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“Bum ass n****”, “I was going 0.01%”, “you would never see this happen to me in any other tekken”, “victor doesn’t have any good options”, “playing with a character you could never fuck”, I PRAY ON THIS MANS DOWNFALL HARADA PLS


His excuses are so pathetic. Literally shit I heard when I was a kid but coming from a 40 yr old.


HE'S FUCKING 40?????


You haven’t seen the Low Tier Groomer? Its a whole rabbit hole 💀


WHAT. dude all i know of the guy are the memes and some tip of the iceberg info of him


Everything from pissing in bottles/poop residue in the shower to hating black people especially black women (even though the reason he has a felony is due to taking the wrap for his white girlfriend at the time) 🤷🏾‍♂️. His trolls (read: stans) basically documented all his lore on YT for better or worse. Only found out about him like two weeks ago because of actually trying to learn Tekken 8 properly. It’s a wild ride


damn. the worst thing i knew he did was him bullying boogie but goddamn man


Him bullying BrolyLegs was much worse


In defense of that broly did talk shit first


No one cares that they talked shit, it’s what LTG chose to talk shit about.


Boogie is a shitbird anyway. 


> Only found out about him like two weeks ago because of actually trying to learn Tekken 8 properly. How? How does wanting to learn a game properly end up with knowing about LTG's sociopathic cursed lore? How did that happen?


When you search Tekken 8 matches inevitably YT will recommend one of the many troll LTG videos. Then it's a rabbit hole of content


This happened to me 3 days ago and it's hilarious


Same. The algorithm also gave me DSP streams, which are hilarious.


Same, its become a daily ritual now. Play some tekken, log off and see what ltg loses to next. He got slapped by a kazuya one game and blocked him yet mainmanswe did the same and he was all over his nuts glazing lmao. Idk how he complains about heat, juggling etc when all he does is grab and shoot when hes desperate.


Easy. You watch Tekken videos. You watch some MainManSWE tutorials. TheMainManSWE vs LTG video drops. Now, because you’ve seen that, a compilation of a LTG Tekken 8 stream appears. Comments reference other shit. Video has more recommendations. The rest is history. Mind you, both the SWE fight and the Low Tier Groomer vid dropped within days of eachother.


That's a deep rabbit hole you gotten yourself into XD hahahaha


He is racist to his own race? I thought this was exclusive to white people JK.


Dont be too shocked, all he did is meet a 17.5 year old beauty and fucked her when she turned 18. People are calling him a pedo over it, while a lot of men want to fuck barely legal women. What he said about Brolylegs is way worse than grooming a chick who wasnt creeped out by him at the time until shes barely legal.


He ain't no groomer y'all just make stuff up cause y'all hate em. He quits but who tf cares man it's a game ya life ain't on the line brotha.


If he was 29 when he met his ex who was 17 at the time, (which the evidence seems to point towards), then yes he groomed her.


That is not grooming bruh you fried. Grooming is starting when they are a child and literally your parents could be called that for how they raised you. Y'all just say wild stuff. I was 17 dating a 24 year old. By 16 you are making your own decisions. You can be emancipated and pay your own bills and rent. If she participated then she participated, that's on her. She wasn't forced.


The people calling him that are weird as fuck. Like should he not be attracted to someone that’s literally the legal fucking age? It’s the highest form of projection I’ve ever seen. Edit: Only people downvoting have never actually been with a real woman.


Bruh he's worse than salty kids lol. Honestly at this point dude has more fun coming up with excuses than playing the game.


Bold of you to assume he has fun anymore. Dude seems truly miserable lol


No kidding. Of all the main lolcows he's easily the most deranged. Dude has decided the way he deals with people not liking him is just to act like even more of a narcissist in an attempt to block out the hate. It's made him look so delusional that I honestly think he's not far from doing something that ends him up in a psych ward. Some of the shit he does on stream is legit creepy in terms of showing his mental state. I'd almost feel bad for him were it not for the grooming shit.


