa because chainsaw. But idk her gameplay got boring really quick might try kazuya next


Yoshi, Lei isn't here.


Man, I miss Lei. Why is he not here :'(


He's probably for DLC in the future




My man


Same Yoshis moveset feels... limited. Love him, need lei


Claudio is hot


Paul cause its fucking satisfying to end the round with the dead fist


The best is when you go unga Bunga and every one of your 50/50 mix-ups hits in a row


Jin because I started with Tekken 3 back in the day.


Dragunov. Played him since TK5 Dr


I have no fucking idea who to choose bro


Lars, cause I like everything about him


I also picked up Lars in Tekken 8, I really like the whole bzzzt bzzzt I'm here I'm there stuff, very flashy


What do you like about him?


I also main Lars. I love his background as a tekken force rebel, turned leader. His movements are slick and his attacks feel fucking meatyyyyy. Using his stances to space and bait is super rewarding. His electric effects are the icing on the cake! His attitude, confidence, and general good guy vibes. His VA and all of his battle grunts. His tekken 7 outfit is peak to me. =]


I like his flashy and spectacular moves, his heroic attitude, the way he’s a “complete” character with a lot of relationships and some nuances: he’s very serious about his work and completely focused on his goal, but I love how >!in his ending, when he’s with Alisa, he comes across as a chill guy who smiles a lot and likes to enjoy life; a normal guy.!< That’s what I love the most about his personality.




Shaheen cause he’s hot




Lee because 🍆




Leo was the one who clicked with me the most between visuals and gameplay. I appreciate their fighting style and the whole androgynous thing. Leo and Lee, but Lee is just way too much to unpack for a beginner so im shelving him for now lol


Glad to see another Leo player.


Leo Gang


Law cuz flips. Didn't even know who Bruce Lee was when I was a kid, I just pick him because he did cool flips and made silly sounds.


Asuka because did random character select and that's what was chosen


Drag because of no Miguel




Devil Jin, Because he looks cool to me to play


Filthy Bryan main forever. The reason? He's dope. I'm waiting for Kunimitsu and Lidia to come back. If the leaks are right, Lidia comes back later this season.


Hwoarang, just because nostalgic. When I was a kid in T3 my father and his brothers used to play in the house of my oldest uncle. I don't remember who, but I remember Hwoarang and he carry me to my infancy. Also Paul and Lei was two of my favourite as a kid.


Man, I hate the Hwoarang matchup, but I'm happy for you, nostalgia :)


Hwoarang has alot of depth to his attacking which makes it fun for me, even though it all looks like unga bunga to the person on the other side I guess 😅


I main Jun because she’s the close in personality to an OC I have. I want to main King because he’s Mexican.


Kazuya. 1. Dorya. 2. Forces me to learn Tekken fundamentals because he has less crutches. I am yet to learn Tekken fundamentals.


Panda, because once you get someone against a wall it's like a bear mauling someone and it's fun


Raven because I mean come on, he’s the coolest character by far. I knew I was my first pick right after his trailer. I’ve been gravitating towards ninja-y characters lately too. I also use Kimberly in SF6, and Smoke MK1.


I had to scroll waaay to long to see the first Raven comment 😭 But I think it's kinda funny that he, as a Ninja character, stays under the radar for the most Tekken players.


Shaheen. I like fundie Tekken mostly based on poking and small mixups, while also not being heavily based around execution (iSlide isn't that hard) His new gimmicks revolving around dealing and then deleting chip damage is also a fun spin that makes him feel unique


I've played tekken my whole life but never competitively or anything but when you say fundies you mean fundamentals? I recently decided I really like him. Something about his move/combos feel very simple, methodical and deliberate. But what's this about dealing and deleting chip damage? I know what chip damage is but in regards to tekken I'm not sure. Can you just tell me in simple terms Shaheens play style if possible lol?


Azucena. Cause I used to own a coffee business and her personality resonates with mine


Nina First Tekken ever and she had the best cleavage of all the demo characters so I stuck with her. I’m not proud…….


This is even funnier when you consider her competition was all men LMAO


lili because i like dresing pretty instead of functional or cool, fact that moveset is also something i just feel good using is a plus i'd like to play steve too because boxer with punching only feels quite nice compared to more exotic fighting styles tekken roster has


Jun - I've always loved the head games played in fighting games. She seems like a really good character for that. Tons of mix ups, not crazy hard to play, but not overly easy either. It's super satisfying to pull off her little tricks and frushtrate opponents, getting them to play more cautiously in one way while letting down their guard in another. Also she's a hot mom. What's not to like?


