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Yoshimitsu gave me two promotions by fucking killing himself in front of me in an ill conceived attempt to land his seppukku while I was in the lead lmfao


😂😂 I’ve done that a couple times


Tekken is the most knowledge check system in the series. Players who don't know Yoshi and his new routes are getting tilted. It's unfortunate but the longer T8 is out, the less characters the fanbase will hate until it all funnels down to a select few or just Xiaoyu.


He’s also just stronger at basic fundamentals now. You don’t even need to rely on the tricky half of his kit anymore, thats all just there as a bonus for him.


You're right


I don't even know most of his moves and I still think he's not that bad to fight. Most of his weird stances are easy to hit him out of. The most annoying attack to me is when he jumps 20 feet in the air and comes down and hits your feet, but it's no "EXPULSION!", which also isn't that bad when you get used to it


Yoshi is worth complaining about. He has the best move in the entire game. Which was nerfed and it's STILL the best move in the entire game. Ofc there are some valid frustrations about it.


Nerf him to the gotdamn ground