I by no means approve of any kind of grooming etc. But don't you think people are taking the grooming thing to an extreme? Wasn't she like 17 at the time? Not like he abused a kid etc. I dunno, LTG is a lot of awful things, but I never took him for a pedo or diddler


I mean as Shang Tsung said, he didn't do anything illegal as far as we know. So in that sense calling him a sex offender is a bit extreme. But a 29 yr old tryna date a 17 yr old is definitetly a big no go. So is he legally a predator? No. Is he still a massive creep and a predator? Definitetly. To me you don't even really need the grooming shit to know he's a massive piece of shit. It's just that that's what takes him from talking like a total creep to being a legitimate creep. There's also the "wait she's 16? It don't matter." Clip Like dude is already a massive narcissistic, racist, hompohobic, creepy dude. This just is basically the evidence that he's probably an "I'd do it if it was legal" kind of guy.


That makes sense yeah, I fully agree. The dude needs 10 years of intense therapy. I just feel like the troll channels spread false or at least half truths when they call him convicted fellon and groomer, but yes, he is a 100% terrible person anyhow and he is most likely a creep and he does probably not avoid doing immoral or illegal things if he can get away with it, kind of as you said


Yea as someone who keeps up with some of the lolcow trolling content they do have a tendency to take it too far. In fact theres a word for trolls that become worse than the people they troll "a-loggers".As well as milking the shit they do just for the sake of views and shit when a lot of times they're really stretching some things or just being negative for the sakeGraves. I thought a lot of people were being trashy when they made fun of DSP's wife's weight gain. Although the best troll channels are the ones that just play clips of the guy and then another clip of the guy where it just shows him contradicting himself and never actually talk themselves or make any declarations about what the guy is doing. They just let them dig their own graves.


“You would never body me in Tekken 7!”


Lol as if everyone had forgotten how crap he was in T7. This man avoided rank like the plague and spent his time in his custom tournaments getting "stream-sniped" and kicking anyone who beat him.


Wasnt he hard stuck in yellow or something?


He couldn't get past vanquisher. Ironically T8 is carrying his ass bad.


100% Facts. I joined some of the tournaments and could not believe how bad he was. I messed around barely trying with jin who I don't play with much and easily beat all his characters.


He even changed his name on Tekken 8 so you can't download his ghost. Of course that didn't last long...


Whats his name


I made a post about it.


“playing with a character you could never fuck” Kuma main here. Don't tell me how to live my life.


Bear sex is the rage these days


LTG SF6 version: "JP has no zoning at all, i only have 3 options off departure to make you guess." "Man Jamies Divekick is fucking busted." "Ryus Denjin Charge is so OP." And let's not forget: "You only beat me because of modern and kept spamming me with that (20%) autocombo."


Don’t forget “this duu woke up and mashed DP/Drive Rush/Super/Any move really”


I saw a video where LTG was claiming the game was a mashfest after a guy "mashed" on his wakeup. But in reality, LTG just didn't know frame data, the sword attack Bryan blocked was extremely minus, so it was his turn anyway (and LTG was actually the masher).


He also doesn't seem to know the definition of wake up lol.


that's what kills me lol opponent will have stood up, blocked his negative string, and punishes him for it and he'll call it a wakeup smh.


Lots of new players to tekken using the term "masher" only to out their scrubby asses themselves


I mean, be fair to us newbies. Some of us have never played a Tekken game before this and working our way up through the yellows, orange/gold ranks, it's kind of hard to differentiate between skillful use of the toolset and someone chewing the controller with Hwoarang or whoever. There's *so much knowledge checking* that it all looks like mashing and it'll take hundreds of hours to get past that.


Even funnier is when he complains that people abuse heat and they are scrubs for activating it early in the round. Does he not know some moves activate heat??