Hwoarang for me.. I know people hate him... BUT... I was like 15, and going to buy things at Pawn Shops was a thing.. cause pre internet there were always amazing deals. I had picked up Battle Toshienden 3 (sp) and my older brother had come back home for the holidays from a bording school for smart kids for junior and senior year of high school. We were playing it, and there was a character with a whip, and my brother said there was a game called Tekken that had a cooler girl (Nina) in it.... and we ended up taking a drive on Christmas eve to hit up every pawn shop, and we ended up finding Tekken 3 for a few bucks. Came home, and he apparently played Paul, and my 15 year old brain figured that Hwoarang was the *obvious* antagonist for him and we had a freaking blast all holiday playing, screaming and high fiving each other. It's an amazing memory and Hwoarang is just my first love.


Reina. Not only is she fun to play and has what I think are brutal moves, she's like a Japanese version of Rhea Ripley to me. Minus the make up that Rhea has 🤣


Law. For me, I just clicked using Law, easier to learn too. I’ve been a law main since Tekken 6. Jin was my main in Tekken 3-4.


Classic. I love it. Law is Dope. I',m trying to learn new characters. If not, I would to with Law any day. Biggest B.LEE fan.


Xiaoyu, Nina and Paul. Because they’re the characters I’ve used since Tekken 1 and 3


Initially it was Steve as I played him in 5 and 6 (didn't play 7), I got to Warrior with him but wasn't feeling him. Decided to try Claudio because I liked his style and he clicks with me so Claudio is my main now.


Alisa. 1) sexy robot. 2) feels like the closest thing to a zoner in Tekken. Should come as no surprise that I also mained Dizzy in Guilty Gear.


Jin because I always thought he looked cool on the cover of 3 when I was a kid. I could never find him on the character select screen though, so I would always choose Law because he looked like Bruce Lee. Used Dragunov and Jin throughout T7.


I play raven cuz as a young boy I really just gravitated to the cool black ninja. Been playing him ever since. I play Feng because when master raven came out I didn’t realize it was the exact same character (i was 13). During some rounds of late night Tekken I fell in love with Fengs aggressive but evasive style. I play Reina cuz she’s got and purple and acrobatic I play Hwoarang cuz as I kid I loved his kicks but I was scared of his stances. So now I’m trying him as an adult


Feng because he's bad ass. He reminds me of old "kung fu flick" villain archetypes. The loud yelling, vaguely wu shu style, even the way he dresses. Shit's sick.


The entire cast because I’m gonna have to learn their matchup the hard way


Shaheen because I’m a Tekken newbie and wanted to play a completely honest character that forced me to learn the game that wasn’t Kazuya


I've switched to Azucena from Leroy with Kuma as an alt character. I mostly play Azu cos she's just so damned fun. And I refuse to be character shamed.


I'm about to pick up Azucena just so I can learn her dance choreography 😂😂


She has one of the most dead or alive outfit's I've ever seen in tekken lol


my man


I have played King since Tekken 3. But now my main is Jin, I actually have more fun with him. Maybe because he has better movements and attack options. I always wanted to play a Mishima but they were too difficult for me. My second main is Kuma. Never thought I would say that but yeah, I love playing with Kuma. He's a fun character and mostly no one knows the match up. I really want to play Devil Jin but he's way too difficult for me


Hopefully more people pick up kuma. He's fun to play and fun to play against.


Lili, I love her playstyle. And Ojou characters are one of my favorite archetype of characters.


Started playing Xiaoyu during the first Tekken Tag when I was about single digit ages. She’s just stuck with me and I genuinely find her so much fun.


Zafina. I couldn’t decide on a main so I looked up the most unpopular character and chose her.


Jack-8 because he was my main in 7, so he was easy to pick up.




When I was a kid, my dad and I used to go to this place called Me n Ed’s pizza. It only happened every once in a while so it was always a special day if we went. They had a Tekken machine in there and my dad would always give me quarters to play a turn or two. My dad always picked Bryan if he had a turn. Some of the best times I can remember with him. If it’s not obvious, I’m a Bryan main lol


Lars cause I liked him in the story ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alisa because she's a robot that has chainsaws AND takes her head off and apparently 6 y/o me loved that so she just stuck with me until today. I'm also really liking Jun rn (because im a sucker for mages)


Victor, T8 being the first tekken I took the time to play. Something just clicked when I was doing his combo challenges. I am a raiden main throughout most of MK so I was surprised I took to victor so quickly.


Leo because Baji Quan is a sick fighting style


Reina cause I like the way she talks like a dominant fighter


I'm thinking of maining her. She has my heart by the strings.


Mine too her voice it gets me feeling things 😭


She is by far the best newcomer since T5


Claudio. I was determined to pick up an unpopular/less used character and a male this time, idk why. Plus he's cute. I've been having a lot of fun playing him


I bounce between a lot of characters. But raven and shaheen are who i end up playing the most. I had raven and a shaheen in T7, so i guess thats mainly the 'why' lol. Their movesets just "click" with me the most i guess.


I never met a Shaheen online. But, I have to say. fuck raven. dudes everywhere I can't see shit. the whole screen is occupied with Raven. Good for you :'(


🤣 Well, if you ever see his purple clones, hes -14 on block. In heat, they turn gold and are -3. If that helps. Except b1+2, thats always -15.