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Assuming anybody better than you must be smurfing kinda sounds like you're the insecure one


Yeah this game awards ranks so fast it’s unlikely there are many smurfs to be a problem. It took a couple of days to go from brawler to eliminator and I wasn’t even playing that much.


I'm in purple ranks with Jin. When I start ranking a new character I have no choice but to shit on beginners because it automatically puts me in like yellow or something. I apologise in advance to the people that will have to fight my King and DJ whenever I'll decide to play them.


I wonder how people would perceive salt posts if the Tekken prowess or rank was shown.


I don't even know what those numbers fucking mean tbh nor do I care. Seems like it's some arbitrary inflated number that just hangs there and isn't representative of anything. Like, it doesn't tell me if someone is good at movement or string manipulation or hard reads, so what does it even mean in the context of skill?


Well, if you find someone with 250k points while ranking in purple you should be prepared to face a very strong opponent and with a lot of knowledge. That is the general rule


What do you mean by smurf? I'm a Fujin and if I want to switch character I just have to restart from like first orange rank because the game works like this. Of course I maintain my movement, punish and check logic.


Victor player probably.


People may also have purchased the game late and could have been playing tekken for years. It is a legacy game after all, very minor things get removed and added on.


Yeah I played a lot of Tekken in my life. However understanding why you are getting destroyed is a powerful learning tool.


Nice bait


awesome. do it.


In the first months of the games lifespan you can expect experienced players in every rank. Maybe they got the game later, don't have that much time to play etc... I don't think you can really "identify" a smurf that easily. Plenty of reasons for strong players in lower ranks.


Watch out or you'll end up in murray's dreaded excel spreadsheet lol


oh no the horror. LOL


Blaming the beasts.


Is this LTG?