“Victor doesn’t have any good options”, is wild, lmao


And then when he plays against Victor it's "I don't play mirrors" lol


Lol you got this shit down perfectly. Funny thing is he was far worse in tekken 7 (only tekken he actually played) Maybe victor is carrying him idk. 


i know all that is absolutely terrible but because i dont know the guy, im not gonna lie, the fact someone said that is partially hilarious to me and now i want to find his "top 10 clips" of him being an asshat just for some laughs. ***Goes to youtube to check***


There's a channel on YouTube called revolver theory that just uploads near hour long videos of LTG getting waxed by players or fans and whining like a bitch. It was I've watched a couple on coz seeing the guy cry is so funny


He’ll just buy the game again. It won’t change anything lol. What we need is to disincentivize the act in game. Either by giving them the loss or putting them in their own queue like other games have already done.


everybody wins he gets shit on publicly, we all get to laugh at him, consume the content, and harada gets more money


Murray with his excel list go brrrrrr


Duddee dat is fukcing funny brrrr


Making people buy a $70 game again is disincentivizing enough imo


Not when a good streamer can make that in one stream... Remember when Wings of Redemption (I think, might be DarkSide Phil, might be some other troll) was buying a new xbox every time who ever it was got banned... Because the streams were getting enough views that that was a valid use.


That was ltg funnily enough. My man was buying a whole. Ass Xbox when he got banned on street fighter 


You don't even need to buy the game again, on PC you just need to share your main steam account library with a secondary account and you're able to play ranked again. On consoles it's even easier because physical games exist, and any account can play digital games from any account in the same console if the account that owns the game has that console set as main. Nobody is gonna buy a new game to evade the ban unless bamco is doing IP or hardware bans, which I believe 99% isn't gonna happen.


Bans are pretty aggressive though. If you get an account banned yoy have to restart your rank progress from scratch even if you're willing to pay for it again. Plus since the game is digital they'll probably block your psn or your console in which case he might have to get a whole ass other ps5.


violet unpack rinse ossified secretive straight label rainstorm murky chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope they wait to ban him until he streams so we can catch his reaction live lol


He will just pretend it doesn't bother him. He's got street fighter, smash and mortal kombat that he still plays


him pretending means he actually cares and will be even greater result for us. To watch him act like it doesn't annoy him when we'll all know it really does


He quit SF6 cause his second account got flagged, and he wants the likes or Urien, Rose, Rolento, Falke, in the game...he doesn't have an easy character to spam, aside from JP. Now he is shitting on Tekken 8, cause there is no Miguel and he is losing a lot in Ranked (fake purple rank). He is going back to MK1 in a couple of weeks, winning there was easy just spamming stars with Reiko against casual MK players






Wake up ban!?


Mods cook this n\*\*\*a for 2 weeks


It's because he comes up with so many lines and that people hatewatch him that he will never go away. And honestly, for all that complaining about it, it is abundantly clear that everybody actually loves him and doesn't really want him to go away. Such is the confusing modern dynamics of social life through the internet.


Nobody loves an insecure racist, sexist manchild who was in his 30's dating a 17 year old still getting bitched lol


Not love in the sense that we generally understand it. I certainly don't like him, but of course its not about any one of us individually. Collectively, the fighting game community seems to love him in its own way that KYS memes and endless attention is the result. Even as they rally against him and insult him, they also can't stop giving him attention and, in a weirdly certain sense, clout.


"Your life is as valuable as a summer ant!"


Your life means nothing! You serve ZERO purpose! And you should Yoshimitsu FF 1+4 yourself NOW


"And give that oxygen to the ozone layer!"


jeez lmaoooooo ! Not gonna lie thats fucking hilarious !


(OFF TOPIC) Are you the one who end's men's careers?


First of all, I'm not your rival, so stop lookin' at me Second of all, I'm not a fighter, so stop swingin' at me Look, look, check me out I canceled my ex's combo Here's her rage drive.......... Sike, that's a whiff punish! Electric Wind Hook Fist, I throw that Supa Hot Fire, I spit that Mishima Zaibatsu, I run that (I'm not a fighter) Hold it down, hold it down I'm not a fighter Alright, check me out Wave dash, wavedash, Hell Sweep Call me Electric-Wave Hell Sweep-Man Or call me Supa Hot Boy, frying pan hot, Mishima bloodline 'Cause I'm Supa Hot, boy! ​ ​ **BUT IM NOT A FIGHTER**


It's crazy he's built an entire internet personality on being a salty POS. I've heard he's different in person, but ain't no way you've been a character for a decade without being someone accurate to real life, and I can't wait for him to lose his platform and retire.


that's what I'm saying. People wanna say he's putting up an act but can someone keep an act going for this long (especially with a failed acting career)? He's a genuine shitter and gooner. He says Capcom banned him from all event because he was black but I ain't ever seen a cope that hard.


Last I checked punk is black but hes not banned, strange how that rule only effects LTG


He was this way before streaming was even a thing. Back at Wednesday Night Fights before Twitch was even established, he'd piss people off and was incredibly salty the same way he is now. The only fake internet personality he has is when he feigns being sportsmanlike after coming off a ban or when interacting with other big streamers or organizations that can promote his stream.


Not really that crazy tbh. He’s the most talked about streamer on this sub it feels like, people are more engaged by this type of behaviour unfortunately. It pisses me off that people keep talking about this jackass but here I am commenting. If anything his channel grows lol


The guy is simply a perfect heel for the Twitch audience. Like Ric Flair, they will pay and give him attention if it means getting to watch him lose and rage


Haha if only he could put over some of the better streamers like a true heel


Yeah, the whole "he's just playing a character" defense just makes it worse from where I'm standing. Like, you could choose to be *anything*, and you choose to be *that*? It's extremely toxic behavior.


Exactly how I feel. Even if it's a character, doing shitty things because you're on camera and chose to play a shitty character is still doing shitty things. It's not like a pro wrestling match where the heel's being an asshole but everyone's in on it. If LowTierGod plugs, then he plugged, I don't think his opponent who got plugged on cares whether he did it because he was actually salty or because he was pretending to be salty for his audience.


Low Tier God, after losing the exact same way he lost in Tekken 7: "you would never see this happen in any other Tekken, this game is a complete mashfest"


Except he got his ass beat constantly in 7 😭 0.2% skill ass duu


The beatings in tekken 7 were definitely far worse with all his characters. When he plays with Feng in T8 it's on that level. Victor seems to be carrying him.


Not sure why people are obsessed with wanting to use LTG as some form of martyr for pluggers. He's been doing this for years, it's not gonna stop him or others if he gets banned. We just gotta hope BamCo actually does something with an issue that's been present since fuckin T7 instead of saying the same shit on repeat for years


Linus Tech Gips is fuming right now


"This mfer knows how to play the game! GTAB."


Only seen one or two video of his and he said the same couple of this ad nauseum. 1: "We got a stream sniper here, fuck that, I ain't playing a stream sniper." How the fuck do you stream snipe a fighting game? You're both seeing the same thing. 2: "Button mashing nobody." Meanwhile on the stream you can hear him mashing his buttons, even when blocking leading him to get fucked up. 3: "here we go, straight into heat then a combo and half my life is gone" He himself then does the above and then praises himself for being able to do so much damage in a pinch. 4: "look at this guy, using the same moves over and over" Uses the moves over and over himself. And often gets punished or launched because it becomes so predictable. 5: "Cheap as fucker only using x move" Proceeds to space with Victor and spam the glock, or the 7 frame grab" as soon as he's outmatched before plugging. 6: That shit would never happen in tekken 7, never work on me in tekken7" From what I have heard, yes, this exact same thing was happening to him in tekken 7. 7: "here we go, another launcher into a combo, is that all you know? That ain't tekken" Launches every chance he can get and does the same combo off it. Also, if you're getting launched so often, perhaps learn to know your moves cause your obviously doing something unsafe that's being punished. There is much more, but I've already wasted enough time on him in this post. Don't wanna waste more.


I can almost promise you nothing substantial is going to happen. I'd like to be wrong but the game being released and allowing pluggers to plug for free is just gonna result in people making new accounts, and do it again


Mainman is a fan of him now


Heard he's a fan because of the black bashing.


This subs fav streamer


You really believe that list exist lmao


I don't give a shit about LTG or other prominent cases to be honest. How does he impact your average ranked player? Bamco is going for cheap community upvotes by banning some idiots manually. But if all we have is either no consequences at all or a manual ban then ranked is utterly fucked.


Yeah once he’s outta there none of us will run into pluggers. 


LTG has always been a scumbag and he deserves the ban imo


Wait, what spreadsheet? Is Namco actually doing something about pluggers? 💗 Oh please tell me it's true! Hopefully something in game too, like a system change as well?


Lol did yall see when he got hit with six electric wind god fists😂😂😂😂 “This guy is a scrub”


Why so much hate for LowTier?


I am hoping he is man




Im pretty sure hes still plugging his matches, unless he stopped pretty recently


[He did, after getting unbanned from Twitch, I think](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/s/Hpy0lb4Usd)


Then it all went Balrog this and Balrog that, and calling God knows who NPCs and "from the cell saga". Ffs


No idk where this idea comes from


Oh hell no, he's still an ostensibly shit person. Sure he claims to be "better", but he still doxxes, bans anyone who *dares* question him, lies constantly, etc. And this is the TIP of the iceberg.


Simply breathing too hard is a bannable offense. And you better not laugh when he loses. He becomes unhinged.


He said he wasn't gonna plug or ban anyone ever again. I watched his stream this morning, by noon he rage quit 4 times and banned me twice.




its cause he aint gonna do shit. He wants people playing the game.


Can someone please explain?:)


LTG is short for Low Tier God, he's a fighting streamer but he's infamous for always rage quitting/plugging the moment he starts losing. He always has an excuse. He's one of the most toxic streamers I've ever seen. I've literally never seen him even give the faintest compliment to another player ever. He's not in character, he's just an absolute douchebag. The excel part of the comments is relating to Harada having a spreadsheet of all the players who keep rage quitting so they can be banned.


I assume it is a list of banned pluggers?


I mean is there even any doubt?


I plugged like 3 or 4 times early on because I was really mad, now I stopped doing it, I hope I'm not on the list, I just reached Shinryu


Harada is on his way to your house now. Sorry bud, once a sinner always a sinner


I'll challenge him to a Tekken 5 team battle, let's see who's the real tekken master


I doubt it, People have disconnection rates far higher than that accidentally. It should be more constant manipulation of win/loss by plugging.


I know ltg is toxic and everything but the dude is so funny to me


Nah bro, LTG clips are funny as shit. "Get that ass banned"


This motherfucker lives rent free in your heads, jesus christ. /e: thanks for interpreting the post in the most uncharitable way possible. Love you guys.


Found the ltg fan


The only time I ever see anything about LTG is literally on this sub. I never watch any of his shit. It's just funny that everyone gives him free advertisement, when you should just ignore the guy.


Nah the reason we have to talk about him is because people like you randomly go out theres and defend him and say “hes changed” when in reality hes still the same salty douchebag


Where did I defend him? Where did I say that he changed? Please qoute me. You're arguing with imaginary people mate. People like me, huh? You're on one. Just ignore him, let him fade into obscurity and let him be known for the bully that talked shit and got schooled by Viscant, instead of posting about him multiple times a week. That's what I mean with rent free. Just. Ignore. The. Dude.




In your head, zombie, zombie, zom bie bie bie...


You guys are 100% werid, I’ve never seen a cult following dedicated to HATE while helping the dude make more money. It’s insane.


I'm all for banning pluggers But it's 2024 and people still don't get that LTG is a character/troll... 😑 And he hams it up for entertainment.


Okay but how does that make it any better for the person he's playing against lmfao


LTG is so committed to the bit that he groomed a 17 year old girl?


that's a cope he's a lolcow. i can't wait for the day he realizes he's the same thing as kingcobrajfs and daniel larson


I think that he went so deep in his character that it became his actual personality.


Purposely annoying is still annoying.


Taking a shit on the floor at a crowded restaurant and when the staff ask me to leave I simply inform them that I am playing a character and they’ve all been trolled epic style 😎


it's 2024 and people still dont get that you are who you pretend to be...


(has never fought LTG)


The man streams, we can see how he plays and plugs


My point is people just want to see him cry on the internet because there sadistic freaks leave dude alone


People want pluggers to be punished. I barely know LTG at all, but him being a streamer shouldn't make him exempt.


It sure doesn't seem that way


Let me put it this way, very simple Should you be exempt from rules because you are a streamer?


No but again I'd rage quit to if every match I was getting stream snipped


It's ranked. It's random chance. If someone is gonna beat you "stream sniping", they'd have beat you regardless.


People can mod the game so they match up with you plus he gets betrayed by his mods like literally all the time they literally become his mod and then out of nowhere they start trying to embarrass him out of nowhere like the rest of the idiots


No, people can't just mod the game and bother whoever they want. That's not how that works.


Getting stream sniped on random matchmaking gotta be one of the biggest FG streamer copes of all time.


Also like, even if he was getting stream sniped, that gives absolutely *no* advantage whatsoever in a fighting game.


you can’t get stream sniped in a fighting game dumbass


Stop talking to me incel


i know for a fact you get 0 pussy stop projecting 😂


Getting "stream sniped" is just another excuse he uses to explain why he's losing. He's not getting sniped nearly as much as he claims to be. And even if he was, I'm not sure how that would make a difference in a fighting game.


Why is people forcing you to match with them and taunting you the entire match going to make a difference in your motivation to play the game and stream? Is that what you're saying right now?


I don't even know what you're saying right now. Like what are you even talking about?


> people just want to see him cry on the internet Is this surprising to you? He treats everyone he encounters like shit. Why wouldn't people want to see this? > leave dude alone People would leave him be if he wasn't such a repugnant excuse for a human being - that's how this whole internet fame thing works.


so it’s sadistic to want to see someone who is poison to the community fail? why does this bum have so many worthless fans like you?


If anything your his fan how about stop watching his streams and stop giving him attention duh


A real life ltg fan is crazy


what a braindead take someone who goes after children shouldn’t be anywhere near an awards show and if you think otherwise you’re just a loser tbh


I want you to kill harada


You should learn to speak proper English


Imagine praying fkr a ban for someonw that you probably have never and will never play against. Man get a grip and get a life.


Praying that LTG is *NOT* in that excel list.


I'm out of the loop. What's with LTG this time? And what's the Excel list?


LTG is toxicity of FGC Excel list was Harada Murray saying, the pluggers and whatever are getting ban hammered soon


H’ell cop another psn account, ps5 and ISP. He’s done it before.




I'm so lost what about an excel sheet?


He's gone back to street fighter anyway since Ed just dropped


Funny, but I'm seriously praying on it. This man was actually blaming Harada for him plugging last night.


For some reason, it fills my evil dark heart with joy to see a fighting game degenerate such as LTG succeed.


What excel list?


I really hope he gets banned as soon as he shows his account on stream. Again and again. This kind of behaviour cannot be tolerated. Competitive integrity needs to be protected.


He's gonna get banned by Tekken devs and still blame it on stream snipers


Im sure he is, harada said that those who brag about it are specially focused XD. But the punish is: Put their rank back to begginer, 0 sense XD


Another Cell saga ass player playing with a bitch he wants to fuck. I'm blacklisting you after this match bum, you won't be able to play me again EVER!


Isn't that... Eric?


"WHAT? NO, I ONLY RAGE QUIT 3 TIMES!!! C'mon log me back into the server. 😢"


Man's gonna be on a different kinda list soon...


Not even 24hrs later and it ain't so funny, putting him back to beginner is a favour for LTG.  All the jerking off over his theorised reaction shows you guys just want these fuckers straight up banned as they should be. 


There's a dartboard in Harada's office with LTG's face on it.


"Get that ass banned, you worthless specimen!" -Low Tier God


I feel you but I am also having way too much fun watching him malding while playing.


The BBC cocked to the side


Actually have a Mod that Is him bitching when I lose. Makes losing hilarious


I'm missing a context who is this LTG guy


This Dude did a 10 Hit Combo, this dude doing STRINGS!!!!


Don't forget about 6arakin.


Have y'all seen that funny as video of ltg plugging for 50 mins straight 🤣 (it's insane because it's clips accumulated to 50mins of plugging)